After the Little Crybaby Enters the Nightmare Cycle

Chapter 27: Dusk Cruises (9)


Because the question was too tricky, Ye Chang was stunned for a moment.

Chi Nan turned his head, looked at his fleeting loss, and waited for his answer.

In half a second, Ye Chang regained his composure and smiled bitterly: "The degree of myopia is too high, and taking off the glasses is almost like a blind person, and it will be very insecure, so even if I sleep, I am not willing to take it off."

He deliberately emphasized the word "blind".

"Listen to the dark tea, you can't see before, is it true?" Ye Chang changed the subject and asked.

Chi Nan was startled, he didn't expect the dark tea to tell Ye Chang this privately, he just said lightly: "Well, I exchanged eyes in a nightmare."

Ye Chang lifted his eyelids just now, and took a deep look at Chao Chi Nan: "It's very chic, it suits you very well."

Chi Nan: "...Thank you."

Chi Nan was about to turn his head to resume his sleep when Ye Chang suddenly said, "Wait a minute, here..."

Saying that, he rashly stretched out his hand and pressed it by the corner of Chi Nan's eye, "One of the eyelashes almost fell into your eye."

There is no doubt that Chi Nan's eyes ooze with tears when he touched him like this.

Chi Nan hurriedly turned his head and wiped his tears.

On the contrary, Ye Chang was stunned for a moment, looked apologetic and at a loss, and retracted his hand for a moment: "Sorry, I forgot that you can't be touched casually."

"Well... remember it next time." Chi Nan was a little helpless to this boy who always started silently.

Ye Chang nodded apologetically, and said after a while, "However, I think it's normal for tears to flow."

Chi Nan gave him a strange look, but didn't speak.

In his cognition, the tears of boys in the human world are by no means easy to accept.

Although he did not understand the reason behind it, it was the truth.

"I mean, if you want to cry in front of me in the future, don't worry," he smiled and closed his eyes immediately, "Sleep, sleepy."

No chance for Chi Nan to refute at all.

Chi Nan: "…"

He was too lazy to speculate on people's thoughts, so he closed his eyes and turned his head to sleep.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Dark Tea knocked on the door immediately: "Chi Nan! Ye Chang! Are you all okay?"

Chi Nan woke up slowly and was still rubbing his eyes, but Ye Chang answered first: "It's all right, don't worry."

The black tea outside the door sighed heavily, and finally let go of the heart that had been raised all night.

Chi Nan opened the door and found that the dark blue in the dark tea's eyes was much thicker, and it seemed that he hadn't slept last night.

In contrast, Chi Nan's sleepy-eyed appearance was enviable. The moment Black Tea saw him, his tense nerves instantly relaxed.

"Did something happen last night?" Chi Nan asked.

Hei Cha shook his head: "I haven't seen it yet, I should-"

Before he finished speaking, several waiters from the ship suddenly appeared in the corridor.

They carried the white corpse frame and knocked on the door of 307...

The corpse on the corpse rack had been burnt so that the facial features could not be recognized, and only vaguely recognizable human figures remained.

The anxious middle-aged man walked out of 307 with the stretcher.

The moment he saw Chi Nan and Hei Cha, he was a little surprised that they were able to escape from the punishment room, then looked in the direction of the stretcher, and shook his head with a heavy expression: "The people are gone, they died by burning themselves. ."

Living with him in 307 was a young social animal named Guo Xuan who told the story of mahjong on the first night.

According to the description of the middle-aged man, he has been tossing and turning in bed, unable to fall asleep, talking to Guo Xuan to ease their fear and anxiety.

"It's about 3:30. Guo Xuan must be really sleepy. He fell asleep while talking. I still couldn't fall asleep, so I turned my back and closed my eyes to rest."

"At four o'clock, I heard a crackling sound from the bed next to me...I opened my eyes...I saw..." The middle-aged man swallowed hard, his temples wet with cold sweat, "My bed is facing the mirror, Guo Xuan, who was lying on the bed in the mirror, caught fire..."

He is not a newcomer, and he is much calmer than Weiwei who faced death yesterday: "I immediately rushed to the bathroom to collect water, and poured bucket after bucket on Guo Xuan, but it was completely useless..."

