After the Little Crybaby Enters the Nightmare Cycle

Chapter 85: Highway 404 (5)


You Yu blinked at Chi Nan, who was trapped in the character.

His eyes are pious and happy, and there is some unpredictable tenderness.

The character's hand holding the knife began to tremble. Chi Nan saw the character's expression from the blade. His setting had normal human emotions. At this moment, hesitation, disgust, anger... more fear.

Chi Nan is very unfamiliar with such a 'self' and is also very curious.

You Yu handed over the knife, which was extremely sharp. Obviously, it was not used to cut cakes. The 'victim' had planned it.

"Brother, I'm ready." You Yu curled his lips and raised his head slightly, revealing his defenseless neck.

He is more willing to show Chi Nan the scene of "death" than the role of serious OOC.

I don't know what the mental activity of this little evil spirit is at the moment? It's interesting to think about.

From the character's perspective, Chi Nan saw You Yu wearing the missing iron ring on his ring finger.

It turned out that he stole the 'clue', Chi Nan thought, and his character's ring finger also wears the same ring.

There was no wind in the airtight basement, but the candles on the cake beat so violently that they even made a crackling sound of burning.

Compared to You Yu's calm bewitching, Chi Nan's character was already on the verge of collapse, he stood up with a knife, and the chain made a clang clang with his movements.

"You... pervert...!"

The character slashed towards You Yu's Adam's apple with a knife. Although Chi Nan did not have the freedom of movement, he could really feel the feel of the sharp blade piercing his throat through the character's movements, as if he had struck it himself.

Soon, blood spurted out from You Yu's neck, as if the exploding red mist splashed the character's face.

"Brother, happy birthday."

You Yu's lips moved, but he couldn't make a sound, but Chi Nan knew what he said.

Not long ago, he said the same thing to You Yu.

Chi Nan, who was imprisoned in the role, also silently said, "Happy birthday."

From the beginning to the end, You Yu kept his eyes open and looked at Chi Nan, until his pupils were dissipated and lost their luster, and Chi Nan's reflection disappeared from his eyes.

The blood was still flowing, the candles on the cake were half burned, and the character stood blankly in the pool of blood with a knife in hand.

It wasn't until You Yu's corpse fell to the ground making a sound that his slack consciousness was slightly gathered up. He stared at his ring finger for a few seconds, and hurriedly pulled out the ring in disgust, as if he had discarded something that had terrified him for a long time. thing.

With a 'bang' sound, the ring fell to the ground, and a long trace rolled across the ground with blood.

"Chi Nan, are you awake? Are you okay?"

Jiang Yu's voice was so close, Chi Nan struggled to open his eyes.

But he sneezed before he could speak.

"...I just said that you will catch a cold if you fall asleep like this," Jiang Yu said, lit a cigarette and handed it over, "Have a cigarette to warm you up?"

Chi Nan sniffed: "No, thank you."

The weather had cleared up at some point, and the hot, dry sunlight fell on the skin, evaporating the chill that had accumulated in the pores.

Jiang Yu put the cigarette in his mouth: "Did you have a nightmare just now? What did you dream about?"

Chi Nan: "It's confirmed, my character killed my brother."

Although they were psychologically prepared, Lu Baizhou and Pei Mo still took a deep breath.

Jiang Yu nodded with a sullen face: "You have already met the "waiting person", the next time you encounter heavy fog, the dead will probably come to the hotel to stay. "

Although Pei Mo escaped temporarily, as long as he thought that he would be avenged by evil spirits one day, he couldn't calm down. He hurriedly asked the driver: "Can we not stay in a motel? Make do with it in the car. Is it okay to survive the foggy weather…”

The driver gave him a cold look: "No, you must go to the hotel to rest."

Pei Mo: "..."

Driver: "Do you think it's safe to stay outside? I advise you to get rid of this idea as soon as possible."

Jiang Yu: "Pei Mo, don't try to resist the rules."

Pei Mo froze for a moment and didn't speak, Jiang Yu turned to Chi Nan: "Are you sure you can deal with the character's younger brother?"

She wasn't worried about Chi Nan at first, but she didn't seem to be in a good mood when she saw the other party's face, and she didn't know what to do.

Chi Nan pursed his lips and didn't answer immediately. Jiang Yu added, "If there is anything I can help you, feel free to speak."

"It's okay, I just don't want to deal with him." Chi Nan said calmly.

Jiang Yu frowned in confusion: "What do you mean?"

Chi Nan shook his head: "Don't worry."

Jiang Yu felt a little uneasy seeing him like this, and reminded: "Evil spirits will never be soft on us, you have to be careful."

