After the Little Crybaby Enters the Nightmare Cycle

Chapter 91: Highway 404 (11)


Chi Nan's eyes were still bloodshot: "What about them?"

Crying too hard always has unpleasant after-effects like sore eyes and uncontrollable sniffling.

Lu Baizhou gasped and pointed to classroom 106: "They are entangled by children who are playing hide-and-seek..."

"Well," Chi Nan handed a water gun in his hand to Lu Baizhou, "I'll go take a look, this is for self-defense. If the water is running out, you can fill it up in the fountain."

With that said, Chi Nan ran towards the 106 where Pei Mo and the others were.

Lu Baizhou held the water gun in a daze, and looked at Chi Nan's back in disbelief: "You are not afraid..."

Halfway through her words, several hide-and-seek children walked towards Chi Nan from the aisle. They grinned as usual, revealing sharp teeth with blood and broken flesh, like disintegrated zombies.

Lu Baizhou was so frightened that she was about to run away, but when she saw Chi Nan calmly carrying the water gun and accurately pouring water on the children, she was stunned.

What is this for? People's welfare center said they played hide-and-seek... How did this guy start a water fight? !

But what surprised her even more happened. The children who were soaked by the water suddenly burst into tears and ran away. Their positions changed instantly. The children suddenly changed from hunters to arresters, while Chi Nan seemed to be A player at the top of the food chain.

"How, how could this be?"

Lu Baizhou muttered to himself in disbelief, his hand holding the water gun exerted force unconsciously. At this moment, three or four children suddenly appeared at the entrance of the corridor. Lu Baizhou imitated Chi Nan's style and swept them with a water gun. Sure enough, the effect was the same. These children were so frightened that they ran upstairs to hide.

Lu Baizhou was stunned for a while, her trembling stopped immediately, and she returned to classroom 106 with a water gun.

When Chi Nan arrived at 106, Jiang Yu had just rushed out from behind the podium, and she took a long knife and chopped off the kid's head one by one.

However, physical attacks were ineffective against these children, but aroused their interest even more. They squatted down and picked up their fallen heads, held them up high on the severed necks, turned around and abandoned their faces full of snot and tears. Pei Mo, surrounded by Jiang Yu as his new target.

Jiang Yu stepped back with a long knife in hand. Just when she was forced to the corner of the wall, Chi Nan's water gun suddenly came over.

"Chi Nan?! Why don't you hide..."

Before Jiang Yu could finish speaking, the children who were grinning and drooling suddenly screamed. She was stunned on the spot with the knife, "What are you...what are you doing?"

Chi Nan threw one of the water guns to Jiang Yu and the other to Pei Mo: "Drenching them with water will make them obedient."

Two people: "...?" What kind of confusing behavior is this

Although they were confused, the effect was remarkable. The two took the example of Chi Nan and held water guns to spray the ghost children. The children who rushed to escape from the classroom unfortunately encountered Lu Baizhou blocking the door. In panic, they chose to climb the wall to escape. .

Several of the children who had been soaked through were twisted and deformed in place, and finally melted on the ground like a pool of melted wax, leaving dark marks.

Pei Mo, who was the most bullied, jumped up from the ground and chased the fleeing ghost child with a water gun, constantly swearing in his mouth.

After chasing him to the yard, he even started shooting the pica chalk painting with a water gun. The bones of his hand were spat out and smashed to the ground with a creak.

Jiang Yu couldn't stand it any longer, and reminded: "It's almost done, save time to find clues!"

Pei Mo wiped the blood that was bitten on his body, then walked back cursing and spat blood on the ground: "Damn, it's finally cool."

Everyone: "… "

Chi Nan kindly reminded him: "If there is not enough water, you can go to the fountain pool to fill it up."

Jiang Yu shook the water gun in his hand: "Chi Nan, can you explain the principle of this?"

She remembered that when she first entered the yard, she did notice that there were many children's toys scattered on the ground, including the water gun they were holding now, but at that time she didn't think about the water gun as a combat weapon at all.

