After the Little Crybaby Enters the Nightmare Cycle

Chapter 31: Candleman (1)


Ye Chang calmly glanced at Chi Nan: "Don't worry, I'm an African."

Chi Nan said more calmly than him: "I have never drawn a prize."

"Does the person with the most points get the right to be pardoned?" Chi Nan asked the system again.

[Please roll the dice for the two sleepwalkers first, and we will announce the rules for the right to be pardoned later]

The system answered without rhythm. At that time, a staff member had already brought the dice cups and trays.

Everyone: "..." Is fairness and justice a joke? Sounds like you're doing an inside job.

Ye Chang looked at Chi Nan: "Then me first?"

Chi Nan nodded.

So Ye Chang calmly shook the dice cup, and from the monotonous sound from the shaking, it could be judged that there was only one dice in the dice cup.

The few onlookers who were sleepwalkers watched Ye Chang's movements for a moment, and were so nervous that they unconsciously held their breaths, especially the black tea, and the foreheads were already soaked with fine sweat.

In less than five seconds, Ye Chang stopped the movement in his hand, and the crisp sound of the dice crashing stopped.

"I'm open?" He asked Chi Nan for advice.


Ye Chang opened the dice cup and smiled: "Six o'clock."

Hearing this number, Black Tea's eyes were almost black, and he was finished thinking about it.

According to the general rules, the one with the most points must be granted the right to be pardoned. Although he rationally does not want Ye Chang to be in trouble, if the other party is Chi Nan who he treats like a younger brother, he is still a little selfish...

Then Chi Nan took the dice cup, shook it twice as much as he wanted, then stopped, and opened it: "One point."

The voice of the system sounded: [The dreamer decides to give death immunity to those with low points]

Everyone: "...?" This result is really unexpected, as if the system is watching people place chopsticks.

Ye Chang shrugged: "I just said, I'm African, congratulations to Brother Nan."

Chi Nan didn't feel happy or lucky. He was silent for a moment and said, "I don't think this system is serious."

System: [… ] It has nothing to say as it is controlled by the Dream Makers.

Hei Cha suddenly said anxiously: "I have a lot of goodwill, and I'm not in such a hurry to fulfill my wish. Can you transfer my goodwill to the two of them? What should Ye Chang do with a 90% chance of death?"

Big Wave sighed: "There is no favor exchange in the nightmare world."

"How can I do this..."

Unlike the inability to do anything about dark tea, the client Ye Chang was so calm that it was incomprehensible: "It's okay, 90% is not 100%, maybe I'm lucky enough."

Chi Nan glanced at him: "Didn't you say you are African?"

Ye Chang was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Isn't there still brother Nan? I'll just rub against you."

Chi Nan: "...Well."

Ye Chang: "I have a hunch that we will be together in the next nightmare copy."

"I'm out of luck, but I have a good hunch." He added.

Chi Nan lowered his eyelids and pondered for a while: "I... will try my best."

He doesn't seem to have ever tried to make promises to others.

After the favorability calculation was completed, because no one had exchanged their wishes after this time, the group was quickly sent to the four major cities of Dream World to wait for the next instance.

Only Ye Chang was sent to Zicheng along with Chi Nan and Hei Cha.

Hei Cha has recovered from the anger and worry just now, he believes that as long as Chi Nan is around, the people around him can always save themselves from danger, and at this moment, his mood is relaxed: "We are all in Zicheng, before the new dungeon arrives. During this time, we can eat and drink together.”

It was the same tattered-looking train, teetering forward in the dark.

Along the way, the black tea was chattering about topics, while Chi Nan was lying on the sleeper and sleeping peacefully.

And Ye Chang was like Chi Nan taking this train for the first time, lying by the window and looking at the pitch-black wilderness for a long time.

The lights on the train corridor were dimly lit, and Chi Nan's sleeping shadow was reflected on the window glass.

"The sky will never light up in this hellish place, and people are prone to depression if they stay for a long time." Hei Cha rested his chin in his hand and muttered thoughtfully.

Ye Chang curved his lips: "I really like nights."

"Huh? You haven't stayed long enough, and you won't feel that way if you stay for a while." Dark Tea said as a matter of course.

"Maybe," Ye Chang pushed up his glasses, "I get sleepy easily during the day."

"I used to think I was a night owl, but when I got to the nightmare world, I realized how much I miss the day." Hei Cha sighed.

Ye Chang smiled, didn't speak, and naturally took out the exercise book from his schoolbag...

Hei Cha glanced at Ye Xueba in surprise and swallowed the nonsense, but he was so bored that he shut up for less than ten minutes, and then said again: "By the way, I haven't asked you where you live in Zizi. Which district in the city? If it’s close, let’s have a hot pot together after getting off the train.”

Ye Chang took out his residence permit from his pocket and glanced at it: "North 3rd District, Building 57, 206."

Hei Cha's eyes lit up, and he said excitedly, "Damn it! What a coincidence! Our neighbors, I'm 205, Building 57... Wait a minute? What building do you say?"

