After the Little Crybaby Enters the Nightmare Cycle

Chapter 45: Candleman (15)


The "excellent volunteers" that night randomly came to Lao Yu and Xia Wei's 103 dormitory, so Chi Nanye Chang changed rooms with them.

Xia Wei slept in Ye Chang's bed as he wished, but because he was overworked, he burned again. At this moment, he rolled up Ye Chang's quilt and shouted: "Uncle, I always have a bad feeling, tonight..."

"Don't give me a crow's mouth," Lao Yu brought him a box of anti-fever and anti-inflammatory medicine from Chi Nan, and slammed the medicine into his mouth to stop the nonsense, "Go to sleep, you may wake up from a nightmare after dawn. "

The last night of the dungeon is always the hardest. Everyone is praying that after dawn, the shadows they have locked in the exhibition hall will starve to death because there is no light source.

But in the end, not having a 100% certainty is betting on the lives of eight sleepwalkers left.

Waiting made time extremely torturous, and Wu Ying lost sleep that night.

She was tossing and turning in her bed at the moment.

Although the sheets and bedding were changed, the dormitory was exchanged last night. The two boys from 101 lived here. Wu Ying was a bit resistant to men by nature. As long as she thought that a boy had lived in her room, she felt physically uncomfortable. .

But there was no way, she knew that the two boys in 101 were also trying to help them...

Wu Ying sighed softly and turned over again. The windows of the entire dormitory were sealed with tape and cotton sheets, and there was no light in the room.

In fact, Wu Ying is the most afraid of the dark. From childhood to adulthood, she has to turn on the night light to fall asleep at ease. But this nightmare was special, and the light source was equivalent to the source of danger, so she had to suppress her fear.

She was afraid of the dark and airtight. This completely dark and sealed environment made her very uneasy.

She lost sleep for two days and two nights.

"Sensen? Are you asleep?" She turned around and asked softly to her roommate in the dark.

"Sensen, can I talk to you? I can't sleep."

Dysonson slept soundly and gave her no answer other than the sound of even breathing.

Wu Ying felt that this was fine, at least the sound of the other party's breathing reminded her that she was not alone in this dark room.

"I am actually most afraid of the dark, but I have never dared to say it, I feel ashamed..."

"Afraid of the dark, afraid of confined spaces, afraid of being alone, timid..."

"You said, the residents of Candleman Town are also afraid of the dark, so they light candles day and night..."

"Hey, they just want to turn us into human wax and use us to complete the sacrifice of Candleman Festival...I think it's too romantic..."

When Wu Ying couldn't sleep, she would talk to herself nervously, in a low voice, so as not to wake up her roommate, she only used it to talk to herself for comfort.

"I don't know if we demolished the wall today, whether we can successfully stop Candlemas, although it's useless to think about it now..." She whispered to herself in a low voice, lying on her side and curling her legs, "I don't know. Whether the waxing process hurts or not, I am afraid of the pain, even more than death."

"I imagined that if one day I have to die, I must choose the least painful way to die, and my eyes will be closed for a hundred times."

"Forget it, say these bad luck, bah bah bah."

Wu Ying sighed and was about to close her eyes when she suddenly felt a ray of light shining from above her head.

Because she had been in the darkness where her fingers could not be seen for a long time, this shimmer of light was particularly dazzling, capturing her full attention instantly.

She sat up vigilantly and quickly looked in the direction of the light, but the front was dark and there was no trace of the light at all.

Is it because you are afraid of the dark and have hallucinations

Wu Ying rubbed her eyes and continued to stare in that direction. If she remembered correctly, the place where the light flashed just now should be the door.

Is there someone hiding outside the door? She, who had been talking to herself before, was unable to make a sound because her nerves were tense.

After staring like this for more than ten seconds, there was nothing but darkness. Wu Ying was even more sure that she had hallucinations.

Sure enough, the lack of rest affects the sobriety value, and it is easy to make mistakes in judgment...

