After the Little Crybaby Enters the Nightmare Cycle

Chapter 34: Candleman (4)


Chi Nan thought for a while, and said honestly, "I might make you ugly, like a negative score."

Ye Chang smiled indifferently: "I'm not good at handicraft, just right."

Chi Nan yawned, if it were in the past, he might deliberately slack off and try the rules.

After all, in the first two nightmare books, many clues were found in the punishment.

As Lao Yu said before, the greater the risk, the greater the reward. Some dreammakers put the most critical information on the brink of danger, as if they were deliberately testing sleepwalkers.

While obtaining clues, he can also satisfy his curiosity about the world, and by the way, catch a fish lazily.

But before this entry, Ye Chang's death probability was forcibly increased to 90% by the system, and this time the dungeon reward and punishment rules were based on the group.

So in the end, Chi Nan decided to pick up the carving knife obediently, and began to look at Ye Chang in the mirror while clumsily moving the knife up and down the mold.

He doesn't ask too much of himself, he can do it like a person.

Ye Chang is not the same as him. He basically didn't look up at the mirror, and took a carving knife to outline Chi Nan's appearance one stroke at a time.

Chi Nan was a little curious: "Don't you need to look in the mirror?"

Ye Chang smiled lightly: "I remember."


"I remember what you looked like," Ye Chang put away his smile, his eyes full of concentration, "so you don't need to look at it."

Chi Nan seemed to be down for a while: "...Oh."

His calm mood seems to have caused a little turbulence, and he doesn't quite understand why.

In a blink of an eye, it was almost four o'clock in the afternoon, and the female foreman stood at the very center of the workshop, raised her voice and said, "Today's volunteer work time is over, please show us your achievements and works."

Chi Nan was a little embarrassed to take out the candle man that had just been demolded. Except for the pair of symbolic glasses, this candle man can be said to have nothing to do with Ye Chang.

He sighed, "I'm sorry, I tried my best."

And Ye Chang's progress was not very optimistic. He was forced to stop carving Chi Nan's face before he even finished carving Chi Nan's face. He shrugged regretfully: "I did my best."

Moreover, the two were slow, and they didn't have time to pull each other's hair...

The female foreman glanced around, and finally gave the two boys 107 an approving look: "Today's "Excellent Volunteer" honor belongs to both of you. "

Hearing this, Gu Xiao was so excited that he couldn't help hugging his roommate and cheering: "It's great, if it wasn't for your help, I'd be at the bottom."

The art student named Bai Chuan smiled modestly: "We are roommates, we should."

Lao Yu looked in his eyes silently, to be honest, he was not greedy.

As the most experienced, he has some intuition that the so-called "reward" might be a hot potato.

The female foreman solemnly handed a palm-sized white paper box to the hands of the two boys in 107, with a stiff and weird smile on her face: "This is what you deserve. Bless you, the most skilled volunteers."

Baichuan's eyelids jumped without warning, but he forced a smile on his face and took the box: "Thank you."

"The smooth holding of Candleman Festival is inseparable from your dedication," the female foreman smiled and whispered in his ear, "Thank you."

At this moment, Bai Chuan couldn't laugh anymore, he suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart and shivered fiercely.

"Given that everyone has shown serious efforts today and there is no sign of sabotage, no one will need to be punished tonight, congratulations."

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and Lao Yu said: "It seems that as long as you do it, no matter what the work is, it will not be classified as sabotage. This nightmare is quite forgiving."

Chi Nan nodded, thinking that if it really depends on the quality of the work, he would be at the bottom.

"You can visit and take a walk in the town in the next time, but don't forget, don't try to leave Candleman Town until the Candleman Festival is successfully held," she looked out the window, muttered and repeated, " No one can go."

Her tone suddenly became cold, making everyone horrified.

"I want to ask, if you visit Candleman Town, are there any recommended attractions?" Chi Nan asked suddenly.

The female foreman replied: "If you love art, you can go to the People Candle Memorial Wall in the square to see it. I believe it will definitely become the most exquisite work of art you have ever seen."

"Last night we had already admired the Candle Memorial Wall, and we want to know something else." Ye Chang said.

The female foreman took out a map of the town from the drawer and handed it to them: "I hope it can help you."

Chi Nan's eyes fell on the sign of the "Volunteer Exhibition Hall" covered with a red cross on the map: "Is there anything wrong with this exhibition hall?"

Fear suddenly appeared on the female foreman's face, and her voice became cold: "It is an unlucky place, and the residents of our town will not easily go there."

