After the Soft Sister Differentiated Into A

Chapter 78


Zhuang Yue is well maintained, her beautiful face does not show many traces of age, and her eyebrows and eyes are somewhat similar to Yao Jin.

She put down the magazine in her hand, and the momo on her lap had already jumped off, trotting to Yao Jin's side.

"Oh, I came back to Huanjin City temporarily, so I just came here to see you." Zhuang Yue stood up and walked a few steps closer, her eyes drifted between the two of them, and she pursed her lips and said: "This is your little Alpha girlfriend ?"

Jin Siming met Zhuang Yue for the first time, and it was also the first time he met Yao Jin's family. The unsuspecting meeting made her flustered and overwhelmed. When Zhuang Yue mentioned her, he greeted her politely: "Hello, Auntie."

Zhuang Yue also nodded to her, and responded with a smile: "Hello, kid~"

Yao Jin didn't speak, and dragged Jin Siming into the kitchen, ignoring Zhuang Yue.

"Let's start cooking dinner now. Although I don't know how to cook, I should be able to do the washing. Let me help you~" Entering the kitchen, when there were only her and Siming Jin, Yao Jin asked The smile returned to her face, she bent down and began to take out the ingredients she had just bought from the bag.

Looking at Yao Jin who was busy and planned to stay in the kitchen all the time, Jin Siming worried: "Is it okay for Aunt Zhuang to be alone in the living room? Should I do more?"

Yao Jin stopped what she was doing, stood up and looked at her amusedly: "No need, she will leave soon."


Jin Siming blinked, a little confused, Yao Jin put the half-washed vegetables on the counter, turned and walked out of the kitchen.

In the living room, Zhuang Yue was still teasing momo on the sofa, Yao Jin walked over and leaned against the wall with her arms folded: "When are you leaving?"

Zhuang Yue put down momo, curled her lips: "I just arrived, why are you driving me away in such a hurry? We haven't seen each other for so long, don't you miss me?"

Yao Jin sneered: "You also know that we haven't seen each other for a long time? I'm used to it, so naturally I don't want to. The hotel you often stay in should be more comfortable than here, so don't be a light bulb here."

"It seems that she is really a little girlfriend." Zhuang Yue stood up from the sofa, took the handbag next to her, did not feel the slightest annoyance at Yao Jin's attitude, and continued to ask with her lips curled up: "Where are we now? Safety measures Be sure to do it well, if you mark it, it’s best to wait until you find someone who is sure to marry.”

Yao Jin glanced in the direction of the kitchen, blushing slightly, "You don't need to worry about this!"

"Well, I know my Jinjin is a precocious child, and you are also an adult, so these things should be handled well."

Zhuang Yue walked towards the entrance with her bag, and when she passed by Yao Jin, she patted her shoulder, "The little girl is very pretty, I won't bother you tonight, I wish you a pleasant time together~"

The door opened gently, and closed again gently. Jin Siming was busy in the kitchen for a while, and didn't hear any movement outside for a long time, so he sneaked out to take a look, but Yao Jin was the only one left in the huge living room, and Zhuang Yue was no longer there.

She looked around again, couldn't help walking to Yao Jin, and asked strangely, "Where's Aunt Zhuang?"


Yao Jin hooked her neck, half pushed and half dragged her back to the kitchen: "I'm hungry, let's cook quickly."

Seeing that Yao Jin didn't want to say more, Jin Siming obediently didn't ask any more questions, and obediently concentrated on cooking.

Only the two of them ate, and finally made two dishes, one soup, and two bowls of noodles in clear soup.

Garlic baby vegetables, stir-fried pork, and seaweed and egg drop soup are all simple home-cooked dishes, but Yao Jin eats them with great relish. Jin Siming sits across the table, watching her eat the dishes she made one bite at a time, feeling happy The corners of his mouth curled up.

"I usually don't eat so much at night, and I broke the precept tonight because of you." Yao Jin took a sip of the soup, her moist eyes filled with grievance.

Jin Siming propped his face sideways with one hand, looked at her pretending to be aggrieved, and said helplessly and dotingly: "Didn't you say you want to eat my cooking?"

Yao Jin put down her chopsticks and sighed: "Do you have a little self-cultivation of a suitor?"

Jin Siming: "Huh?"

"At this time, you should say that it's all your fault, and you should ask me how to make up for it."


Jin Siming looked at her and said nothing, Yao Jin said angrily, "Say it!"

Jin Siming had no choice but to indulge Yao Jin's petty temper, and replied: "Well, well, it's all my fault, how should I make it up to you?"

"Exercise with me to burn off all the calories."

"How... how to consume?"

"What do you think?"

Jin Siming swallowed. Yao Jin, who was sitting opposite her at the moment, really looked like a captivating vixen.

This meal was quite tormenting for Jin Siming, he finally finished it, cleaned up the dishes, and when he returned to the living room, Yao Jin was no longer there, and there was the sound of rushing water in the bathroom.

Yao Jin is taking a shower, so what should she do

Jin Siming stood there awkwardly for a while, when momo came over and rubbed her calf with a "meow".

"Are you hungry, momo?" Squatting down to pet the coquettish cat, Jin Siming went to the cat bowl and poured some cat food for it.

After watching momo eating for a while, she raised her head and began to look around the house, the house where she would live with Yao Jin.

Although there are not many traces of smoky life in the room, their couple mugs have been placed on the tea table, their identical slippers are on the shoe cabinet, and there is a cute momo. There will be more unique ones in the future. Something that belongs to two people.

She didn't know if it was too soon to live together with Yao Jin, but she knew that she had no reason to refuse Yao Jin. Maybe the love of youth is so simple and direct, not like the adults who have entered the society. For them, if they like it, they like it, there are not many impurities, and there is no need to consider the involvement of interests. Since being together is happy and they have clearly liked it, there is nothing to hesitate.

And looking back, maybe when you were young, you would have more opportunities to meet someone who can give you pure love without reservation.

From school uniforms to wedding dresses, it should be a very romantic thing to keep a pure love until the end of the years.

"What are you thinking? A smirk on your face."

Yao Jin walked from the bathroom to her while wiping her wet hair, and Jin Siming came back to his senses suddenly, and found that he had been squatting next to momo's cat bowl for a long time without knowing it, and his legs were a little numb.

"Come in and blow my hair down."

Jin Siming stood up, stretched his legs and watched Yao Jin walk into the bedroom.

The author has something to say: Ah, don’t say I’m a truck or something, that’s how it is in my daily life. Then refer to the previous chapter and go to bed first.