After the Little Crybaby Enters the Nightmare Cycle

Chapter 56: Mosaic School (7)


Chi Nan calmly accepted the reality: "Thank you for letting me know."

Tang Yu was so worried that he bit his nails and kept talking about what to do. Finally, he washed his hands and removed the contact lenses and replaced them with frame glasses: "This can maintain the physical strength of my eyes. I can't last all night wearing contact lenses."

This was the most reliable way he could think of.

The seven people who gave Tang Yu Baihua had mixed feelings, and in their pity and sympathy, they couldn't help but feel a sense of surprise.

The dormitories of the two happened to be side by side at the end of the corridor, and further inside was the school doctor's office that Chi Nan visited during the day.

Before entering the door, Tang Yu turned to look at Chi Nan: "Well, if any of us encounter something, maybe we can find a way to notify the other party for help. The female teacher only said that you are not allowed to change dormitories, but did not mention that you can't go to the door or anything. …”

That said, but Tang Yu is just comforting himself, no one knows if they will have a chance to ask for help when the danger really occurs.

Chi Nan nodded: "If there is a situation, knock on the wall and you can hear it."

"Ah?" Tang Yu was stunned for a moment.

"I tried." Chi Nan said firmly.

He and 229 just tried it last night, and the sound insulation of this wall is very poor.

Seeing his calm and expressionless face, Tang Yu felt that his nervousness was a fuss, and he relaxed a little: "No problem."

After returning to his dormitory, Chi Nan took a bath and took medicine like yesterday, checked the doors and windows before going to bed, and finally looked at the full-length mirror on the inside of the wardrobe door.

It stands to reason that the bathroom already has a mirror, so why should there be a large mirror in the closet? And it's a student seems a little out of the norm.

Chi Nan paid attention for a moment, but from now it seems that he can't draw any useful conclusions, and the cold medicine has also come up.

In the middle of the night, Chi Nan felt a beam of light jumping on his eyelids, bright and noisy.

He struggled a few times to wake up, and the light just hit his face when he opened his eyes.

When he was blind, he did not have to worry about being interrupted by light, and could always sleep until dawn.

Chi Nan subconsciously covered his hands in front of his eyes, adapting to the light a little through the gap.

The source of the light was the wall facing the bed. The wall was projected at some point, and the video was playing automatically without anyone controlling it.

The protagonist in the video is himself, to be precise, Chi Nan who uses You Yu's body.

The 'Chi Nan' in the picture is uncharacteristically. The vivid and exaggerated fear and tension on his face make the image slightly distorted. Such a rich and tense expression will never appear on Chi Nan's face.

The image covered the entire wall, and there were two black shadows in the picture besides the distorted 'Chi Nan'.

One of the shadows had a rough hemp rope tied to his hand, and the other end of the hemp rope was tied with a dead knot, which was loosely wrapped around Chi Nan's neck.

His muscle movements and gestures seemed to use hemp rope to break 'Chi Nan''s neck.

Another black figure was carrying a gasoline can, as if planning to burn the dormitory and destroy the remains.

The projection is as if the pause button was pressed, and the black shadow and 'Chi Nan' movement in the image came to an end.

Chi Nan touched his neck, there was no hemp rope on it at all, he stretched out his hand and shook his hand towards the projection screen, the 'self' inside remained in the distorted expression of extreme fear, without any change.

So his actions could not affect the actions of the characters in the projection, Chi Nan came to the conclusion.

He tried to look behind him again, and there was a closed window behind him, and there was nothing outside the window except the tangled snowflakes.

But just when Chi Nan was about to turn his head back to the projection screen, there was a sudden pain in his neck as if he was being restrained, and the oxygen was cut off for a moment.

Chi Nan quickly turned his attention to the video, and the picture was frozen on the action of the shadow tightening the rope because of his gaze, and the rough lines of the numb God created a shocking red mark on the neck of 'Chi Nan'.

There was nothing unusual in the room, but the smell of gasoline in the projection seemed to overflow, filling Chi Nan's nose strongly.

He clarified his thoughts in an instant. Just now, because he looked back at the shadow, his eyes left the video. Although it only took less than two seconds, the video that left his line of sight started to play automatically. Rolling forward, the playing video was forced to stop until he looked back at the screen again.

The initial state of the system must be frozen by high frequency observations, or the system must be prevented from changing...