Lao Yu asked, "Can you tell us why?"

The foreman's lips visibly trembled, and for a moment she spat out two words: "Haunted!"

After speaking, she left in a panic.

Chi Nan, Ye Chang, and Lao Yu quickly exchanged glances: "Go to the exhibition hall?"

After all, the place that scares NPCs sounds like an important map with key clues buried.

Lao Yu nodded with a smile, put on his coat and drank a cigarette and asked the rest of the sleepwalkers, "Who is going to the exhibition hall with us?"

Except for the two girls and Ruirui who raised their hands to sign up for the first time, the rest of the people hesitated. After all, they were still a little scared when they heard the NPC said that it was haunted in a panic.

"Mom, you have to be afraid that I will go with my brothers and sisters." Ruirui said, holding her mother's hand very understandingly.

Her mother stroked her hair, and her tone was a little reluctant: "Aren't you afraid of what Mom is afraid of? Mom will accompany you."

"Okay, there are seven now, is there any more?" Lao Yu asked.

The remaining three boys look at me, I look at you, and in the end, they all slowly raised their hands... Even if they feel nervous, no one wants to miss the key information.

A group of people set off from the production workshop to the square. Except for Xia Wei who kept talking, everyone was quite silent.

"Baichuan, why don't you open that box and take a look. I'm really curious about what's inside."

Xia Weiyi stared directly at the "Excellent Volunteer" box that the female foreman handed over to Baichuan, half-jokingly and half-seriously asking him to open it, "What are you afraid of, anyway, the final calculation of favorability is open and transparent, now I know It’s no different from knowing after the copy is over.”

"Let's talk later..."

"Open it, really, maybe it's an important reminder? The probability of everyone finding clues to survive together will be higher."

Shirafune is a newcomer, a little undecided, he looked at the most experienced Lao Yu with an inquiring gaze.

Lao Yu bit the cigarette butt: "If you don't mind, of course I hope to have a look too."

In a situation where even survival is threatened, the priority of finding clues is absolutely higher than the right to privacy. Even if he is a newcomer, Bai Chuan knows this. He hesitated for a moment and finally decided to put the mysterious little boy in front of everyone Open the carton.

As the wrapping paper was peeled off layer by layer, everyone gathered around and held their breaths. The white boat, who was watching like this, was so nervous that his hands shook a little.

"Ah, don't shake! Carefully remove it." Xia Wei was worried for him when he saw how impatient he was.

Bai Chuan rolled his eyes at him and continued to lift the lid of the carton with shaking hands, but when everyone saw the contents of the box, they all said 'ah'...

"What... what does this mean?"

"Is it a mistake?"

"Impossible, how could the nightmare have such a low-level mistake..."

The faces of everyone showed confusion without exception, because there was nothing in the carton.

It's an empty box.

Bai Chuan's eyes reddened anxiously: "How could this be? I'm sure I took it well along the way and didn't lose the contents..."

"So, tomorrow we'll go ask the female foreman what's wrong with the empty box," Lao Yu suggested after a moment's thought, "It shouldn't be a big deal, let's go, go to the exhibition hall first."

Bai Chuan had no choice but to put the box in his pocket anxiously, feeling a little dazed along the way.

"What do you think is going on?" Lao Yu had seen Chi Nan's strength in "You Yu's Dream", so he asked casually.

Chi Nan thought about it and shook his head: "Maybe we can't see it for the time being."

Lao Yu paused for biting the cigarette butt: "I hope."

The so-called volunteer exhibition hall is a venue renovated from a civilian villa in the later period. It seems that it has not been properly repaired, and the door covered with rust is full of age.

Unlike other buildings in the town, the windows of the exhibition hall are tightly sealed with opaque materials, like a big box with secrets sealed, standing silently on the edge of the town square.

There is a security guard sitting outside the gate full of rust. Just like all NPCs in Candleman Town, the facial features are always too dull and it is difficult to make an impression.

"If we want to enter the museum, do we need tickets?" Lao Yu asked.

The male security guard's eyes wandered among them: "Are you all new volunteers from the candle factory?"

"That's right."

The security guard laughed briefly and waved to them: "Volunteers do not need tickets to visit the exhibition hall."

As he said that, he raised his chin and moved aside with a look of sympathy and a desire to keep a distance from him: "The door is not locked, you can go in by yourself."

Chi Nan: "I heard it's haunted inside?"

The security guard looked stiff and waved his hand: "Anyway, our locals won't be idle to visit the exhibition hall. You volunteers are willing to go."

