After the Little Crybaby Enters the Nightmare Cycle

Chapter 84: Highway 404 (4)


Lu Baizhou's expression flickered, and he asked Jiang Yu just now, "Is he your character's younger brother, or did he know him before?"

Jiang Yu looked at it strangely again, why is this Lu Baizhou obsessed with the relationship between sleepwalkers and characters

"I'm not sure yet." Chi Nan's answer was also unexpected.

Then he added: "If we are all murderers, the souls of these 'victims' are likely to come back for revenge, just like Qu Yijun did."

Jiang Yu: "Yes, and their revenge must be triggered after encountering the "waiting person". "

Pei Mo shuddered: "That writer was killed by the bomb, I don't want to be bombed to pieces..."

"It's just a guess," Chi Nan said lightly, "We can only wait for 'my brother' to appear."

The air in the car seemed to be drained all of a sudden, and everyone had difficulty breathing.

Jiang Yu wanted to comfort everyone, even if the evil spirits take revenge, there is nothing to be afraid of. Chi Nan in the team has the ability to exorcise ghosts, but she saw that Chi Nan did not speak, and it was not convenient for her to directly reveal other people's skills.

After all, Chi Nan has the ability and is willing to help her, which is her luck. Chi Nan is not obliged to help everyone in the future.

The off-road vehicle maintains a speed of 80km/h on the straight road, carrying this group of 'sinners' who are desperate to the unknown trial.

Perhaps because the sunlight is too hot, the colors of this world have evaporated, and the natural scenery passing by the window has become dull.

The slow-moving songs on the radio became their last reassurance, and no one knew who the "people waiting for the car" they would encounter on the next rainy day would come to claim their lives.

Afraid of what to do, the off-road vehicle ran for less than an hour, and the radio sounded again in the unstable current sound—

[Listener friends, now is the weather forecast time: It is expected that in the next three hours, the entire section of Highway 404 will usher in torrential rain, the road will be slippery in rainy days, and the vision will be greatly affected. Please drive carefully and be safe. one]

The sweet female voice in the broadcast trailer is like a life-threatening curse. Lu Baizhou and Pei Mo's faces are extremely ugly. Jiang Yu, who has experienced the death of an evil spirit once, carefully observes everyone, she can see from Chi Nan's eyes a bit of anticipation .

I really saw a ghost. It's good to say that Chi Nan can deal with ghosts and not be afraid, but I can't expect it

Unless otherwise hidden.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yu also became a little bit looking forward to it.

Chi Nan played boringly with the clues belonging to his character and the pair of iron rings in his hands. He had a whim and put one of the rings on his middle finger.

Lu Baizhou on the side saw the correction and said, "This kind of paired ring needs to be worn on the ring finger."

Chi Nan was stunned for a moment, took off the ring from his middle finger, and put it on his ring finger according to Lu Baizhou's words: "Is that so?"

He raised his hand and carefully observed his ring finger in the light of the sky that was gradually dimmed because of the approaching rainstorm. The iron ring was a little dull.

Chi Nan didn't think there was much difference between wearing the ring on the middle finger and ring finger.

It looks about the same.

At this moment, Lu Baizhou suddenly became confused. It was so quiet in the car at this moment that even the slightest movement could make the nervous Pei Mo turn blue with fright. He asked Lu Baizhou in a trembling voice: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Lu Baizhou pointed to the grass on the side of the road, frowned and said, "I seem to have seen a figure standing there just now..."

The torrential rain had already fallen, and the entire wasteland and the long highway were shrouded in wet gray, making it almost impossible to breathe.

"Are you saying that the "Waiting for the Car Man" appeared..." Pei Mo was so nervous that he asked knowingly. Now that Jiang Yu was excluded, everyone in the car had a one-third chance of encountering their own evil spirit.

Lu Baizhou neither nodded nor shook his head, and said in confusion, "But... that person seems to be Chi Nan..."

"What are you talking about? Isn't Chi Nan sitting in the car?"

"The waiter I saw just now looks the same as Chi Nan..." Lu Baizhou couldn't understand it himself.

Jiang Yu: "Did you misread the speed of the car too fast?"

Lu Baizhou frowned uncertainly and was silent. She looked out the window again, but the place where the figure stood just now was empty.

Chi Nan is calmer than anyone else: "It should be my brother here."

