After the Little Crybaby Enters the Nightmare Cycle

Chapter 19: Dusk Cruise (1)


The dream maker looked at Chi Nan's back, and he didn't look away until the door was closed for a long time.

After a while, he seemed to smile, and finally moved his gaze to the full-length mirror in the center of the living room.

He took two steps forward and walked to the place where Chi Nan stood before. Through the mask, his eyes were a bit playful and cold.

For a moment, he raised his hand to take off the ghost face covering his face.

In the mirror, Zhang and Chi Nan's identical faces appeared.

It's just that the eyes are deep black, like an abyss that no light can invade.

He stretched out his hand towards the mirror, as if toying with another person, stroking his own mirror.

His middle finger flicked on the mirror, a bit neurotic: "Brother, it's a pity you didn't recognize me this time, but..."

You Yu paused, and the smile on his face grew stronger: "We will meet again soon."

He turned around and returned to the desk, retrieved the entire process of the copy of "Dream of You Yu", and read the part belonging to Chi Nan again.

When the screen reached the part of Chi Nan's first night audition, You Yu slowed down the video and carefully watched the interaction between Chi Nan and the female ghost.

In the surveillance, Chi Nan obviously did nothing, but the female ghost shivered as if she saw something extremely terrifying, and finally her mind collapsed and her soul dissipated.

You Yu replayed these clips repeatedly, her brows furrowed.

Is there a bug in the system

But this kind of low-level mistake has never happened in the dream world, especially in his dreams...

You Yu stared at the screen, not letting go of any details.

He found that Chi Nan only had three movements in the whole process: covering his head with a pillow, retracting his head into the quilt, and blocking the female ghost's mouth with a handkerchief.

There is only one expression: tears.

You Yu noticed the strange formations around the house, as well as the glutinous rice beside Chi Nan's pillow to deal with zombies, but these are all nonsense and obviously have no deterrent to ghosts...

He also pays attention to the changes of Chi Nan's sobriety value in the dungeon. No matter what kind of crisis Chi Nan's sober value is in, it has always been maintained at zero without fluctuation... This situation is unprecedented in the dream world...

So, how did this little liar who occupied the magpie's nest and took his life do it

In Dreamworld's sleepwalker profile, You Yu couldn't find any information about Chi Nan.

He is like a soul whose past has been erased, or never existed...

You Yu smiled with interest at the face on the screen that was exactly the same as his own.

I haven't seen someone interesting for a long time, and the other party is still using his body before his death.

There are countless reasons for him to be reluctant to let go of this prey.

"What's the next nightmare of sleepwalker Chi Nan?" You Yu called the main system.

Main system: [The system is still matching...]

After half an hour.

[Sleepwalker Chi Nan has chosen to continue to exchange the wish "Stop crying", the required favorability is 600]

[The next copy of Chi Nan the Sleepwalker is: Dusk Cruise]

"Understood, please reserve a ticket for the evening cruise for me," You Yu looked at himself in the mirror again, "and a new identity."

The main system was delayed by two seconds; [Received, may I ask Dream Maker 229, what specific needs do you have for the new identity? ]

You Yu smiled: "This, I have to think about it."

After calculating the integrity level from the Liming base, Chi Nan and his group were sent to the living area by the staff.

On the road, Hei Cha repeatedly used his fingers to compare the numbers in front of Chi Nan's eyes, repeating confirmation like a nagging old mother, for fear that Chi Nan would be deceived: "Chi Nan, what is this? Where is this? And this? Huh? "

Knowing his good intentions, Chi Nan responded patiently one by one, but Lao Yu, who was next to him, couldn't stand it any longer: "Little anchor, you need to stop and say something. Although the nightmare world is pitted, the wish exchange system is still very sincere. to do it.”

"I understand the reasoning, but look, Chi Nan's eyes are so green that they don't look like any serious goods." Dark Tea retorted.

Lao Yu laughed: "Do you still care about the quality? It's good to use it, and it's not serious? I think this color is very suitable for Chi Nan."

Chi Nan blinked curiously and looked over: "Does it look good?"

Song Yue nodded as if pounding garlic beside her, very envious: "It's really beautiful, I want to buy the same style."

Black tea: "… "

He thought that Chi Nan didn't have any 'people' personality in the first place, but now with a pair of green eyes, the beauty is beautiful, but he is more like a elf than a human being, "I'm afraid this dream maker is not a beauty blogger, right? "

Chi Nan thought about it and said seriously, "Maybe they are out of stock, only this eyeball is left."

