After the Little Crybaby Enters the Nightmare Cycle

Chapter 12: You Yu's Dream (12)


Like most graduates from film and television academies, Bai Yingzhi has no background, no resources and no luck. After a few years of struggle, she is still a small artist outside the 18th line.

If there is no good exposure, no good script will come to the door, and without a good script, it will be even more impossible to have good exposure... The vicious circle is doomed that she can only be eliminated by the market.

All she needs is a burst of luck.

Introduced by her friends, Bai Yingzhi began to use the technique of borrowing fortune to adjust her fortune by nourishing her spiritual body.

Soon after, she got a popular IP, and Bai Yingzhi's career appeared bright.

As she became popular, her demand for luck became stronger and stronger... Desire is a bottomless pit, Bai Yingzhi played more and more and began to try to make deals with evil spirits.

But when her career reached its peak, backlash followed. At first, she had nightmares all night long. Later, the things she dreamed began to happen one after another in reality. Once, she almost hit a car on the way to the studio. Cement truck!

If this continues, the consequences will be unimaginable...

She didn't want to use her own life to fill it, so she promised to give the evil spirit a 'sacrifice'.

Choose the most yin day to have sex to conceive, drink fresh crow blood every day during pregnancy, smear the belly with yin oil and wait for the sacrifice to 'hatched'.

Even after Xiao Youyu was born, he burned the mantra into ashes and mixed it with milk to feed...

Bai Yingzhi finally cultivated You Yu into the most delicious sacrifice for evil spirits, and waited for the Zhongyuan Festival when he was eight years old, and attached ten sacrifices of extremely yin constitution to complete the final sacrifice.

"This is too damn human!" After reading the black tea, he was trembling with anger, and when he looked at the bloody fish tank, he felt sick to his stomach.

Chi Nan asked calmly, "You can't see the young master, is it because of the sacrifice?"

Hei Cha shook his head: "This is not clear, and the situation of the young master is not written on it."

He thought for a while and then muttered, "In reality, the young master is blind, but in this copy, his eyesight seems to be normal again, I don't know if it has anything to do with it..."

Old Yu on the side looked at Chi Nan's tightly closed eyes, his brows furrowed imperceptibly.

"Now that the truth is clear, what are you going to do?" Black Tea asked the two for their opinions.

"Break it."

It was rare that Chi Nan and Lao Yu spoke in unison, and the black tea rolled up their sleeves refreshingly: "Hey, you tea master, I am the best at burning..."

Before he finished speaking, Chi Nan made a 'shush' gesture towards him, and the black tea immediately silenced.

thump. thump. thump.

There were slow footsteps in the corridor.

"This is..." The voice approached, and the black tea throat tightened.

Chi Nan: "It's Aunt Mei."

Hei Cha's swearing words choked in his throat, and he looked around and locked a large closet more than two meters high. He and Lao Yu exchanged glances, quickly turned off the bedroom lights, and pushed Chi Nan into the closet.

The moment the wardrobe was closed, the bedroom door was pushed open from the outside in.

The footsteps stopped, and the wind seemed to be blowing in the hallway, rattling the bedroom door.

Chi Nan put a light breath and leaned back, suddenly a cool and slippery feeling crawls across his back, and it was fleeting.

Fortunately, through the clothes, he did not shed tears.

who touched him? The temperature and touch are not like dark tea and Lao Yu's…

Chi Nan has not yet figured it out, the wet, greasy and cold touch is making a comeback again. This time 'it' seems to predict that Chi Nan can't resist, becomes unscrupulous, and begins to touch up along Chi Nan's spine section by section...

The surrounding temperature also became lower and lower, and the wardrobe they were in was like a big ice cellar.

At the same time, there was a 'click' sound outside the wardrobe, which should be Aunt Mei pressing the switch on the ceiling light.

The light shrouded the bloody master bedroom again, and the light also shone into the cabinet through the crack of the door.


Hei Cha's exclamation was promptly stifled by the fast-eyed Lao Yu, who turned his head slightly, and pulled his mouth firmly against him with a face that was ashen because of fear.

Chi Nan could clearly feel that the black tea standing beside him kept shaking, and his teeth rattled slightly from time to time.

It was like seeing something very scary, but unfortunately Chi Nan couldn't open his eyes, otherwise he would have wanted to take a look.

