After the System Punished Me to Give Birth

Chapter 26


This day, because Liu Yue's parents had been making trouble for too long, Su Jingyang simply didn't go to Linji Restaurant to open the door. Rong Hua and Rong Ci stayed for dinner, and only went back to the next door at night.

After they left, Su Jingyang and Lingli bathed A Xuan, and then lay down on the bed together. Unexpectedly, A Xuan became fussy before he fell asleep, he didn't want Lingli, and he didn't want Su Jingyang. Yelling for Brother Yi, Su Jingyang took a lot of effort to get him back to his room.

Lingli hugged Ah Xuan, who was still crying, and walked back and forth to coax him, but he couldn't coax him well. Su Jingyang came to wipe A Xuan's crying face with a hot towel, and said, "Brother Yi, Brother Yi, I knew Brother Yi, didn't he just play with you for a long time today, don't cry, I'll take you to find him .”

Ah Xuan must have understood, he immediately stopped crying, and then struggled to ask Su Jingyang to hug him to find someone.

Su Jingyang wrapped Ah Xuan in a blanket, and braved the cold wind to go outside, Lingli hurriedly chased after him and put on a piece of clothing for him, telling him that it would be fine if the person next door fell asleep.

Su Jingyang nodded, he didn't intend to take A Xuan to someone else's house in the middle of the night, but the child refused to give up and had to take him out for a play.

After going out, Ah Xuan's crying became quieter, Su Jingyang held him and stopped at the gate of Rong Ci's house, reached out and knocked very lightly on the door.

Ah Xuan was wrapped so that only a pair of watery eyes were exposed, he stared at the door with sobs, as if expecting someone to open the door.

Su Jingyang sucked in the cold air and coaxed him in a low voice: "Look, my brother is asleep, let's come back tomorrow, shall we?"

A Xuan pulled out his warm little hand from the blanket, grabbed Su Jingyang's wrist, motioned towards the door for him to continue, and said, "Uncle, speak up, speak up."

Su Jingyang was stunned immediately, the little guy had learned so well that he couldn't fool him anymore.

Su Jingyang had no choice but to knock a little louder, saying: "Look, brother is asleep, he can't hear..."

Before Su Jingyang finished speaking, the door creaked and was opened from the inside, Rong Ci appeared behind the door in neat clothes, his eyebrows and eyes became more and more handsome under the light of the courtyard, he stretched out his hand to Su Jingyang, his voice sounded still Very gentle, "give me the child, sleep with me tonight."

Su Jingyang was stunned for a moment, but Ah Xuan had already rushed towards Rong Ci's arms. Su Jingyang handed the child to him, and said hesitantly: "You... you can hear the movement from our side." Otherwise, how would you know that you brought the child to sleep with him.

"I'm not deaf, so I can hear the sound of a child crying so loudly." Rong Ci said, "What are you thinking with that look in your eyes? I'm afraid I'll overhear you talking ill of me behind my back."

"What am I afraid of? When I say bad things about you, I always do it right in front of your face."

Rong Ci sneered and said, "Then you really have to thank yourself for being lucky."

Ah Xuan, who was rolled into a ball by the blanket, leaned against Rong Ci's arms, drooping his tear-stained eyelashes, quiet and well-behaved, Su Jingyang asked inexplicably: "You bribed him with sugar, why did he become so clingy to you?" ?”

Rong Ci said: "That's because in Rongcheng, I sleep with him every day, and he's used to it."

"But he won't even want A Li for you." Su Jingyang looked at him suspiciously and said, "Besides, didn't Murong say that the city lord personally took care of A Xuan?"

Rong Ci stared at him with black eyes, and said without changing his face: "Because, I am the city lord."

"..." Su Jingyang looked him up and down, and his eyes immediately showed great contempt: "It's fine to say bad things about others, and pretend to be others, you are really amazing!"

Rong Ci snorted and said, "Do you believe it or not."

Naturally, Su Jingyang didn't like to believe it. After returning home, he even told Lingli. Lingli was stunned for a moment and didn't say anything. It seemed that he didn't believe it either.

