After the Little Crybaby Enters the Nightmare Cycle

Chapter 53: Mosaic School (4)


Chi Nan followed her line of sight, and there was a little light from the crack of door 211 at the end of the corridor.

He looked back and politely thanked the female teacher: "Okay, thank you teacher."

"Excuse me, when is the opening time of the school doctor's office?" Chi Nan asked again.

The female teacher froze for a moment mechanically, as if she was running some complicated program, and said for a moment, "Theoretically, it is from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, but the doctor has specially instructed that it can be adjusted appropriately for students who want to live alone. School medical office development time."

She changed her previous stiff expression, and the corners of her lips raised a smile: "You can go anytime, just knock on the door. The doctor will not refuse you if he is there."

Chi Nan nodded: "Thank you, I see."

He took the key of 210 and walked directly to the end of the corridor to knock on the door of 211.

But even though the lights were lit inside the house, no one came to open the door.

Chi Nan didn't insist too much. After knocking three times and no one answered, he gave up and returned to 210 to open his dormitory door.

The moment the door opened, he shuddered violently. It seemed that the heating was not turned on inside the dormitory, and the windows on the west side were not closed tightly. The wind and snow made a rattling noise, and the shadows of dead branches on the playground were still swaying and reflected on the window glass. At first glance, it looked like countless dry hands trying to probe the room.

Chi Nan calmly turned on the light, and the first thing to do after putting down his luggage was to close the window to isolate the knife-like wind and snow from the outside.

But even if it was closed tightly, the temperature in the room did not rise much. He quickly checked the room and finally gave up after confirming that there were no heating measures.

After Chi Nan took a hot bath, he quickly got into the quilt, covered himself tightly, and kept inhaling his red nose.

As if he really caught a cold, he sucked his nose twice and held it for a while, and finally reluctantly left the quilt and got up to take cold medicine.

The place where the luggage was placed was just opposite the window. The bright snow illuminated the night. From Chi Nan's angle, the snowman in the center of the playground could just be seen clearly.

One, two, three... Sixteen, seventeen, there are seventeen snowmen on the playground.

Chi Nan took out his mobile phone and zoomed in to take a group photo of the snowman. Although his photography skills were not as good as Ye Chang's, there was no one to help him now, so he could only make do with it.

After everything was done, Chi Nan fell into bed groggy and fell asleep.

It should have been a good night's sleep without dreams, but Chi Nan woke up unexpectedly at more than four in the morning.

'Boom, boom'

As if someone was knocking on the window, Chi Nan stuck his head out of the quilt and looked at the window, only the mottled withered tree shadows on the glass came into his sight.

Chi Nan stretched his head slightly and looked, but there was nothing outside the window, but the snowman on the playground seemed to be crowded more than before.

He counted in a daze, and the snowman became nineteen.

It is impossible for any student or teacher to go to the playground to build a snowman in the middle of the night, right? Chi Nan took another photo and continued to lie back in the quilt.

'Boom, boom'

The knock was closer, this time as if it were in his ear.

Chi Nan carefully confirmed the orientation and found that the knock came from the wall next to the bed.

On the opposite side of this wall is Room 211 of the infirmary.

'Boom, boom'

Chi Nan put his ear against the wall, and there was no sound other than the percussion.

And the rhythmic tapping is not noisy in the ear, just like wishing him good night in a unique way.

Chi Nan blinked under the quilt, raised his hand and tapped the same melody on the wall—'dong, dong'

Sure enough, it stopped over there, and Chi Nan also fell back asleep under the power of the cold medicine, and slept until dawn.

At 8:40, Chi Nan finally woke up under the endless urging of the alarm clock.

He sat up from the bed wrapped in the quilt, sniffed hard again, felt a little dizzy, and the cold seemed to be getting worse.

The snow stopped outside the window, and the winter sun covered the dead branches and the playground, and there were groups of little snowmen standing in the snow.

Chi Nan counted, and overnight, the number of snowmen remained unchanged at nineteen, two more than before he went to bed.

The playground was bathed in the misty winter sun, and it was quiet and peaceful.

It was as if what greeted them was not a horrific nightmare, but the most everyday campus life.

Unexpectedly, a new day begins with the horrific screams in the dormitory next door—

"Ah! Help!"

The screams from 209 shocked everyone. The continuous door slams and messy footsteps in the corridor rushed towards 209. Chi Nan also quickly dressed and came to the corridor.

