After the Soft Sister Differentiated Into A

Chapter 44


The pain was quickly transmitted to the brain through the nerves, Jin Siming's hands shook, and he frowned in pain.

The inhibitor was crushed by her, but the volatilized molecules in it still had some inhibitory effect on the restless pheromone in her body, which also calmed Jin Siming's mood a little.

Yao Jin took out another one from the table, frowned and said, "Stop messing around, turn around and give me your back."

Her tone sounded like she was blaming, but she couldn't be bothered. Jin Siming glanced at his miserable palm, and turned away obediently.

The glands in the back of the neck felt a slight tingling pain, and it didn't take long for the hot feeling on Jin Siming's body to slowly recede, his dizzy head gradually regained clarity, and the restlessness of pheromones was suppressed.

She had just breathed a sigh of relief when warm fingers slid over the sensitive skin of the glands, and her heart felt soft instantly. Jin Siming's eyelashes trembled and his body stiffened.

After injecting the inhibitor, Yao Jin reattached Jin Siming's restraining sticker, noticing her straight back and the corners of her rosy lips curling upwards.

Her fingertips stayed on Jin Siming's restraining sticker for a moment, she took a light breath, and took it back.

"Okay, just stay here and don't move. I'll deal with the debris and bandage the wound for you."

After Yao Jin cleaned up the glass shards on the carpet, he brought the medicine box and began to check the wound on Jin Siming's hand.

Fortunately, the fragments were relatively shallow, and they were all small wounds. The medicine in the medicine box was enough to treat these wounds.

Jin Siming looked down at Yao Jin's serious look, and couldn't help but said, "You seem to be very skilled in handling these things."

The movement of Yao Jin's hands stopped for a moment, and a fleeting look of loneliness flashed across her eyes: "If you want to take care of yourself by yourself, simple medical first aid is of course a more necessary skill."

After a moment of silence, Yao Jin raised her head and saw Jin Siming's dark eyes looking at her complicatedly, and said with a smile, "What do you want to say when you look at me like this?"

Jin Siming pursed his lower lip and said lightly: "Everyone will have all kinds of regrets in life, especially when you are unable to make choices. If there is really no way to change, then look forward. Have you ever heard a word?"

Yao Jin looked at her with great interest: "What are you talking about?"

Jin Siming coughed, raised the corner of his mouth, raised his other hand into a fist, and tried to lighten his tone: "Say goodbye to all troubles, say hello to all happiness!"

Yao Jin: "..."

The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.


After a long time, Yao Jin smiled with his lips curled up, and joked with narrowed eyes: "Student Jin's way of comforting others is quite unique."

Jin Siming lowered his head and touched the tip of his nose in embarrassment.

Fortunately, at this time, the mobile phone in her pocket rang, and she quickly took it out to take a look. It was Jin Tong's call.

He probably asked her where she was, and urged her to go home, after all, it was almost nine o'clock.

Jin Siming stared at the phone for a second, switched off the phone, and stood up abruptly: "That... it's getting late, I should go back."

Yao Jin raised her head, paused, and said, "I'll take you off the elevator."


After leaving Yao Jin's house, Jin Siming breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he patted his head in frustration, not knowing what was causing the convulsion at that time, and when his mind got hot... he actually said that sentence to Yao Jin.

Moreover, what's even more embarrassing is that today she almost lost control of her pheromone in front of Yao Jin!

She was a little fuzzy at the time, but she only remembered that Yao Jin went out to buy an inhibitor for her, and then...a pain in her shoulder woke her up. It seemed that Yao Jin was the one who bit him.

Jin Siming raised his hand and touched the place where he was bitten. It seemed that Yao Jin was really angry at that time, and the bite was not light, and he still feels a little pain now.

Jin Siming was full of thoughts, and felt his face was hot, and when he reached out to touch it, it was a little hot.

She stood by the side of the road, blowing the cold wind for a while, and then took a taxi back home.

Both Jin's father and Jin's mother have not returned yet, and only Jin Tong is at home.

He was eating pizza in the living room. Seeing Jin Siming coming back, he immediately greeted him: "Tsk, why didn't you answer my phone? Ah! What's wrong with your hand? Why are you still injured!"

Jin Siming is in a mess now, and he doesn't have the mood to talk to Jin Tong, so he just glanced at him lightly, and after changing his slippers, he went to his room, "I was caught by a little stray cat by the side of the road, and it's been dealt with. It's nothing serious. Go back to your room first."

Jin Tong followed her, staring at the gauze on her hand and then curiously: "Then you went to the hospital to bandage it? But are the nurses in the hospital so sentimental now? They even tied such a big gauze Butterfly."

"Hey, have you had dinner? My parents won't come back tonight, I ordered pizza, do you want to eat..."

Before he finished speaking, Jin Siming rejected him coldly and closed the door.