Here you can replace the system with a death video.

In other words, his viewing behavior is equivalent to pressing the pause button for the projected video, and as long as he looks away from the video, the video continues to play.

The pictures shown in the video will also come to him corresponding to the reality. For example, Chi Nan in the picture is strangled by his neck. In reality, he also has a corresponding suffocation, and the smell of gasoline in the picture permeates the 210 dormitory where he is...

It is conceivable that if the self in the video reality, he will die with the same pain.

This video is equivalent to a death trailer, and all the images will become real immediately after the broadcast!

The only way to stop the video of death from playing is to not take your eyes off for a moment.

There is no tension on Chi Nan's face at all. His eyes are opposite to himself in the image. The other party is frozen, but he is free except for the glasses. Being disturbed, I woke up and found nothing.

Two identical faces contrast sharply.

Chi Nan blinked, the picture moved forward one frame, he glanced at the wardrobe behind him again, the invisible rope continued to tighten while he moved his eyes away, Chi Nan slid his Adam's apple with difficulty and coughed twice.

In the picture, his pupils dilated because of fear, and he stared helplessly out of the screen in horror.

The other man in black had already lit the lighter, the sparks submerged in the gasoline-soaked carpet, and the scarlet flames burned up. Because of the synchronization with reality, the 210 dormitory immediately became warm.

Chi Nan could only continue to watch the projected video, step back step by step, back to the wardrobe, opened the door, and aimed the full-length mirror on the inside at the video.

In the video, the terrified facial expression of 'Chi Nan' is clearly reflected in the mirror, and the mirror image is opposite to the video screen.

Chi Nan adjusted the angle, and after confirming that the eyes of 'Chi Nan' in the video and 'Chi Nan' in the mirror were facing each other, he tried to look away, but as he expected, the suffocation did not come back, and the fire did not continue to spread. , the screen stays at the original progress bar and does not move forward.

Using the mirror image instead of the main body for high-frequency observation, and staring at himself with the image presented by the death video, Chi Nan can lie back and sleep well.

After all this tossing, the warm quilt was completely cold. Fortunately, the fire in the death video was burning. Compared with the 210 dormitory, it was as if the heating was supplied, and it was warm.

At this point, Chi Nan is really grateful to 229 for the help in the snow.

Chi Nan quickly fell asleep in the warm dormitory, leaving only the mirror and video to stare at each other in the dark.

When it was dawn, Chi Nan finally struggled to get up after the alarm rang five times.

The cabinet was still open, but only a white wall was reflected on the mirror. There was no video, and there was no Chi Nan who was strangled by the man in black. The temperature in the room plummeted.

The projected video on the wall disappeared after dawn.

Chi Nan was so cold that he didn't want to stretch, so he quickly put on the school uniform and closed the wardrobe. Before closing the door, he saw a circle of red tears on his neck in the mirror, so he tightened the collar of the school uniform.

The snow stopped, and it was a sunny day outside the window.

As soon as Chi Nan came out of the dormitory, he bumped into Tang Yu who had just dressed up to go out. He saw Chi Nan and smiled: "It's great that we are all fine."

He yawned as he spoke, his eyes were dark blue, "Sorry, I didn't dare to sleep last night, I just stared when I heard any bells and whistles, I was too nervous..."

"It's a death notice video." Chi Nan said.

Tang Yu was stunned for a moment: "What? Did you meet?"

Chi Nan nodded, Tang Yu was incredulous: "Did you sleep all night last night...?"

"No, I solved him with a mirror," Chi Nan said, and then sneezed, "I slept well and warmly."

Knowing that there will be a school rules test in the morning class later, all the sleepwalkers will gather in the cafeteria to exchange information and find ideas for answering questions during breakfast.

In addition to Chi Nan last night, Guo Xian's 205 dormitory also encountered a death notice video. The method adopted in their dormitory is to watch the video in shifts, and change one person every half an hour. After one night, the dark circles under the two people's eyes are so thick that they seem to be attacked. beaten up.

Guo Xian yawned again and again: "No, no, I have to make up for my sleep during the lunch break. The sobriety value will definitely not be stable at this rate."

Marukotou bit the fritters thoughtfully: "Now Guo Xian and Chi Nan are in the 205 and 210 dormitories when they encounter death videos. Is it because you were the only ones who got full marks in the morning class test yesterday?"

