After the Soft Sister Differentiated Into A

Chapter 71


Next to the lake garden at the back door of the college gymnasium.

This is not the first meeting between Jin Siming and Yao Jin after he landed on the island. It's just that the two of them were busy running around their respective interview and examination rooms a few days ago, so the meeting was rather hasty.

Jin Siming stood under a big tree with dense branches and leaves on the shore of the lake, looking at Yao Jin who was slowly walking towards her without blinking.

In the six months since she left Shenzhen City, Yao Jin has undergone obvious changes. Her clothing and makeup are more mature, and she doesn't have to restrain herself like she did in Yuanhai High School. Bright red lips.

She has slowly transformed, and her beauty is more flamboyant, like a delicate rose in bloom.

With a happy arc on her red lips, Yao Jin walked over lightly, making many people passing by couldn't help but turn their heads back, showing amazed expressions.

No matter where she is, the light on Yao Jin's body is still dazzling, now even more than before.

The distance gradually shortened, and Jin Siming took two steps forward to meet her. Yao Jin jumped lightly, raised his feet and jumped in front of her, raised his chin, and blinked mischievously.

It also blinked in Jin Siming's heart.


After Yao Jin took a deep look at her, she turned her head away again, put her fist on the tip of her nose and coughed lightly.

Jin Siming understood, squinted his narrow eyes and looked at her side face dotingly, then opened his arms, leaned over and hugged her actively.

"really miss you... ... "

Holding the soft body tightly in his arms, his longing was like a flood that opened the gate, and the crooked words blurted out.

Jin Siming put his chin on Yao Jin's shoulder, wrapped his hands around her slender waist, raised his eyelids and glanced at the man who had been staring at Yao Jin.

There was no emotion in her eyes, but the man felt a chill down his spine, so he immediately looked away, turned and walked away.

"Obviously we have met recently, classmate Jin is a bit hypocritical to say that~"

Yao Jin's voice in his ear carried a lazy smile, Jin Siming raised his eyebrows, lowered his head and said in dissatisfaction: "Student Jin?"

"Don't you like me calling you that?"

The eye makeup that Yao Jin painted today is very charming, and every frown and smile are alluring. She raised the corners of her mouth, revealing her white teeth: "When your confession progress reaches 100%, you can call me whatever you want."

There was a pause for the name, and the bite was very clear. Jin Siming touched his ears, collected himself, and asked, "Then what is my current progress?"

Yao Jin folded her arms and leaned back, "I generously counted the hug you took to hug me just now, plus the kiss at the airport last time, the current progress should be counted as 20% of your progress."

"Ah, it's only twenty percent..." Jin Siming wrinkled his face.

Light white fingers gently poked Jin Siming's forehead, Yao Jin said with a smile: "If you think it's slow, you can speed up the progress bar yourself. A warm reminder, intimate contact can double your goodwill. You can try it."

In fact, under Yao Jin's "□□" in the past six months, Jin Siming has become more expressive than before. After all, she is a person who is very slow to express her feelings. Whether it is making friends or dating, she also expresses love. They are relatively restrained; this is completely different from Yao Jin, who will actively give enthusiasm and enthusiasm once she likes it. To a certain extent, they are two types of people with very different personalities.

But that's why they are attracted to each other.

"'s almost six o'clock, shall we go to dinner? My treat." Jin Siming offered the invitation.

From now on, she has a lot of time to cling to Yao Jin, and she actually has her own little plans and arrangements for completing the progress of confessing to Yao Jin.

"Take me to dinner? Can I go anywhere?"

"... yes."

Jin Siming's words were a bit lacking in confidence, because she only found out after coming here that the prices in Huanjin City were several times higher than those in Shenzhen City.

As the top ABO college in China, Qingteng College has cultivated countless top scientists, businessmen, artists, etc. even though it has been established for a short time. TI technology companies, cutting-edge biotechnology companies, financial companies, artificial intelligence and many other well-known domestic companies. Coupled with the financial support of relevant government strategies, Huanjin Island, also known as Huanjin City, has become a super-first-class metropolis in China after just 20 years of development. Every inch of land here is expensive, and the price of goods is naturally higher than other cities. much.

