After the Soft Sister Differentiated Into A

Chapter 45


Jin Siming didn't sleep well last night, and when he dragged his suitcase to the school gate at seven in the morning, he was still yawning profusely.

Because the location of the Potential Development Center is relatively remote and the distance is long, the school has prepared two large buses to transport students there.

The bus stopped at the gate of the school, and Siming Jin took the suitcase and boarded the first bus.

There were about half of the students in the car, and the other half was empty. She found a random seat in the middle and sat down.

This year, Yuanhai High School has almost 120 divided senior high school students, basically all of them gathered in these two buses, which can be called a hodgepodge of classes. For ordinary students, at this time, most of them will choose to get together with people who are familiar with their original class to form a small group.

Jin Siming didn't care much about these things, she was used to being alone, and usually at school there was at most Su Xiaohang by her side, but...

Thinking of Su Xiaohang, Jin Siming sighed helplessly.

A few days ago, that guy called and complained that her differentiation period had not yet arrived, and her parents forced her to fill in the knowledge points of the first and second grades during the holidays, preparing for the ordinary college entrance examination in the third year, except for eating and sleeping every day. It's just studying, and I hired a 24/7 tutor, let alone a vacation, it was even worse than when I was in school.

But with Su Xiaohang's current situation, this is the only way to go.

Although this event is also an exam organized by the school, it may be because the students in the car were extremely excited early in the morning during the summer vacation.

Jin Siming fastened his seat belt, leaned against the car window to catch up on sleep, and automatically blocked the messy voices around him.

A few minutes later, there was a sudden commotion in the car.

"Good morning, Jinjin!"

"Jinjin, I have a free seat here."

"How is Jinjin resting these days?"

When Jin Siming heard the movement, his thoughts moved, and he raised his eyelids.

Yao Jin was still as popular as ever, and many people greeted her as soon as she got in the car.

She released a sky blue long T today, her lower body was "missing", revealing her slender and straight legs, her makeup and costumes are still perfect, but this is not important, the point is... She wore a pair of low ponytails today !

As a hidden ponytail control, Jin Siming's heart was poked hard somewhere, and his eyes subconsciously stared at Yao Jin and couldn't move his eyes.

Maybe it was because she stared too blatantly, Yao Jin raised her head and met her gaze.

Jin Siming immediately looked away guilty, but from the corner of his eyes, he still noticed that the other party was walking towards this side step by step.

"Student Jin, can I sit next to you?"

Jin Siming nodded, picked up the bag and put it on his lap to make room for the other party.

Chen Mianmian, who got into the car before Yao Jin, gave her a sweet smile, and happily sat down next to Jin Siming.

"Ah, did you not rest last night? You don't look very good." Chen Mianmian sat down, looked at her and said.

Jin Siming replied to her lightly: "Well, I really didn't sleep well last night."

Moreover, the culprit who caused her almost insomnia was Yao Jin again.

In addition to saying see you tomorrow last night, Yao Jin also sent a photo, which was a selfie of her and Xiao Maotuan.

It seems normal behavior to send her a photo with Mao Mao, but the point is, it was taken on the bed in her nightgown!

In Jin Siming's view, this should be a relatively close friend or...something. However, the current relationship between her and Yao Jin should not be regarded as friends.

Could it be that he helped her last time, so Yao Jin is showing her favor

Jin Siming thought a lot in a mess, so he didn't sleep well all night.

Chen Mianmian saw that she kept her head down and said nothing, thought for a while, changed the subject and said, "We should be able to arrive at the base by noon, so looking forward to it! I wonder if Chengye and Deschamps will go with us at the same time this year." of."

"Deshang?" The name sounded familiar, waking Jin Siming out of his contemplation.

Seeing her answering the question, Chen Mianmian quickly said, "That's right, it's the vocational high school next to our school. In the past few years, our school always went with these two schools, and students from each school would secretly compete with each other. "

"Contest..." Jin Siming was thoughtful.

Chen Mianmian clasped his hands together, and said in a excited tone, "Thinking about it, I'm still a little excited. In previous years, I won the first place in the industry. I don't know how it will be this year. Siming, you should be the only S-level Alpha in our class. Fight for more!" Get some good grades and bring glory to our school!"

"Well, speaking of it, I don't know if the difficulty of the test will be lowered this year..."

Along the way, Chen Mianmian talked a lot beside her, but Jin Siming behind her didn't listen so attentively, and kept thinking about other things.

She originally thought that the test going to the base this time would not be so complicated. At most, she would do a few sets of questions, and then do a genetic level test like the one in the hospital. So simple.

The bus drove for about four hours and arrived at its destination near noon.

This potential development base was built on the mountainside, covering a much larger area than Jin Siming had imagined, and the buildings inside were also magnificent and gorgeous, giving the feeling of straying into a luxurious manor for tourism and leisure.

Many students who came here for the first time in the car showed amazed expressions when they saw the scene outside the car window.

Because it is on the mountain, the base is almost closed. It is equipped with various facilities, from eating to sleeping. There is even a large shopping mall and an outdoor swimming pool.

