After the Little Crybaby Enters the Nightmare Cycle

Chapter 124: The crying boy (end)


However, You Yu did not immediately open the door of 206. As a dream maker, he thought a lot more complicated than Chi Nan.

For example, the Dream Gods were successfully teleported to their time point through the "Ghost Tunnel", perfectly avoiding all pollution and witchcraft damage. Can two "Chi Nan" be accommodated in the same timeline? What would be the consequences of the coexistence of two dream gods

And... how exactly did Chi Nan get sealed in "The Crying Boy"

This is the key to the whole cycle, and it is also the biggest doubt at present. When the ins and outs are not yet clear, rashly making a major decision is no different from gambling.

You Yu has always been a crazy gambler in his bones, reckless and shy, but now he doesn't dare to bet everything about Chi Nan.

"You Yu?" Chi Nan noticed the strangeness of You Yu, "Are you afraid?"

You Yu stretched his lips into a straight line, he didn't make a sound, the palm of his hand holding the doorknob was soaked with sweat.

"But you know what to do." Chi Nan's voice was as calm as usual, but it had the power to settle unresolved matters.

You Yu knew that they were not doing multiple-choice questions now.

They only have one choice, let the Dream God survive this disaster, otherwise Chi Nan will disappear in the future...

time is limited.

Just as You Yu pushed open the door, a familiar voice came from inside the room—

"You are here, please come in."

You Yu took a breath, it seemed that the other party had already predicted their arrival, and there was no surprise in his voice.

The windows in the house were left open, and the rain was blowing in the wind and wetting the curtains and carpets.

The boy with loose silver-white hair was sitting by the window, his eyes were tightly closed, his long eyelashes cast deep and shallow shadows on his face, and two tear moles at the corners of his eyes shrouded in the shadows.

The rain dripped wet his side face, which looked like wet tears at first glance under the light.

Although he was already mentally prepared, the moment he saw 'Chi Nan', which he had drawn countless times, appeared alive in front of his eyes, You Yu was suddenly at a loss.

At this moment, the 'Chi Nan' exists completely and has an independent body and soul, but he feels that the 'Chi Nan' in front of him is more distorted than ever.

He wanted to tell Chi Nan in the system how he felt, but he couldn't make a sound for a while.

You Yu stood by the door like a sculpture, and the young dream-making god never opened his eyes.

He just twitched his eyelashes slightly: "I'm waiting for you."

Through You Yu's line of sight, Chi Nan clearly saw what the Dreaming God looked like now.

"His eyes..."

Chi Nan just muttered in the sensory system, the words were not exposed to the air.

Unexpectedly, the Dreaming God not only heard his voice, but also answered his questions with his usual quiet and gentle voice: "My eyes can no longer see, and after encountering serious pollution, my senses will increase with the pollution. fading away."

"The first thing that disappears is the sense of taste, then the sense of smell, then the sense of sight, and then the sense of touch... Because I want to listen to the wishes of human beings, the hearing will disappear in the end."

"Fortunately, it's not too late, I can still hear a lot of voices now," said the Dreammaker.

The God of Dreams stretched out his hand out of the raining window, trying to use the rain to check whether his "feeling" was still there.

When all the senses disappear, existence itself is like a bubble. Chi Nan, who has experienced the 229-day sensory seal, is very aware of this deep quagmire of nothingness.

"Can you hear me?" Chi Nan asked directly in the system.

"Of course I can hear my own voice, just as you came into my consciousness a few years ago and heard what I was thinking."

The Dream God who lost his eyesight finally stood up and closed the window with his hands. All the cold and dampness were isolated from the outside. The Dream God seemed to feel a little regretful, and rubbed the water stains on his face with his palm.

Soon, he will not even feel the rain.

Chi Nan: "Then do you know what I'm thinking now?"

Dream Maker: "You want to use that painting to take me away from this timeline, to your timeline, to avoid these pollutions and curses, right?"

Dream Makers seem to know everything...

Chi Nan was stunned for a moment, then said truthfully, "Yes."

The Dream God seemed to smile lightly: "Why do you want to save me? Aren't you afraid of disappearing and dying?"

Chi Nan's tone was firm: "I promised that others would not disappear, and I can't break my promise."

He just promised to travel, he will not leave without saying goodbye again, and he will work hard to fulfill his promise.

The Dreaming God finally turned to face them: "I understand, I will help you."

His voice was soft and faint, as if it would disappear at any moment.

The temperature in the room did not change, but the wallpaper around the room began to curl up and turn black as if it was burned. After a while, it turned into fine ashes and fell on the carpet. The inverse pentagram and the blue flame snake totem appeared on the blackened wall. superior.

The magical energy field set up by the wizard has begun to penetrate the entire tower of dawn, infiltrating room 206.

Soon, these powerful energy fields will crush the Dream Gods to ashes.

The Dreaming God frowned slightly: "It seems that time is running out, please remove that painting."

He said, and finally looked at the dark rain curtain with his long invisible eyes, which was the direction of Ruin Cliff. He leaned against the window and said silently, "Get out of here quickly, I will find you."

He knew that the boy standing at the mass grave in the rain would definitely make the right choice, which he never doubted.

The invisible flame spread rapidly, and the air was filled with the smell of burning.

The tight time left You Yu with no choice, so he quickly removed "The Crying Boy" hanging on the wall.

The painting is also the same as what they saw in the first layer of the dream, the background that should be still is raining.

You Yu's hand trembled slightly when he opened the frame: "Is it alright?"

As before, he confirmed with Chi Nan again, and he was also confirming with himself.

