After the Little Crybaby Enters the Nightmare Cycle

Chapter 26: Dusk Cruise (8)


The ghosts were allowed to move forward again.

At that time, only Chi Nan was left on the bed. He was still deep asleep, breathing evenly, and his cheeks were a little more bloody than when he was awake.

As a large number of ghost corpses approached, Chi Nan shrank coldly and buried his head in the quilt.

One of the severely decomposed corpses climbed from the carpet onto the bed. It seemed to have been soaked in corrosive liquid before his death. The skin was completely decomposed, revealing the bones and muscles. bone.

The corrosive liquid mixed with blood and water continued to drip from it, ticking, leaving a string of sticky traces wherever it passed...

Ye Chang, who originally maintained a viewing attitude, frowned and said coldly: "Go down and change another one."

After all, he didn't want his original body to be polluted by such dirty things.

Corruptor: "...?"

It froze in place at a loss, until Ye Chang's impatient voice sounded again: "Get off!"

The Corruptor immediately tumbled and fell off Chi Nan's bed, and accidentally broke himself into pieces, scattered all over the floor.

Ye Chang suddenly intervened, and all the ghosts were a little stunned.

Is the person on the bed able to move or not? They dare not offend the dream maker...

Ye Chang poses as a bystander again: "You guys continue."

Ghosts: "...?"

In the face of the capricious dream maker, none of the ghosts wants to be the first bird, and they are all waiting for their companions to take a step forward.

Ye Chang waited for a while, then became impatient: "I'll let you continue."

So the ghosts had to bite the bullet and scramble forward, from the carpet to the bed, approaching Chi Nan little by little, one of the drowning ghosts who was a little bolder rudely pulled the sheet covering Chi Nan's face away, but almost instantly, he The movement was stiff in mid-air.

The ghost behind didn't know what was going on, but they didn't dare to act rashly when they saw that their companion seemed to be suffering from a huge stimulus.

Ye Chang noticed the abnormality of the drowning ghost, and a look of excitement flashed in his eyes: "What's wrong?"

The drowning ghost began to tremble, and the water on its body also shook off the bed and the ground. After less than half a minute of convulsions, the drowning ghost began to stiffen, dissolve, and became silent.

For a moment, it turned into a small piece of paper soaked on the wet floor.

The few ghosts in the back didn't dare to take a step forward, they were all watching.

Ye Chang observed the reactions of these ghosts, and finally stopped standing by and stood by the bed in person, condescendingly looking at Chi Nan who couldn't wake up.

Because of the tears, Chi Nan's two tear moles at the corners of his eyes were soaked, beautiful and melancholy in the blurred sunset.

He bent down, wiped the corner of Chi Nan's eyes lightly with his fingers, looked at the tears on his fingertips and said to himself, "Because of tears?"

He put on his gloves again, and with Chi Nan's tears on his hands, he stretched out towards the panicked ghosts.

The ghosts instinctively ducked back, Ye Chang looked like this, and put his fingers to his lips: "Shh, don't move."

So the ghosts didn't dare to move, they froze in place and shivered.

Ye Chang, like a mischievous child, knew that these ghosts had been frightened to death, but he mercilessly pressed Chi Nan's tear-stained fingers on one of the ghosts' eyebrows.

In the blink of an eye, the ghost had stopped shaking, silently turning into a piece of paper again, and fluttering from mid-air onto the carpet.

"I see."

The corners of Ye Chang's lips raised an imperceptible arc. He had been puzzled by him before. How did Chi Nan get out of the audition on the first night of "Dream of You Yu" and complete the audition perfectly? He seemed to answer the question. understood.

It turns out that this guy's tears are such an interesting thing...

At four o'clock, the alarm clock rang like a reminder.

If it was normal, Chi Nan must have turned off the alarm clock in his sleep, but this night, I don't know which nerve he got wrong, or his long-buried conscience was discovered. He only struggled for 20 minutes before he woke up. come over.

He looked at the time, 4:20, not too bad.

Ye Chang sat next to him, engrossed in flipping through an exercise book, and occasionally sketching with a pen, seriously looking like a student preparing for the eve of the exam.

"Sorry, I got up 20 minutes late," Chi Nan sat up and said to Ye Chang, who was quietly reviewing, "it's time for you to sleep."

Ye Chang looked up at him from the exercise book and said in a low voice, "It doesn't matter, if you don't get enough sleep to continue, I'm not sleepy."

"I still want to review for a while, and when I leave the nightmare world, it's time for me to take the exam." Ye Chang added again, his tone very helpless.

Chi Nan snorted and rubbed his eyes: "When I fell asleep, was there anything wrong in the room?"

"That big wooden box under the bed has been making strange noises," he continued, turning a page, "as if someone kept scratching the board with their fingernails."

Chi Nan: "Have you seen it?"

"No," Ye Chang then closed the exercise book, "I'm still a little afraid of my own words."

Every time he said 'afraid', it was an understatement, and there was absolutely no sincerity in being afraid.

