After the Little Crybaby Enters the Nightmare Cycle

Chapter 121: Crying teenager (7)


This face in the mirror image has a pair of green eyes, with a tear mole under the left and right corners of the eyes, which is chic and melancholy. The silver-white hair is loose and hanging on the shoulders, the eyelashes and the end of the eyes are wet, and the face is tired. The color has not faded, as if he had just woken up from a nightmare with tears in his eyes.

"Excuse me, can you hear me?" Chi Nan tried to convey his voice to the other party through a conscious connection, as he did when he and You Yu "sense sharing".

But the face of the person in the mirror was indifferent.

"Hey..." Chi Nan suddenly didn't know how to call 'self', and tried to ask again, "Can't you hear my voice?"

Unable to wait for an answer, he continued to ask, "Are you a dream maker? Or...are you a dream maker?"

These questions are destined to wait for the other party's answer, Chi Nan stopped the useless question.

At this moment, the voice of the owner of the body came—

"Why is this pocket watch here?"

"No... whose pocket watch is this? Have I seen it? Why does it feel familiar the moment I wake up?"

"What did I dream about just now, I remembered it when I woke up, but now I can't remember it at all..."

The chattering words came from all directions, and Chi Nan confirmed from the mirror that the owner of the body was not speaking.

So these voices...

Chi Nan was stunned, he could clearly hear what the owner of the body was thinking!

The other party's thinking path will be transformed into sound and transmitted to his ears, but the other party does not know his existence.

Chi Nan persuaded himself to calm down quickly and clear up the current chaotic and absurd situation—

He is like an uninvited guest standing in the one-way glass, silently observing the every move of the owner of the house, and even eavesdropping on his thinking.

And the owner of the body is still the self that he forgot many years ago...

What time is it now? Looking at this dress, 'myself' is the dream god in the legendary Dawn Tower? Is number 9 still alive? Has "The Crying Boy" been born

At the connection between the second-layer dream and the third-layer dream, the system transported him back into the body of his 'past self', which must have been trying to provide important clues through scene retrospection.

Chi Nan tried to harmonize with his 'old self' body, waiting for the long-forgotten memory to reappear in front of his eyes.

The Dreaming God held the pocket watch, and the turbulent noise in his ears immediately stopped, and he obtained a long-lost and short-lived silence.

The tears stopped temporarily, and he carefully put the pocket watch into his arms.

This pocket watch that appeared inexplicably beside his pillow seemed to possess a strange calming power.

But he also knew that there was a reason for all the inexplicable things, and this pocket watch must have its metaphor or intention when it appeared here.

More than calm, the pocket watch gave him a unique feel.

I seem to have seen this thing in a dream just now, it is very familiar and distant, as if I miss the future that I have never seen before.

The Dreaming God sat up from the bed. He stood by the window and looked at the endless gray rain curtain outside the tower.

The pollution caused by human negative emotions has become more and more serious. The rain has fallen for thousands of days and nights. Not only himself, but even the sculptures under the Dawn Tower have begun to cry.

Cursed and bad luck spread freely in the humid air, and he was helpless.

The Dreaming God overlooks the entire Dreaming City from the tower. The once prosperous city is now mostly abandoned, and most of the residents have moved out.

Although they know that leaving their homeland is only a comfort, and that curse and doom have been etched in their blood, as long and rich as the desire they once wished to fulfill, they still try to find some redemption in the migration.

Today, the cursed Dream City is home to homeless homeless people, patients who have escaped from mental hospitals, prisoners who are being hunted, artists who are insane in their bones, and who are still "obsessed" to maintain the Dream God. volunteers, and a wizarding organization trying to destroy everything.

The Dream Gods never cared about human beings, even if they wanted to destroy him.

God does not face the fear of death, nor does he have an attachment to life.

He just suddenly wanted to take a walk under the Dawn Tower today, although he couldn't go too far.

God doesn't need to make a choice, he just needs to follow his inner thoughts, so he changed into the clothes that ordinary boys would wear, shortened his hair, and held up a red umbrella. The most hidden exit of the Dawn Tower is in the rain, along the wet gravel road to the thorny area where countless artists and lunatics are mixed.

His attire was out of step with the decadent scene around him.

The boy incarnated by the gods quickly became the focus of all eyes. They looked at the boy with a scrutiny, suspicion, but also with a bit of impolite and aggressive eyes. Master.

The Dreammaker completely ignored their eagerness to move forward, and walked forward calmly in the dense rain.

Everyone stopped what they were doing, no one was willing to look away, but no one dared to take a step closer.

"Brother, do you need to draw a portrait?"

Another boy's voice came from the corner of the street, the rain suddenly thickened, and the dark sky seemed to be brightened by the water.

The Dreaming God turned his head and met a tall and slender young man, who smiled a little dazzlingly.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still, and Chi Nan, who was hiding in the consciousness of the God of Dreams, had the illusion of aggravated heartbeat. He was not sure whether it was his heartbeat or the heartbeat of the owner of the body.

He just realized that at this moment he seemed to be going through it.

And this young man with a drawing board on his back is the No. 9 when he grows up.

"But I went out without money."

Time began to flow again, and the Dreaming God, holding a red umbrella, approached where the boy was.

The young man smiled: "I don't charge you any money, do you want to give it a try?"

He took the red umbrella in the hands of the God of Dreams, wiped the black stool next to him that had been splashed with a little rain, and put it in the position just right for painting.

"Really? Thank you."