Jin Tong curled his lips, raised the piece of unfinished pizza in his hand and took another bite: "What's the matter, I haven't been home on time lately, could it be that I'm in a relationship?"

But for someone like his sister, he really couldn't think of what kind of Omega Jin Siming would like.

Jin Tong shrugged and went back to the living room to continue eating pizza.

Jin Siming fell on the bed as soon as she entered the room. At this time, her mind seemed to be stuffed with a ball of wool, her thinking was running slowly, and the clips of Yao Jin's house kept coming up.

She stretched out her hand to cover her face, thinking regretfully, if she knew she shouldn't have gone to Yao Jin's house in a moment of resignation, then she wouldn't lose control and embarrass herself in front of Yao Jin.

She stayed on the bed like this for a while. The pheromone agitation at night made her very tired. Before she knew it, she was about to fall into a deep sleep. The mobile phone in the pocket next to her leg vibrated. Jin Siming Instantly woke up.

It was a message from Yao Jin, and there was only one picture.

Jin Siming's drowsiness and exhaustion completely disappeared, and his heart beat twice faster.

She stared at the lock screen for a while before clicking on the message.

What Yao Jin sent was a photo of the little fur ball. In the photo, it was tucked into the pocket of her coat, with only its furry head exposed, sleeping soundly.

That coat belonged to Jin Siming. It was originally used to wrap the kitten to the pet hospital in the afternoon, but now it has become a cat mat for the kitten to sleep on.

No one can resist the cute attack of the fluffy cat cubs, Jin Siming couldn't help raising the corners of his mouth when he saw this picture.

But it didn't take long for the smile on her lips to disappear.

Yao Jin, she... What does this picture of her mean

And there is only one photo, not even a sentence, so you want to reply

If you reply, what do you want to return to her


Jin Siming stared at the chat interface and frowned.

She bit her lip and poked a few times on the phone screen. After typing a few words, she thought about it and deleted it.

After typing, typing, deleting and deleting several times, Jin Siming felt annoyed, so he just threw the phone away, picked up his pajamas, and went to the bathroom to take a shower first.

The water poured down from the top of her head and flowed on her body. The sound of rushing water in her ears gradually calmed down Jin Siming's mood. She stretched out her hand to rinse her body, but stopped when it touched her shoulder.

She looked down and gasped.

On the originally smooth and flawless skin on her shoulders, there were some slightly red and swollen marks.

It should be... Yao Jin bit it!

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the entire school year of the second year of high school is over.

The moment students leave the school after handing in the last paper of the final exam, the students have officially entered into the pleasant vacation time.

However, for students like Siming Jin who are about to enter the third year of high school, the last summer vacation of high school is doomed to be unstable, because they have to take an ability test during this period.

The ability test is scheduled for the second week after the summer vacation begins, which means they can still enjoy a week of vacation before that.

For Jin Siming, summer vacation is of course to stay in an air-conditioned room, eating iced watermelon and playing games is the best.

However, of course, Mama Jin would not watch her waste her time like this, but considering that their school will have a one-week ability test in the second week, she let her relax for a week, and then make arrangements.

So Jin Siming even more regards this first week as a carnival before the "doomsday".

I sleep until I wake up naturally every day, and when I wake up, I just play games and watch dramas, eat and drink, and spend my days lazy.

It's just that when I'm squatting in the living room with Jin Tong and holding the handle, I occasionally stare at the phone for a while.

Since Yao Jin sent a photo of the little fur ball last time, but she didn't reply, the chat history between her and Yao Jin has been frozen there.

Later, after returning to school, because Yao Jin moved the seat back, the distance in space, and her intentional avoidance, they didn't have any communication anymore.

Then, soon came the final exam, and then it was a holiday.

However, Jin Siming's one-week happy "fat house" vacation time soon ran out of balance. She hasn't had enough fun yet, it's already Sunday night in the blink of an eye, and the next day, she will get up early and go back to school to assemble.

After dinner, Jin Siming spread out on the sofa, enjoying the joy of the last night.

However, the notification group that was forcibly pulled in by the class teacher was depriving her of happiness. It bombarded them with a bunch of things to pay attention to when they gathered tomorrow, and repeatedly asked them what to bring and what contraband they should not bring.

Jin Siming glanced at it, and it was basically the same few things, but he had to repeat them repeatedly, but he couldn't block or withdraw from the group.

She frowned and exited the group interface. Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of Yao Jin's name in the message again.

In other words, I will see Yao Jin again tomorrow.

Jin Siming stared at the phone screen in a daze, feeling an indescribable feeling in his heart.

In the next second, the phone sent a reminder of a new message.

A small red circle appeared on Yao Jin's profile picture, showing the number 1, which was still a picture, and then changed to 2 again.

[See you tomorrow.]