Hearing this, the people with different expressions look at me, I look at you, and finally Ye Chang opened the big iron gate of the exhibition hall: "Go in?"

He moves as naturally as he opens his own door...

Chi Nan walked in first, Ye Chang followed by his side, Lao Yu greeted the mother and daughter to keep up with the team, and he cut himself off.

"Everyone follow."

The moment they all entered the museum, a gust of wind blew from nowhere, and suddenly the door full of rust closed with a 'bang-'.

Almost at the same time, the mother of the mother and daughter screamed, and was so frightened that she held her daughter in her arms and trembled.

Ruirui was very calm, and made a 'shush' gesture to her mother: "Mom, don't be surprised, pay attention to your sobriety."

Her mother immediately covered her mouth with her hands nervously and looked around suspiciously. Lao Yu glanced at the door and said softly, "It's just the wind."

"I'm sorry, I was overreacting..." Mom tried to restrain her emotions, and apologized to everyone with a trembling voice.

The interior of the house is also not the same as the exhibition hall in the perception of ordinary people. At first glance, it looks like an empty villa. There is neither an exhibition area nor an audience service facility in the empty hall. Because the external light source is completely isolated, hundreds of Only candles were lit at the same time to illuminate dozens of open rooms around.

And this villa is also very strangely made into a circular arc design, with only one spiral staircase leading directly to the vaulted ceiling.

The handrails on both sides of the spiral staircase are filled with candles.

As the candles flickered, everyone's shadows on the white porcelain floor also flickered.

Chi Nan looked at the shadow on the ground, and for a moment felt like he was looking at the ghost wall in the square.

Fortunately, these candles were the white wax he knew, not the wax onyx on the windowsill last night.

"How the hell does this look like an exhibition hall, it's obviously a haunted house..." Xia Wei hugged his arm and shivered. He looked at Ye Chang as if asking for help, but found that Ye Chang was looking at Chi Nan...

Chi Nan held his arms: "It's much cooler here than outside."

Ye Chang looked at the closed windows and the ceiling: "Well, but the windows were not opened, so it stands to reason that the wind can't get in."

The long-haired girl named Wu Ying in the team looked around and said coldly, "The feng shui of this house is wrong."

"How?" Lao Yu asked busyly.

"The exhibition hall is spacious and empty, and the top is arc-shaped. The spiral staircase leads to the ceiling, and the handrails are filled with white candles. Does it look like the tomb we go to the grave during Qingming?"

Wu Ying's eyes moved to the black doors that were neatly arranged in the corridor, "These doors are lined up in a row, painted in gray stone patterns, don't they look like tombstones too?"

She didn't say that everyone just thought it was a little gloomy and weird. As soon as she finished speaking, the faces of several sleepwalkers were pale, and she almost turned her back in fright...

"But the spiral staircase is full of iron chains, and the windows are also sealed, so it should be a "sleepy" formation, that is, if you die in this "grave", your soul... can't leave. "

When her voice fell, the exhibition hall fell into a dead silence.

Everyone is silent, you look at me, I look at you, and your face is very bad.

"Hey, Chi Nan, where are you going?" Just as Lao Yu was about to speak, he saw Chi Nan walking towards the corridor.

"Go and see, what exhibits are there to admire in the door." Chi Nan said calmly.

Everyone present was shocked by Chi Nan's natural calmness.

Except for Lao Yu, who had seen Chi Nan's 'unreliable' behavior, he muttered, "Really, at this time, I still miss the little anchor's seemingly inferior talismans."

It's just that he didn't expect that this suave-looking senior high school classmate, Ye, actually followed, with a calm expression as if the school organized a visit to the exhibition hall.

"Student Ye, aren't you afraid?" Lao Yu couldn't help but asked curiously.

"I'm afraid," Ye used an unconvincing relaxed tone, "but I don't want to miss the opportunity to enjoy the exhibits with Nan Ge."

Lao Yu raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

At this time, Chi Nan had walked into the narrow and long corridor, and found that the doors painted black like tombstones were hidden, and the shadowy candlelight leaked from the cracks of the doors.

He raised his hand that was about to push the door into the air, paused, and turned the movement of pulling the door handle into a knock: "Hello."

Everyone's nerves were already stretched to the limit, and now seeing him knocking on the door to greet him, he was so nervous that he couldn't breathe.

Is it necessary to be so polite at this time? ! The stronger the sense of ritual, the more creepy it is...

Naturally, no one would respond to him behind the tombstone door. Instead, there was a very subtle and distorted 'creak' sound.