"Let's go~ Didn't you say you want to live together? Go and move your hotel luggage to me first. I don't want to take a taxi every time I see you in the next few days." Yao Jin pulled Jin Siming's clothes Sleeves, turned to the sightseeing bus driving outside the school, walked a few steps and added: "As a lover."

Jin Siming followed with his long legs: "Then I... I will subsidize the rent for you."

Because the prices of hotels on the island are too expensive, the closer to the college, the more expensive the price is. Although Jin Ma has transferred a lot of living expenses to her, if she stays in a hotel nearby, she can only To maintain her life for two days, that's why she settled down in a remote hotel near the outer island.

But Yao Jin lives in the most expensive and luxurious hotel here.

Although Jin Siming's family background is good, it is still far behind Yao Jin, and she and Yao Jin have very different consumption concepts. The price of the hotel she stayed in for one night was not as good as Yao Jin's, which was a lot of money for her, so Jin Siming wanted to make up the hotel's money to Yao Jin.

"Well...then pay with meat."

Yao Jin sat on the side of the car, put one hand on the armrest, and squinted at her with her face propped up sideways.

"It just happens to be a chance for you to get a good impression~" Yao Jin got up, bent down and bit her ear and said in a low voice.

Jin Siming pursed his lips and lowered his head, his ears were red.

They sit in the back row of the sightseeing car, which uses an unmanned driving system. When the number of passengers in the car reaches a certain number, the sightseeing car will automatically start and drive to the designated destination. The number of passengers on the bus is still increasing, so it will start later.

"Hey, are those two freshmen? Tsk, this year's freshmen are really amazing, they are all enrolled in pairs?"

Sitting upright, Jin Siming Beng inadvertently caught a voice from outside the car amidst the whispers of the passengers in the car.

The sightseeing car they were riding in was parked beside a small road. Not far away, there was a two-story attic. There was a drink shop on the first floor. Two boys in jerseys were sitting on the armchairs outside the shop. With two glasses of watermelon juice, they caught sight of Jin Siming and the others who were acting affectionately in the opposite car, and discussed in a low voice.

"How do you know it's a freshman?" one of the boys asked with a straw in his mouth.

"Hey, the classrooms in this area B have basically been requisitioned to supply the assessment for this year's freshmen. Ninety percent of the people who go out by car from here at this point are freshmen, and look at that little A, how clean and green it is. Face, tsk tsk."

"But, that beautiful Omega doesn't look like that. Could it be that the freshman chased after the senior before school started? God, this kind of thing is really a blow to us single old fritters."

"It's really possible. After all, the little A has a very good appearance. Isn't the beautiful Alpha girl very popular now? As long as it is an Omega, both men and women like it, alas. But the results haven't come out yet, and she doesn't Definitely pass the exam."


The sightseeing car started slowly and drove towards the school gate. The two boys probably didn't expect that their small chat would be overheard by Jin Siming, the client with excellent ears.

But... Does she look like a school girl in front of Yao Jin

Unconvinced, she glanced sideways and carefully sized Yao Jin's side face. The makeup on her face was impeccable and exquisite, and she really had a mature and charming smell.

In contrast, Jin Siming has been busy preparing for the exam for the past six months, and it seems that he hasn't seriously put on full makeup for himself for a long time. When he went out today, he simply drew his eyebrows and put on a lipstick that was not bright in color.

Fortunately, she is naturally beautiful, and she has a kind of cold beauty without makeup.

Jin Siming rummaged in his small bag for a while, and found that he was so rough that he didn't even bring the small mirror that he never left his body with, so he helped his forehead instantly.

She didn't want to be a young school girl in front of Yao Jin! You have to hurry up and "mature".

Qingteng College covers a large area, and the path leading to the school gate is quite winding and undulating. The car is a bit bumpy. Yao Jin's body is shaking with the car body, and her figure is unstable. Occasionally, she bumps into Jin Siming shoulders.

Seeing Yao Jin struggling to hold on to the armrest and struggling to maintain her balance while sitting on the seat, Jin Siming approached quietly, remembering the position of her other hand on her leg, looked sideways to the outside of the car, and then poked around. Sexually and slowly covering the back of Yao Jin's hand, he took her hand and leaned towards him to help her stabilize her swaying body.