As time passed, Hei Cha couldn't stop the trembling on his body, he could only bite his fist to prevent the sound. He glanced at the calm little blind man from the corner of his eye. At this moment, he really felt envious that Chi Nan was blind.

The ghost knows that the hiding place he chose is full of more than a dozen female corpses who were hanged in the closet...

No wonder he looked at the closet from the outside just now that it was quite spacious, but after hiding in, he felt crowded, depressed and cold...

Is it possible to share a wardrobe with more than a dozen hanged ghosts without being crowded and not depressing!

Disgusted, scared and motionless, Black Tea felt an unprecedented despair.

What's more desperate is that Aunt Mei's footsteps are getting closer.

"Madam doesn't like rude guests," Aunt Mei's voice got closer and closer. "Guests who run around will pay a heavy price for their curiosity."

As Aunt Mei approached, Hei Cha saw through the crack of the door that she was carrying a kitchen knife, and blood was dripping from the knife...

Before there was Aunt Mei with a knife, there was a hanging female ghost, and the black tea almost carried it back in one breath.

At this moment, probably because the air in the closet was stuffy, and the bowl of medicine started to take effect quickly last night, Chi Nan's heart burned in panic, and his face became hot and red.

The thing behind him who was touching him became more and more restless. The wet and sticky touch peeled off his collar and touched his neck unscrupulously.

As if attracted by the heat he radiates...

Chi Nan was touched by the skin, and unsurprisingly shed tears.

But almost at the moment when he was crying, those hanged ghosts with dirty hands and feet suddenly settled down, shrank their hands and necks into their clothes, and even the long hair that fell to the ground was well gathered, like a frightened one. turtle.

Aunt May stayed in front of the photo wall of the altar for two seconds, then checked the bathtub and the crow corpse, turned and walked outside the house.

As soon as the big stone in the heart of black tea fell, and before it could be changed in one breath, Aunt Mei stopped in front of the door.

She turned around and walked towards the wardrobe.

While walking and talking raggedly-

"The young master also likes to play hide-and-seek. When he was a child, he would hide when he was forced to drink medicine. Let me think about where he likes to hide." Aunt Mei stopped less than half a meter from the wardrobe, "Where is it? ?where…"

The black tea stared at Aunt Mei through the crack of the door for a moment, although she was cold all over, but her palms and foreheads were soaked with sweat.

Don't come any closer, don't...

Aunt Mei paused again for half a second, and gave a short sneer from her throat: "I remember, you are in the closet."

With the dim light of the wardrobe, Hei Cha and Lao Yu quickly exchanged glances, and they couldn't hide it now. Just as they were getting ready to fight for their lives, another footstep sounded outside the door—

"Aunt Mei, are you in mom's house?"

It's Xiao Youyu's voice! In an instant, everyone felt saved...

Aunt Mei panicked when she heard You Yu's voice, she hurriedly put the knife in her apron, and replied with a smile on purpose, "Young master wait a moment, I'll go out right now."

Xiao Youyu has already walked to the door: "Can I go in?"

Although he asked the question very seriously, Chi Nan could hear the joking smile hidden in his tone.

Aunt Mei panicked and her voice trembled: "Master, don't come in! If you let your mother know, you should be angry again!"

Having said that, she has hurriedly opened the door, concealed the contents of the room, and immediately closed and locked the door when she went out.

The room was quiet again, and when the footsteps of the master and servant walked away, Lao Yu and Hei Cha breathed a sigh of relief: "This young master came too soon, otherwise we might all have to suffer a knife..."

The two of them kicked open the cabinet door almost at the same time, they no longer wanted to stay in the cabinet full of corpses for even one more second...

"Chi Nan, don't be stunned, come out, you can't see it or not, there are female ghost corpses inside..." Hei Cha was stunned when he turned around before he finished speaking.

The female corpse that was originally hanging in a cabinet turned into a Bai Yingzhi haute couture evening dress at this moment.

He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, it was true, there is no female corpse in this cabinet, was it his hallucination just now

Lao Yu read out his confusion, frowned and said in a deep voice, "You read that right, the cupboard was indeed full of dirty things."

"Then why all of a sudden...disappeared?" Dark Tea wondered.