Lingli didn't sleep either, and went to the yard several times, although he didn't hear the child crying, he still stood outside and refused to go in. Su Jingyang couldn't stand it anymore, climbed up the ladder, called out Rong Ci again and asked, and learned that the child had already slept obediently. Knowing that Lingli had heard it, Su Jingyang got off the ladder. Unexpectedly, this ladder was too old, and some places were already loose. Su Jingyang stepped on it, only felt his body shake, and his mouth let out an ouch.

Ling Li had been frightened by him several times, so he stretched out his hand to help him in a panic. Su Jingyang had just landed, but Rong Ci's deep voice came from the next wall, "Su Jingyang, are you alright?"

"Me? I'm fine, what's wrong?"

Su Jingyang was wondering, but there was no movement over there, so Su Jingyang and Lingli went back to the room and fell asleep.

Su Jingyang was wrapped tightly in the quilt and was about to sleep when he found Lingli looking at him with his head tilted. Su Jingyang smiled at him, only then did he realize that the lights hadn't been turned off, he was about to get up, Lingli held him down, and said: "There are not many candles left, just let it burn out."

Su Jingyang went in and out a few times at night, his face was already a little stiff from the cold, and at this moment, he was too happy to get up, so he lay down again.

Su Jingyang noticed that Lingli was still looking at him, his eyes seemed to be filled with thoughts, so he couldn't help asking him softly: "A Li, do you have something to say to me?"

Ling Li blinked his eyes slowly, then sighed silently, "Yes."

Su Jingyang said: "Then tell me, I'm listening, I don't want to sleep anyway."

Lingli remained silent for a while before saying: "Actually... I have never dared to tell you what happened back then, for fear that you would be disappointed in me. But now, my truest side has been shown in front of you, so I will It seems to be relieved, not so scary anymore."

It turned out that because of the appearance of Liu Yue's parents, his mind was aroused again. Su Jingyang took the quilt with him, lay closer, looked into his eyes, and asked softly: "Why do you say I will be disappointed in you? A Li always scares himself."

Lingli's breath trembled, and there was a bitter smile on the corner of his lips, "Jingyang, in fact, I did replace the poisonous wine back then, which caused Liu Yue's death."

Su Jingyang was stunned.

"You don't want to believe it, do you? Jingyang, that's why I always say that you think too much of me." Ling Li looked away, as if he didn't dare to look at him anymore, his eyes were a little empty, and he said softly: "When I was young, I didn't really understand any feelings. I only knew that he was nice to me, and I was nice to him. He was fond of gambling, very addicted to gambling, and he always lost. After I was with him, once He gambled, and lost six hundred taels of silver, six hundred taels... what a huge sum, he didn't have it in his family, and I couldn't even get it out. The people in the casino threatened to kill him if he didn't pay back the money. As an adult, he knelt down and kowtowed and begged me, asking me to try my best to raise all the money for him within a month. But where did you ask me to get it? Later..." Lingli's eyes froze, his throat choked After a while, he continued in a low voice: "Later, a person suddenly appeared and said to me, asking me to accompany a man, and then giving me absolutely enough money to pay off the debt. I was so focused on saving his life that I didn't even hesitate. I didn’t dare to have it, so I went. I got three thousand taels, and I stayed with that man for more than a month.”

Su Jingyang was heartbroken and shocked at the same time, he didn't expect Lingli to pay so much for that scum! ! !

Su Jingyang asked cautiously: "That man... is Axuan's other father?"

Ling Li was startled, then said softly: "Yes."

Su Jingyang was silent for a moment, before asking again: "Does he know about A Xuan's existence?"

Lingli shook his head, "I don't know. He's not from here, and... he seems to have misunderstood me a bit, and he left completely after being angered by me."

Su Jingyang really didn't know how to comfort him, so he put his hand on his shoulder, and grasped it tightly, Lingli's bright eyes shone with water, and said: "The money Liu Yue owes, you can pay a lot of money. It was nearly one thousand taels, so I couldn't wait to take the money to redeem him. But when he came back, he always asked me in a roundabout way where I got so much money, and asked me if I had any money left. "

Su Jingyang couldn't help cursing angrily: "Fuck!" The purpose is too obvious!

