After the Little Crybaby Enters the Nightmare Cycle

Chapter 32: Candlemas (2)


A sneer suddenly came from the position in the first half of the bus: "Then your Candleman Town is quite good, there have been no fire accidents for so many years?"

The driver's tone suddenly cooled down: "No, the residents in our town are very careful about fire safety."

"If you pay attention to the safety of fire, don't light candles at night." The man continued with a smile, and casually lit a cigarette.

The sparks flickered in the narrow interior of the car, and the old driver scolded, "No smoking in the car!"

The man laughed, took two sharp breaths to extinguish the cigarette butt, and shrugged: "Oh, I'm sorry, I know, it's safe to use fire."

driver:"… "

"Arrived at the station, volunteers please get off in an orderly manner."

The high-profile behavior of the man just now successfully attracted the attention of all the sleepwalkers in the car.

And his eyes crossed the crowd, finally stopped on Chi Nan's face, and waved at him: "Little blind man, it's really you!"

Chi Nan was stunned for a moment: "Uncle Yu."

"Haha, I'm afraid you won't recognize me, what a coincidence," Lao Yu said, walking over, subconsciously looking into Chi Nan's eyes, and then moving his gaze to Ye Chang next to him, "This is ...?"

"Hello, my name is Ye Chang, I'm Chi Nan..." He paused, and the corners of his lips curved slightly, "Roommate."

"Ye Chang... Ye Changmeng has a lot of dreams," Lao Yu whispered and glanced at him calmly: "Or a student?"

"Well, senior year."

"Newcomer?" Lao Yu asked again.

"Brother Nan took me through the last book." Ye Chang said modestly.

"Yeah, yes, then I wish you a smooth exam after you go out, and you don't need to repeat it."

It was perhaps the happiest blessing in the nightmare world, as if they were still living in their daily lives.

Ye Chang smiled: "Thank you."

Lao Yu looked at Chi Nan again: "Where's the little anchor? Is he still alive?"

Although what he said made people uncomfortable, it was true. In the nightmare world, it was precarious. The former teammates might be gone within a few days of separation.

Death is as common as eating.

Chi Nan nodded: "I passed the last book with him, and now he is still resting in Zicheng."

Lao Yu raised his eyebrows and sighed: "So after you left "You Yu's Dream" last time, you have already completed another nightmare book? So fucking fast. "

"It's not up to us to choose." Chi Nan said lightly, not at all distressed by being held by the head.

Lao Yu smiled bitterly: "That's true."

The car was parked in the central square of the town.

There is an old fountain pool in the center of the square. There are some marble human-shaped sculptures around the pool. At first glance, it is not much different from an ordinary town square, except for the densely flickering candles in the night wind.

There are so many candles here that they are even placed in a circle near the water outlet of the fountain. The light of the candles sprinkled on the water is a bit sparkling and romantic.

Too bad no sleepwalker on a mission is looking for romance.

Chi Nan approached the fountain, looked into the water, and stared at his reflection on the water for a few seconds in the sparkling waves.

It should be said that it is the reflection of the tour...

Just at the moment when he was in a trance, the originally calm water surface suddenly set off fine waves.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chang sat down beside the fountain pool, put his fingers into the pool water and fiddled with it, stirring up a calm pool.

The reflection of "You Yu" is also distorted and deformed with the water pattern.

"Hey, this high school classmate, quickly wipe your hands, don't touch the things here." Lao Yu saw that this high school boy had the same heart as Chi Nan, and couldn't help but have a headache.

"Ah...Okay..." Ye Chang seemed to have heard Lao Yu's warning, and was busy looking for tissues from his pockets. Before he found it, Chi Nan had already handed over the handkerchief.

Ye Chang took the handkerchief and smiled: "Thank you."

"Just now, was there something wrong in the water?" Ye Chang asked again, wiping his hands.

Chi Nan shook his head in silence for a moment: "No, I just wanted to see if my hair was messed up after I slept all the way."

Ye Chang: "...I'll fix it for you if you mess up." He couldn't help but smiled again, showing his little tiger teeth.

This was the first time Chi Nan noticed that the boy had a small tiger tooth, and it was quite funny.

Chi Nan quickly looked away, looking over the fountain to the huge stone wall on the west side of the square.

He frowned slightly and walked towards the stone wall.