He had a hunch that the decision to enter "The Crying Boy" to open the ghost tunnel this time had some major connection with Chi Nan's being sealed.

Everything is like a carefully designed game, time and space are interlocked, and they step into the game according to the designer's intention within a limited time to complete the cycle.

Just like what the dream maker did to countless sleepwalkers...

Before Chi Nan gave a positive answer, the voice of the God of Dreams rang in their ears—

"Trust me, you'll be out of this cycle very soon, and all times will be new."

You Yu looked at this god who was always calm like Chi Nan, and saw him smile vaguely at himself: "You can rest assured, there can't be two 'Chi Nan' on one timeline, you don't need to make choose."

"Never multiple-choice questions."

As the sound of the dream-making myth fell, the painting in You Yu's hand was separated from the frame, and the strong light bursting from the painting spread in a destructive force, instantly turning the entire house, the entire Dawn Tower, and even the entire piece of construction into ruins. The dream city is full.

The city shrouded in strong light stopped, and absolute light came again.

The night subsided, the rain stopped, and all life stopped breathing.

Vision quickly dissolves and disappears in the strong light, and all cognition and presence evaporates and dissipates...

I don't know how long it took, Chi Nan felt that the strong light around him had turned into a dense rain-like existence, and the tiny pieces were everywhere, and he gradually fell to the ground from the sense of weightlessness.

Through You Yu's gradually returning line of sight, he saw countless ashes falling from the sky, like the debris left over from the burning of the glare fragments.

And where they were, they returned to Building 57 in the third district of Zicheng North, where countless rooms 206 circulated in the corridor like a nightmare.

Only this time there was neither fresh mint nor green aurora. The fire burned all the way from Dream City to the entrance of the ghost tunnel. The house number of room 206 was twisted and deformed in the fire, making a crackling sound, and they were trapped again. in.

"The ghost tunnel connects two time points. If these curses and pollutants are not sealed, they will return to your timeline through the time tunnel, and these negative energies will also destroy your dream world."

Facing the endless loop of corridors and the fires that filled the sky, the Dreaming God was not surprised, as if all this was expected.

"You should have deduced before that the reason why the 206 loop corridor appears in the safe passage connecting the main world is because the system of the dream world is protecting itself, and through endless loops, it isolates the energy that tries to destroy it. Like trapping an invading enemy in a labyrinth with no exit."

This god in the "past time period" knows all about the dream world that has not yet appeared.

He knew everything about them, even more than Chi Nan and You Yu in "Future Form".

"How did you know this?" You Yu couldn't help but ask.

At this time, the temperature in the circulation corridor has rapidly increased, and you can clearly feel the burning sensation of the skin when you are in it, and breathing becomes hot and difficult.

"The senses degenerate and die before the gods die, but at the same time, these lost senses are transformed into another powerful energy, just as humans return to light before they die."

"In the process of rapid degeneration, I suddenly had the ability to foresee and see the future of the entire time cycle."

"So... Chi Nan, You Yu, I saw you guys," the dream maker brushed his fingers across the scalding wall, completely ignoring the tongues of fire on his skin, and pushed away a room 206 in the corridor, "I I saw myself, and I saw what was happening right now.”

You Yu and Chi Nan froze in place. Behind the god was the young master's bedroom, which was filled with fire. Just like the night when the fire was burning eleven years ago, sparks and ashes were rolling and spinning in the surging heat.

"I have seen all the cause and effect," the god's voice was always quiet and peaceful, "the time line we are in, the cause and effect is circular, the cause can be the effect, and the effect can also become the cause, the linearity of time is broken, the future and the The past is cause and effect."

In an instant, Chi Nan suddenly understood everything, and a certain premonition came out: "Are you going to stay here to seal all the negative energy?"

Dream God: "I must seal these pollutions, otherwise they will spread through the ghost tunnel to the entire dream world, and your timeline will be destroyed."

"This is the key to the whole cycle, Chi Nan, you and I made the same choice hundreds of years ago. You stay in the painting and seal the entrance to the dream world."

Hundreds of years ago, the same is true of Chi Nan now. He predicted his future, and then chose to seal the entrance to the time tunnel with the few remaining divine powers and souls, and seal "The Crying Boy", thus preventing these pollutants from entering the future. The dream-making world forms a closed loop of the entire time cycle.

"It's just that you forgot. In a long time, as a static painting, I will gradually forget like you, and then meet Xiao Youyu again."

"I'll go through everything you've been through, from the first time I met Number 9, from the birth of that 'Crying Teen', the gears started to spin, and it was the only right choice we could make."

"The seal only needs the soul, you can bring my body back to the future, Chi Nan, that's your body too."

So the gods told You Yu that all the next time is 'new', and from the next moment, they can leave this cycle.

Chi Nan's voice trembled slightly: "But..."

His words choked, because the other party was also himself, and he knew that there was no "but" in this choice.

This is the answer to The Crying Boy.

Chi Nan was sealed in the painting for hundreds of years, not a forced choice, but a decision he made in that year, because he had foreseen the future of the entire time cycle.

The Dream God knows that Chi Nan has understood, because he has always been himself.

"I can see the future being trapped in the painting for tens of thousands of days and nights, accompanied only by endless rain and loneliness, but I still choose to stay."

The Dreaming God walked towards the fire-filled room, and used his energy to seal the clamoring pollutants at the entrance of the Time Tunnel.

"Because I know someone is waiting for me in the future."

"I am no longer a pure god. I have begun to have my own emotions, I have begun to fear death, and I look forward to the future that will come one day."

"Chi Nan, you are my future."