"He was running around the house like a fireball, but it's strange that the fire on him was so big, but he couldn't ignite the room, and the water couldn't put out the fire on him..."

"It's as if he and the fire that killed him...have become one..."

The middle-aged man carefully recalled what happened last night, and everyone listened in silence.

There were only seven living people standing in the banquet hall at the moment, and everyone noticed that the twin sisters and the couple who changed rooms without authorization did not come out of the room.

In this nightmare world, except for people like Chi Nan who can't feel fear, no one will sleep in the room after the specified time, and there is often only one reason for not appearing...

Encountered an accident.

"Should we knock on the doors of 310 and 301?" the red-haired man suggested.

"Let's go."

A group of people first came to the 310 door where the couple lived, and the black tea knocked on the door: "Wei Wei? Brother He? Are you all right?"

For a long time, no one responded.

There was some expected regret on everyone's faces, and Da Wave was silent for a moment and said, "There is a high probability that it is gone."

Black Tea: "Let's confirm first, what if there is still salvation?"

Even after experiencing a death copy, Black Tea is still full of awe of life like a newcomer.

"I'll smash the door." Hei Cha took a step back and was about to kick his leg towards the door when Chi Nan stopped him immediately.

"Need not."


Chi Nan looked at the waiter standing at the end of the corridor: "Excuse me, can you help us open the door of Room 310?"

The waiter nodded stiffly: "No problem, please wait a moment."

Saying that, he took the key and walked towards 310.

Black Tea: "...Oh."

After half a minute, the door opened.

The sun slanted across the room, and the folds of the quilt on one of the beds indicated that someone had indeed slept last night.

But the room was empty, only the sound of lingling water came from the bathroom.

It's like someone forgot to turn off the water and the tub overflowed...

Chi Nan looked in the direction of the bathroom, and there was a large pool of water stains behind the closed door.

All of a sudden, everyone has guesses in their hearts.

Yesterday, Ah Yu from the triplets was soaked to death in the bathroom. They will never die to go to the bathroom to take a shower. There is only one possibility if there is any movement...

Ye Changhe was the first to walk into the bathroom, followed by Chi Nan.

The moment the door opened, everyone gasped.

The bathtub was full of water, layer upon layer, the white tiles were covered with water, and there seemed to be a lot of black and long hair floating in the water, tangled and tangled in the blood-red sunset rays.

In the bathtub that can only accommodate one person, there are two corpses floating. They are like twin babies still in their mother's belly, their limbs and torso are tightly wound, and they are ups and downs in the liquid environment, never leaving.

It was the young couple... both of them drowned in the bathtub, as if they had fallen in love.

"It seems that the consequence of changing rooms in violation of the rules is to repeat the method of death of the previous tenant," Big Wave turned his face sideways to look out the window, irritably took out a cigarette and bit his mouth, "So these little couples are... trouble, originally One of them could live, now..."

She shrugged and lowered her head to hide the sadness in her eyes.

"Let's go, go to 301 and see."

The atmosphere was depressing and gloomy, and no one wanted to stare at the lover's body in the bathtub for a long time.

Hei Cha made a gesture of prayer, Chi Nan lowered his eyes, only Ye Chang's eyes were hidden behind the reflective lenses, so he could not see what he was thinking at the moment.

As soon as everyone left 301, the white stretcher carrying the corpse was already waiting outside the door. The waiter smiled and bowed politely when they saw them coming out: "Everyone, good morning."

Everyone: "… "

"Please help me open the door of 301 again, thank you." Chi Nan said.

The waiter nodded respectfully: "Okay sir, please wait a moment."

The middle-aged man suddenly said: "Actually, there is no need to be polite to these waiters. They have no feelings or thoughts. They are just a string of NPCs constructed from data, and they will only do things according to the procedures prescribed by the dream maker."

"I know, so I think they are working very hard, maybe they can't even sleep." Chi Nan replied.

Middle-aged man: "… "

The group quickly came to door 301. Just when the waiter took out the key and was about to open the door, there was a clicking sound inside the house, and the door lock twisted counterclockwise. For a moment, everyone was so nervous that they held their breath.

'Kakaka-' The lock inside the door seemed to be stuck and could not be opened.