He looked out the window for a moment, and after about five minutes, he saw You Yu standing in the rain beside a road sign.

Even though he was mentally prepared, Chi Nan's hand with the ring still trembled subconsciously when he saw You Yu appearing in front of him with his true colors.

The rhythm of the heartbeat is also a little faster.

You Yu didn't hold an umbrella, and the rain kept dripping from his cheeks. He stood quietly wrapped in a scarf. He didn't stop the car like Qu Yijun did, and he didn't have any uncomfortable blood on his body. It looks like a sad and lonely waiting person.

The eyes of the two met briefly through the gray rain curtain, the speed of the car was too fast, and Chi Nan didn't have time to see You Yu's expression clearly.

Everyone in the car was stunned when they saw You Yu's face, Jiang Yu murmured, "It's really exactly the same..."

Pei Mo: "Yes, the brother settings of this copy are too realistic, they are completely twins."

Chi Nan saw the driver's questioning eyes in the rearview mirror, and he said directly, "Can I park here?"

The coldness in the driver's eyes dissipated, and he smiled at him: "Of course, I have an umbrella here if needed."

In other words, sleepwalkers can get out of the car and move around in rainy days.

Chi Nan took the red umbrella handed by the driver, unfastened his seat belt and said, "Thank you."

"Chi Nan, what are you doing?!" Pei Mo was frightened by the fact that he was about to get out of the car.

Chi Nan was calm as usual: "Get off and pick up someone."

Pei Mo turned his head to look at him in horror: "It's too dangerous for you to go down hastily. What if any death condition is triggered?"

Chi Nan: "It doesn't matter, even if you don't get out of the car, you have to experience the plot of being chased and killed by the "victim". "

Pei Mo was anxious, and even wanted to reach out and hold Chi Nan's hand to open the car door, but he held back: "But, but..."

Chi Nan didn't understand the way of thinking of ordinary human beings, but Jiang Yu understood that Pei Mo was afraid that Chi Nan's move to open the door would attract evil spirits into the car and trigger some previously undiscovered death conditions.

"Chi Nan's words are fine, don't worry." Jiang Yu owed Chi Nan's favor, and believed in Chi Nan's judgment and strength, and helped him hold down Pei Mo.

So Pei Mo watched Chi Nan open the car door, and the rain outside was blown into the car by the strong wind. After a while, everyone's clothes were damp, and Chi Nan quickly held up his umbrella and walked into the rain.

But when he stepped out of the car door, You Yu, who was standing on the side of the road waiting for the car, disappeared.

Chi Nan held an umbrella and searched for a large circle on the road. The wind was heavy and the rain was heavy. The umbrella in his hand was completely a decoration, and soon his clothes were soaked through.

What kind of hide-and-seek are you playing

The heavy rain connected the road and the field into a barren gray, and Chi Nan could not find it.

It wasn't until the off-road vehicle behind him kept honking its horn that Chi Nan reluctantly walked back into the car.

The driver threw a dry towel at him to wipe his body: "If you like it, let's go."

Everyone's expressions were a little subtle when they heard this, so they can stop when they encounter "people waiting for the car", don't they really need to 'invite' them into the car

Unfortunately, no one can answer this question for the time being, and we can only wait for verification.

After closing the door, the off-road vehicle continued to drive forward.

Chi Nan's body was so wet that even if he wiped it carefully, water kept pouring out, and a small pool of water stains accumulated under his seat not long after.

They didn't have a change of clothes, so Chi Nan could only endure it and wait for it to dry naturally or find a way to do it at the next motel.

Chi Nan touched his pocket and paused for a while. Lu Baizhou keenly noticed the change in his expression, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

"One less ring." Chi Nan said truthfully.

Compared with Pei Mo's panic, Lu Baizhou needs to be calmer and more straightforward. She sighed as a bystander: "You shouldn't go down, maybe you will lead something into the car."

Chi Nan didn't speak, but Pei Mo, who was sitting in front of him, shivered.

After that, the rain continued, but there was no other person waiting for the car that was taboo for everyone. Chi Nan leaned wetly on the back of the seat, and it didn't take long for him to be sleepy and yawning.

He leaned his head against the glass window and closed his eyes, and vaguely heard Jiang Yu say, "Chi Nan, wake up, you will get sick if you fall asleep like this."

