After the Little Crybaby Enters the Nightmare Cycle

Chapter 90: Highway 404 (10)


Pei Mo's flashlight rolled down at his feet, and the beam hit his white running shoes that were stained with blood. Tick, tick, blood trickled down the wall like a waterfall, gathering into a small pool of scarlet blood for a moment. .

Looking at Jiang Yu's flashlight, Pei Mo's left hand almost sinks into the wall from the fingers to the forearm. The upper arm is flipped and folded in an extremely twisted posture. The skeletal muscles have been deformed, and the connection between the arm and the wall is one , it looks like Pei Mo's hand grows out of the wall.

"Save, save me!" he said hoarsely, "the monster in the wall is eating my hand!"

As Pei Mo spoke, he pulled the swallowed half of his arm with his other hand, tears streaming down his face. He had the illusion that he had put his hand into the high-speed blender.

Jiang Yu is the most powerful of all. She quickly weighed the pros and cons, raised the long knife in her hand and slashed half of Pei Mo's arm!

The blood immediately exploded like fireworks, and the moment the arm was cut off, Pei Mo fell backwards due to inertia, and the severed arm was quickly sucked into the wall, and a faint scent of barbecue grease came from the rich blood...

The blood on the wall was also sucked up in an instant, as if the bloody scene had never happened before.

On the other hand, the patient in the chalk drawing has an additional grill in his hand, and a freshly cut arm is strung on the iron support, which is brushed with oil and sauce on the roaring bonfire.

The pain has consumed all of Pei Mo's mental strength and will. At this moment, he fell to the ground in a cold sweat, curled up in a ball and twitched.

Jiang Yu came over and took off his coat to tie him up to stop the bleeding: "Don't blame me, if you don't cut your arm, your whole body is likely to be pulled in and eaten."

"This should work soon." Chi Nan handed over the painkillers. He has always been sick with medicine. Although it was an immersive dream this time, all the things they carried with them were turned in, but the tour was still open. He opened a back door and secretly stuffed Chi Nan's usual medicine into his pocket.

It took less than five minutes for Pei Mo to take the medicine, and the pain was relieved by more than half. He began to cry: "I just said that there is no good thing in a ghost place like the orphanage! I shouldn't be tricked by you! …”

The scolded Jiang Yu frowned and looked at the collapsed middle-aged man.

Pei Mo glanced at Chi Nan reluctantly. Why did this little boy also look at the chalk drawing, but he was unscathed

He had complaints in his heart. If Chi Nan hadn't started this plot point, he wouldn't have lost his arm in vain.

But Pei Mo didn't dare to blame Chi Nan rashly. Although Chi Nan was always quiet and harmless to humans and animals, Pei Mo was always a little afraid of him from the bottom of his heart.

Pei Mo could feel an indescribable sense of danger and divinity in Chi Nan that could not be described in words.

Lu Baizhou, who was interrupted in the middle of unlocking, came over and fixedly looked at the chalk drawing on the wall, but after staring for a moment, her pupils had lost their luster, and she began to move towards the chalk drawing mechanically like Pei Mo. , Chi Nan immediately waved his hand in front of her, and Lu Baizhou, whose eyes were out of focus, was suddenly startled: "I just seemed to..."

Chi Nan: "Try not to look directly, chalk drawing will tempt people to approach, and then prey." He quickly inferred the mechanism and effect of chalk drawing from Pei Mo's tragic experience.

Lu Baizhou just came back to his senses and blinked his eyes, still a little dazed.

Chi Nan stared at the chalk drawing and explained, "It's a bit like... the principle of mosquito killers."

The reason why he wasn't bewitched... Probably because he wasn't a good hunter, Chi Nan thought.

Jiang Yu on the side: "..." It is likened to a mosquito lamp, isn't this murderous chalk wall dignified

After regaining his senses, Lu Baizhou beat his heart with lingering fears, and hurriedly said thank you to Chi Nan. Jiang Yu reminded her: "Don't delay for too long, there are crises in the welfare home, we will speed up the progress to unlock and try to get out as soon as possible."

Unfortunately, just as Jiang Yu finished speaking, the bell at one o'clock in the morning came from the main building.

"It's already one o'clock so soon? I remember it was exactly twelve o'clock when we came in." Jiang Yu was puzzled.

Lu Baizhou is the only one who wears a watch among all the characters. She glanced at the minute hand on the dial that just pointed to 12:20, her face turned pale: "I have only been here for twenty minutes, it shouldn't be..."

Chi Nan: "Perhaps, the time flow of the orphanage is three times the normal rate."

Jiang Yu's expression froze, and he swallowed nervously: "So actually... we only have two hours..."

At this moment, the sound of 'zirazilla' suddenly came from above the orphanage. Jiang Yu followed the sound and raised the flashlight.

[In order to welcome the four guests from afar, the principal announced that the curfew will be lifted tonight, and the children will spend an exciting and pleasant game night in the welfare home with the guests]

[In order for the four guests to quickly adapt to the life of the orphanage and play with the children as soon as possible, we have prepared a game of hide-and-seek. The children of the orphanage catch and the guests hide. Please understand your roles correctly]

[The game will be played in ten minutes, please hide it immediately, and if the children find it, you will receive a strict game punishment]

Crowd:! ! !

[The game will be held in ten minutes, please choose a hiding place quickly to avoid being found by children...]

If the time is tripled, the ten minutes in the orphanage are actually only three minutes and twenty seconds...

Looking around, this empty yard has no objects large enough for adults to hide, and the iron gate of the main building is locked again... If they go on like this, they have nowhere to hide and can only wait to die!