Just when she was about to lie down and take a good rest, the strange light reappeared!

Wu Ying tensed her shoulders all of a sudden, her heart beating wildly in her throat: "...Who...who's there?"

Her voice was like falling into a muddy swamp, slowly falling and disappearing, waiting for any response.

At the same time, the light leaking in from the crack of the door expanded a little bit, from a line to a whole piece, flowing into the house like water.

"Who is it? Sensen, Sensen wake up, something is wrong outside the door!" Wu Ying began to call out to her roommate.

But something weird happened, and Dysonson still slept on a deaf ear.

There was only Dysonson's heavy breathing and Wu Ying's heart beating wildly in the room.

Wu Ying gritted her teeth, got off the bed with bare feet, and groped to Dysonsen's bed by the light from the crack of the door: "Wake up, Sensen!"

But let her drag, or even slap Dysonson's cheek, the other party still showed no sign of waking up.

Wu Ying, who has some experience, noticed something was wrong. She knew that she was in an unknown crisis, and now she can only save herself!

She forced herself to calm down as soon as possible, but her rhythmic breathing could no longer be calmed down. She almost bit her lip to remember that Dysonson was hiding a weapon!

No one knows about this except Dysonson and her, the secret weapon is like a life-saving charm for them...

Wu Ying pushed away Dysonson, who was asleep, and hurriedly rummaged through her bed to search.

Moments later, she pulled out a pistol from under the pillow.

Wu Ying clenched the pistol tightly, loaded it with trembling hands, raised the pistol toward the gradually expanding light, and pulled the trigger: "Who? If you don't speak, I will shoot."

She stared at the opening of the door for a moment. With the creaking sound, the light became more and more dazzling. She blinked her eyes a few times, and the lacrimal glands stimulated by the strong light kept secreting liquid.

The light was approaching her, and the shadows flickered, like a monster holding a candlestick to watch the night, quietly sneaking into her dormitory in the deep sleep of the night.

"Please stop, no matter who you are, I'll shoot one step closer!" Wu Ying made a final threat.

It's a pity that the uninvited guest who approached with the light source ignored her threat.

Wu Ying's hands were shaking so badly that she could barely hold the gun in her hand. She had never fired a gun...and never thought that she would shoot someone one day...but she couldn't wait any longer...waiting for the light Covering her is going to be waxed!

3, 2, 1—

Wu Ying closed her eyes the moment she pulled the trigger, but she didn't hear the expected exclamation, and the silence in the room didn't seem to have changed because of the bullet she fired.

If it wasn't for the recoil that stimulated her pain nerves at the moment when the bullet was fired, she would almost have thought that she hadn't pressed the trigger just now, everything was an illusion...

Quietly, as if the bullets fired from the muzzle were stuck in the mud.

The light continued to move in her direction, Wu Ying fired four shots frantically, screaming in despair, "Don't come here!"

She didn't notice that the shadow of her holding the pistol was projected on the wall behind her.

The shadow violated the principles of optics and human common sense, and was making an assertion to turn the direction and aim the gun at Wu Ying's abdomen—


Wu Ying twitched violently, then bent down and covered her belly pierced by the bullet, blood gurgled out from between her fingers, she turned her head in disbelief, the shadow she cast on the wall was holding a gun, Mouth to her forehead.

Wu Ying's eyes widened in horror, the conceivable horror of being shot through the skull by a bullet did not come, but a familiar voice instead—

"Shh, don't let her die so quickly, I need her to help me convey some important information to the volunteers."

"So that the special volunteer can make the final decision."

Dysonson had a dream in which Wu Ying kept calling her name, but because the distance was too far, she couldn't hear it clearly.

There seemed to be continuous gunshots in the dream, but she was trapped in a weird maze and couldn't get out, and she couldn't confirm the source of the gunshots.

It wasn't until four in the morning that Dysonson woke up from a series of eerie dreams.