Feeling her right hand being firmly held by a warm and delicate hand, and seeing Jin Siming's side face looking out of the car stained with pink, Yao Jin couldn't help laughing, and leaned on her shoulder.

"Can you increase the progress?"

"If you don't ask, add ten percent, and if you ask, add five percent."


After leaving the school, he first went to the small hotel where Jin Siming lived to pack up his luggage, then took a taxi to Yao Jin's room.

When it was agreed that it would be convenient for the two of them to live together, Jin Siming thought it was nothing. Given the relationship between the two of them now, living in the same room seems to be... nothing. Confession progress bar or something, Jin Siming thought so at the time. But as soon as she entered Yao Jin's room and saw that there was only one big and soft bed, she began to panic.

She dillydally packed her clothes inside, while Yao Jin was standing by the floor-to-ceiling window to answer the phone.

Through the glass that almost occupies the front wall, you can see the tall buildings rising from the opposite side.

Yao Jin turned her back to her, and apologetically refused to the phone: "No, I have to accompany a very important person today."

"That's right, it's almost what you think... She probably won't like it, um... There will be a chance in the future."

While talking on the phone, Yao Jin turned her head to look in Jin Siming's direction, and smiled slightly: "Hmm, good bye."

hang up the phone.

"Is there something wrong?" Jin Siming asked curiously.

"It's nothing, just a direct senior I know, and a few friends who practiced together before and are now waiting for the admission results. Everyone wants to get together to celebrate the end of the exam."

"Then... aren't you going?"

Yao Jin sat on the bed, dangling her fine white legs, and raised her lips: "Push it off, compared with this, it is more important to create a chance for you to be alone~"

Jin Siming pursed his lips and thought for a moment, then looked at her and said, "If you want to go, I can accompany you."

She wanted to know Yao Jin better.

Before, she was quite repulsed by Yao Jin's social style and chaotic circle, but now that she has chosen to like Yao Jin, she wants to try to get in touch with him and know everything about him.


Yao Jin raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Are you sure? It's a bar. It's very noisy. You might not like it."

This sentence irritated Jin Siming even more, and she raised her voice with affirmation: "Sure."

"okay then."

Yao Jin stood up from the bed, "Let's go to dinner first, otherwise drinking will make your stomach feel uncomfortable."

drink wine

Jin Siming was taken aback for a moment, thinking about how much she could drink in a glass, he felt a little entangled. If she went to the bar and didn't drink, no one would force her to drink, right

Yao Jin looked at her frowning and troubled expression, and raised her lips: "Ah, I forgot that you were drunk on one sip, it's okay, I can get you a glass of ice water."

Siming Jin: "..."

"Let's go, let's go eat first."

Yao Jin took her hand and walked out the door, but Jin Siming stopped her.

"Wait a minute, I'll touch up my makeup and change my clothes before going."

Jin Siming turned around and opened the suitcase, intending to pick some more beautiful clothes, she didn't want to be Yao Jin's young "school girl"!

"You don't need to change, your clothes and makeup look good now."

Yao Jin came over and held her hand, obstructing her movements.

Jin Siming's clothes are very casual today, and he hardly wears any makeup, but Yao Jin thinks it is very beautiful, and it is also the look she likes very much.

And this is already pretty enough, if she puts on makeup and dresses up carefully, what if her baby is being watched by others? Especially in places like bars, there are too many Omegas like tigers, she is worried.

So Yao Jin pulled Jin Siming up, pouted and said, "Don't change it, it's fine."

Jin Siming asked uncertainly: "...Really?"

"Really, I'm hungry, let's go eat first." Yao Jin dragged her out the door before finishing her sentence.

Sitting in a high-end restaurant, Jin Siming glanced at the excellent night view by the window. His hands were still shaking when he looked down at the menu. Fortunately, he asked his mother for a small fee just now, otherwise she might have paid for the whole meal. Great.

"This is the place I chose, so I should invite you for this meal."

Jin Siming put down the menu and opened his mouth to refuse, but Yao Jin stopped him with a word.

"If you refuse to be polite once with me, the progress will be reduced by 20."


Yao Jin blinked her eyes, smiling beautifully: "Don't worry, if you really feel uncomfortable, I like you more than money—"

Jin Siming looked at her lips, the red lips that glowed seductively under the light opened and closed, and said two words silently.

Meat compensation.