Chi Nan nodded dazedly, because in his opinion, in his relationship with You Yu, he was the one who belonged to the evil spirit.

Judging from the plot of the dream recollection, the script of this role is also very subtle. The younger brother imprisoned the elder brother for some reason, and then lived as the elder brother.

The relationship between the brothers is somewhat similar to his relationship with You Yu. Before entering the nightmare world, he also lived in the real world as You Yu.

The state presented by the two characters is like a metaphor.

So You Yu would also appear like Qu Yijun and kill him

Chi Nan looked out of the window in a trance, and Lu Baizhou handed over a coat: "Pay attention to preventing ultraviolet rays, don't be covered in bruises like Jiang Yu, it's too scary."

Jiang Yu silently glanced at the blue and purple marks on his hands covered with corpse spots, and did not speak.

"Thank you." Chi Nan took the coat and wrapped it around him, subconsciously touched his neck, and sure enough, there was a burning pain, and it was hard to swallow gently.

Is it because his character had cut You Yu's neck

According to their previous inferences, after the sleepwalker triggers the "Waiting for a Car" plot, as long as it is irradiated with ultraviolet rays, there will be wounds similar to the victim's death method.

For example, the blue and purple fall marks on Jiang Yu's body and the wound on his neck can all be matched.

And judging from Jiang Yu's situation, the wound will become more and more serious over time, and the longer the sleepwalker stays in this copy, the weaker it will be.

But is it really just transferring the victim's wounds to them

Chi Nan frowned slightly and turned to Lu Baizhou: "Can I borrow a makeup mirror?"

"Of course." Lu Baizhou handed him the vanity mirror.

Chi Nan raised his head slightly, and saw from the mirror that there was an obvious red mark on his neck, but the texture was more like the trace of a rope than the wound smeared by a sharp blade...

Maybe the changes in their bodies are not just a simple presentation of the wounds of the victims

Chi Nan turned the ring on his ring finger, and a bold idea suddenly popped into his mind.

But the cost of proving this idea is too dangerous...

Here Lu Baizhou looked at the wound on his neck and asked, "Is it because you can't deal with evil spirits?"

Chi Nan paused, but did not answer immediately.

Lu Baizhou chased after him: "Because the character's younger brother is someone you know, I guess right?"

Chi Nan shook his head: "It's because I don't need to deal with it."

Saying that, he quietly glanced at Lu Baizhou, who looked uneasy: "Your 'victim' is the person you know in reality, right?"

He thought that Lu Baizhou already knew the identity of the other party, but he didn't plan to tell them, so he repeatedly confirmed the relationship between his teammates and the victim.

Lu Baizhou tensed his lips with a heavy expression, and replied after a while: "I haven't decided yet, let's see."

Silence spreads in the carriage, and the disturbing car radio blares again—

[Listener friends, now is the weather forecast time: It is expected that in the next 8 hours, the entire section of Highway 404 will usher in heavy fog, the visibility will be less than 5 meters, and the field of vision will be greatly affected. Please drive safely... ]

The driver whistled happily: "It seems that we can have a good rest again. Today's motel trip is exciting."

After hearing this, everyone looked at Chi Nan in unison. Obviously, this trip to the motel was specially prepared for Chi Nan.

Chi Nan looked at the thickening white fog outside the window, saw the neon lights floating in the fog outside the motel door, and suddenly there was a little more anticipation in his eyes, it was time to confirm his guess.

He noticed that there was a sign on the fork outside the motel with a sign of 3000km written on it. Chi Nan noticed in his heart that they had already walked 1000km.

What exactly awaits them at the end of the road, the driver didn't reveal from the start.

The off-road vehicle parked in the parking lot like last time, and the group got out of the car and walked towards the motel with mixed feelings.

On the way, Lu Baizhou muttered, "Why does it feel like the hotel yesterday?"

Pei Mo: "Motels should all look the same..."

But before he finished speaking, the driver pushed open the door of the hotel lobby, and the familiar face of the proprietress stretched her head in the direction of the door: "Welcome."

The three men who were eating in front of the bar looked over again fiercely, their eyes full of hostility and disgust.

Even the black-and-white TV hanging on the wall is still broadcasting the news that "on the first anniversary of the death of the famous writer "The Judge", fans spontaneously sent flowers and waxes to the accident site.

The driver greeted the proprietress eagerly as last time, and even the conversation was almost the same.

Yesterday's hotel, yesterday's guests, yesterday's news.

They seem to be stuck in a suffocating road trip loop.

"What's going on? Now this... do you want to repeat what happened yesterday?"

