After the Little Crybaby Enters the Nightmare Cycle

Chapter 60: Mosaic School (11)


Ni Rong in dormitory 202 died on the night of the 25th.

When everyone deduced that the school rules and regulations prohibit men and all women dress, the deceased turned out to be a girl.

Ni Rong died more peacefully than any sleepwalker before. Her face was calm and upright on the pillow. If it wasn't for the fact that there was no blood on her face, there was a lifeless black in her paleness, and she couldn't even breathe between her nose. , her body began to stiffen, and at first glance, it seemed that she had fallen asleep and did not wake up, making people ignore the truth of her death.

"How could this be... It was a girl who was punished by death?"

"Did we infer yesterday wrong...?"

Because of the sleepwalkers who finally calmed down after finding the law, they were all in a mess after Ni Rong's death.

Chi Nan quickly noticed that there was no red quilt in Ni Rong's dormitory, and her roommate Zhao Congnan was not injured except for being overly frightened, indicating that the 202 dormitory did not receive a death notice video last night.

It didn't snow all night yesterday, and the school rules that were delayed by snowflakes were even less likely to violate...

Was there any other taboo other than the "boys sacrifice" rule last night? But the female teacher has made it clear that except for the first night, only one new school rule is added every day, and it stands to reason that there should be no victims of unknown causes of death.

The only possibility Chi Nan could think of now was that Ni Rong's death was due to a high level of sobriety.

There was not enough time to make them sad or scared. At 9:30, the bell for the morning class rang, and the female teacher closed the door of Class 103.

On this fine winter morning, the morning class was more silent and depressing than ever before.

"Last night, Ni Rong of 202 ended her study and life in the boarding school in the most decent and peaceful way. For her departure, I offer my most sincere blessings on behalf of all the creatures in the school. From today, I will be for Ni Rong. Prayer daily."

Chi Nan found that the female teacher's rhetoric today was very different from the past. She did not mention the violation of school rules about Ni Rong's death. On the contrary, she had never had a face full of piety when she mentioned Ni Rong.

Is there a second set of death rules? Chi Nan couldn't be sure for a while.

The process of the morning class was the same, and the female teacher distributed the test papers to the remaining thirteen students: "Because the situation last night was slightly different, the content of today's test has been increased compared to the past, students please use your own judgment. Understand and answer carefully."

There are two questions on the test paper -

[Excuse me, what are the specific school rules that were added yesterday? ]

[What is the cause of Ni Rong's death? ]

Chi Nan answered the first test question quickly, but he got stuck when writing the second test question.

Usually, the questions on the exam papers are always the same as [May I ask xx's death penalty because of which school rule was violated], but today it is uncharacteristic, so does this mean that she did not die because she violated the school rules

Chi Nan thought for a moment, and wrote the "too high level of sobriety" he considered before in the answering area.

He has never been a tangled person. If he doesn't understand, he doesn't understand, and the process of answering questions can also be used as part of inference.

103 All the sleepwalkers seem to be stumped by the second question. Some people sit sullenly as if their souls are out of their bodies, some people scratch their heads or bite their pen, and some people press the ballpoint pen frequently and make a 'cluck, cluck' which is annoying. the sound of...

Guo Xian, who was sitting next to Chi Nan, stared at the test paper, and after a while, he started to write with a brush.

But before handing in the paper, Guo Xian seemed to have made up his mind. Suddenly, he picked up the pen and crossed out the written answer. He seemed to be very hard and anxious, giving Chi Nan the illusion that his pen tip could cut through the paper. .

After the paper was handed in, Guo Xian's answer area for the second question was blacked out.

"It's a pity that none of the classmates got full marks today," the female teacher looked at the crowd with a look of pity. "All the classmates only answered the first question correctly, and no one answered the second question correctly."

Chi Nan's heart sank, Ni Rong's cause of death really wasn't "too high sobriety value".

"According to the school's rules, if no one answers correctly, the teacher will keep the triggering rule confidential, and this rule will continue until the end of the semester."

The female teacher's voice fell, and there was an uproar under the podium.

"Teacher, didn't you say that except for the first night, only one school rule will be added every night after that? Since we answered the first question correctly, it means that the school rules for the sacrifice of boys on the full moon night are correct, so why does Ni Rong still die?" Tong Yu raised his hand unwillingly to ask questions.

"Student, this is your exam, not mine," the female teacher answered succinctly, "this is not an open-book exam either."

Tong Yu chased after him: "I just raised my own doubts, I hope you can explain a little bit."

The female teacher rolled her eyes stiffly, and her red lips split: "Don't be limited by your inherent thinking, some rules have existed from the beginning, but because too many interference factors confuse your sight, you should have been discovered long ago. The truth has been buried deep in the soil.”

The commotion in the classroom stopped, and she already understood what she meant. The cause of Ni Rong's death had existed since the beginning of their schooling, but since no one had triggered this death condition, it has not been possible to speculate.

But what is it? Everyone has no clue, and Zhao Congnan, who sleeps with him, is now too awake and inconvenient to ask questions.

