After the Little Crybaby Enters the Nightmare Cycle

Chapter 20: Dusk Cruise (2)


The Dusk cruise ship is brightly lit, instantly lighting up the dark sea area, which is completely different from the gloomy and desolate ghost ship that everyone imagines.

At the same time, the system beeps—

[In order for all sleepwalkers to experience the "Dusk Cruise" immersively, the system will be offline when the dream is in progress, and the settlement of favorability will be carried out uniformly after clearing the dream. Please explore the dream on your own, and wish you a happy sleepwalking]

Several newcomers looked up, and there was some expectation in their eyes.

"It doesn't seem so scary..."

"Yes, but it seems to be very expensive to consume."

"Oops, I don't have any money on me..."

The old sleepwalker's expression was much more complicated, some heaving a sigh of relief, and some frowning, more worried than seeing the ghost ship.

The black tea took out the motion sickness medicine and put it in his mouth: "I don't know if the mechanism on the cruise ship will be the same as that of Zicheng, allowing us to eat and drink for free."

"I packed a backpack of snacks, and I can't starve without money." Chi Nan patted the backpack behind him and said.

Chi Nan always felt his eyes were staring at him, and was turning his head to confirm, his eyes collided with the boy who just arrived. For a moment, Chi Nan felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

It's not an appearance, but an indescribable feeling... But it feels like this kind of thing is fleeting. The boy stands under the cruise ship, his eyes are hidden under the reflective lenses, making it impossible to see his expression.

Chi Nan seemed to see the other party beckoning here.

"Hello," the boy took two steps forward and stood in front of Chi Nan and Hei Cha, a little embarrassed, "Excuse me, may I borrow some motion sickness medicine?"

"You're welcome, we brought a bunch of medicines. If you need anything during the trip, feel free to say." Dark Tea directly stuffed two boxes of motion sickness medicines into his hands, and also came with a bottle of wind oil...

"Thank you," the boy began to introduce himself after taking the medicine with both hands, "My name is Ye Chang, the system told me that I need to come here to take the dusk cruise, and then I can exchange my wishes through the Nightmare dungeon, but I still haven't figured out how. what's going on..."

"You were late and didn't listen to you just now. I'll tell you the rules of the nightmare world in detail when I get on the boat." Hei Cha saw that he looked like a student and was easy to get along with, so he took special care of him. "My name is Black tea, the guy with green eyes next to him is called Chi Nan."

The eyes of the two met again, and Chi Nan saw his own reflection in Ye Chang's lens.

"Have we met before?" Chi Nan asked bluntly.

Ye Chang thought about it seriously: "No, if I have seen it, I must have an impression of you, what's the matter?"

Chi Nan shook his head: "It's okay, I read it wrong."

"By the way, I see that the boarding voucher looks like a double room. Is this also random?" Ye Chang took out his voucher and showed it in front of the two of them.

"0303B, you and Chi Nan are in the same room," Hei Cha looked at his certificate and said with a smile, "Ah, your newcomer is very lucky."

Chi Nan glanced at the black tea lightly, and answered Ye Chang's question: "We don't know much about the room allocation mechanism, it is probably part of the rules."

"Is that so," Ye Chang pursed his lips a little embarrassedly, "If you are in the same room, it would be better for me to explain in advance, I am a crook."

He came out of the cabinet too suddenly, and the black tea was taken aback: "Ah? What bend? Where does it bend?"

Ye Chang shrugged: "Just, I like boys. I met some boys before who would mind being in the same room with someone like me, so I have to make it clear."

Hei Cha was still stunned, and Ye Chang said kindly, "You two have known each other before. If you want to live together, it's fine to change. I can live anywhere."

Straight black tea didn't know how to answer these words for a while, but Chi Nan's expression didn't change: "Change rooms should also depend on the specific rules."

"Then..." Ye Chang looked at Chi Nan and hesitated.

Chi Nan shook his head: "I don't mind."

Ye Chang smiled, and a pair of eyes curled beautifully behind the lenses: "Thank you."

The black tea next to him was filled with emotion. Are all the high school boys coming out so neatly now? Sure enough times have changed.

In other words, good-looking people are more unscrupulous... He looked at the profile of Ye Changneng's harmful face, and secretly tutted, with such a look, his sexuality and so on can probably be ignored.

At this time, everyone also noticed the double room, and they gathered together to find roommates while boarding the cruise ship.

Because it is a double room, and the men and women are in different rooms like the dormitory, the triplets are forced to be separated, and the couples cannot live in one place. They are quite dissatisfied with the allocated room.

The most aggrieved is the black tea, and in the end, he was the only one who couldn't find his roommate.

"What's the matter, it seems that I'm the only one alone..."