The Dream God sat on the stool following his inner curiosity.

"Don't be nervous, is this your first time painting a portrait?"

The young man's smile was bright, and like the pocket watch, it had the power to relax the God of Dreams, and the God of Dreams sighed, "Yes."

The brush made a rustling sound on the paper, just like in the countless rainy nights of 206, You Yu used the brush to reproduce the appearance of Chi Nan in his memory.

"Your eyes are so beautiful. I knew a man many years ago. His right eye is green like yours."

The Dreaming God has a very strong ability to perceive emotions. At this moment, he can feel the loneliness in the youth's emotions: "How is your friend?"

The boy's hand paused, and then smiled helplessly: "Friend?"

Said and shook his head: "He is not my friend, we have known each other for no more than 24 hours."

The Dreammaker asked keenly, "What happened?"

The boy holding the paintbrush shrugged: "He suddenly disappeared, as if he never appeared."

"I'm sorry," said the Dream God, "all appearances are meaningful."

He will only grant human wishes or bring bad luck, and will not comfort human beings.

Unexpectedly, the young man smiled: "It's like when you appeared here, did I finish this painting for you?"

The Dreaming God choked for a moment, and then said bluntly: "Well."

The young man laughed even more happily.

The rain fell, and it didn't take long for their clothes to be soaked and damp by the air. The Dreaming God was a very good model, and had enough patience and willpower to stay motionless for a long time.

"Why don't you leave Dream City?" After a while, he looked at the young man's focused look and asked, "It's already very bad here."

"Although this place is full of curses, I heard that occasionally wishes can be fulfilled. Although the probability is small, there is still hope, right?" The boy said naturally.

"What is your wish?" The Dream God asked him.

Teenager: "I haven't thought about it yet."

"Aren't you afraid of curses?" the Dream God asked again.

"That kind of thing doesn't matter." Anyway, he was born with a curse, the young man thought, of course he is not afraid of innate things, and has long been used to injustice and bad luck.

The Dreaming God stared at him quietly, without speaking.

The teenager didn't like this kind of sympathetic silence, and he continued: "And the things I promised others have not been completed, so I can't leave."

Dreammaker: "Can I help you?"

"Thank you, I'm afraid no one can help me," the boy curled his lips, "I need to go into that tower, find the god who lives in it, and then convince him to let me paint a portrait, isn't it ridiculous?"

The dream maker frowned: "Who asked you to do this?"

The teenager shook his head: "It's the guy who can't be called a friend."

After a pause, the boy smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. I didn't promise that the other party would do it. After all, no one can enter that tower."

"Besides, I don't like to draw old men either." The young man pouted, as if he believed that the god in the tower was a bad old man.

"...Oh," the Dreammaker's expression was subtle, "Are you going to stay here all the time?"

The teenager nodded: "I like it here. There are accidents every day here, and it's not boring at all."

As he said that, he raised his eyes to look at the dream-creator who was so calm that he merged with the rain curtain behind him: "What about you? Why didn't you leave?"

The Dream God said honestly, "I was born here, and I can't leave."

At this moment, a gust of wind blew under the porch, and the raindrops just rolled into the eyes of the dream maker, his eyelashes trembled violently, and then two tears flowed down the corners of his eyes.

The painter didn't talk too much to ask why the other party was crying. His eyes were slightly bright, and his blood boiled with the advent of inspiration. Two tear stains appeared on the face of the young man on the canvas, which blended in with the endless rain in the background.

The whole picture came alive in an instant.

Next is the silence that can't even hear breathing. The teenager is immersed in his own creation, and the dream maker also feels the long-lost peace.

After half an hour, the painting was finished.

The painter handed the work to the dream maker: "Are you satisfied?"

The God of Dreams stared at himself in tears in the painting, while Chi Nan stared at a memory that was gradually recovering through the eyes of the God of Dreams.

"Thank you, by the way..." The Dreaming God carefully put away the portrait, and took out the pocket watch from his arms, "This, it feels quite suitable for you, although it doesn't seem to be very valuable."

The teenager took the pocket watch and opened the cover, frowning at the 12:20 stop on the dial: "Does this time have any special meaning?"

The Dreammaker said, "I don't know, but I have an intuition that this watch should belong to you."

Chi Nan, who was sealed in his consciousness, also received his intuition.

Chi Nan's breathing stopped suddenly, and the truth came out.

"Okay, then I'll take it."

The boy cherished the pocket watch and put it away, "Brother, will we meet again?"

The Dreaming God thought about it seriously: "If you wish, you will definitely meet."

"Can you tell me your name?" the boy asked after chasing his back.

The God of Dreams paused, he never had a name, and everyone called him the God of Dreams.

This is not a happy thing.

The air was still, and the rain fell on the decadent Dream City, damp and pattering.

"I want to know your name," the boy continued to ask, seeing that the other party was silent, "Is it okay?"

What should my name be...? This stumped the Dream God.

After a while, he suddenly had some inspiration.

"...Chi Nan."

A name was born in his subconscious and blurted out, becoming words exposed in the wet air.

"My name, Chi Nan."

The dream maker looked at the painter boy through the rain.

The name "Chi Nan" was made up by his whim, or maybe it was some kind of prophecy, some kind of ending and beginning, who knows.

—My name, Chi Nan.

This is the one thing Chi Nan remembers the most clearly and is most convinced after being sealed in "The Crying Boy" for hundreds of years.

His name was born on this ordinary rainy afternoon, after meeting a young painter.

He gave it to himself.