Guo Xian thought for a while: "There is such a possibility, but it is not necessarily, it may just happen to us."

Marukotou frowned: "Is it such a coincidence?"

Guo Xian shrugged: "Let's see if there are any other dormitories that we've encountered. We can make a judgment with more samples."

"Dong Xiaoxiao and Fang Yue, who are still 203 years away, didn't come. Could something happen to their dormitory..." The girl on the side looked in the direction of the cafeteria door and muttered softly.

Guo Xian: "If they haven't come to class, there is a high probability... If there is a video of death in 203, then Tong Yu's previous inference will be invalid."

Tong Yu is the one who can eat a lollipop and feel like smoking.

When he learned of Chi Nan's method of cracking the Zeno effect death school rules by himself, Guo Xian called out to the good guy: "Compared to you, Jiang Liang and I have been staring at the video for a whole night, it's just two stupid beeps."

Chi Nan thought about it and felt that it wasn't stupid, but it was a bit of an eyesore.

"But you're so daring, you can fall asleep peacefully by looking at the video directly in the mirror? I can't do it." Guo Xian sighed.

Chi Nan yawned again, looking listless: "I've taken cold medicine and I'm easily sleepy."

At 9:30, the female teacher closed the door of classroom 103.

The two girls in 203 didn't show up until the end. Everyone stared at the slowly closing classroom door and sighed inwardly.

"Classmates, I have to tell you some unfortunate news. Last night, two of our classmates were punished for breaking school rules."

"They are Dong Xiaoxiao and Fang Yue from 203. I regret that, and I hope that the students will pay attention to abiding by the school rules in their future study and life, and take this as a warning."

Saying that, she distributed the test papers to the remaining fourteen students according to the same process as yesterday's morning class: "You need to work backwards based on the punishment results last night to determine the cause of death of the two classmates last night. If Get credit for correct answers."

"Students who met the test last night and survived after abiding by the school's rules can also be rewarded with credits as an encouragement."

After yesterday's experience, classroom 103 was very quiet today. After the test questions were distributed, they each started to write.

The title is no different from yesterday's -

[May I ask Dong Xiaoxiao and Fang Yue's death penalty because they violated which school rule? ]

The answer is obvious, they violated the Zeno effect mentioned in yesterday's physics class, and did not use high-frequency observations to prevent the playback of the death video, causing what happened in the death video to become a reality.

After ten minutes, all sleepwalkers had completed the test.

After receiving the test papers, the female teacher looked at them one by one and smiled approvingly: "All the students answered correctly today, and the teacher is proud of you."

Everyone in the classroom was relieved and even a little happy. After all, if they answered the question correctly, they could get credits that could be exchanged for goodwill, and they were one step closer to their wish.

After unlocking the death school rules, the female teacher played the death video of 203 like yesterday.

The two girls were drowned. Even though there was air all around them, they were breathing desperately like the drowning 'self' in the video. They opened their mouths as wide as they could but couldn't take in any air. It was like holding on to a life-saving straw, but it seemed that an invisible huge wave swept them away over and over again. In the end, their physical strength was exhausted and they lay on the floor in the center of the dormitory, their bodies from violent convulsions to complete stiffness, suffocation. and die.

"If they were just like what we said in advance, staring at the video would not have caused such a tragedy." Guo Xian said after watching the video carefully, but unfortunately at the beginning, the two newcomers and girls were dominated by fear. I completely forgot about the knowledge points during the day, and when I saw the death notice video, I was in chaos, and I just searched for the door of the dormitory according to my instinct and asked for help.

Unfortunately, in the nightmare design, there is absolutely no possibility of escape when the death rule is triggered.

After the morning class, Chi Nan went directly to the school infirmary according to yesterday's agreement.

"Chi Nan, why are you going to the infirmary again?" Guo Xian asked suspiciously.

Chi Nan wiped his nose: "the cold is not good."

Because he didn't seem to be emotional, the other party didn't know whether he was serious or perfunctory. Guo Xian thought about it and said, "I'm just going. I have a stomachache in the morning and want to prescribe some medicine."

Chi Nan said as a matter of course: "I have diarrhea medicine, do you need it?"

Is this classmate preventing him from going to the school doctor's office? Guo Xian found it more and more interesting: "Thank you, I don't dare to take medicine indiscriminately, but I would rather see a doctor."