After the Soft Sister Differentiated Into A

Chapter 72


At 9:30 in the evening, Yao Jin took Jin Siming to the agreed bar.

The frenzied electronic music and the blurred and dim light violently hit the heart and lungs, creating a psychedelic atmosphere that can release the desires of the bottom of the heart infinitely. People who are swinging passionately on the dance floor enjoy a hearty and exciting sense of immersion.

It was the first time for Jin Siming to come to this kind of place. The hot performance on the stage made her frown uncomfortably, and the strong rhythmic electronic music also made her heart tingle. She pulled Yao Jin's sleeve and held it tightly. Follow closely behind her.

"Jinjin, this way—"

A tall girl waved at Yao Jin not far away, and slowly walked towards them.

She is a beautiful Omega, with slender and snow-white legs and a short skirt that shows off her navel without hesitation, showing a beautiful figure. The makeup on her face is thick but not sexy, and she is full of coldness.

Yao Jin pulled Jin Siming up to meet him, hugged him with a smile, and talked a few words, but unfortunately, the voice was quickly swallowed up by the electronic sound, and Jin Siming, who was standing behind, heard nothing.

"My direct senior." Yao Jin pulled Jin Siming to her side and whispered affectionately in her ear.

The glamorous senior also turned to look at her, looked at her a few times, and then smiled friendly.

Jin Siming smiled back politely, but there was a strange feeling in his heart. He always felt that the senior sister looked at her with eyes... with a sense of scrutiny.

After saying hello, the senior sister took them to a booth on the side.

There were five people sitting at a table, three girls and two boys. They were all well-dressed young people of the same age. When they saw Yao Jin coming, they all greeted Yao Jin warmly and at the same time set their sights on Siming Jin.

"Is this the very important person that Jinjin will be with today?" One of the female Omega, with a single ponytail and a green streak on her forehead, stared at Jin Siming with great interest.

"Tsk, it turns out that the beauty really has a master, my heart is broken... But the little sister is pretty, what's her name?"

Siming Jin: "..."

Little sister

Stared at by several Omegas, Jin Siming was at a loss for words for a while, thinking about how to answer her previous relationship with Yao Jin, the next second, Yao Jin moved half a step towards her, blocking those girls Sight.

"Don't ask too much if you don't need to know~"

Amidst the uproar, Yao Jin took Jin Siming to his seat.

Jin Siming obediently sat down beside her, occasionally politely responded to the topics raised by others, and sat quietly for the rest of the time.

Just now, Yao Jin acquiesced to everyone's booing, and there was a strong possessive desire in her words. From the eyes of others, it was already obvious and public.

Jin Siming peeked at Yao Jin's profile from the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

The music in the bar calmed down, changed to a different style, and suddenly became sexy. The stage switched to a new performance, and several foreign beauties with hot bodies, blond hair and blue eyes stood on the stage.

Attracted by the sudden change of music, Jin Siming turned curiously and looked at the stage. Before he could look carefully, Yao Jin pinched his face.

"Does it look good with me?" Yao Jin held her face and turned it in front of her, with a taste in her voice.

Jin Siming turned around curiously only because of the sudden change in the style of music and painting on the stage. He was interrupted by Yao Jin before he could even see the figure clearly.

She blinked her eyes, but did not resist, and let Yao Jin pinch her face: "You are the prettiest."

Yao Jin raised her red lips, her bright smile captivated the soul in the psychedelic light and shadow.

"Take it back, Jinjin, don't show your love any more, go and have fun for a while." Stitched Green just stood up and said, pointing to the dance floor.

Yao Jin let go of Jin Siming's face, leaned on her, and said lazily, "No, I don't want to go today."

"Huh? I still want to see the big beauty show off her dancing skills." Stitched green glanced at Jin Siming, and sighed: "Forget it, forget it, I won't delay your dating, I will go by myself."

After Stitched Green left, the rest of the people began to yell that they would not be drunk tonight.

"We all gathered here tonight to celebrate the end of the exam. How can we let go and drink to our heart's content? Come on, turn the bottle around, and whoever turns it will be bored. Don't play tricks!"

The atmosphere became lively, a boy put an empty wine bottle horizontally in the center of the table, and with a little effort, the bottle started to spin.

The first time the bottle stopped, the mouth of the bottle happened to be aimed at Jin Siming. Because of Yao Jin's relationship, the other people on the table paid close attention to her, and immediately started booing when they saw this result.

"Wow, my sister looks very good, will she drink?"

"Maybe my sister just looks green, but she's actually very good at drinking."


Jin Siming stared at the wine glass in front of him and squinted his eyes.

She doesn't like being called younger sister very much, and she doesn't like this group of people saying that she is young, because it seems that there is a big gap between her and Yao Jin.

If I had known earlier, I shouldn't have listened to Yao Jin, and I should have dressed up and changed clothes before coming back. She is now wearing sweatpants and a loose long T. Among this group of maturely dressed men and women with exquisite makeup, she is indeed a little more immature and student-like.

But it's useless to worry about it now, she raised her wine glass and frowned tangledly.