Pei Mo looked at everything he was familiar with, his face was ashen, and he remembered the fear of watching "Groundhog Day" when he was dominated by infinite loop days.

Chi Nan: "It's not a complete repetition, at least there's only 3,000km left."

Jiang Yu thought for a moment: "It seems that only the motel's settings are similar. After all, the purpose is the same. Maybe the dream maker is too lazy to change the program."

With experience, Pei Mo took the initiative to avoid the look of the boss's wife scrutinizing the prisoner this time, and said listlessly: "I hope the remaining 3000km journey will end soon, I'm really fed up."

Jiang Yu raised his eyebrows: "Do you think that as long as we survive the 4000km journey, we will be able to pass the customs smoothly?"

Pei Mosheng was stunned for a moment: "No, what else?"

He was frightened without thinking of another possibility.

Jiang Yu shrugged: "Who knows, it would be so simple."

Pei Mo's face was full of horror: "don't scare me..."

The proprietress glanced at everyone with a half-smiling smile: "The four of you come over to do the check-in and save time."

They had to shut up and honestly went to the front desk to complete the registration.

Chi Nan deliberately flipped forward, the content they registered yesterday disappeared.

It was like staying in this hotel for the first time.

To be precise, there is no difference between yesterday and today. After all, this dungeon world is just the opposite of the dream maker world. Only the weather changes 24 hours a day, and night does not come.

"Excuse me, can I change to a double room?" Chi Nan asked the proprietress suddenly.

Everyone looked at him strangely, what does the double room mean? Do you still want to reserve a bed for the evil spirits who want to sleep

The proprietress looked at him fixedly: "Of course."

Chi Nan: "In terms of price..."

"The price of all room types is the same, you have paid." The proprietress handed him the key to 216.

Chi Nan took it: "Thank you."

He thought for a while and asked, "By the way, is there something like a dagger? The sharper the better."

The proprietress narrowed her eyes slightly and said with a smile: "Just in time, the store bought a new dagger."

After a pause, she lowered her voice, "It's very sharp, it is said that it can easily cut people's throats."

She turned the dagger out of the drawer and politely pushed it sideways in front of Chi Nan.

Everything just happened by coincidence.

Chi Nan thanked him politely again and walked to the second floor with the knife and key.

Everyone looked at his words and deeds in astonishment, and could not comment for a while.

After Chi Nan entered the room, he took a hot bath cleanly. When he took off his clothes, he found that he also had a few bruises on his body, just like Jiang Yu's body, but he was much lighter.

But 'You Yu's death' didn't fall down the stairs. It stands to reason that there are no bruises. Why is he...

Chi Nan thought for a while, and had some points in his heart. This discovery made him more necessary to do risky experiments.

He left the doors and windows unlocked, put the dagger and the remaining ring on the cabinet between the two beds, turned off the wall lamp, and closed his eyes to sleep.

It was another messy dream. In the dream, his character stood in a pool of blood, blowing out the candles on the cake one by one, then picked up the knife that had cut Yu Yu's neck, wiped away the blood stains, and cut open the soft Birthday Cake.

The smell of blood and the sweetness of cream mixed together, permeating the entire closed basement.

Chi Nan saw that his character seemed to be unconscious, burying his head in the cake and eating like a vicious dog, eating mechanically and embarrassedly.

Eating and eating, he began to laugh frantically, and at the end he couldn't tell whether he was crying or laughing.

Chi Nan woke up in his frantic laughter, and sneezed before opening his eyes.

The temperature in the guest room plummeted, so cold that he couldn't stop sniffing, Chi Nan knew that someone had entered.

There was a sound of 'ding bell ding bell' in the dark, like someone turning a ring on the table to relieve the boredom.

The other party didn't speak, and Chi Nan didn't speak either.

Until Chi Nan's eyes gradually adjusted to the darkness, he saw a person sitting on the opposite bed. Although he couldn't see it clearly, he knew that the other person was in a spirit state by looking at the outline.

You Yu suddenly held down the ring that kept turning, and the ding sound stopped. He raised his head, because his face was too pale, and it looked abrupt and strange in the dark.

It also allowed Chi Nan to see his appearance more clearly.

Although Yu Yu of the spirit body was frighteningly pale, his lips were exceptionally bright red, and a red scarf was wrapped around his neck. The strong contrast made him look like a vampire who had just finished eating.

Chi Nan's gaze towards Yu Yu, the rhythm of his heart changed slightly.

But the expression on his face never revealed the slightest emotion.

Half a minute later, Chi Nan sat up straight from the bed, not forgetting to wrap himself tightly with the quilt, looking cold.

"Are you here to kill me? You Yu." Chi Nan said, yawning.