Black tea: "… "

Afterwards, the group arrived at the Dawn platform and got on different trains heading in different directions.

According to Lao Yu, the living area of Dream World consists of four cities, namely Zi, Chou, Yin and Maocheng.

The entire dream world is in a state of eternal night, and the moon hanging in the sky of Zi Chou Yin Mao City will look different according to the time period of the city.

Chi Nan and Hei Cha were randomly sent to Zicheng, while Lao Yu and the rest were in Choucheng and Maocheng, and were forced to part ways.

Although it was pitch black outside the window all the way, he couldn't hold back the curiosity of Chi Nan, who had just regained his sight. Sore eyes.

Chi Nan was about to go to sleep when he heard the announcement in the carriage—

"Zicheng is about to arrive at the station, please pack your luggage and get ready to get off."

"The time for the car to stop at the Zicheng platform is ten minutes. Please get off the bus on time."

Chi Nan leaned against the window and saw the brightly lit city not far away.

The whole Zicheng illuminates the night sky at the end of the railway, and when viewed from a distance in this eternal night world, it gives the illusion of seeing the sunrise.

As the speed of the train slowed down, this colorful city was laid out in front of Chi Nan.

This is the first time he has seen such bright and colorful colors since he regained his sight.

After entering the station, the staff exchanged their ride tickets for room cards and gave them a map with the address of their apartment.

"Excuse me, how to pay the rent and deposit during this period?" Chi Nan asked with the room card and map.

The unsmiling staff member replied transactionally: "Free."

No more, the staff didn't say anything.

Black Tea sighed: "It seems that the treatment in Nightmare World is quite good, and they even gave us accommodation."

There is no taxi or public transportation in this place. The two can only walk to the designated apartment according to the map. Fortunately, Zicheng is not big, and it only takes ten minutes.

After entering the city, Chi Nan found that there were neon lights flashing on the streets and alleys, 24-hour convenience stores were everywhere, and restaurants and entertainment venues with national flavors did not show signs of closing.

At first glance, it was very lively.

But just at first glance, this bustling Evernight City is full of weirdness.

For example, a commercial street that looks lively with lights is actually empty.

The strong contrast gave people a grotesque desolation, as if there were only the two of them in the center of the huge city.

"I don't know if these shops can make a profit..." Even in the bustling downtown area, the dark tea felt more infiltrating than the suburban station, and couldn't help shivering.

Chi Nan lingered on the empty streets, looking east and west, as if enjoying it.

Everything around him is fresh and interesting to him who has just recovered his eyesight.

He walked into a convenience store at will, only to find that there was no one at the checkout counter and no price tags on the shelves...

[All items in Zicheng are provided for free, please rest sleepwalkers here to take them as needed and use them with confidence]

Hei Cha and Chi Nan received a slightly delayed system notification at the same time, which was a bit unexpected.

That is to say, in the nightmare world, I have a part-time job, and the benefits are good, but the only disadvantage is that I risk my life at any time.

In the blink of an eye, three days later, Chi Nan was woken up early in the morning by a courier who banged on the door.

"Please help me out of the door first, thank you." Chi Nan responded lazily.

After he finished speaking, it was really quiet outside the door, but after sleeping for less than 20 minutes, the sound of 'bang bang bang' rang again.

"Leave it outside..." Chi Nan's voice was separated from the quilt, with the air of getting up.

Who would have thought that the sound of the door slamming was louder this time, and bang bang bang, the door of Chi Nan's apartment was almost taken down: "The invitation letter for the next nightmare copy has been sent, and you still have the mind to sleep!"

"Oh," Chi Nan woke up for a moment, and stuck his head out of the quilt, "When are you going?"

The voice of the black tea outside the door was deep: "Today...before 4 pm."

Chi Nan glanced at his phone, it was 2 o'clock in the afternoon...

"Then I can sleep for an hour..." Chi Nan said with a yawn.

Black tea outside the door: "… "

He just raised his hand to wake the sleepy guy, and with a click, the door opened from inside.

"Just kidding," Chi Nan rubbed his sleepy eyes, let the black tea into the room, couldn't wait to take the envelope that the courier had inserted on the door, opened it and found a cruise ticket inside, "Twilight cruise boarding certificate ."

The name of the cruise ship, the boarding time, the port of departure, the passenger information, and the cabin number are written on the boarding voucher.

Look at the ticket number is a double room type.

"It's time to come..." Hei Cha's face was very ugly. "It seems that this nightmare happened on a cruise ship. Playing eggs, I'm seasick."