The red-haired young man next to him said thoughtfully, "The number of sleepwalkers here is odd, but a double room was arranged. Maybe your roommate had an accident when he came over and couldn't come."

The woman with the big wave sneered and said, "It's hard to say, maybe one of the fifteen of us is a ghost."

As soon as she said these words, the whole audience was silent. They were all looking at me, and I looked at you. In the end, Chi Nan, who had green eyes, became the most likely suspect, and unfriendly eyes were cast towards him.

The black tea protector kept Chi Nan behind him: "Don't speculate, I lived with him."

"Then what's wrong with your eyes?" The red-haired youth swept his gaze sharply, and finally spoke out everyone's doubts.

Chi Nan pondered for a moment and spit out two words: "color contact lenses."

He felt that it was too cumbersome to explain, and used the most acceptable reason to perfunctory it.

Everyone: "… "

"What a delicate boy," Da Wave smiled. "I just guessed casually. It's not time to be suspicious of each other, so be careful."

The red-haired man smiled apologetically: "Don't mind, everyone in the nightmare book is risking their lives. If you have any questions, I will ask them directly."

At this time, the talents converged and began to discuss the matter of changing rooms.

Ye Chang turned around and said to Black Tea, "If you are alone, we don't have to consider your roommate's thoughts when we change rooms, which is more convenient."

Hei Cha glanced at Chi Nan, and just wanted to say something, an old but powerful voice suddenly sounded at the end of the deck: "Dear guests, the rooms for this trip have been arranged in advance, and it is not allowed to change rooms without permission, causing harm to everyone. I am sorry for the inconvenience.”

Everyone turned their eyes to the source of the sound, and saw an old man in a white uniform bowing deeply to them: "I am the captain of the Dusk, you are welcome to take the Dusk cruise, in the next time, I sincerely I hope every guest can enjoy this wonderful vacation at sea.”

The old captain spoke so sincerely that the moment he looked up, the guests seemed to be able to see the light flashing in his eyes.

"Wait a minute," the girlfriend in the couple was unhappy, "Why can't I change? I came with my boyfriend, can't we live together?"

The old captain smiled politely: "I'm sorry ma'am, this is the rule on the Dusk, please forgive me."

The girl wanted to say something, but was stopped by the big wave: "Don't ask, this should be the rule of the nightmare copy."

"Then what if I want to change?" The girl was a little angry.

The big wave spreads his hands: "I'm going to die, and the other two people who have changed rooms are forced to be buried with them."

When everyone heard the silence, the girl was even more frightened and whispered, and her boyfriend immediately came to hug her and comforted: "Forget it, our room is not far away, you can call me if you have anything."

Just as they were discussing the rules for changing rooms, a long cry of 'woo' cut through the night sky, and the cruise ship departed from the port.

Almost at the moment of departure, the originally dark sky suddenly opened up, as if the black cloth covering the sky was torn apart at once, and a sunset appeared at the end of the sea, hanging round and round above the sea level, the afterglow. Sprinkled on the calm sea, sparkling brilliant.

It's sunset, it's dusk.

Chi Nan hasn't seen the day since he regained his sight, and now he can't help staring at the sunset sea, and his eyes are slightly wet.

Fortunately, the sleepwalkers who had been in the dark for a long time were all attracted by the magnificent twilight scenery in front of them, and almost no one noticed that Chi Nan's eyes were red.

Only Ye Changzhang swept his gaze inadvertently, the sea breeze brushed the hair on his forehead, he lowered his head, and the corners of his lips raised an indiscernible arc.

"It's so beautiful..." Dark Tea sighed from the bottom of his heart, "Long-lost sunset."

"I can't remember how long I haven't seen the day..."

The old captain looked at the exclaimed guests contentedly: "The scenery along the Dusk is beautiful and unique. I believe you will fall in love with this journey."

"Excuse me, how many days is this trip? There is no date of arrival in Hong Kong on the ticket." Chi Nan quickly pulled away from the emotion of being shocked by the setting sun and asked.

The old captain did not answer immediately, but looked deeply at the blood-red sunset, and said slowly: "When the sunset falls below the sea level, darkness falls, and the trip of the Dusk will end."

Black Tea is puzzled: "It will end when it gets dark? But isn't the sunset only a matter of twenty minutes?"

The old captain smiled: "On the Dusk, the time of sunset is always decided by the guests."


Everyone was confused, and the old captain didn't intend to explain. He looked at the time and continued: "The evening meal is served from 4:30 p.m. to 75-50 p.m. All guests will go to the guest room to arrange their luggage and rest for a while. After that, you can go to the restaurant for dinner.”

"Recreation rooms, gyms, libraries, exhibition halls and other facilities are open from 8 am to 8 pm every day." The old captain continued to announce the rules.