The door of the 209 dormitory was wide open, and a strong smell of blood permeated the corridor from the room. The scream came from Hei Changzhi. At this moment, he was so frightened that he rushed out of the room and fell down in the corridor. on the bed, shaking hands and pointing to the bed on the right side of the room: "Broken... Broken..."

Several sleepwalkers were standing in the corridor, and the bloody smell of danger prevented them from approaching dormitory 209 rashly: "What's broken? Is the vase? What happened?"

Last night Hei Changzhi also got an unknown white flower, and everyone guessed that what he broke in his mouth was a vase.

Black long straight teeth rattled non-stop, and he struggled to slip his Adam's apple to make a sound: "My roommate... shattered!"

The boy who lives in 209 is named Chaohe. His entire body has been neatly cut from his head to his limbs. His torso is placed in the center of the bed like a human squat. It was draped over the torso like a fold of clothes, and the fragmented body was covered with a red quilt, revealing only the head with half eyes closed.

If it wasn't for Hei Changzhi to lift the quilt, at first glance, it looked like Chao He was sleeping soundly.

Chi Nan noticed that the red quilt on Chaohe's bed was very large, and it directly sucked up all the blood gushing out of him. Not a single drop fell on the white carpet of the dormitory. It was really clean and tidy.

"What happened in your dormitory last night?" This time, a large proportion of the newcomers had nightmares. The ball head was considered the bolder of these people. At this moment, he was standing beside the bed to observe carefully like a coroner.

Hei Changzhi slowed down a little now, his face still bloodless and kept shaking his head: "I don't's just an ordinary night...Chaohe's alarm kept ringing in the morning, I reminded him a few times and found that he was indifferent. I planned to shut him up and called him up by the way, but later found out that something was wrong, the smell of blood was very heavy... I thought about opening the quilt to confirm... I saw this by accident..."

As he said that, his body trembled violently.

"Last night, the female teacher reminded that only the students who violated the school rules will be punished by death. If you think about it carefully, it is impossible for Chaohe to be dismembered for no reason. We can find out the cause of his death to avoid it and avoid more sacrifices. The person appears." Marukotou lowered his voice, patiently appease and induce Hei Changzhi to recall.

But Hei Changzhi couldn't calm down and think now, his eyes were dazed and he kept shaking his head without any clue.

Wan Zitou sighed, looking at him helplessly and pitifully: "You can talk about it after a while, pay attention to the sobriety value."

Chi Nan's eyes stayed on the red quilt for a moment, and suddenly asked Hei Changzhi, "Does your roommate sleep well at night?"

Hei Changzhi was even more confused: "What?"

"Will he kick the quilt, make loud noises or strange noises, or even have a tendency to sleepwalk at night?" Chi Nan asked.

Because Chi Nan's question was more targeted, Hei Changzhi's chaotic thoughts gathered for a moment, he forced himself to try to recall for a while, and said unsurely: "I slept more alertly, and heard the opposite side turn over several times during the night. The sound, the creaking of the bed, and the grinding of teeth seems to continue, and it seems that someone is stealing food... I don't know very well, and I can't be sure."

Chi Nan glanced at Chao He's broken body. The same student who violated the school rules was a fat man. If he turned over in a restless sleep, the stretcher bed in the dormitory would make a creaking noise.

The ball head looked at Chi Nan keenly: "Is there something wrong?"

Chi Nan: "There is no red quilt in my dormitory."

Maruko frowned and shook his head: "I don't have any in my dormitory either."

As she said that, she turned to the crowd, "Which one of your dormitories still has a red quilt?"

Everyone shook their heads nervously and confused.

Marukotou just thought of something, but before he could figure it out, his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of high-heeled shoes in the corridor.

Last night's female teacher smiled brightly at everyone: "Morning, classmates."

She was followed by a cleaning aunt who was holding a black garbage bag, and consciously went to the right bed of 209 to clean the body parts and sheets.

The 209 dormitory and corridors were silent, and no sleepwalker wanted to say good morning to her.

The female teacher's eyes shifted from the bloody corpse to Dongyang who was hitting the snow outside the window: "Although another classmate violated the school rules, I hope everyone will not affect their mood because of this. After all, today is another good weather."

Everyone: "… "

"All students, please go to the cafeteria to enjoy breakfast as soon as possible. The morning class will officially start at 9:30. Please go to classroom 103 on time."

The female teacher who came to collect the corpse reminded me by the way, and left 209 with the cleaner aunt.