The dormitory was very quiet. There was no sound except her breathing. Dysonson didn't think much about it, and after tossing and turning a few times, he was about to fall asleep again.

But just when her consciousness was a little blurry, she was suddenly awakened by a gust of wind blowing from the corridor.

Doors and windows are locked, no wind can come in!

Dyson suddenly bounced off the bed: "Wu Ying, wake up! Wu Ying?"

Contrary to her expectations, Wu Ying, who had always been very alert in sleep, did not respond, not even breathing... The unusual quietness made Dysonson alarm bells in his heart.

"Wu Ying?"

She touched the mobile phone beside the pillow, and she didn't care so much, she turned on the flashlight and took a picture of Wu Ying's bed, but she checked it over and over again, the bed was empty, and Wu Ying disappeared.

The folds of the quilt sheets were obviously traces of someone sleeping, but Wu Ying, like the two boys in 107, disappeared in the dormitory late at night.

She immediately looked under the pillow and searched again, but the gun she had been carrying around was nowhere to be found.

What's going on...

Dysonson took out a Swiss Army Knife as a substitute for a gun, and walked towards the door with a flashlight. She felt very ironic. On the one hand, she knew that light was a source of danger in this copy, and on the other hand, she had to rely on it as a human being. Bright looking for someone... But why did Wu Ying disappear without a sound

Wu Ying is definitely not a person who acts alone without making a sound. If there is any new clue, she will definitely inform her, unless...

Dysonson tried her best to drive the terrifying thoughts out of her mind. The moment she grabbed the doorknob, her expression froze. The door was was hidden...

She pushed open the door, and the creaking sound spread in the dark corridor, making the scalp tingle.

"Wu Ying? Where are you? I heard the answer," Dysonson cautiously raised his flashlight and looked around. "If you can't speak, just make some noise and I'll find you."

She is an experienced sleepwalker and knows that there are many extreme situations in the dungeon, which will put the victim in a situation where he cannot speak for help.

Sure enough, as soon as she finished speaking, the sound of dong dong dong sounded in the dark corridor.

Dong Dong Dong, the sound was strangely dull, like someone knocking on the iron door with his skull.

If she judged correctly, the voice came from 103, the direction of Lao Yu and Xia Wei's dormitory.

dong dong dong.

Dysonson turned the flashlight to 103, and under the pale beam, a head was banging and banging on the iron door.

"Wu Ying!!"

Dysonsen rushed over like crazy, and accidentally, she stepped on the big pool of blood on the ground, and the blood beads splattered and scattered, just hitting Wu Ying's stiff, half-waxed face.

The blood was coming out of her abdomen, and the blood had stopped as the waxing of her body had stopped. Dysonson took a closer look and determined that Wu Ying's abdomen was shot through by a bullet, and her incompletely waxed left hand was holding the culprit's pistol stiffly.

"What's going on! What's going on?!" Dysonson almost fell in front of Wu Ying and asked with a trembling voice.

Wu Ying's half-waxed lips trembled a few times, but unfortunately her tongue was completely waxed and she couldn't make any sound.

"Don't worry, you tell me slowly, don't worry..." Dysonson suppressed his sadness and tears, and tried his best to calm down and dig the truth, while Wu Ying had his last breath.

Wu Ying's mobile right index finger trembled, and then she moved her finger and stained the blood on the ground, and wrote a few lines with difficulty—

"Shadow of Ye Chang"

"Let me tell everyone he's going to kill them all..."

Dysonson's breathing was stagnant, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he stared terribly at the bloody words Wu Ying tried his best to leave—


"Before Candleman"

"I'm just the first"

"Kill Ye..."

Wu Ying really didn't have the strength to write the last word "Chang". She lowered her arms in pain, looked at Dysonson with eyes full of despair and pleading, her lips trembled wildly, and the left hand holding the pistol trembled.

Dysonson didn't understand lip language, but at that moment she seemed to understand the words Wu Ying was trying to express—

She said, please, give me a shot, it hurts too much.

It really hurts.