"Also, interesting things, I want to watch them together when you wake up." He added.


Chi Nan got off the bed and dragged out the wooden box at the bottom of the bed. When he saw that the lock of the wooden box had been opened inexplicably, he frowned, "Have you really never touched the wooden box?"

He raised his head and asked Ye Chang.

Ye Chang shook his head blankly: "No, does this box automatically open at a fixed time?"

He said with some kind of conjecture.

Chi Nan directly lifted the lid of the box, and what lay inside the big wooden box was a seemingly ordinary booklet.

But after opening it, he found that the booklet was covered with stamps, and the patterns on these stamps were miniature versions of the works in the death painting exhibition hall. Each stamp had a corresponding number, such as his one marked with the words 60n.m..

"What is this? A death stamp album?"

Chi Nan didn't speak, and quickly flipped through the stamp album, confirming again that these patterns had been seen in the painting exhibition hall. But it is very strange that they are stamps, and there is no ordinary stamp inscription, watermark, country name, sign number and other information.

He was silent for a moment and asked Ye Chang, "Do you know what nm means?"

Ye Chang nodded: "Haili."

"However, what does Haili have to do with these death paintings?" Ye Chang stared at the stamps thoughtfully.

"Each stamp is marked with the corresponding number of nautical miles. Is it possible that the death of the passenger has something to do with the nautical miles, that is, the distance traveled?"

Death, sea miles, cruise ships, special gifts from past guests, travelers at dusk...

Chi Nan went through the information in his mind, and guessed for a while: "Could it be that the Dusk used the death of passengers as fuel to move forward, this is called a special room, where the souls of the guests who died in the past were collected? "

Ye Chang looked astonished: "There was a sound in the box just now. It may be that these souls are sealed in the box, and our stay has made them eager to move."

"But what is the basis for the numbers on these 'stamps'?" Chi Nan thought, the numbers in the painting exhibition hall were dates, but the stamps were obviously different.

Ye Chang held a stack of 'stamps' in his hand and looked at it: "The old captain stipulated that horror stories must be told every night on the Dusk, do you think these numbers are the fear value of the dead? The fear value brought by each dead person Different, so the nautical miles you get are different.”

"That is to say, the fear value affects the number of nautical miles, so the old captain is deliberately rendering the atmosphere of terror..."

"Yes, horror stories can inspire fear in passengers, and judging from the previous two fatal accidents, the Dusk seems to have the ability to materialize the fear of passengers, and then devour the person who created the fear."

Not only the horror story meeting, but many designs of the entire Dusk are deliberately rendering horror.

For example, the death painting exhibition hall, such as the death traces in each guest room, and the captain deliberately put their bodies in the banquet hall after the passengers died to show everyone...

The so-called day and night dream, the story will successfully make sleepwalkers produce the seeds of fear.

Once the plot of a horror story is deeply rooted in the heart, it spreads without knowing it, and the whole process is almost out of rational control.

The human mind is not like doors and windows, which can be opened and closed at will, and neither is fear.

It's like watching a horror movie. I didn't seem to be particularly scared at the time, but the stamina often lasted for three or two days or even longer. Some horror scenes can even affect a person's life. For example, when you go to the bathroom at night, you can't help but look at the bathroom mirror. When I lay down looking for something, I couldn't help but glance at the bottom of the bed...

Sometimes the more afraid you are, the more you can't control what you do and think about.

The Twilight seems to use the irresistible characteristics of human beings to fear, allowing the terror to spread in the hearts of the people, and then materialize these fears, so as to attack the parties, and then use their deaths as fuel for the Twilight to move forward...

Among the triplets, A Yu, 309, two aunts who died playing mahjong, and countless works in the death painting exhibition hall can all be well confirmed.

The Dusk is not just a cruise ship, but a monster floating at sea that devours human fears.

"We will take the stamp album out in the morning and compare the paintings of death in the painting exhibition hall one by one. Maybe we can find the missing painting."

"Well, that's the only way to go now."

Seeing that it was only eight o'clock in three hours, Chi Nan simply lay back in bed to sleep, and Ye Chang rarely put down the exercises in his hand and closed his eyes beside him.

"Brother Nan, what are you afraid of?" Ye Chang's voice was very soft, as if he was dreaming.

Chi Nan's closed eyes cracked open, and he swept over lightly: "I can't say."

He just felt that if there was no fear in the answer, ordinary people would not believe it, so he simply said that he couldn't say it perfunctorily.

Ye Chang didn't seem to expect the answer to be like this, and smiled for a moment: "That's right, if you say it, it may be used by Dusk."

"By the way, can I ask you a question?" Chi Nan, who always seemed to be very uninterested in people, suddenly asked.

Ye Chang took a breath and naturally thought of the pocket watch placed on the bedside table. His heart sank, but he was a little excited: "Well, you ask."

He always hid his emotional ups and downs very well, and his voice seemed to be chatting.

Chi Nan glanced at his reflective lenses: "Why don't you take off your glasses when you sleep?"