"That bothers me."

Chi Nan opened the door neatly, and dozens of slap-sized candle people came into view in the room.

"Chi Nan, what's inside?" Lao Yu asked while standing by the corridor, his voice a little tight.

Chi Nan: "Candleman."

"What? Is it the kind we make in the morning?"

"Yes, there are about a dozen of them, and the workmanship is very good. They are all at the 107 dormitory level."

Now being praised, the two boys in 107 are not happy at all...

These candle figurines are exquisite in craftsmanship, with lifelike facial features, black hair as candle wicks, and they are placed on a special booth like expensive and artistic handicrafts.

Chi Nan noticed that the wax used to make them is also an ordinary wax block.

Lao Yu had already walked over, and when he saw more than a dozen small candle figures in the house, he exclaimed, "Is this a contemporary candle terracotta warrior?"

His complaints eased the terrifying atmosphere very well, and the rest of the people gradually stood over to watch the so-called "Contemporary Candle Terracotta Warriors".

Xia Wei complained: "Bah, bah, bad luck, the Terracotta Warriors are funerary objects, right?"

Ye Chang jokingly said to Chi Nan, "Will we all be made into candle figures and placed in this "grave"? "

Because of the unique spatial structure of this exhibition hall, it can amplify subtle sounds, and Ye Chang did not deliberately lower his voice. Everyone heard his words. The mood that everyone had just relaxed suddenly became tense, and the air was cold. a few points.

Among them, Bai Chuan and Gu Xiao had the most complicated and heavy feelings.

Only Chi Nan calmly said, "Maybe it's a souvenir?"

Lao Yu: "...Have you ever seen such a penetrating souvenir?"

Chi Nan was seriously confused: "Isn't it cute?"

Everyone: "… "

Ye Chang also joked with him: "I have the opportunity to give you one as a souvenir."

Chi Nan: "Okay."

Lao Yu couldn't listen anymore: "...Student Ye, don't say such unlucky words."

Ye Chang smiled and nodded, but said nothing.

Lao Yu squinted his eyes slightly and looked at this strange high school freshman in confusion, but in the end he couldn't see why.

The candlelight in the room was very bright, but Chi Nan noticed that under the layers of light, the shadows of these little candle people could not be seen.

He looked back at his feet, and then looked behind Ye Chang and the others, the shadows were normal.

It's not a matter of light, it's that these little candlesticks have no shadows

Ye Chang stared at the shadow of the person in a daze and asked, "Have you found anything?"

Chi Nan was silent for a moment: "Let's count the number of candle people in the room, and then compare the number of shadows on the outside wall to see if they are the same."

Ye Chang quickly understood what he meant, so he allocated a room with the rest of the group and checked the number of small candle people one by one.

After about twenty minutes, the ten sleepwalkers counted the number of candle people in the area they were responsible for.

After the incident, no one was willing to stay in this tomb-like exhibition hall for a while, and they all left at the fastest speed and went straight to the ghost wall behind the fountain in the square.

It was already dark at that time, but because the whole Candleman Town was brightly lit, it did not affect them counting the shadows on the wall at all.

Even in candlelight, these shadows are clearer than in daylight.

"184." The shoulder-length short-haired girl named Dysonson was particularly sensitive to numbers, and quickly counted the shadows on the wall twice as fast as ordinary people.

Lao Yu's eyelids jumped: "Are you sure you counted correctly?"

Dysonson shrugged: "I've never made a mistake in counting, you can count it yourself."

Lao Yu pouted: "It seems that Chi Nan's conjecture is right, the number of shadows on the wall is the same as that of Little Candleman."

There are 184 shadows on the wall, and there are also 184 candlesticks in the exhibition hall.

Chi Nan took out his mobile phone, and the camera aimed at the ghost wall and took a panorama.

Lao Yu, who was standing beside him, was curious: "What do you want to do when you filmed it? Don't you already know the number?"

Chi Nan seemed to be dissatisfied with the shot just now, so he changed the position to shoot again: "See if the position of these shadow patterns will change."

After he finished speaking, he looked at the photos he had just taken, but he was still not satisfied.

No way, he is not good at taking pictures, let alone taking a good picture, it is very difficult to focus and shoot clearly.

Ye Chang saw him frowning and staring at the screen, and took the initiative to come over: "Do you need me to shoot for you?"

"Thank you." Chi Nan directly handed the phone to Ye Chang, anyway, no one can take better pictures than him.

Ye Chang, who got Chi Nan's phone, whispered, "I accidentally pressed the side button and the screen is locked."