Because it was not sure whether it was a person or something else that twisted the door lock, no one dared to act rashly.

"Who's inside?" Da Wave asked.

'Kakaka' twisting the door handle became more violent, followed by a 'bang bang bang bang'.

"Is it A Xue and A Qing?" Everyone outside the door tried to confirm with the person who opened the door.

But apart from the dull iron rubbing and slamming of the doorknob, no one spoke.

"Open the door." Chi Nan looked at the waiter.

The middle-aged man was anxious: "But, but how do you know what's behind the door?"

"We should be able to handle anything," Ye Chang replied.

The middle-aged man panicked and looked at the waiter who had inserted the key into the hole: "Don't open it, let me let you...!"

But this waiter turned a deaf ear, or he didn't like the guests who were rude to him before and now yelled at him.

With a 'click' the door opened.

Ah Qing, who was one of the triplets in a ponytail, rushed out. When she saw the surprised expressions of everyone in the corridor, her legs went weak and she fell directly to the ground.

The big wave looked cold-hearted, but at this time, his hands and feet were fast, and he hugged the little girl and didn't let her fall hard: "What's wrong?"

Ah Qing was trembling all over, but she didn't know if it was because she was frightened or what. She seemed to be unable to make a sound.


At the moment when everyone rushed into the room, there was no one in the room, only the radio on the bedside table was playing the strange nursery rhyme song of hide and seek on a loop.

"Where are you? Where are you? Don't hide, I hear your breathing, hear your heartbeat, are you hiding in the closet again? The smell of your blood is so close, I'm about to find you. "

Everyone followed the song and looked at the huge wooden wardrobe in the corner of the guest room...

Boom, boom, boom.

It seems that something is knocking on the closed cabinet door rhythmically.

Creepy music coupled with weird percussion sounds can easily break people's psychological defenses.

What is hiding in the closet...

More terrifying than reality is the uncontrolled, unchecked imagination...

Even a few old sleepwalkers who are experienced in death are a little cowardly at this moment, and white sweat is floating on their bodies.

"What should we do? Should we…"

The red-haired man didn't finish speaking, the music stopped, everyone turned around, it turned out that Chi Nan turned off the radio...

Chi Nan said calmly under the eyes of many surprised: "Sorry, I don't like this kind of music very much."

Ye Chang seemed to smile slightly.

Everyone: "… "

The terrifying atmosphere suddenly faded a lot.

"Then who...go to open the cabinet and check it?" The middle-aged man looked at everyone tentatively. He was standing far away, and he had no plans to go forward and find out.

Just as Chi Nan took a step forward, the cabinet door that had been closed suddenly made a 'creaking' sound, because the sound of the nursery rhyme stopped, the sound was particularly abrupt.

Everyone who was a little relaxed at first became tense again, and the scene in the cabinet was gradually exposed to the red light of the setting sun...

The short-haired Axue hangs in the closet like a marionette.

The pink strip of cloth hanging around her neck kept spinning, and her body swayed back and forth, as if on a swing, and her toes wearing red leather shoes slammed against the cabinet door regularly and restrainedly.

The radio that had been turned off rang again, and the melody repeated over and over again: Don't hide, I heard your breathing, I heard your heartbeat, did you hide in the closet again

The only remaining newcomer, Tie T with short hair, covered his mouth, rushed to the trash can next to him and vomited.

Although A Xue, who was hanged in the closet, is not bloody, but the treacherous picture makes people extremely uncomfortable.

Everyone recalled yesterday that Ah Qing said that the triplets in the dream were hide-and-seek... Ah Xue was really taken away.

Without making any sound, Ah Qing was sitting on her knees outside the door. Seeing the scene inside the room, she suddenly cried silently. Big Wave walked over to cover her eyes with a tissue.

"Don't look, hey."

There were four more corpses in the banquet hall.

Among the remaining eight living people, the only pure newcomers are Ye Chang, Tie T with short hair, and Ah Qing, who is in a coma again.

"Dear everyone, because more and more guests choose to stay on the Dusk forever, so please hurry up and make a wise choice as soon as possible for the remaining guests," the old captain looked at the dejected crowd with high spirits. "Because of the sharp drop in the number of people, for tonight's story meeting, please prepare two stories for each guest, thank you for your cooperation."