Chi Nan simply said, "I did an experiment, picked up a few water guns, and added something to the fountain pool."

At that time, Chi Nan ate dozens of mints, and stood by the fountain pool with tears rolling down his face. Fortunately, the water in the pool itself was mostly dry, and he cried for seven or eight minutes. Although the tears were diluted, the effect was clear. It looks equally remarkable.

It's just a scorching mint coolness in my throat and stomach right now...

Pei Mo called the good guy: "I knew you were so powerful, I would..."

When he said that he raised the water gun to go to Lu Baizhouzi who betrayed him, Chi Nan immediately stopped: "Don't spray on people."

Lu Baizhou quickly dodged when he heard the sound, and Pei Mo was also frightened: "Will... how?"

Chi Nan said calmly, "The water is dirty and unsanitary."

Everyone: "… "

After the crisis was over, the four decided to split up to search for clues after refilling the water guns. Pei Mo, who had seen Chi Nan's strength, took the initiative to stand up this time: "I am in a group with Chi Nan."

Lu Baizhou looked at Jiang Yu for help, for fear that he would be grouped with Pei Mo, and the other party would take revenge. Jiang Yu said knowingly, "Then Baizhou and I will search the second floor first, how about it?" South's opinion.

Chi Nan nodded: "Then we will meet here at three o'clock."

After assigning their respective search areas, Chi Nan looked from one corridor to another and found that the north-facing windows of the welfare home were all welded to death by iron sheets. He tried to pry it with a dagger for a while, but it didn't move, as if someone was deliberately trying to hide important clues. …

On the other side of the orphanage, what secrets are hidden

At this time, the main building rang the bell at two in the morning, and those ghost children who were huddled and shivering in the corner of the orphanage disappeared at the moment when the bell rang.

Now Pei Mo is not afraid of the water gun: "It seems that these ghost children are really afraid of us and run away."

Chi Nan: "Maybe the game of hide and seek is only played at a fixed time."

"Fixed time? Do they still appear?" Pei Mo didn't expect this level.

Chi Nan: "Wait until three o'clock to find out."

The game of hide-and-seek didn't start until the bell struck one o'clock, and they entered the orphanage at twelve o'clock. Chi Nan had reason to suspect that when the clock pointed to the odd number, it was game time.

Although Pei Mo didn't know how Chi Nan came to the conclusion, as long as he thought that he could easily deal with the evil spirits of the orphanage now, he had nothing to be afraid of.

Jiang Yu flashed a flashlight in front of her, and Lu Baizhou followed behind her and asked, "I came up before. All the rooms on the second floor are locked. To find clues, we need to pry them open one by one. We definitely don't have enough time."

She has roughly calculated that it takes about 5-10 minutes to pick a lock, and 15-30 minutes after three times the speed, so they can only open four locks at most in an hour, and there are at least 30 rooms in the accommodation department on the second floor. will take more than seven hours to complete...

Jiang Yu: "Just pry open Room 213."

"No. 213?" Lu Baizhou thought for a while, then suddenly realized, "That's the room number where Chi Nan was killed in the motel!"

The two girls turned their heads fast and acted very neatly. After identifying the target, they pried open Room 213 at the fastest speed. After a 'click' sound, Jiang Yu slowly pushed open the dilapidated door.

Unlike the previous classroom 106, where the air was not ventilated all the year round and the dull and decadent smell persisted for a long time, the air in this room was mixed with the freshness of the soil and the moist smell of moss.

Jiang Yu looked over with his flashlight, and found that the window on the west side of the room was open, and there was even a gust of wind turning the pages of the book on the table.

"Hey, the window of this room was not welded to death by iron sheets."

The window was facing the backyard of the main building of the orphanage. Jiang Yu took a flashlight and looked out. When he saw the situation behind the orphanage, he couldn't help gasping for breath—

The west window is facing a large cemetery.

Thousands of tombstones stand up, densely extending in the dark, even giving people a sense of boundless absurdity and terror...