After the bus drove into the gate, it stopped in an open space. The students of each class in the bus got off the bus and gathered together under the call of the monitor.

After Jin Siming got off the car and picked up his luggage, he also walked to the assembly point of their class.

"These are your ID cards at the base, a detailed map of the base, and a base manual."

The squad leader gave everyone an exclusive ID card and two other items, and then said: "The ID card is a must-have item for your activities here. You need to use it to enter and leave the room, eat and drink, and enter the various ability test examination rooms. Please keep it safe. Each person’s card has 1,000 points deposited by the school, and those who need additional consumption can recharge it by themselves.”

Li Yong glanced at his ID card, put one hand in his trouser pocket, and said casually: "Can you buy everything here with points? 1rmb=1 point?"

The squad leader patiently explained his question: "2 yuan can be exchanged for 1 point. The manual contains a very detailed guide to the movement and life in the base, including the purpose of our visit, the opening hours of various test rooms and test rules, which are very important , so please read it before the end of today, so as not to affect the final grade."

After confirming that everyone in the class has received the items, the monitor clapped his hands and raised his voice: "Okay! It's almost twelve o'clock now, and your respective room numbers are on the ID cards. Everyone can go back to the room to put things away." , and then go to the restaurant to eat by yourself. Today is Monday, and there are almost no examination rooms open in the base, so after eating, you can familiarize yourself with the environment here and prepare for tomorrow's test. At 8:00 every night, the whole class goes to meeting room A03, Block B Gather, arrange the rest of the time by yourself, if there is any news, the homeroom teacher will send a notice in the group, you must always pay attention to it!"

"Wait a minute, the rest of the time is arranged by ourselves, which means, except for the gathering at 8 o'clock every night, can we do whatever we want during this week? Do we also decide which test site we want to go to?"

Someone in the crowd raised a question.

The squad leader showed his white teeth and smiled: "That's right, after the end of this week, the school will consider the placement of the third year of high school based on your final grades. Everyone, please work hard!"

After briefly explaining the important matters, the squad leader disbanded, and everyone dispersed, dragging their luggage to find their own rooms.

Jin Siming looked down at his ID card, and a string of golden numbers appeared in the lower right corner: No. 404, Building C, District D, should be her room number.

She turned over the map and walked towards the location.

There are many trees and plants in the base, and both sides of the road are lush and luxuriant. After dragging the box through an undulating path, Jin Siming came to a wide central square.

In the middle of the square stands a towering stand. The bottom of the shelf is pyramid-shaped, and the top is a hollowed-out rectangular parallelepiped trunk. Four huge black display screens are hung on the four sides of the trunk.

The huge display screen is very conspicuous, and Jin Siming saw it immediately after he came out of the forest, so he couldn't help but pay more attention.

Crossing this square is the D area, and Jin Siming continues to walk forward.

At this time, a voice suddenly came from the right.

"We are really destined to meet you again, little rascal~"

This familiar voice stopped Jin Siming in his tracks, and when he turned his head, he saw Ji Lingfei, who was dressed up and flamboyant, walking towards her.

Jin Siming looked a little displeased, she didn't like being called a hooligan.

"I've explained it last time, please don't call me that again." Jin Siming raised his eyebrows.

Ji Lingfei walked up to her and stopped, "Ah, I'm so sorry, I forgot to change it for a while, I won't do it in the future~"


Jin Siming stared at the "Omega" in front of her who had left a deep impression on her since the first meeting, and instinctively told her that this character must be difficult to deal with, and it's best not to get in touch with it too much.

So she clutched the handle of the suitcase tightly, and said in a cold voice, "What do you want?"

"Tick tock—"

At this time, the huge display screen on the square behind Jin Siming suddenly lit up, and half-length photos of three people appeared on the screen, with names, schools and grade points marked on the right side of each photo.

Ji Lingfei looked up and clicked softly: "This is about to start? But, is there no comparison between the three schools this year?"

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a change on the screen. Next to the photos of the three of them, there was another row, which were the patterns of the school badges of Chengye, Yuanhai, and Deshang, followed by a series of numbers. Still 0.

But in the next second, the number behind the badge of Chengye High School suddenly changed from 0 to 1.

Ji Lingfei obviously also saw the changes in the numbers. She fiddled with her long hair by her ears and said with great interest, "Ha~ Chengye's lunatics have already started to improve their grade points. I really can't wait."

Jin Siming frowned, with doubts on his face, "But, is the examination room open today?"

"Alas..." Ji Lingfei sighed meaningfully, leaned over and patted Jin Siming's shoulder, "There are basically no examination rooms open on Monday, which does not mean that there will be no examination rooms open. You are the hope of our school this year. Whether you will be crushed by the Chengye Fault depends entirely on you, baby~"

Jin Siming was suddenly put on a high hat by her, took a step back uncomfortably, and broke free from her hand, "Don't, you flatter me too much, and we don't know each other well, don't call me baby."

"Pfft~ I didn't expect you to be quite interesting. You're awkward and dull, and you're so dull that you're a little cute. This kind of pokes...someone's sexual fetish."

Then, like a magic trick, she took out a small notebook and a pen from her pocket, and wrote something on it.