At that time, it was already 9:5, and after experiencing the bloody scene of 209 in the morning, almost no students were in the mood to have breakfast.

In the canteen, only Chi Nan and another boy were dipping fried dough sticks in soy milk.

Chi Nan ordered a glutinous rice ball and a glass of milk, sat in the corner of the cafeteria to calculate the time, and ate slowly.

The boy who broke the fried dough sticks obviously noticed Chi Nan, he hesitated for a moment and wiped his oiled hands with a tissue, and sat opposite Chi Nan with a dinner plate.

"Hello," he said, "the fried dough sticks in this cafeteria are good, I highly recommend it."

Chi Nanzao confirmed that this person was not 229, so he didn't plan to pay more attention, and only politely replied, saying that he didn't eat fried food for breakfast.

The other party smiled and hid the scrutiny in his eyes: "I take the liberty to ask, you are different from most people here, are you an old sleepwalker?"

"I've read three books before, so I'm not too experienced." Chi Nan didn't plan to hide his experience, and told the truth.

The man raised his eyebrows slightly and looked over in surprise: "You only used three nightmares to get a pair of eyes? It's amazing."

He didn't know that Chi Nan's wish came true in the first copy, and under the interference of someone, the second copy's favorability dropped to a negative number...

Chi Nan: "It's just luck, can you tell?"

It stands to reason that when a stranger exposes his wish exchange, most people will feel nervous or even scared, but Chi Nan does not. His emotion is not fluctuating, as if the other party only recognizes the brand of his clothes.

Even his calmness made the other party stunned.

"Well, I can tell what the sleepwalkers exchanged from Nightmare World, any item is fine," he said frankly about his abilities, "My name is Guo Xian, I wanted to invite you to a dormitory last night, and later you It's a pity to stand up first and apply for living alone."

Chi Nan also said his name, and politely said that he would not find roommates.

Guo Xian smiled and went straight to the point: "That's okay, the main reason is that I hope to find a collaborator in the dungeon, find clues together, share experience and improve the survival rate."

Seeing that Chi Nan did not speak, he continued, "Originally I thought this was a newcomer who could fish in troubled waters, but from the mortality rate from last night to this morning, the situation was not as optimistic as I expected."

"Usually, if a nightmare is a newcomer, either the book is too simple, or the dream maker has some unique recruitment requirements. There is a serious shortage of old sleepwalkers who meet the requirements for entry, and a large number of newcomers are needed to make up the number." Guo Xian continued to explain.

When Chi Nan heard this, the action of drinking milk finally paused.

Guo Xian: "Finding the common ground of this class of sleepwalkers is likely to be a breakthrough."

Chi Nan thought for a while: "They're all young."

Although the sleepwalker of this book is the same as the previous books, the quality of the participants is uneven, but the ages are all neat, and they look only in their teens and twenties.

Guo Xian smiled: "It's just a trick, in fact, I'm in my forties. In your opinion, I'm an uncle, right?"

Chi Nan finally took a serious look at Guo Xian. He looked seventeen or eighteen at most, not like a forty uncle at all.

"To tell you the truth, I have also exchanged my wishes, and my appearance has returned to 30 years ago," he smiled and shrugged, "So age should not be the common denominator."

Chi Nan nodded while drinking milk.

"I've already told you all this, why don't you tell me, what did you find in 209 this morning?" Guo Xian asked tentatively, "Dreammakers usually don't die, so apart from the red quilt, the dead boy There should be other conditions triggered, right?"

Chi Nan: "He probably kicked the quilt."

Guo Xian was puzzled: "Is it the way I understand kicking the quilt?"

Chi Nan nodded: "I guess it won't happen if the quilt is properly covered, but if you stick out your hands, feet and head, it will be chopped off."

Guo Xian was stunned: "...How did you infer this?"

After all, this kind of statement is strange and tricky, and it is impossible for normal people to think of it.

Chi Nan: "His roommate said there was a noise at night, and the deceased should not sleep peacefully."

Guo Xian still didn't quite understand: "...that's it?"

Chi Nan lowered his eyes and nodded, "I guessed it too."

After all, the way to die if you stick your hands and feet out of the quilt when you sleep is a story he made up at the "Twilight Cruise" horror story conference. Among the people who heard this story at the time, only Ye Chang could have done this. kind of thing.

Now the deceased in 209 has almost recreated Chi Nan's story...

Drawing on his story, applying his designs to his own nightmares, knowing that he was going to get into them...

This 229 is intentional.