Do you want to drink? If she drank it, based on her drinking capacity... probably she would be drunk, but if she didn't drink it, with so many eyes staring at her, she didn't want to be labeled as green by these people.

Perhaps it was disturbed by the hot atmosphere of the bar, her head was hot, and she was about to drink it in one gulp, thinking that she would not get drunk by chance. Just as she put the cup to her lips, the back of her hand was covered by a soft hand.

Yao Jin snatched the glass she was holding, raised her head and drank the wine in it for her.

"Her's is mine, and the rest is the same." Yao Jin put down the empty wine glass without changing expression, and said with a smile.

The few people around became more noisy, screaming and shouting vigorously.

Jin Siming looked at Yao Jin, his heart warmed up, but then he was worried about her body, so he leaned into her ear and said, "Don't do this, you will get drunk, and drinking will hurt your body."

"Do you think I'm as bad at drinking as you are? Just down one glass?"


Jin Siming's small face was slightly tensed, and Yao Jin restrained the teasing on his lips, and said softly: "When I was insomnia, I often tried to get myself drunk with red wine, but the result was counterproductive. Don't worry, this little wine is okay. .”

The wine bottle on the table kept turning, and while Yao Jin held Jin Siming's wine, she held her hand under the table, and her fingers still sketched restlessly on Jin Siming's palm, which made Jin Siming have no choice but to hold her hand. The "presumptuous" little hand clasped tightly.

Watching Yao Jin drink one cup after another without blinking, Jin Siming's frown deepened. Drinking too much hurts her stomach, she doesn't want Yao Jin to drink so much, she wants to take Yao Jin back.

"Let's go back." She grabbed Yao Jin's arm.


Yao Jin turned her head to look over, her beautiful eyes were stained with blurred color due to the alcohol, "Wow~"

Although he said that he could drink very well, he still looked a little drunk, and even staggered when he walked. Jin Siming had no choice but to wrap his arms around Yao Jin's waist, and left the bar with her half in his arms.

It was already half past twelve in the evening when we returned to the hotel. Jin Siming carried Yao Jin, who had already fallen asleep in the car, to the bed, and let out a soft breath.

Yao Jin slept soundly, lying quietly on the bed, her cheeks were smudged pink after being drunk.

Yao Jin, who was asleep with her eyes closed, looked extraordinarily well-behaved with every breath. Sitting on the edge of the bed, Jin Siming stared at Sleeping Beauty unconsciously for a long time, until he got tired of sitting in one position, and then he came back to his senses.

Noticing that the makeup on Yao Jin's face hadn't been removed, she dug out the makeup remover and cotton pads in her suitcase, and gently removed Yao Jin's makeup bit by bit, and then wiped her face with a hot towel.

The bedside night lamp propped up a piece of soft orange light, and Yao Jin, who had no makeup, lost a little bit of fierce beauty, and had a little more soft beauty.

Jin Siming stared at the pink and attractive red lips under his body, remembering the sweet and soft touch of these lips, he stretched out his fingers and caressed them gently, gently caressing Yao Jin's lips.

It seemed that she hadn't kissed it for a long time. Once she tasted the taste of these lips, she couldn't help being addicted.

Jin Siming hesitated, and glanced at Yao Jin's closed eyes.

If you steal a kiss... it shouldn't be a problem, right? Yao Jin had taken advantage of her without her permission many times before, so it's not too much to kiss her back now, right

Jin Siming bit the tip of his tongue and was still hesitating. At this moment, Yao Jin moved a bit, let out a groan, and parted his red lips slightly.


Jin Siming took a breath, bowed his head and kissed it.

It is the long-lost softness, but also the familiar sweetness. Yao Jin is undefended, allowing Jin Siming to rush into her territory effortlessly, licking her lips, and licking this sweetness carefully, lingering.

It must have been a long time since I had kissed, and it was the first time I took the initiative to kiss. Jin Siming's movements were a little rusty, but extremely pious, but soon she recalled the way Yao Jin kissed her, and slowly became addicted to it. Even Yao Jin's proactive response was not noticed at the first time.

It wasn't until Yao Jin's breathing became more and more rapid, the air was completely robbed, and he let out a slight groan, that Jin Siming realized that Yao Jin had woken up, and at this time he took the initiative to stretch out his arm to hook The back of her head.

She sat up abruptly.

Yao Jin was lying under her, her lips were slightly red and swollen, her chest was heaving, her long and narrow eyes were half-closed, her face was flushed abnormally, and she looked like she could be picked by you.

But this kind of Yao Jin also made Jin Siming feel like a hooligan. He took advantage of people's unpreparedness and did something he shouldn't do, and felt a little ashamed in his heart.

"You... are you awake?"

Yao Jin took a few breaths, and after her breathing was smooth, she slowly said, "Will you stop kissing me when I wake up?"


"I..." Jin Siming blinked, his mind went blank.

Yao Jin stood up, put her arms around Jin Siming's neck, pressed her down who was still in a daze, and said in a low voice, "The initiative just now did not please me, so the progress counts as your progress." Ninety-five percent is fine, as for the remaining five percent, it depends on your next performance."