After the Little Crybaby Enters the Nightmare Cycle

Chapter 93: Highway 404 (13)


"What, what's going on?!" Pei Mo looked at You Yu, who was sitting in the driver's seat, and at Chi Nan, who had not had time to 'remove his makeup', his face full of surprise, "Why is there more Chi Nan? "

Lu Baizhou and Jiang Yu were much calmer. They all gave Pei Mo a blank look: "He should be the younger brother of Chi Nan's character who was just dug out by us."

"Ah? How is it alive?"

Pei Mo looked at the other 'Chi Nan' in the car in disbelief, feeling that his imagination and ability to accept as a middle-aged man had been beaten to pieces.

Jiang Yu shrugged and looked at Chi Nan: "Can this car still sit?"

Before Chi Nan could speak, You Yu in the car looked at Chi Nan with a smile: "Do you have any other options?"

Everyone: "… "

Chi Nan walked towards the car first, opened the door of the co-pilot naturally, and looked at You Yu from top to bottom: "Do you have a driver's license?"

He speaks like a traffic cop checking a driver's license.

You Yu took out the Nightmare World driving license from his pocket and showed it in front of Chi Nan: "Don't worry, for the safety of sleepwalkers, we are all licensed drivers."

"Well, that's a hard drive." Chi Nan got into the car and fastened his seat belt.

The other three watched Chi Nan get into the car, and they had no choice but to follow. Pei Mo opened the car door hesitantly, suspicious of the unknown driver.

You Yu didn't even look at them, he just turned his head and asked Chi Nan, "Then we're on our way?"

Chi Nan: "Okay."

You Yu slammed the accelerator out, fast but steady.

The atmosphere in the car was eerily quiet, and the three people in the back seat looked at the backs of the two 'Chi Nan', not knowing what to say.

Finally, Jiang Yu asked the new driver, "Why did you suddenly change the driver?"

You Yu: "He has already driven 1,600km, and it is not safe to drive when fatigued."

Crowd: "..." It's god damn safe.

Jiang Yu asked again, "Where did the driver go before?"

You Yu: "Who knows? Maybe walk back along the road, don't worry about it."

Everyone: "… "

Jiang Yu glanced at You Yu's speed and wanted to say something, but in the end his lips moved and he didn't say anything. Chi Nan wiped his hands with a disinfectant tissue, took off the contact lenses and put them back in the box.

You Yu held the steering wheel with one hand, and took out a wet tissue from his pocket with the other hand, and wiped it under Chi Nan's eyes: "Makeup must be removed in time. This kind of old and inferior cosmetics is not good for the skin."

"Okay, I'll do it myself." Chi Nan took the wet tissue in You Yu's hand, carefully not touching his fingers, and wiped the concealer off the corners of his eyes by himself.

After a pause, he reminded again, "You drive well."

Yu Yu smiled.

Chi Nan saw that the knife mark on You Yu's neck had healed, and confirmed, "My character has completed atonement and redemption?"

"It's done beautifully." You Yu gave him a positive answer.

Chi Nan continued to test the rules: "The motel proprietress mentioned before that everyone in the car must complete their roles in order to survive after the off-road vehicle reaches the finish line, right?"

You Yu was not stingy, and said bluntly, "Yes, but it seems that you don't have much distance left."

Chi Nan watched him soaring to a speed of 100km/h, and asked in a low voice, "You know the situation is still driving so fast?"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm used to it," You Yu said, but he didn't intend to slow down the car at all. He even stepped on the accelerator harder, and whispered to himself, "I thought it wasn't my brother. Such a well-behaved person would sit quietly in the car and wait for the weather to change."

Saying that, You Yu turned his eyes to the car radio and didn't continue speaking.

Chi Nan noticed his sight, was silent for a moment, then suddenly turned the radio FM button, the current of 'zizizi' replaced the slow shaking with a slow rhythm.

Seeing that Chi Nan was actually using the radio that could predict events, everyone was so nervous that he straightened his back and stretched his neck unconsciously, staring at his fingers that kept pressing the radio button with panic in his eyes.

If it was another person, they would have yelled at each other long ago, but unfortunately this person is Chi Nan, and everyone is a little afraid of Chi Nan.

A tense silence filled the car, their fear of Chi Nan was not from fear, but from awe.

In the end, Pei Mo couldn't help but ask, "Chi Nan, you messed up the radio channels like this... What if the weather forecast we received is inaccurate?"

After all, this is the radio that determines the progress of their mission. It is all about broadcasting what weather they encounter. If Chi Nan makes a malfunction, the consequences will be disastrous.

