After the Soft Sister Differentiated Into A

Chapter 47


All classes in Yuanhai High School had been notified to gather at the gymnasium at 3:00 p.m., so Jin Siming and the others set off for the meeting point after eating in the restaurant.

July and August are the hottest stalls, and it is still at three o'clock in the afternoon when the sun is shining. Fortunately, there are green grass on both sides of the path. In order to avoid the scorching heat, several people chose to walk close to the side of the road.

There was a rare cool breeze blowing in the sweltering air, Jin Siming looked at the sun-blown cement road next to him, and was in a daze for a moment.

Why did she walk together with these people for no reason

Except for Yao Jin, I have only met the other two a few times, but Yao Jin seems to be very familiar with them.

She raised her eyelids and glanced at Ji Lingfei who was next to her. He was holding a small fan in his hand and blowing on his face, raising his jaw and looking ahead.

If what Tong Fei said just now is true, then she is actually an Alpha? Was she lying to herself when she met her in the bathroom

Jin Siming frowned, wondering why she was lying. Could it be that she was too serious to accept the fact that she was an Alpha in her heart

Forget it, I'm not familiar with it anyway.

She was too lazy to spend much time on unfamiliar people, so she withdrew her thoughts and focused her eyes on the front.

She raised her head, and her eyes naturally fell on Yao Jin who was walking in front of her.

Jin Siming is now half a head taller than Yao Jin. From her perspective, she can see the top of Yao Jin's head and the curvaceous white neck at a glance.

Of course, what attracted her most was Yao Jin's braids on both sides. Now that no one was paying attention to her, her eyes became unscrupulous.

The double ponytail hairstyle is very picky about the shape of the face and head. Not everyone can control it, and it is not a popular hairstyle now. It is rare even for high school girls who are full of energy to wear this hairstyle.

That's why Yao Jin really hit her cute spot hard today, she couldn't satisfy her just by looking at her, she even...

Want to reach out and touch.

Really just touch it.

Jin Siming licked his lips. Just at this time, there was a breeze on the ground, and the leaves above their heads rustled, and a piece of debris on a branch fluttered down. It landed on Yao Jin's black hair.

Jin Siming rolled his throat, and stretched out his hand slowly.

Her original intention was to help Yao Jin remove the piece of wood, but as soon as her hand touched it, the small piece of wood was blown away by the wind, and her hand landed directly on Yao Jin's hair.

The fingertips rested on the smooth long hair for a moment, and before she could stop, Yao Jin turned her head.


From Yao Jin's point of view, he happened to see the scene where Jin Siming withdrew his hand in guilt. She blinked, the corners of her mouth curled up.

She only noticed when she got in the car in the morning that the way Jin Siming looked at her today seemed to be a little different from before, there was a little more... so that she didn't know how to describe the look, if you use a similar word to describe it... To describe it, it's a bit like... obsession.

But after a few contacts, she realized that what Jin Siming was looking at was not her whole body, but her hair.

Just now when Jin Siming was sneakily touching her hair, she was caught on the spot, which made her even more sure of this idea.

Well, I didn't expect this guy to have such a habit.

Yao Jin squinted, showing a mouthful of cute white teeth, and smiled harmlessly: "I know you like it, but at least you should control it, there are a lot of people on the road."


Jin Siming was out of breath, bent over, covered his mouth and coughed violently, seeing Qin Chuxuan and the others staring at her with strange expressions, he panicked, and pointed to the small patch on the ground that was almost integrated with the floor tiles. Sawdust, raised his voice and said: "I just want to help remove the debris from your hair, don't think too much!"


For a while, no one answered Jin Siming's words, and her nervous voice and expression seemed particularly abrupt, which seemed to be trying to cover up.

Yao Jin hooked her lips, "So that's the case, thank you, classmate Jin."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and continued walking forward.

Qin Chuxuan glanced at her, didn't speak, just bit her lower lip, turned her head and quickened her pace.

The vignettes were turned over page by page, as if nothing had happened, they soon arrived at the gate of the gymnasium.

But seeing everyone gathered in front of the door, no one went in, Jin Siming walked closer, and saw that the gate was blocked by some people, and the students standing around were also students from their school, who were blocking the gate. People had a dispute.

Standing at the front are the monitors of the senior two classes. Although the second year of senior high school is over, the original monitors will temporarily take over the management until the new class of senior senior three is formed.

In addition to the monitors, Yang Xing's thorny students who like to stand out and have a little charisma are standing beside them.

Yang Xing put his hands in his trouser pockets, held a lollipop in his mouth, and raised his chin and yelled limply: "I said, can you show some face to Chengye? The gymnasium is open to the public, why is it One of your schools has taken it? What about the ace school, which has no quality at all, that's it?"

Fang Mu glanced at Yang Xing with a cold expression, and there was still a sneer that seemed to be absent from the corner of his mouth. As the vice president of the student union of Chengye High School, after he came here, he naturally became the leader of this group of students, and it was also his idea to monopolize the gymnasium.