He handed the phone back to Chi Nan, "Please unlock it for me."

"1220." Chi Nan directly told Ye Chang the password.

"Ah?" Ye Chang's hand paused, fortunately, the candlelight in the square was bright enough, and the light reflected slightly on his spectacles, covering the fleeting surprise in his eyes.

Chi Nan thought that the other party didn't understand, and repeated: "The mobile phone password is 1220."

Ye Chang lightly hummed, then lowered his eyes to unlock the camera.

Lao Yu stood close and accidentally heard the password of Chi Nan's mobile phone. He always felt that these four numbers sounded familiar. Where did he hear it

Just as he frowned, he remembered...

This is the number that "You Yu's Dream" finally opened the key lockbox. 1220 is 0:20, representing the time of death of You Yu in that dungeon...

Lao Yu, who recalled it, froze for a moment, and looked at Chi Nan, whose face was smooth, from the corner of his eye, and his brows tightened even more.

Soon, Ye Chang took a clear picture of every detail of the shadow wall. Chi Nan took his phone back and flipped through it. He accidentally slipped his finger and turned to the picture of the corpse in the bathtub that Black Tea had taken for him in "Dream of You Yu". .

Of course Ye Chang saw it too, and smiled briefly before holding back.

Chi Nan looked stiff, and immediately turned off the screen of his mobile phone: "It was taken by black tea."

Ordinary people see this kind of photo lying in the mobile phone album, will they think the owner of the mobile phone is a pervert? Chi Nan made a reasonable guess.

Ye Chang's lips curved: "May I ask, is the background of the photo just now?"

Chi Nan: "The task of the previous copy, so that dress."

After a pause, he added, "I couldn't see the eyes at that time, so let the black tea take a picture and keep it as a souvenir."

Because I can't see it, I have a stronger hope to keep the appearance at that time and wait for the day when I can see it.

Chi Nan wouldn't say these wonderful psychological changes, but Ye Chang seemed to understand it all at once: "It's great, I can see it now."

Chi Nan: "...Well."

Ye Chang: "The photo is very good, and the makeup is cute."

Chi Nan: "...Well."

Although Chi Nan himself thinks this look is very good, normal people don't have the same aesthetic as him, right? Ye Chang is really rare, he thought.

Ye Chang put his hand in his pocket, and subconsciously rubbed the cold shell of his pocket watch with his fingertips: "Brother Nan, after opening your eyes and seeing this world, are you satisfied?"

His voice was very low and soft, and Chi Nan couldn't hear it clearly: "What?"

Ye Chang still smiled softly: "It's okay."

After nightfall, everyone ate dinner in the cafeteria and looked for clues in the Candle Factory staff dormitory for a while. Maybe because everyone spent the first night safely, everyone had no clue about this nightmare.

I don't even know the state and conditions of death. I just went to the weird little Candleman Museum. Except that the number of Candlemen and shadows were the same, there was no other useful information at all.

I can't find a breakthrough in the dream, and knowing the key information is useless.

"If the dungeon mission this time, just let us prepare for the festival well." Xia Wei used chopsticks to pick out the pork belly in the bowl, his face full of disgust.

Lao Yu sneered: "Do you really consider yourself a volunteer?"

Xia Wei stuck out his tongue and made a face.

"But what is the relationship between the little candle and the ghost wall? And we are the candle man..." Gu Xiao looked at the white boat in the same room, but he hesitated.

"Who knows..." Bai Chuan replied absent-mindedly. Ever since he found that the "Excellent Volunteer Reward" box was empty, he had been brooding, and then he entered the exhibition hall and saw the small candle figurines like funeral objects. , he became more and more uneasy.

"It is possible that the dungeon will turn volunteers into Candlemen, so this dungeon is called Candleman Festival."

Ruirui made it clear that everyone's worries were in their hearts, and the air pressure around them suddenly dropped.

"Even so, now we don't know the rules for volunteers to become candle people, and we can't make effective guesses." The girl named Wu Ying shook her head with a sullen face.

Dysonson nodded: "Yes, guessing will only increase the sobriety value, which is not good for us."

The young mother kept her face in panic: "Well, how can I figure out the rules? How did you all do it in the past?"

The innocence of newcomers always makes it difficult to answer, and the restaurant is suddenly enveloped in awkward and serious silence.

In the end, Lao Yu put out the cigarette butt and sighed deeply: "In the past... it was pushed backwards after the victims appeared."

This is the last answer everyone wants to hear, but the clearest answer.