Chi Nan: "I just want it to be inaccurate."

"Ah, why?" Pei Mo, who didn't know why, raised his voice in panic.

Chi Nan continued to toggle the channel button: "Maybe what the radio tells us is not the weather forecast, but it determines what kind of weather we can encounter."

Pei Mo became more and more confused, Jiang Yu understood a little, and his eyes lit up: "You mean, we can change the rhythm of our tasks by changing the weather forecast?"

Chi Nan nodded: "We don't have much distance left. It would be too passive to decide the mission rhythm according to the random radio weather forecast."

After a pause, he added, "It's just my guess, which needs to be verified by experiments."

As he said that, the radio in his hand made a 'zilla' sound, and a familiar female voice suddenly came from inside—

[Listener friends, now is the weather forecast time: It is expected that in the next 8 hours, the entire section of Highway 404 will usher in heavy fog, with visibility less than 5 meters...]

Chi Nan was dissatisfied with the weather forecast, and planned to continue to twist the button, Jiang Yu immediately stopped it: "Don't continue to adjust! When you 'death', Lu Baizhou met her character's "waiting person", Going to the motel now is just the right time to complete the 'Killed' scenario. "

"If a task location can only complete one role task, the efficiency is too low."

Saying that Chi Nan had already adjusted the channel, the female voice reappeared on the radio for a moment—

[Listener friends, it's weather forecast time: Heavy rain is expected to hit the entire section of Highway 404 in the next five hours...]

Chi Nan was still dissatisfied and continued to tune the frequency.

Jiang Yu couldn't understand it anymore: "What's wrong?"

Chi Nan: "Five hours is too long."

Jiang Yu: "..."

[Listener friends, now is the weather forecast time: It is expected that in the next half an hour, the entire section of Highway 404 will usher in heavy rain, the road will be slippery in rainy days, and the vision will be greatly affected. Please drive carefully, safety first one…]

Hearing the weather and duration that satisfied him, Chi Nan stopped.

You Yu glanced at him from the right rearview mirror and raised the corners of his lips.

Lu Baizhou and Pei Mo, who were sitting in the back row, were confused. Jiang Yu explained: "Chi Nan thinks that it is not the radio that forecasts the weather to us, but the weather itself changes according to the radio broadcast, so he interferes with the frequency modulation. The weather changes, thus speeding up the pace of the mission, such as experiencing two heavy rains in a row, when we checked into the motel on a foggy day, two characters were 'killed' at the same time, and the mission time was greatly shortened."

After she finished speaking, she added, "Of course, it's still in the experimental stage..."

Pei Mo, who had fully understood it, couldn't help but patted his thigh with his one arm: "Fuck! This operation is too awesome! Originally, we were led by the dungeon rules. If it succeeds, we will lead the dungeon! "

As he spoke, a thunderous sound rumbled past, and the gloomy clouds over the wilderness turned into destructive rain and fell on the window glass.

On the wet road stood a wet waiter.

Holding a black umbrella, he seemed to be wearing white gloves and a hat and stood quietly by the roadside with his head down.

When the car was approaching, Pei Mo realized that the man waiting for the car was not wearing white gloves, but a circle of white bandages.

Not only the hands, but also the neck, face, ankles… the exposed body parts are covered with bandages…

When the car driver suddenly raised his head when the car passed by, two dark eyes looked at Pei Mo through the rain screen.

Pei Mo was so frightened by the sight of the other side that his breathing stopped and his body stood upside down. He unconsciously leaned back as far as possible from the car window, and waited for the skin around the driver's eyes to scorch black and burst... As if he only needed a slight blink... That piece of skin and eyeballs It will fall off his face, revealing bloody muscles and white bones...

The other party is "The Judge", the author of the best-selling book "Nowhere to Run", who died in a car explosion.

Now all the clues are strung together, the pseudonym of the judge and the title of the book are full of metaphors, including the page number of the book is exactly 366 pages, predicting that the writer who died a year ago will judge the murderer on the 366th day, so The motel they encounter repeats the same scene forever, and the sinner in the car cannot escape the endless cycle of Judgment Day until redemption is complete.

The new driver was not as polite as the previous driver. He simply omitted the step of soliciting passengers' opinions and stopped the car on his own initiative.

Even through the rearview mirror, he said to Pei Mo in a commanding tone: "Open the car door, and you will follow you if you don't get out of the car."

Pei Mo was so frightened that he grabbed the seat belt on his body: "Ah... ah?"

He understands the principles and rules, but he can't hold back the fear and resistance that comes from his heart.