As a matter of fact, every time the prospective third-year students are brought to the potential development base for a potential test, it is not only for the consideration of the third-grade class, these results will be recorded in the file, and become one of the hidden standards for colleges and universities to examine and interview students. It is also an important reference for each school's rating every year.

Chengye High School is a well-known ace school in Shenzhen City. Its reputation has already been spread, so it is not allowed to lag behind in all aspects.

Especially this year, Fang Mu, as a high-level member of the student union, would not allow his current class to lose to Yuan Hai, or even a vocational high school like Deschamps.

Fang Mu helped his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said expressionlessly: "Student, you can't say that. You also said that the gymnasium is open to the public today, so anyone can use it freely. The students of our school are The ones who arrived here first, since you are later, you can enter after we have used up, this is understandable, everyone understands the principle of coming first, first arriving."

Yang Xing raised his eyebrows, "Then how long will it take you?"

"the whole afternoon."

"Depend on!"

Yang Xing threw the lollipop in his mouth to the ground, "With just a few of you, you can occupy the entire gymnasium? There is another afternoon, isn't this standing in the latrine and not shitting? I'm going to complain to you!"

Fang Mu smiled mockingly, "Go ahead."

"You wait for me!"

Yang Xing roared, turned around and was about to leave, but was stopped by Zhong Qi, the monitor of class 5, "It's useless for you to report, the manual only says that fighting and using force are prohibited, and it doesn't say that occupying public facilities is not allowed."

Yang Xing was angry: "Then let them occupy it for nothing?"

"We can force our way in."

After finishing speaking, he walked straight inside, but within a few steps, he was blocked by two dark-skinned, muscular foreign students who were two heads taller than him.

"Fuck, is this a foul?!"

Jin Siming watched them confront each other in the crowd, frowning slightly.

The sun was too strong, and she couldn't keep her eyes open.

She was trying to find a shady place to take shelter, when a shadow was cast over her head, and a parasol appeared above her, followed by a familiar fragrance.

Yao Jin stood next to her with an umbrella, covering her from the sun.

The scorching sun above her head was blocked, and there was a faint scent of cold fragrance beside her, which instantly made her feel much better, and her boredom disappeared.

Jin Siming glanced sideways at Yao Jin's delicate profile, seeing that she didn't look at him and didn't speak, so he pursed his lips, said thank you in a low voice, and looked away.

Standing under the same parasol with Yao Jin, she didn't pay attention to the stalemate of the group of people in front of the door, and her legs were unnaturally joined together. After a while, she suddenly heard Yao Jin's soft voice.

"Hands are so sore, I'll hold you up instead~"

Yao Jin held the umbrella for a while, because Jin Siming was half a head taller than her, and she had to raise her hand to cover him, and she would feel uncomfortable after holding it for a long time, so she raised the handle of the umbrella in front of Jin Siming.

When Jin Siming came to his senses, he had already taken the handle of the umbrella first, and then realized belatedly that when they came together, they didn't seem to see Yao Jin coming with the umbrella.

"You brought this umbrella?"

"No, Li Yong forced it on me."

Jin Siming turned his head and noticed Li Yong who was staring at her sourly with his mouth curled up. He smiled politely at him, meaning to thank him for the umbrella, but Li Yong stared at her even more fiercely.

The people at the door were still confronting each other, and there were already people behind who couldn't stand the heat, and walked away silently to find another place to cool off. Yao Jin and Jin Siming stood in front with umbrellas, especially conspicuous.

A girl from behind whispered:

"Tsk, are those Yao Jin and Jin Siming? Huh, it's so cool to be in a relationship, and someone is holding an umbrella to shade them."

"But are they really talking? This is too high-profile!"

"Otherwise, have you ever seen Yao Meiren take the initiative to hold an umbrella for someone else?"

"Jin Siming doesn't seem to have gotten close to any Omega, has he?"

"However, she seems to have been harmed by Yao Jin as soon as she split up."

"Hey! How can you say that being regarded by Yao Meiren is a disaster!"

"Look, no, the disaster is coming."

At this time, another group of people came to the entrance of the gymnasium. Tong Fei walked in the front with his hands behind his back. Seeing so many people around the door, he frowned and said, "What are you doing? Why are they all blocking the door?"

A new group of people squeezed in, and the circle of students gave way one after another. Tong Fei led the people to cut through the crowd and walked to the front.

After seeing the people blocking the door clearly, she grinned, and her baby face exuded a trace of disobedience: "Hey, what are you careerists doing here?"

Tong Fei stood still in front, glanced around, and when she saw Jin Siming and Yao Jin who stood very conspicuously in front, her face was one sided, and she walked over with two steps on her not-so-long legs.

She glanced at Jin Siming up and down, and said with a droopy mouth, "Jinjin, I really love her..."

Jin Siming raised his eyebrows, and before he took a step forward, he heard Yao Jin say something coldly.

"Shut up."

The author has something to say: Maybe I can write a double ponytail play when I become an adult? I'm talking nonsense.

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