Everyone's hearts to scold their mothers already, and the captain's sharp eyes turned to Chi Nan and Ye Chang: "Especially these two guests, please prepare in advance."

Ye Chang smiled politely: "Please clean up the "special room" in advance so that this gentleman and I can continue to stay tonight. "

Old Captain: "..."

Perhaps because the NPC has never been such a rambunctious guest, the old captain has no words and doesn't say a word to his polite arrogance.

"By the way, what kind of punishment did you two encounter in that ghost room last night?" The red hair asked very curiously, and also asked the voice of everyone except the black tea.

Not telling stories should be one of the most serious violations. In the morning, they were surprised to see Chi Nan and Ye Changquan come out of the room with their tails full.

So Chi Nan told everyone what he found last night without reservation, and everyone was horrified after hearing it: "So the Dusk is feeding on our fears to gain forward action...?"

"You can also visualize fear, and then use fear to kill people." Chi Nan added.

The banquet hall was full of sighs, and the big wave was thoughtful: "But everyone has fear, why are some people dead at night and some people fine? Is there any trigger condition missing?"

Black Tea: "Will someone be more afraid, who will be selected?"

Da Wave pondered for a moment: "Fear must be a necessary condition. According to the value on the death stamp, the selected person has a large or small fear value, and why..."

Just when everyone was at a loss, Ah Qing, who had fainted for a while, finally woke up again. As soon as she woke up a little, she began to cry, and the tears made people sad and helpless.

"Aqing, what happened last night?" Even if he was sad, Da Wave would seize every opportunity to find clues.

Ah Qing's voice has become hoarse: "Dream... or in a dream... We were playing hide-and-seek in the courtyard, A Yu's eyes were covered with white cloth, she was looking for me and A Xue, I hid behind the flowerbed, A Xue got into the house wardrobe."

"Ayu kept calling our names over and over again. Her voice was very strange and muffled... It was like... it seemed to come from the water, and her body was also wet, and the water kept dripping all the way..."

"At that time, I was hiding behind the flowerbed and peeked, and I felt inexplicably uneasy... I seemed to have forgotten something very important..."

"Just as Ayu was getting closer to me, I remembered! I remembered everything! Ayu died...drowned in the bathtub..."

"It was so quiet, so quiet, I was so scared... I couldn't breathe at all... A Yu was getting closer and closer... When I thought I was about to be found, A Xue in the closet accidentally made a noise, and A Yu immediately broke down. I got the direction and walked to the closet..."

"A Yu found A Xue... She found A Xue in the closet... Found A Xue..."

"There was a loud noise from the closet... dong dong dong, dong dong dong! It's like someone is trapped in it and struggling fiercely... I want to help A Xue... I really want to... But I can't move at all... It's like It's like playing a wooden man game..."

"Later... it felt like a long time... A Yu and A Xue came out of the bedroom together. At that time, A Yu had a pink cloth wrapped around her hand, and the other end of the cloth... tied around A Xue's neck... so much that her skin was sore. blue and purple..."

Ah Qing couldn't help sobbing again, trembling: "I know they are no longer human... They both walked towards the flowerbed holding hands... So I... I..."

"I picked up the shovel and smashed them on their heads, and smashed them to death... until they turned into a pool of rotten meat... I just ran out... I'm sorry, I'm really sorry... I didn't mean to hurt the two of you..."

Everyone listened in silence. After a long while, the big wave patted Ah Qing on the shoulder: "So, did you and Ah Xue both dream last night?"

Ah Qing nodded: "We often have a dream since we were young..."

"I mean, how can you both sleep with so much happening yesterday? Or at the same time?" Big Wave asked sharply.

In an instant, everyone present pricked up their ears and discovered the problem.

When three people died during the day, almost everyone had insomnia last night, why are the twin sisters and Guo Xuan able to fall asleep

Of course, the special existence of Chi Nan whose sobriety value has been kept at 0 is excluded.

Ah Qing was also stunned for a moment, then raised her red and puffy eyes to look at the middle-aged man: "That uncle gave us sleeping pills, and A Xue and I both took them, and we will soon be able to fall asleep."