The big wave raised his eyebrows: "What are the arrangements for the period from 8 o'clock in the evening to 8 o'clock in the next morning?"

The old captain smiled slightly: "Dear guests, the Dusk has a tradition since ancient times. Every night at eight o'clock, all the guests gather in the banquet hall, and each of them tells a horror story every night."

When the experienced sleepwalkers heard it, they knew that this was an important rule in the dungeon, and they all pricked up their ears.

"The horror story will last from 8:00 pm to 11:30. Before 12:00, all guests must return to the guest room to rest. Under normal circumstances, they cannot leave the guest room without authorization after 12:00."

Ye Chang stood beside Chi Nan, and after listening, he murmured thoughtfully, "Under normal circumstances, that means..."

"Special circumstances will be discussed separately." Chi Nan replied.

Hei Cha glanced at the two people who were about to move, and consciously stood to the side...

He smelled dangerous...

"I have a question," the red-haired youth raised his hand. "You said that the journey ends when the sun goes down. What happened to the night you just said?"

The old captain glanced at his watch with deep meaning, and smiled politely: "The sun may not necessarily set, but our clock is always turning."

In other words, this dungeon world is likely to maintain the state of dusk, but the time is still advancing.

No wonder it's called the Dusk Cruise... Chi Nan glanced at the sunset.

The old captain stood up straight, raised his voice and repeated: "I hope all guests will remember that they must attend the story meeting in the banquet hall at 8 o'clock every night, each person must prepare a horror story, and they cannot leave the room after 12 o'clock in the morning until Eight in the morning the next day."

"Respected guests, please remember." The old captain bowed deeply and turned to leave the deck.

The old captain's tone was polite and respectful, but the situation was creepy.

Everyone discussed a few words on the deck and decided to wait and see for the night, so they dispersed and went back to their rooms to settle down.

"Are we going back to the guest room now?" Ye Chang turned to his new roommate.

"Go back first, I want to stay here for a while." Chi Nan put his hands on the fence of the boat and looked at the sea horizon to the west, as if he was deliberately avoiding the other party's gaze.

Ye Chang glanced at him and nodded: "Then I'll go clean up first."

Hei Cha came over and greeted Ye Chang to leave together: "Our rooms are just next to each other. If something happens at night, we can take care of it..."

Chi Nan lay on the fence alone for a while, and released the tears that had been held back all day in front of the setting sun.

Since regaining the light, his tears have become more frequent, as if he is addicted to cigarettes. From time to time, he has to go to the rooftop to take a few sips, otherwise he will feel wrong.

Crying comfortably, Chi Nan began to look at the sea in a trance.

It has been fixed on the wall as a painting for a long time, and after being reborn, it lives in the dark, which makes Chi Nan instinctively fascinated by all the warm and flowing colors.

And he somehow felt that the scenery in front of him had a sense of deja vu, including the platform at the dawn base that day, the neon flashing but desolate streets of Zicheng, and the sunset that would not fall in front of him...

He was trying to remember, but unfortunately, the memory of hundreds of years in the painting was blurred early.

But it doesn't matter, he quite likes this bizarre nightmare world.

When he had seen enough sunset, it was ten minutes after he returned to the cabin.

Chi Nan opened the door, and Ye Chang was examining the house carefully, like a serious student.

"I've seen it all in the house, but I didn't find any surveillance cameras. The bed is soft and the bedding is clean, and all kinds of equipment are well-equipped, but there are some strange traces that make people very concerned."

Weird traces

Chi Nan followed what Ye Chang pointed, and the shocking scratches on the door immediately broke into his field of vision.

The deep and messy scratches were faintly tinged with dark red blood stains, just like... scratches left on the coffin board when a person was buried alive.

How helpless and desperate are people to be desperate to survive

Is this door made of coffin wood? Or the kind that was buried alive

"Not just on the door, here, here, and here."

Ye often pointed to the ceiling, the inside of the wardrobe, and even the wall behind the full-length mirror, with bloody scratches all over it.

...are places that normal people can't easily reach. This is incredible.

"Brother Nan, how did you get these traces?" Ye Chang asked like a newcomer.

Chi Nan was silent for a moment, then looked at the bathroom: "Have you checked the bathroom?"

Ye Chang nodded earnestly and asked humbly, "Is there something wrong with the bathroom?"

"Oh, I want to ask if there is hot water in the bathroom, I want to take a shower." Chi Nan answered naturally.

Ye Chang choked and smiled: "...There is hot water, and there is a bathtub, which is very clean."

"That's great," Chi Nan really took out a change of clothes from his bag like he was on vacation. He just stepped into the bathroom with his front feet, but his back feet stopped. He turned to look at Ye Chang, "Do you want to wash first?"