"Students should not be limited by the existing information, they must think differently, and even apply their past experience to the current campus life," the female teacher looked down at everyone, holding the lesson plan, "this afternoon's class schedule It is a physical education class, and the classroom has been changed to dance room 105, so please be sure to attend class on time.”

After the explanation, the female teacher stepped out of the classroom in high heels, leaving behind thirteen students with gloomy faces.

"It seems that we missed a very important rule before. It's too dangerous to go on like this. Even cracking the rules of the day is still potentially dangerous."

"What should I do... I don't want to die in vain."

"Thinking about it for the better... At least Ni Rong's triggering of this rule is considered the mildest among the death school rules. I think she died quite peacefully..."

"What the hell is your theory? It's better to die than to live, I don't want to die peacefully."

Tang Yu lay on the desk with a melancholy face: "Compared to this, I am more worried about the physical education class in the afternoon."

"Yes, I'm still here with my aunt, and I don't know what to do in PE class..." Another girl agreed. After speaking, she remembered that Tang Yu is a transgender person, and her biological gender is male, so she had to shut up.

"Fortunately, it's in the dance studio... If I run 800 meters on the playground, I'll be dead..."

"Why do you have to endure the fear of being dominated by 800 meters in the nightmare world..."

Guo Xian turned his back on his positivity in the past and sat in a daze thoughtfully. Chi Nan glanced at him and asked softly, "The teacher said that you can use your past experience, do you have any ideas?"

It was rare for him to take the initiative to discuss, and Guo Xian's behavior of crossing out the answer on the test paper just now made him a little concerned.

Guo Xian was stunned for half a second and shook his head: "This time I really don't have any ideas... It's too bad."

After speaking, he sighed heavily.

During the lunch break, Chi Nan went to the 211 infirmary with a large bunch of small white flowers kept in the dormitory last night.

Before he knocked on the door, the doctor had already opened the door, and made a gesture of invitation to him very happily: "Miss who lives next door, come in quickly."

Chi Nan: "…"

"Doctor, can I ask you a question?" Chi Nan followed him into the room and sat on the consultation chair very familiarly.

The doctor bent the corners of his lips: "Of course."

"Dream Maker 229 of this dungeon has a hobby of looking at women's clothes?" Chi Nan asked bluntly with an expressionless face.

The doctor's smile obviously solidified for a moment on his face, and then spread more naturally: "You are wrong."

Chi Nan looked up at him: "What's wrong."

The doctor shrugged: "He doesn't like looking at other people, he just..."

He also fixedly looked back at Chi Nan, but stopped halfway through his words.

"Just what?" Chi Nan asked.

Doctor: "Just kidding, it doesn't matter."

Chi Nan knew that 229's attitude was not going to tell him, so he didn't ask more.

Instead, the doctor put on gloves, unbuttoned the top button of Chi Nan's clothes as he did yesterday, and raised his chin slightly with his fingertips: "The streak on the neck is gone, the cold is almost better, but... "

He hid the smile in his eyes and looked into Chi Nan's eyes: "My eyes are a little swollen again. Did you cry in a nightmare last night?"

He asked with a serious look, like a doctor visiting a doctor.

Chi Nan: "…"

The doctor smiled and pushed the prepared sweets in front of Chi Nan as usual: "Eat more, the afternoon gym class needs to consume a lot of energy."

Chi Nan will eat more without him telling him, after all, this is a special treatment for 100 favors.

105 On the innermost side of the corridor, the east and west walls of the rectangular dance classroom are made of floor-to-ceiling mirrors. The mirrors are opposite to each other. The space that was originally only 150 square meters has been visually multiplied, making people feel like they are in a boundless space. The clutter of the house.

Because it is a dance studio, it is normal for the walls to be designed with large mirrors.

But Chi Nan soon discovered that the clock on the wall showed the time at 5:30, which did not match the actual time of 2:00.

"Teacher, Zhao Congnan of 202 passed out at noon, and I want to take a leave of absence from physical education class." Tong Yu applied.

Since the discovery of his roommate's body in the morning, the newcomer Zhao Congnan's mental state has been very unstable. He couldn't survive and fainted during lunch, and he is still awake.

With an unexpectedly calm face on the female teacher's face, she nodded: "Girls' physical education class is allowed to ask for leave."

Everyone did not expect that this physical education class was designed so realistically.

The female teacher glanced at the twelve sleepwalkers standing beside the door of the dance studio: "Students don't need to be nervous, let's play a relaxing game in today's physical education class, in the process of playing, we will improve the students' ability to order and prohibit, and cultivate their awareness of rules. At the same time, it can also increase the feelings between each other and benefit the students for life.”

"Playing games...?" When everyone heard that they came to the dance studio, they thought that the class was about dancing, but they didn't expect it to be a terrible-sounding game.

"That's right, I think you've played it before, the wooden man game."

The female teacher said and measured the distance with her eyes. She pulled a red rope not far from the door of the classroom, in the middle of the classroom, and at the end of the dance studio. Standing at the red rope in the middle, she said to everyone, "This is the starting point of your game. "