Here, Chi Nan and the two quickly searched the principal's office and the teaching staff's office, but found no useful clues.

Pei Mo turned his attention to the reference room: "I'm going to find out if there is any information about the two of you..."

When he saw dozens of shelves full of information, he hurriedly swallowed the words back in his stomach, "Cough... It might take us a whole night to find the corresponding information..."

Chi Nan scribbled at the dusty data racks and the piles of documents, and had no intention of going in: "Go to the basement first, after all, it's the scene of the murder."

Pei Mo shivered subconsciously when he heard the murder scene, and unconsciously clenched the water gun in his hand.

But he was a little afraid of Chi Nan, and he didn't dare to question his decision. He just said with a trembling voice, "Okay."

The basement is at the end of the corridor, and the corridor connecting the underground is blocked by an iron door, but the lock hanging on the iron door is not locked, and Chi Nansong loosens it and pulls it out.

Maybe the person who left the basement didn't think it was necessary to lock it anymore, or maybe the last person who entered the basement didn't come up again...

The footsteps of the two of them echoed in the narrow corridor, and a flash of flashlight illuminated the stairs under their feet, dragging their figures crooked and slender, slantingly reflected on the wall covered with mold.

The stairs leading to the basement were very long, and Pei Mozhi felt that they had turned at least four or five corners and still couldn't see the end of the stairs.

The further down you go, the stronger the damp musty smell in the air.

Pei Mo held the water gun tightly, but he couldn't help but start to tremble. The fear was amplified infinitely by the sound of his footsteps and the rattling of his teeth, creating a vicious circle.

Just when he felt a little breathless, he finally saw the light of the fire shaking at the end of the darkness.

The moment he saw the light, he wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but the next second, an alarm bell sounded in his heart, and Pei Mo almost fell down the stairs in fright—

This fucking orphanage has been abandoned for decades, where did the fire in the basement come from

"Chi, Chi Nan... This light is definitely wrong, isn't it safe for us to go down like this?" Pei Mo asked cautiously.

Chi Nan nodded: "You wait here first, I'll go down and have a look."

"No! I'll follow you!" The thought of staying alone in the gloomy and long corridor made Pei Mo's hair stand upright.

Chi Nan was still expressionless: "Okay."

He saw that there was a light source in the basement, and in order to save electricity, he deliberately turned off the light.

Pei Mo: "..." He was speechless.

"Is there anyone?" Chi Nan stopped outside the basement door, knocked politely as usual, and asked inside.

After waiting for five seconds with no answer, he turned into the room.

The first thing that catches the eye is a corpse hanged on a rope. The corpse has been decomposed to the point that only a few strands of rotten flesh are attached to the bones. It seems that it has died for a certain period of time.


"It should be my character's body, not my brother's."

Chi Nan remembered that his brother's role could not endure the endless loneliness and confusion of identity, and finally hanged himself.

But the task is not to find the body of his brother, so this body is just the same as the background of the plot to him, and has no substantive significance.

Chi Nan's eyes fell on the beating candle on the table, which was also the light source in the room.

Twenty candles were inserted on the cake that had long been covered with mildew and had no shape. After decades, the corpse cake had decayed and decayed, and the twenty birthday candles were still burning, like some kind of metaphor. , in honor of his brother's body hanging on the rope.

Chi Nan remembered that in the character's dream, there were only 19 birthday candles when his younger brother was killed, which means that the older brother committed suicide one year after his younger brother was killed, on the birthday of the two of them.

Chi Nan approached the candle and found a photo under the rotten cake. He carefully took out the photo, wiped the dust off it, and looked at it carefully.

The photo was taken by my brother before he died. There is a fresh and tempting strawberry cream cake in the picture. The chocolate sign reads—

"10.31, happy 20th birthday to us"

So the birthdays of the two were October 31. Chi Nan took down the information and put away the photos.

He looked at the candles on the cake again, thought about it, and finally blew out all the candles and put them in his pocket.

Can't be wasted.