Lao Yu followed his gaze and bit his cigarette: "What's wrong?"

"There are many figures on the wall." Chi Nan approached, his eyes swept across the white wall covered with figures.

The surroundings were so bright, and it was normal for a human figure to appear on the wall, but it was obvious that behind the moving figure, a layer of shadow was still.

Lao Yu quickly understood what Chi Nan meant, and hurriedly turned around and said to everyone, "Let's give up first, don't let the shadows fall on the wall."

Although the people in the square were confused, they also knew the importance and the benefits, and they hurriedly spread out around, being careful not to let their shadows reflect on the stone wall in the west.

"Sure enough, these figures were originally here," Lao Yu squinted his eyes subtly, "Do you know what this reminds me of? Photos of nuclear radiation in a certain city, but specifically..."

Lao Yu shook his head, he really couldn't remember the scumbag.

"After the atomic bomb exploded, 'ghost images' would appear on the walls of many buildings at the accident site," Ye Chang explained. "There are two theories about the formation of ghost images. Burns were left on the walls; another theory is that the light radiation is bleaching, and that the blast light, once blocked by people and objects, leaves a permanent shadow on the wall."

Lao Yu looked over with approval: "High school really is the pinnacle of human knowledge..."

But what does this have to do with Candleman Town? Chi Nan thought and turned to the driver who was cleaning up the car: "Has Candleman Town suffered nuclear radiation?"

The driver looked over strangely: "Nuclear radiation? How is it possible! We Zhuren Town residents have always lived a peaceful life indisputably, so such a terrible thing would never happen."

Chi Nan asked again, "How did you get these shadows on the wall?"

The old driver stopped what he was doing and smiled proudly: "This is the greatest, most beautiful and imaginative work of art in our town other than the giant candle. It was created by a young artist many years ago. He grew up in Candleman Town!"

"Is that artist still living in town?"

"Heaven is jealous of Yingcai. He died of a serious illness more than 30 years ago." The driver said sadly.

So it's just art

Chi Nan tilted his head, raised his hand to touch the wall, and gently rubbed his fingertips along the outline of the shadow on the wall.

The bus driver watched dully not far away, but did not step forward to stop him from touching the "great artwork".

Lao Yu looked at his every move in confusion: "What are you confirming?"

Chi Nan turned to the light and looked at the finger that just touched the wall: "I want to see if it will fade."

There are no marks on the fingers.

Hmm... not fading, maybe it wasn't painted on, or it wasn't paint that rubbed off so easily.

Ye Chang handed back the handkerchief just now in good time: "Wipe it, there is dust."

"Well." The handkerchief was then returned to its original owner in this way...

The old man is really convinced of these two people. Are young people looking for clues directly now

"May I take the liberty to ask, what kind of paint is used for this great work of art?" Chi Nan politely asked the driver again.

The driver looked at the shadow wall with admiration: "This is our artist's secret. Tourists and volunteers only need to appreciate the beauty of the artwork, and they don't need to know so much."

"Oh, okay." Chi Nan knew that there was nothing to ask, so he closed his mouth.

"Sometimes, truth destroys beauty, doesn't it?"

The old driver suddenly let out a low laugh, turned around and went back to his car without saying any more.

Chi Nan looked back a few more times, and found that there were no people in the empty bus, and a candle was faintly lit at the front of the bus, which at first glance looked like incense lit by a grave.

The one who brought the volunteers from the town to the volunteer dormitory was an NPC dressed as a female candle factory worker.

It was only a ten-minute walk from the square to the dormitory. On the way, they were almost surrounded by candles. Rows of candles burned to the end of the path. The swaying light reflected the quiet town like a mourning hall.

Seeing the dense candles for a long time, it is easy for people to have a stronger sense of unease than absolute darkness.

Just like the never-falling sunset in the previous instance.

A group of people walked in the candlelight, and their shadows were also staggered and mottled on the road, which looked very lively.

"We invited a total of ten volunteers for this Candleman Festival, but unfortunately there are only five vacant rooms left in the dormitory building, so two people must share a room," the female worker swept her gaze towards the crowd, "Of course, you can choose your own roommate. We won't help distribute this."

The female workers led them into an old iron gate. The dormitory was a row of white-painted bungalows. The yard was full of tropical plants such as mangoes and coconut trees, and the pillars were without exception filled with candles.