Suddenly, everyone's eyes turned to the middle-aged man.

His face suddenly turned blue, and he responded anxiously to everyone's gaze: "I am also kind. I am afraid that the two little girls will not be able to sleep because of their fear of falling asleep, which will lead to an increase in their wakefulness at night, so I want to give them sleeping pills to help calm their emotions..."

Da Wave sneered: "So you also gave it to Guo Xuan, who is in the same room?"

The middle-aged man's eyes floated: "Yes... He is also a newcomer with poor psychological quality. Using sleeping pills to help regulate sleep can help maintain emotional stability."

"You make up, continue to make up," Big Wave looked sharply at him, his eyes slashing at the opponent's face like a knife, "Are you using them to test the rules of death triggering? Huh?"

The exposed middle-aged man was pale, his lips moved, facing the four fresh corpses in the corner, he never uttered a word.

Black Tea was a little stunned: "What do you mean? I'm dizzy..."

"The uncle distributed sleeping pills to newcomers to test whether sleep would be one of the triggers for death."

Black Tea was stunned for a moment before trying to understand: "Grass, dog thing."

"It's all said and done, you should admit it." The big waves pressed each other step by step.

The middle-aged man bit his lip, and finally turned his head and sneered: "I know now that sleep is also one of the important triggering conditions for death. If I hadn't done this test, you wouldn't have grasped such an important clue, would you? What's the matter? The power monster—"

His words were suddenly interrupted by a crisp slap, and dark red palm prints immediately appeared on his greasy face.

"Well, I have no right to blame you, but it doesn't prevent me from hitting you." Da Wave wiped his hands with a wet towel and turned to Ah Qing, "Would you like to give him a slap too? I'll hold him down for you."

Ah Qing hadn't responded yet, the middle-aged man hurriedly covered his face and fled back, like a mouse crossing the street.

Big waves sneered constantly.

"Whether it's true or not, for safety's sake, don't sleep tonight," Ye Chang said, turning to Chi Nan, "You can exclude."

Chi Nan gave him a light look back, and then yawned.

Hei Cha wanted to step up and give the middle-aged man a punch, but he held back. He turned around and asked Chi Nan subconsciously, "What do you think next?"

Chi Nan held a large box of death stamps in his hand: "Go to the painting exhibition hall and look at a pair of stamps to see which painting is missing."

"Go, go quickly."

The middle-aged man wanted to go with them, but before he could walk out of the banquet hall, he was kicked into the banquet hall by a big wave.

Chi Nan quickly locked the door for her...

After two days and two nights of fear of death, everyone's resistance to horror paintings has increased slightly.

At least no one vomited anymore today.

Everyone matched the stamps assigned to the paintings to the paintings, and completed the one-to-one correspondence after half an hour, but still couldn't find any clues to the disappearing paintings.

No paintings, no stamps.

What kind of death scene is depicted in this frame

"What to do? It's a dead end again..."

Chi Nan pondered for a moment, suddenly took off a painting in his hand without saying a word, and walked out of the painting exhibition hall in silence.

Everyone didn't react at once, but they followed closely behind, and the black tea asked while walking: "Do you have any new discoveries? What's wrong with this painting?"

"No, maybe there is no problem." Chi Nan answered truthfully.

The black tea was stunned: "...then what are you doing with it in such a hurry?"

Chi Nan: "Do an experiment."

Everyone who followed him to the deck was at a loss, only Ye Chang's vision behind the lens was full of anticipation and joy.

I saw Chi Nan standing by the fence, suddenly raised the painting in his hand, and gave it a free fall...

With a 'puff', the painting submerged into the calm sea, setting off tiny waves.

For a moment, the sea returned to tranquility, and only the sparkling waves were left, and the painting was completely engulfed by the sea.

Everyone was shocked, and the red hair shouted: "Hey! What are you doing!"

Chi Nan's movements were too sudden and fast, and no one had the time to step forward to stop him.

Chi Nan said calmly, "Let's see if the paintings here can be destroyed."

Everyone was still confused: "...Ah?"

Ye Chang glanced at Chi Nan clearly: "Let's go, go back to the painting exhibition hall and have a look, maybe it will be hanged back in place again."