It doesn't seem sincere to ask...

Ye Chang hurriedly shook his head: "No, no, I'm used to washing before going to bed."

"Well, then I'll go wash." After he finished speaking, he closed the bathroom door, and soon he heard the sound of rushing water.

Almost at the moment when he closed the door, the expression of panic on Ye Chang's face disappeared.

He walked to the window and opened the curtain, took off his thick glasses and held them in his hands, enjoying the long sunset over the sea with a comfortable face.

Although the crisscrossing barbed wire on the window was a bit unpleasant, it did not affect his mood at all.

Fifteen minutes later, Chi Nan came out of the bathroom covered in water vapor. Because he had just taken a hot shower, his skin was dyed a thin layer of red, which made the two tear moles at the end of his eyes more vivid.

Ye Chang sat cross-legged on the bed, looking through the exercise book through thick glasses.

He seemed to sense Chi Nan's confused gaze, and looked up from the book with a wry smile: "I'm going to take the college entrance examination."

Chi Nan was stunned for a moment. He didn't experience the torture of the exam, so he couldn't feel the same. He just nodded and said, "Come on."

The two probed the room for a while, except for the blood scratches and the dense barbed wire on the windows, they did not find much abnormality.

To be honest, the bath water here is hot enough, and the smell of the shower gel is also very good. Chi Nan enjoys it.

It was almost six o'clock when the door banged: "Are you all okay, why don't you go to dinner together?"

Chi Nan glanced at Ye Chang, and with the consent of the other party, he agreed to the invitation of dark tea.

The restaurants on the evening cruise ship are quite rowdy, self-service, with complete dishes and drinks from various countries. The meal fee is already included in the ticket, and you can eat for free.

"Is it alright to eat what's on the boat?" Ye Chang, as a newcomer, is quite normal to have this concern.

Black Tea: "It should be fine, and the Dream Makers won't be so incompetent that they poison us."

"Probably." Ye often murmured in a voice that only he could hear.

While talking, Chi Nan had already taken the tray to pick up the meal, and the black tea snorted, "In the last copy, your roommate and I ate a lot, and now it's better."

Ten minutes later, the dark tea returned with Ye Chang full of rewards, and found that Chi Nan was already sitting in the seat and eating with relish.

Chi Nan always looks like he's enjoying himself when he eats. Even ordinary food seems to have layers of filters on his plate.

"With Chi Nan here, going through the copy is like coming on vacation." Dark Tea sighed daily.

Chi Nan was chewing a piece of steak seriously, but his eyes accidentally moved to the fresh milk puffs on Ye Chang's plate.

Sweet. want to eat. But not to eat.

"Are you nervous?" Dark Tea asked the newcomer Ye Chang.

Ye Chang smiled: "...Actually, it's okay, it seems to be quite fun."

Hei Cha glanced at him with a complicated look, thinking that it was really a child, that is the moment when you haven't encountered horror, just don't cry...

Chi Nan looked away from Ye Chang's plate, and told Hei Cha about the scratches in the room: "Is there anything unusual in your room?"

After listening to the black tea, his face changed, and the cheeks that were chewing the food with relish stopped. He suddenly felt that the food in his mouth lost its taste, like chewing wax, and it was difficult to swallow it: "So... There is a burning smell, as if someone is grilling in the house, and then the ventilation is not good all the year round, and the smell cannot be dissipated. There are also traces of ashes on the ground near the bedside table. , you said so..."

Black Tea said that there was a layer of white sweat on his body, as if he was afraid of disturbing something.

Although he is a supernatural anchor, the thought of being alone in the same room with the ashes makes the scalp tingling.

Chi Nanmian expressionlessly picked up a piece of barbecue and put it in his mouth, chewing it slowly: "Have you ever burned someone?"

Black Tea: "..." Why did you say it directly.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chang thought about it for a while, and said seriously: "It may be a dead person who died. The one who died in our house was burned in the next room."

"It's also quite reasonable." Chi Nan commented.

The corners of the black tea's lips twitched: "The two bosses, can we discuss this issue after dinner..."

Ye Chang was very embarrassed to say sorry, while Chi Nan obediently continued to eat.

In the rest of the time, in order to shorten the distance between Ye Chang and them as soon as possible, and in order to alleviate the terror just now and prevent the sobriety from rising, Black Tea began to chat very hard.

In addition to the rules of the nightmare world, he vividly described his and Chi Nan's experiences in "Dream of You Yu" vividly.

Ye Chang seemed to listen to it with relish, and even forgot to put the meal in his mouth.

When Hei Cha was satisfied with his storytelling ability, Ye Chang turned his head and asked Chi Nan, "So, what kind of person is the young master in that villa?"