Different from the frowning face of dark tea, Chi Nan has been looking forward to the arrival of a new nightmare. At this moment, he carefully carried the boarding certificate in his arms: "It is said that the cruise ship is very stable and will not get seasick."

Dark Tea was still worried: "By the way, what's your room number?"

Chi Nanzao took the information on the boarding certificate in mind, and blurted out at this moment: "0303A."

"Ah, I'm 0302A, we're not in the same room," Hei Cha scratched his head in distress: "I don't know if I can find someone to change the room after boarding the ship..."

Chi Nan was silent for a moment, then shook his head intuitively: "It's hard to say."

Black tea: "I hope I can change it, it's hard to be so familiar..."

"Have you packed your clothes?" Chi Nan asked.

Hei Cha turned around and showed his backpack: "This."

Chi Nan opened the closet and quickly packed his bags: "Let's go, get some motion sickness medicine and food when you go out. It should be just right to go to the harbor."

At 3:55 p.m., the two arrived at the Zicheng Wharf. At that time, there were already a dozen people standing on the wharf to blow air.

All of a sudden, more than a dozen eyes were cast towards them, with suspicion, surprise, curiosity, and evaluation.

In the end, their eyes will stay on Chi Nan's face and those eyes that are different from ordinary people, but because they don't know each other, no one dares to ask Tang suddenly.

"You are also here to take the "Twilight"? "One of the young people with dyed red hair shook the ticket in his hand and asked Chi Nan and the others.

Black Tea nodded: "The ticket I just got at noon."

"Aren't you two newcomers?" another middle-aged uncle asked.

"I had a copy before." Dark Tea said truthfully.

Chi Nan has eyes, standing next to the black tea at this time, curiously looking at the sleepwalkers on the pier, one, two, three, four, five... If no sleepwalkers appear again, there will be a total of fourteen people on board this time.

In the team this time, besides Chi Nan, the most notable are the triplets.

Their faces and bodies are almost the same, the biggest difference is their hairstyles.

One has long straight black hair, one has short shoulder-length hair, and one has a neat ponytail.

Among the remaining newcomers were two aunts who looked like they had just returned from grocery shopping, a young couple holding hands, a male office worker wearing a corporate t-shirt, and a neutral girl with a short head full of earrings.

There are also three old sleepwalkers, the red-haired man, the middle-aged uncle, and the big wave.

Similar to the previous dungeon, the newcomers accounted for most of them, and of course, the situation of pretending to be newcomers like Nanlu was not ruled out.

"I don't know what's going on yet. I came here when I woke up from a nap, but I was really anxious... I have to rush to pick up the children from school..." One of the middle-aged women complained, and the young couple also said anxiously about themselves Case.

This time, Dark Tea finally had the opportunity to assume the role of Mile Xu in the previous dungeon, walked to the center of the crowd at the dock, and introduced the situation of the nightmare world incessantly.

Several other old sleepwalkers also supplemented him from time to time to answer questions for newcomers who asked questions.

Chi Nan avoided the crowd and noise and stood on the edge of the pier.

Looking at the time, at 3:59, the "Dusk" should have entered the port in one minute.

Just as he shifted his gaze from his mobile phone to the sea, he found that a person was approaching far away from the pier.

In the dark night, this figure gave him an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

Chi Nan narrowed his eyes slightly, not used to it, and watched the approaching person from a distance.

Because of stepping on the spot, the visitor instantly attracted everyone's attention.

He was tall and slender, wearing a loose school uniform, with a heavy-looking backpack behind him, and he looked like a student.

"Excuse me," the boy approached, holding the ticket in his hand, he glanced at the ticket, and then looked at the people at the dock with a questioning look, "Is this the Zicheng Wharf?"

The light from the pier just hit his face, and the overlapping of light and shadow clearly reflected his beautiful outline. Swanwen's glasses on the bridge of his nose looked beautiful and gentle.

Everyone was a little stunned when they saw it, and the old sleepwalker secretly wondered if the Nightmare World was pulling people now.

In the end, the boy set his eyes on Chi Nan, who was farthest from the crowd, and looked at it vaguely.

Chi Nan retracted his gaze and swept his gaze to the phone again.

Just right, exactly four o'clock.

"That's right," the boy who answered the black tea, "are you a newcomer?"

Just as the boy was about to answer, there was a sudden rumbling, and a huge cruise ship appeared on the sea, cutting through the dead seawater into the port.

The expressions of several old sleepwalkers on the pier changed, they knew that the nightmare had begun.