"What can I do with this hastily! Let's climb the wall and hide in the house. I can't finish the climb with my hands at all..." Pei Mo immediately jumped up from the ground, so frightened that he was incoherent.

Lu Baizhou shouted irritably: "Don't make a fool of yourself when the fuck is critical, I'll be fine soon!"

Because the time was too tight, Lu Baizhou's hand holding the wire couldn't help shaking, and the cold sweat quickly soaked through her clothes, she could hardly breathe.

Jiang Yu quickly covered Pei Mo's babbling mouth, and tried to let Lu Baizhou calmly focus on unlocking: "It's okay, don't worry, I have a machete here. If it doesn't work, we will have an anal with those children."

Lu Baizhou licked his dry lips: "I try my best."

"Well, don't panic, Chi Nan has the ability to deal with evil spirits."

Jiang Yu seemed to want some spiritual support, so he raised his head to look at where Chi Nan was standing, but unexpectedly flinched, "Chi Nan?"

She was busy looking for Chi Nan's figure with the flashlight. After searching for a long time, she found that he had walked to the Angel Fountain, and looked down at the pool in a daze, "Chi Nan? Are you alright?"

"It's okay." Chi Nan's voice was calm, not as if he was confused by something.

Jiang Yu wanted to say something else, but the sound of the lock being pried interrupted her train of thought. Lu Baizhou sighed heavily, quickly pulled out the lock and threw it on the ground, hurriedly pulling open the iron gate of the main building.

[Guests please hide quickly, there are three minutes left before the start of the game of hide and seek]

The broadcast reminded again, Lu Baizhou and Pei Mo rushed into the corridor as if they were running for their lives, Jiang Yu turned back and hurriedly shouted to Chi Nan: "Why are you still standing there! Quickly enter the main building and hide!"

"You guys go first, I'll do an experiment." Chi Nanmian said unchanged.

"...As soon as possible!" At the juncture of life and death, Jiang Yu couldn't take care of so much anymore, gritted his teeth and rushed into the corridor.

Standing alone by the fountain, Chi Nan glanced at the reflection in the water, and then moved his gaze to the four or five abandoned children's water guns at his feet. Thinking of the game night mentioned on the radio, he suddenly had an idea.

He reached into his pocket, which was full of mints from the hotel, enough to cry for a while.

Here, Jiang Yu had just climbed halfway up the stairs when he bumped into Pei Mo and Lu Baizhou who came down from the second floor out of breath: "The rooms on the second floor are locked!"

The countdown to the broadcast was getting faster and faster, making everyone's temples painful. Finally, the three people who turned back from the stairs came to the first floor and rushed into an abandoned classroom before the best half-minute was used up. Lu Baizhou opened the classroom. The large cabinet on the right made sure that it was spacious enough to dig in. Pei Mo, who was the second to enter the classroom, squeezed in before she closed the door.

Jiang Yu couldn't hide in the cabinet anymore, and chose to curl up behind the podium at the last second.

With the sound of 'ding dong', the countdown came to an end, and the three people who were hiding in the classroom were so nervous that they breathed lightly, but they couldn't control the rhythm of their heartbeats.

The knife given by the driver was too long, so Jiang Yu couldn't hide it in the podium, so she had to retreat and put the knife diagonally under the blackboard, so that she could observe the situation in the classroom through the reflection of the blade.

The two people in the cabinet are much more convenient, and can understand the situation in the classroom and corridor through the crack of the door.

Time passed by, two people suddenly squeezed into the small cabinet, and the hot bloody smell spread in the confined space, forcing Lu Baizhou, who was already too nervous, to feel dizzy for a while.

She tried her best to hide to the side, but the space in the cabinet was too small. She had no choice but to hide. Her sweat-soaked shirt was sticking to her skin.

She just couldn't hold back, she shrank back and leaned back into the cabinet, accidentally bumping her elbow against the edge of the cabinet, making a small movement.

But at the moment when the crash sounded, the two people in the cabinet suddenly stopped breathing. Pei Mo could clearly see from the crack of the door that a row of shadows passing by in the corridor outside the window suddenly stopped. Under these circumstances, Qi Shushu turned around and faced the classroom, making a weird 'giggle' sound.

The dark shadows gradually floated on the window glass... It was a group of children about one meter three or four in height, both male and female, with vaguely similar faces, all with sharp and bloody teeth.

The sound of 'clucking' was getting louder and louder, and the group of children seemed to be discussing something in high spirits.

The three people in the room forgot to even breathe, and silently prayed that the children found no clues and left quickly.

Pei Mo's heartbeat reached his throat. He was afraid that he would cry out because of fear, so he hurriedly covered his mouth with his only right hand. The blood on Lu Baizhou's face was completely lost, and his tightly tugged fingernails almost sank into the flesh.

The children's laughter is getting closer and closer, and they can be vaguely heard singing songs: "Don't hide, dear guests, I have already smelled the sweet smell of blood, don't hide, I will find it. is you…"

They sang in a low voice, and collectively made a gurgling sound of swallowing saliva...

Seeing that the children gradually gathered outside the cabinet, Lu Baizhou captured the key words in the song, the smell of blood! must be the smell of blood on Pei Mo's body that attracted must be the smell of blood...

In an instant, she had made a decision she thought was cruel. She looked at Pei Mo, who was terrified, and silently said sorry.

The next moment, she held on to Pei Mo's shoulders, and suddenly pushed him out of the cabinet. When all the ghost boys rushed towards Pei Mo, she jumped out of the cabinet and ran outside the classroom, ignoring Pei Mo's desperate screams behind her. , running like crazy while meditating on being sorry, running and running and almost crying...

Until she nearly bumped into someone walking across the corridor with several water guns in her hand...

"Chi, Chi Nan?!"