Although the dormitory looks shabby, it is basically clean and decent.

Moreover, the fact that they can form a team to check in by themselves makes a few old sleepwalkers in the team a little surprised. Does this nightmare book have such a high degree of freedom

"However, I want to remind the volunteers in advance..." The female worker who had been expressionless suddenly smiled strangely, "The choice of roommates is very, very important."

As soon as she said these words, it immediately caused a lot of water in the hearts of everyone.

The expression of the sleepwalker present suddenly became subtle, and he began to look at his companions with a lot of eyes, intentionally or unintentionally.

"What do you mean? Do you mean what will happen in the same room?" asked a thin, clean boy in the team with exaggerated ear studs. "Or do you want to be bound with a roommate to complete the task?"

But the female worker didn't even look at him, let alone answering his question, and resumed her deadpan expression and continued to urge: "It's late at night, please decide your roommate as soon as possible."

There was an uproar in the yard.

The meaning of the female worker should be very obvious. Choosing roommates is a very important part. Once mistakes are made, it is likely to increase the danger and difficulty. If you hold the right thigh, you may also win...

It was only then that Chi Nan noticed that in this round of teammates, in addition to two acquaintances, Ye Chang and Lao Yu, there were three boys and four girls left. The allocation of double rooms was actually just right.

It must have been deliberately arranged by the dream maker.

One of them was a mother and daughter in black funeral dresses. The little girl was only about eleven or twelve years old. She was holding the hand of the young mother and looked curiously at her brothers and sisters, while her mother kept talking nervously and nervously. The brows never stretched.

The other two women were both in their twenties, one with waist-length hair and one with shoulder-length short hair. They were smoking next to each other and didn’t speak, but they should have known each other from their demeanor, and their calm appearance seemed to be experienced. sleepwalker.

The remaining three boys looked like college students.

One of them looked like an artist, with long hair hanging down over his shoulders, and he was quiet and did not make a sound; the boy standing beside him had a short head and a very conspicuous blue skull tattoo on his neck.

The last one was the guy with earrings who spoke just now. He was feminine in both his appearance and his appearance. His gaze was restless on Chi Nan and Ye Chang, and he unabashedly wrote his interest on his face.

A straight man is as old as Yu, and he can immediately receive signals belonging to gay from his sight...

"In this way, the role of 'roommates' is still unclear. Let's try our best to bring newcomers to the elderly," suggested Lao Yu, who seemed to have the most seniority. "Please confirm again, who is the pure newcomer?"

Hearing this, the mother of the mother and daughter, the boy with long hair raised his hand, the boy with ear studs glanced at Ye Chang who didn't raise his hand, and raised his arm with a brush.

"Xia Wei, you almost got it, what are you pretending to be a newcomer at this time?" The blue skull tattooed boy exposed it mercilessly.

Xia Wei rolled his eyes at him: "Go away, don't you hear the old man live with the new man? Don't hinder me from looking for 1."

He did not speak in a low voice, and everyone present heard it clearly. The little girl raised her head and asked her mother curiously, "What is 1?"

Her mother's lips froze: "...don't ask, my mother doesn't know much either."

Xia Weiyi didn't mind everyone's complicated gaze, and walked directly to Ye Chang with a smile: "Little brother, can I be your roommate these days?"

The straight man Lao Yu turned his head with a smirk, looking at Chi Nan with no expression.

Chi Nan recalled, he remembered that Ye Chang seemed to have said that he was crooked.

There was no embarrassment or discomfort on Ye Chang's face, and he said apologetically, "I already have a regular roommate."

"Oh," Xia Wei raised his eyebrows knowingly, looked at Chi Nan next to him, and smiled calmly, "I'll have a chance in the future."

Ye Chang also smiled politely, his eyes curled beautifully behind the lenses: "Probably, there is no chance."

Lao Yu couldn't help laughing, and the skull tattooed man sneered: "Xia Wei, give up now."

Xia Wei twitched the corners of his mouth and glared back: "Grass, anyway, I will never live with you."

The short-headed boy who was forced to come out and reveal his attributes: "… "

"Uncle, I choose you." Xia Wei naturally stood beside Lao Yu.

Lao Yu's smile instantly stiffened on his face: "...cough, npc reminds that roommates are very important, I think we have to think about it carefully."