Jin Siming was puzzled by her strange behavior and asked, "What are you doing?"

Ji Lingfei curled her lips, "It's nothing, you probably wouldn't want to know."


Jin Siming frowned, and she felt more and more that her intuition was right, this "Omega" was really strange, and she would often take a simple and rude measure against those who wanted to contact her strangely, then Just avoid it.

She picked up the suitcase and was about to find an excuse to dismiss Ji Lingfei casually when a bus passed by on the main road beside her and stopped not far ahead.

After the bus stopped, the door opened quickly, and students came out one after another. From the looks of it, they were all high school students who were about the same age as them.

Jin Siming took a few glances, and the moment she looked back, she caught sight of a familiar yellow hair from the corner of her eye, making her eyes freeze, and she began to look at the group of people carefully again.

Not long after, she saw a few familiar figures getting out of the car. They were some of the group of yellow-haired thorns who had chased her and Yao Jin at the school gate before.

After getting out of the car, those yellow hairs surrounded a slightly petite girl with straight hair and said something. One of the yellow hairs nodded and bowed to the girl, looking very humble.

From this point of view, these two buses should be the cars of Deschamps Vocational High School.

Ji Lingfei saw an acquaintance inside, rubbed his chin and glanced at Jin Siming, with a flash of interest in his eyes: "Tong Fei is here too, now there is something to watch."


A pang of hunger struck, Jin Siming picked up his phone and found that it was already half past twelve noon, she stopped chatting with Ji Lingfei, and continued to walk towards Area D.

"Hey! Just wait for me, I also live in District D, we will drop by."

Ji Lingfei followed with her luggage.

In this way, Ji Lingfei followed Jin Siming all the way to District D, went up to the fourth floor of Building C, and finally opened the door of the opposite room in front of Room 404.

Siming Jin: "..."

Ji Lingfei raised the identity card in her hand: "Maybe this is the fate between us?"

Jin Siming twitched the corner of his mouth, "That's how it is, bye."

After speaking, he closed the door of his room.

Seeing that the other party closed the door very coldly, Ji Lingfei took out the small mirror in the bag and looked at it, "Tsk, how can you be so indifferent to such a beautiful Omega?"


After putting down her luggage in the room and taking a brief rest, Jin Siming couldn't wait to go to the restaurant for lunch, after all, she was really hungry.

The restaurant is very large, divided into three floors, but because it is the first time to come here, Jin Siming is still not familiar with it, so Jin Siming just bought a meal on the first floor to soothe his internal organs first.

At this time, the restaurant was quite crowded, Jin Siming came out with a plate, and was about to sit down at the nearest empty table when he heard someone calling her name.

"Jin Siming! Here~"

Ji Lingfei was sitting not far away waving at her.

I didn't expect to meet her again. Jin Siming stood there and hesitated for a while. She didn't really want to go there, but Ji Lingfei's words were not light or heavy, which caused many people around to look up. She had no choice but to Bite the bullet and pass.

"Seeing that you were alone, I called you over. How is it? Am I alright?" Ji Lingfei looked at her with an expression begging for praise.

Jin Siming lowered his head and took a mouthful of rice, expressionless: "Thank you so much."

"Haha, you are so funny~"

Jin Siming lowered his head and concentrated on eating in silence, while Ji Lingfei didn't say anything else.

There was a moment of silence on the dining table, and suddenly, a new plate was placed between the two of them.

Ji Lingfei raised her eyes to look at Qin Chuxuan, and smiled on the surface, "I just told you not to come, why, now you suddenly changed your mind?"

"Cough" Qin Chuxuan covered her mouth and coughed lightly, and smiled brightly at Jin Siming: "Student Jin, we meet again~"

Jin Siming had a good impression of Qin Chuxuan, so he greeted her with a friendly smile.

Qin Chuxuan looked at the empty seat next to Jin Siming, and planned to sit there, but Ji Lingfei patted the seat next to her first, and said, "Xuanxuan, come and sit here!"

Qin Chuxuan gave her a gouged look, but Ji Lingfei smiled and turned her back silently, so she had no choice but to sit beside her.

Jin Siming looked across the table and felt that there was something weird between the two of them, but he had met them in class 5 before, so he speculated that they should be close friends, so he didn't say anything.

"Is student Jin alone?"

After Qin Chuxuan sat down, she looked at Jin Siming with a crooked smile.

Jin Siming swallowed the food in his mouth and replied, "Well, yes."

Ji Lingfei: "Student Jin Siming doesn't look like he has any friends, why don't you come with us from now on?"

Although it is true that Jin Siming has no friends, she suddenly became upset as soon as someone said this.

She raised her eyebrows, "Who said I have no friends?"

As soon as the words were spoken, the confidence was not so strong.

Ji Lingfei: "Then she came here too?"

"She..." Jin Siming opened his mouth and was hesitating when he saw Yao Jin walking straight towards this side with a plate in his hand.

She stared at Yao Jin's low ponytail for a moment.

When she recovered, Yao Jin was already standing in front of her, leaning over to stare at her.

"Are you looking for me?"