"Building 57, 206." Ye Chang repeated again.

Hei Cha scratched his hair incredulously: "No, 206 is Chi Nan's room... Did something go wrong?"

Ye Chang then showed his residence permit to Black Tea: "I don't know either, that's how it is written."

Hei Cha saw the address on the residence permit and became even more confused: "But this is so strange..."

"Could it be that there are not enough rooms? So I and Brother Nan are going to squeeze an apartment?"

"Fart, Zicheng has the least number of people, and the most are empty apartments like unfinished buildings."

"Then... there is probably a bug in the system, so bind me to Brother Nan."

Ye Chang looked at Chi Nan, who was sleeping soundly, and said in a low voice, there was no doubt in his tone, and the dark tea even tasted a hint of happiness from his eyes hidden behind the lenses...

He still remembered that when Ye Chang introduced himself for the first time, he said that he was crooked...

After all the things he showed on the cruise ship at dusk, as well as the happiness he inadvertently revealed at this moment... Dark Tea reasonably suspects that this high school student is a little interested in Chi Nan.

"Classmate Ye, let me gossip, what kind of boy do you like?" Hei Cha asked.

Ye Chang didn't even think about it, and blurted out: "It's beautiful."

Hei Cha subconsciously glanced at Chi Nan, who was very good-looking, and asked, "What else?"

Ye Chang thought about it for a while: "There are tear moles."

"Huh?" Hei Cha glanced at Chi Nan's two tear moles, and became more and more sure of his guess, "Then... what about personality? It's not just about appearance, right?"

Ye Changxiao: "Probably, similar to me."

After a pause, he added, "Actually, my appearance is the same. I'm quite narcissistic."

Hearing this sentence is dark and foggy, straight men are like him, and naturally he can't empathize with gay emotions, but... In his opinion, Ye Chang is a reliable and gentle child. If Chi Nan also likes this type, it is good thing.

Chi Nan, who woke up, knew that Ye Chang was in the same room with him again, so he just hummed indifferently.

"Do you mind?" Ye Chang asked Chi Nan, the smile on his face was too lazy to hide, it was bright.

Although Chi Nan's face was blank, his lips pursed inadvertently: "I don't really mind."

His small movements were caught by Ye Chang: "That's a little bit of mind."

Ye often teases him.

Chi Nan lifted his eyelids and glanced at him lightly: "Well, you know, I shed tears easily, for fear of being embarrassed by outsiders."

In the face of this kind of person who doesn't seem to be very concerned about his face, he doesn't mind saying it clearly.

"If it's because of this, don't mind," Ye Chang fixedly looked at him, "I'm used to it."

Chi Nan's lips twitched: "...Okay."

In fact, he was used to crying himself, in front of Ye Chang.

Who asked this guy to touch him if he was okay... knowing that he would cry because of this...

as often as if intentional...

"Then I'm welcome." Chi Nan added.

The smile on Ye Chang's face widened: "Please feel free."

The straight man Black Tea on the side couldn't take it anymore, so he shivered and sat silently on the other side...

While the two continued to be roommates in Zicheng, Chi Nan was much more comfortable than before.

He likes sweets, but because sweets can cause tear ducts to collapse, he used to hide in his room to eat them.

Now that Dream World had bound him with a roommate, Chi Nan, who had no separate space, began to hold ice cream in front of Ye Chang recklessly, pouring spoonfuls of ice cream into his mouth while weeping.

Ye Chang handed the freshly shaved matcha red bean ice to Chi Nan: "Is this the sugar allergy you said?"

"I'm afraid you'll mind." Chi Nan rudely held the matcha ice and poured thick condensed milk.

"How come," Ye Chang looked away and continued to return to the exercise book, "I like the way you cry."

His last words were very soft, and before Chi Nan could hear it clearly, he was drowned out by the rustling of turning over the exercise book.

Time passed quickly, and they stayed in Zicheng's apartment for a week before the invitation letter for the next dungeon was sent.

At this moment, the three of them were happily eating butter hotpot at 206 when the door suddenly rang.

Everyone's actions to pick up the dishes were paused.

"Who is it?" Dark Tea raised the volume in order to hide his panic.

"Sir, there is your express." said the person outside the door.

"Okay, wait a moment." Ye Chang put down the tableware and got up to open the door.

There was no one outside the door except for two letters stuck on the doorknob. He looked around, took the envelope and closed the door.

"Are you here?" Hei Cha saw him walking into the house with the envelope, his face sank, and he was no longer in the mood to cook the beef.

Ye Chang calmly opened the envelope and frowned, "It's two volunteer application forms."

With that said, he handed the volunteer application form to Chi Nan.

"Candleman Volunteer Application Form?"

Chi Nan quickly read the form. It had already filled in the names for him and Ye Chang, and posted a one-inch photo. All they needed to fill in were personal information such as past medical history and medication.

Chi Nan noticed that there is a key option in the personal situation: Is it photophobic

Does this copy have a lot to do with light

"It seems that we are volunteers for Candleman Festival this time." Ye Chang took out a pen from his schoolbag and quickly filled out the rest of the volunteer application form.