He was so confused that he was too sleepy to speak.

When he was half asleep, Chi Nan felt that his body was getting heavier and colder, as if something extremely low temperature was pressing on him.

The temperature around him dropped rapidly, and he shivered unwittingly, the wet clothes clinging to his body greedily demanded his body temperature.

Chi Nan huddled in the corner of the back seat of the car, and fell asleep listening to the rain outside the window in a trance.

"Brother, wake up, I prepared a birthday present for us."

The voice rang in his ear, and the speaker seemed to be standing very close, and his cool lips brushed against his ear.

"Happy birthday."

The other party smiled lowly, and then footsteps sounded.

Chi Nan opened his eyes, there was a huge birthday cake in front of him, 19 candles flickered in the dark, and a person stood behind the shaking light and shadow, Chi Nan was stunned for a moment when his eyes met.

Because the other party has the same green eyes and tear moles, if it wasn't for the familiar smile on this person's face, Chi Nan almost thought he was looking in the mirror.

"You Yu?" Chi Nan tried to make a sound, but found that his body was out of his control now.

He quickly realized his situation, and now, like Jiang Yu, he has fallen into the plot memories belonging to "characters".

His character didn't say a word, and looked at You Yu on the opposite side coldly.

You Yu also looked over with a smile, put his face on his hands and said with interest, "Brother, what's the expression like?"

Chi Nan also wanted to know what his character's expression was like now, but he wanted to know more about whether You Yu played the role of his younger brother, whether he played in person or just like Qu Yijun, just a series of programmed programs.

According to Chi Nan's understanding of You Yu, he thinks this guy is likely to choose the former.

"Don't look at me so fiercely, I'll be sad," You Yu curled her lips innocently, suddenly thinking of something to cheer her up, "Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to 'remove' makeup, sorry."

After speaking, he wiped his hands, raised his head very skillfully, took out the green contact lenses from his eyes and threw them on the table, and wiped off the two tear moles under the corners of his eyes with a tissue.

He scribbled, and the black marks that spread from the corners of his eyes to his cheeks looked like two tears.

"Brother, do you still mind now that I live as you?" You Yu approached and looked down at 'Chi Nan'.

"Shut up for me!" Chi Nan's character finally spoke, and he struggled violently as if stimulated, only to realize that 'his' feet were tied by chains.

He looked around from the character's point of view, the confined space was dark and damp, it should be a hidden basement.

You Yu smiled at 'Chi Nan''s angry eyes, under the flickering candlelight, there was a slight delusion of tenderness: "Brother, hurry up and make a wish, blow the candle and let's eat cake together, this is your favorite Ordered from the dessert shop…”

"You're a pervert." Chi Nan gritted his teeth and interrupted You Yu's words, trembling with anger.

Chi Nan himself has never had such a strong emotion. Trapped in the role at the moment, he was curious to try to empathize with the other party, but unfortunately he failed.

He can only see and hear the character's actions and lines, but cannot perceive the character's emotions. He is completely separated from the character.

"Brother thinks I'm a pervert, so I'll treat it like a pervert," You Yu squatted down and looked at 'Chi Nan' from the bottom up, "What is your wish, can I know?"

'Chi Nan' lips collapsed into a straight line: "I want you to die immediately."

You Yu pouted and muttered in disappointment, "This colleague's role is really not like you, Chi Nan."

Chi Nan, who was imprisoned in his body, was stunned. He knew that this was what You Yu told him specially.

But You met in the end is still dedicated, he picked up the knife on the table with a smile, and handed it to 'Chi Nan', with a very pious expression: "The knife was originally prepared for us to cut cakes, but now it seems, brother Might prefer to use it to cut something else."

"Brother, how about you fulfill this wish yourself?" As he spoke, he opened Chi Nan's slightly trembling hand and let him hold it on the handle of the knife.

The 19 candles were burning, as if they had consumed all the oxygen, and Chi Nan obviously felt that his character's breathing had become short and difficult.

You Yu put the key of the shackles in the gift box, and his voice was very seductive: "I won't resist, brother."

Chi Nan saw his own reflection in his eyes.

His character picks up the knife, turning his knuckles white from too much force.

The smile on You Yu's face grew even stronger: "Brother, work harder, don't hesitate, I'm afraid of pain."