Lao Yu pondered for a moment and shook his head: "The ghost knows what happened, it's fine, let's go."

"Eh? Chi Nan why are you crying again?" Hei Cha noticed Chi Nan's wet eyelashes and asked with concern.

"It's okay..." He didn't say anything neatly, he hurriedly bowed and coughed violently, and the tears came out again.

"Fuck, you look so ill, you won't die from coughing like this," Hei Cha was really frightened, "What can I do, is there a doctor in the nightmare world?"

Lao Yu patted Hei Cha's shoulder: "Under the bell, the bell must be tied. The disease caused by this copy can be cured as long as the copy is released. Now that the truth is revealed, it will not be delayed for too long."

Hei Cha looked at Chi Nan with a worried expression, but found that the little blind man had already rolled up his sleeves and began to smash the altar with enthusiasm...

In less than ten minutes, the three of them burned the contract book into ashes and sprinkled it into the fish tank, and the entire altar was smashed.

When the group got the truth, they went downstairs. Just after turning the stairs, they almost ran into Cheng Xu, who was in a state of dismay. Lao Yu immediately swears at him: "Grass, what's the matter with you? So many people can't afford Aunt Mei. Are you there? If it wasn't for the young master, the three of us would have been hacked to death by that woman just now."

Cheng Xu hurriedly asked, "Have you seen An Ran?"

Lao Yu was confused: "An Ran? No, isn't she with you?"

Cheng Xu was so anxious that his eyes were red: "An Ran is gone."

"what happened?"

"I don't know, I don't know!" Cheng Xu roared out of control, his usual calmness disappeared without a trace, "We split up to stare at Aunt Mei, An Ran and Nanlu were in the group, Song Yue and the young man were in the group, and I was alone. Group, but within ten minutes, Nanlu came over and told me that An Ran was gone!"

"Old Cheng, don't worry, An Ran is not a newcomer anymore, so it shouldn't be." Lao Yu patted Cheng Xu on the shoulder.

"Yes, maybe she found some clues. She didn't have time to tell us, so she went to check it first."

"But almost the entire villa has been rummaged..." Cheng Xu kicked his foot on the guardrail next to him in a hurry, and continued to look for An Ran like a headless fly.

Not long after Cheng Xu left, the remaining three people in the room also met Chi Nan and the others.

"How is it? Is there any news about An Ran?" Lao Yu asked anxiously.

Song Yue shook her head with a heavy expression, while Nanlu bit her lip and whimpered, saying that it was all her negligence.

"Where were you at that time?" Lao Yu asked Nanlu.

"Kitchen, she and I are going to use the reason of learning cooking to stabilize Aunt Mei. I just went up to talk to Aunt Mei, and it took less than ten seconds. She was also less than two meters away from me, but... I turned around. Then my sister is gone."

"I told Brother Cheng as soon as I found out that something was wrong, and then I started looking for Sister Ran separately, but she is such a great living person that I couldn't find it no matter how I looked, how could this happen..."

Nanlu's tears rolled down as she spoke, and Song Yue handed her a tissue: "This villa is not too big. Let's look for it, maybe sister will come out by herself later."

Lao Yu frowned: "Where did you all find it?"

Song Yue: "I've been to all the rooms, but the little master and Bai Yingzhi's bedroom are missing."

Chi Nan: "We just came out of the master bedroom, and An Ran is not there."

Song Yue nodded: "I don't think she would knowingly commit the crime and go to the master's two rooms."

"By the way, we were all looking for An Ran just now, but we didn't pay attention to Aunt Mei. Are you all right?" Song Yue suddenly remembered and asked.

"It's not a big deal," Lao Yu smiled bitterly, "If you don't die in a big disaster, you will have good luck."

"By the way, did you find any clues in the master bedroom?" The young man remembered this matter.

Lao Yu nodded: "Find someone first, and I'll tell you in detail when I gather later."

"Then let's find them in groups, two groups, it's faster and safer." Lao Yu suggested.

Hei Cha just wanted to say that Chi Nan is so uncomfortable, tell him not to walk around and stay in the living room to rest, who knows before he has time to speak—

"Well, can I go with you?" Nanlu asked timidly when he walked to Chi Nan's side.

Her invitation surprised everyone, including Chi Nan.