You Yu has never been a patient person. He directly pressed the switch to open the door, and the wind and rain blew into the car the moment the door was opened.

The shivering Pei Mo fell into a shaky unease in the whistling wind and rain.

Here, You Yu changed a patient tone to Chi Nan: "Is it cold? If it's cold, I'll turn on the heating, and the oil will be reimbursed anyway."

Chi Nan shook his head: "It's okay, it's cool."

Crowd: "…" The driver's style change is more unpredictable than the weather change.

The person waiting for the car, like the younger brother character before, did not get in the car after the car stopped, but disappeared into the rain curtain silently.

You Yu immediately closed the car door and continued to start the car. Chi Nan was dialing his radio channel again—

[Listener friends, now is the weather forecast time: It is expected that in the next 10 hours, the entire section of Highway 404 will usher in heavy fog, with visibility less than 5 meters...]

The step on sunny days was omitted, and Section 404 was directly switched from heavy rain to foggy weather. The neon signboard of the motel floated in the thick fog, and the speed of the off-road vehicle slowed down.

Chi Nan noticed that there was still 2,300km left on the road sign to the end, which means that they only spent 100km from sunny days to rainy days and then to foggy days, which is very efficient.

Same hotel, same unfriendly drinking man, same TV news, same boss lady...

The only difference is that when the proprietress turned to the five people who pushed the door open, her complexion suddenly changed.

To be precise, the moment the proprietress saw You Yu, her face was filled with overwhelming fear. Her smile stiffened on her face for half a second, and then spread stiffly: "Welcome."

But why did she come again, it was clearly written on her face? We are not very welcome.

Chi Nan asked You Yu in a low voice, "Why do I look the same as you, and the boss doesn't treat me like this?"

You Yu explained: "Not all NPCs look at their faces."

Chi Nan: "..." He guessed that the NPC determined the identity of the dream maker through the spiritual field or some other mark.

You Yu naturally walked over to register the room: "The driver's room is no longer needed. Just book a double room for this guest."

After he finished speaking, he turned to Chi Nan and asked, "Do you mind? You can refuse if you mind."

Chi Nan shook his head: "I just want to live in a room with you."

After all, it's been a while since we last met, and he still has something to ask You Yu.

After getting the key, the group walked towards their room. They were in the same corridor and the same room number as the previous two times, but everyone's footsteps were much heavier.

They know that in this fog, this confined space, waiting for them will be the death judgment from the dead.

Pei Mo was the most reluctant of the three. He stopped in front of his room number for a long time and didn't take out the key.

Jiang Yu watched his every move in the corridor, and whispered to Chi Nan: "I have a hunch that Pei Mo may go wrong here, and he may not act according to our plan."

Before Chi Nan could speak, You Yu had already walked over and grabbed Pei Mo's key. Pei Mo stared at him in surprise and fear, but before he could resist, You Yu had already opened the door and pushed him in.

"Hey! You... hey!"

You Yu didn't give him a chance to protest, so he slammed the door and turned the key to lock the room.

Pei Mo's almost desperate clap came from behind the door, but he turned a deaf ear.

Jiang Yu here was almost stunned, Chi Nan comforted quietly: "Just get used to it."

After returning to 213, You Yu closed the door and said to Chi Nan with a smile, "This time you can sleep peacefully, you won't be killed and you won't have to commit suicide."

"Well." Chi Nan's face was always light, but You Yu could feel his happiness unexpectedly.

Chi Nan took the bath towel and pajamas prepared by the hotel, and closed the bathroom door to take a bath.

You Yu was lying on the bed with his eyes closed and thinking with his sense of hearing and smell as he did in the 206 dormitory in Zichengbei District.

He began to use his imagination to depict the little evil spirit using his body and closing his eyes in a hot shower.

Chi Nanyou is cherishing his body. Even when the plot required suicide, he closed his eyes and said sorry.

You Yu felt a familiar calm in the sound of rushing water.

Under the calm, some strange emotions are stirring.

Until Chi Nan turned off the shower, came out of the water mist in red pajamas, wiped his head and said to him, "It's your turn."

You Yu looked up at him for a moment with his neck up, yawned lazily, rubbed his eyes like a younger brother urged by his elder brother to take a shower, stood up reluctantly and walked to the bathroom.

Before stepping into the bathroom, You Yu suddenly stopped and said in a vague and lazy voice, "Brother, my colleague saw you squatting by the fountain in the orphanage and crying."

Chi Nan: "Oh."

You Yu turned around, the dangerous emotion in her eyes flashed: "She is very interested in your tears."