He also tacitly handed the pen to Chi Nan.

Black tea is no longer in the mood to eat: "I will go to 205 to see if there is any express for me."

In less than five minutes, the black tea was folded back, and his face became even more frustrated: "It's over, it's not mine."

Chi Nan nodded: "It seems that the three of us are not a nightmare this time."

"Why..." Dark Tea sat back in frustration, looked at the steaming red oil and the tumbling beef, picked up the chopsticks and put them down.

Chi Nan picked up the just-cooked beef slices: "Eat it quickly, it will be cooked later."

Black Tea nodded, took two mouthfuls of the meat in the bowl and put it down: "I've lost my appetite."

Chi Nan didn't speak, but Ye Changwen said: "Don't worry, with Brother Nan here, I'll be fine. When we come back, we will continue to cook the hot pot."

Black Tea curled his lips: "Bah, pah, don't say such a flag-sounding thing..."

Ye Chang: "Okay, bah bah bah."

The black tea stopped nervously, and Chi Nan poured the fresh beef into the pot again: "Come back and change the bottom of the pot."

"I want to try cheese," he said.

That day, they filled out the volunteer application form and pressed it on the table. The form disappeared early the next morning and was replaced by two old-fashioned bus tickets with the words "Zicheng Bus, Gas and Tram Ticket" and the price. The column was crossed out, and a destination - Candleman Town was scribbled.

It really looks like it.

Ye Chang complained: "It's been less than half a month since I came to Nightmare World, and all the ships, trains, and buses have taken it. If I have a chance, I really want to take the plane here."

Chi Nan put the motion sickness pills that he had not eaten before into the bag, Ye Chang looked in his eyes, and the corners of his lips curved: "Thank you."

He knew that Chi Nan must remember the 'first' meeting, when he said that he had motion sickness and asked for motion sickness medicine.

It turned out that Chi Nan was right. He had never been on such a long bus without any other stops on the way. He remembered waking up several times in the middle of the journey, and the car was still driving in a dark wilderness.

In a daze, Chi Nan had an illusion, as if the car could go on and on to the border of the nightmare world.

Chi Nan remembered that he slept by the window at the beginning, but after a few bumps, he unknowingly rested his head on Ye Chang's shoulder, and the boy was not willing to move, so he obediently let him sleep on it, even deliberately Sit up straight to make his pillow more comfortable...

"I'm sorry." Chi Nan woke up and quickly moved his head away.

Ye Chang is still the gentle and well-behaved look: "It's okay, you can continue."

"No, I'm full," Chi Nan rarely slept so well, "isn't it here yet?"

He looked out of the dark window, as if there was a sandstorm, and many fine particles of dust stuck to the windowpane.

"Probably soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a commotion in the car—

"Look! Is there light over there?!"

"That's right! It looks like someone lives."

"It should be our mission location, right? Thank goodness, it's finally here."

Chi Nan followed the line of sight of everyone in the car and saw that at the end of the horizon where black and black meet, countless bright spots of light were flickering and shaking.

Humans are phototactic, and they are in the darkness where they can't see their fingers for a long time. The moment they see the light, the adrenaline will rise.

There were several cheers from the car, and the long and grueling road trip had finally come to an end.

Although what awaits them may be a nightmare full of terror and death.

As the bus got closer, a brightly lit town appeared in the desolate wilderness. Everyone on the bus covered their eyes with their hands a little uncomfortable. Ye Chang also carried the schoolbag he was holding on his back. Be prepared to get off.

"Welcome all volunteers to the famous tourist resort Candleman Town. The annual grand celebration, the Candleman Festival, will be held in five days. During this time, all volunteers are invited to cooperate with the female workers of the Candleman Factory to complete the last Candleman Festival. preparations.”

The bus driver introduced to the sleepwalker who got the volunteer status: "Candleman Festival is a world-famous grand carnival, which symbolizes light, freedom and hope. I believe this volunteer journey will leave you with an unforgettable and beautiful experience. Memories."

The car drove through the brightly lit streets and alleys to the square in the center of the town.

Along the way, Chi Nan put his face on the window glass and watched the town from the car for a moment.

From a distance, Candleman Town is brightly lit, like a city of light rising from the darkness.

But once you are in it, you can feel that the town is full of weirdness.

There are no street lights here. Instead, candlesticks stick out from the attic on both sides of the street. The candlesticks are filled with colorful candles, crackling to illuminate the night at three in the morning.

It was already three o'clock in the morning, but in every dwelling in Candleman Town, the candles never went out.

Ye Chang also noticed something was wrong in the town, and said thoughtfully: "No wonder the volunteer application form specifically confirms whether it is photophobic."

Chi Nan turned his head and asked the driver, "Candles are always on, don't the residents of the town sleep at night?"

The driver's tone was full of pride: "Of course you need to sleep, but darkness can make people have nightmares, so we have a tradition in Candleman Town, even in the deepest night, the candles are always lit until dawn."