Lingli smiled sadly, and said: "Jingyang, you probably think I'm too stupid, but it was a huge psychological burden for me to hold the remaining money at that time, and I would not hesitate to ask him about it." I gave him all the rest without hesitation. In fact, he should have already guessed what I did. I mentioned the marriage to him cryptically afterwards. He may not know it himself. I covered it up, but I was still whispering that my parents at home really disagreed, so let me bear it. Not long after, I found out that I was pregnant... Just when I was panicked and at a loss, Liu Yue became angry Chong Chong came to me, saying that my family did not agree to marry me, and wanted to commit suicide together with me. I thought he was very strange, because I knew him, he was a life-saving person, and... I already knew in my heart at that time that he did not He showed that he loved me so much, so at the agreed place, I used tricks to divert his attention, and then... secretly exchanged the wine glasses between the two."

Lingli paused for a long time when he said this, Su Jingyang held his breath, Lingli smiled lightly again, "He took my hand and wept and hurt my feelings, when we drank together at the end, I proposed Said that I want to change a glass with him, but he immediately raised his head and drank the contents of his glass, and then urged me to drink quickly, otherwise I would not be able to catch up with him when I got to the ground. I drank it, and then... he died Yes, I am alive."

Su Jingyang was so angry that his teeth were chattering, and he said viciously: "It's good to die, you deserve it!!!"

Hearing his angry curses, Ling Li stared back at him, tightly pursed her lips to suppress the uncomfortable panting, and the corners of her eyes became even more moist.

The veins on Su Jingyang's forehead twitched, "Damn it, even if you don't want to get along with you, just say it straight, I think he's a bit of a scum, but why did he kill you???!"

Lingli said: "Probably because he thinks I'm dirty and doesn't want me, but he's also afraid that I'll pester him endlessly because of feelings and money."

"Is he so confident that he is not afraid of the government's investigation?!"

Lingli shook his head, "The old official back then only knew money, Liu Yue held the two thousand taels of silver I gave him, and a life was nothing to him. I was heartbroken at the time and wanted to go The government pleaded guilty, but my father locked me at home and went to take the blame for me... "

When Lingli talked about his father, his face paled significantly, "Master Guan owed my father a little kindness, and he actually agreed to my father's request and let me go. Later, later... my father was in prison before the verdict was issued. After that, the Liu family took my father's ashes. I was in so much pain that I couldn't bear it several times. The child in my stomach that made me panic became my only support, so I keep him. "

Lingli has always loved Ah Xuan deeply, Su Jingyang couldn't imagine that Lingli didn't intend to keep him at all.

"But, in the end, they snatched my child and almost threw my child to death! I want to hate them!" Ling Li's hazel eyes, which were originally tearful, suddenly became deep and deep, and he breathed His hair was heavy, his lips trembled slightly, but his tone was much calmer than before, "Afterwards, I ran around taking the child for treatment, and when the child's condition stabilized, I revealed to a group of robbers that there was something hidden in the Liu family. The news of the huge sum of money. I know that the Liu family loves money and cherishes money, and they will not put banknotes in the bank. In order not to arouse the suspicion of others, they did not even dare to change the place of residence. Sure enough, within a few days, the Liu family They were broken into and ransacked. Liu's parents lost a large amount of money, and they both fell ill. Since then, their health has not been very good. They have borrowed money to buy medicines all these years, and gradually have no energy to come back. I scolded here..."

Su Jingyang's lungs were about to explode with anger, "Those two old things from the Liu family must have known that you got the money. At that time, Liu Yue wanted to kill you, so they may not be able to get away with it!" It's just that they didn't expect it The son knows how to play off, so he hates Ling Li to the bone!

"Maybe..." Just as Lingli stopped speaking, the lights in the room flickered and went out, and the room was suddenly plunged into darkness.

Su Jingyang maintained the posture of facing Lingli face to face, and suddenly reached out and hugged him tightly in his arms. At this time, thousands of words can't express his love for him.

Lingli put his face in his arms and said softly: "Before my father died, he left me a letter at last, saying that he actually killed my biological parents by mistake during a hunt, so he adopted him because of guilt. Me, let me live a good life and fulfill his apology. This matter has become a knot in my heart since then. When I slowly figured it out, I realized that I had survived and had Ah by my side. Xuan. He lied to me to keep me alive."

Su Jingyang said hoarsely: "Your father loves you very much."

Lingli tightly grasped the skirt of Su Jingyang's chest, and finally couldn't hold back the pain and suppressed his tears: "But I killed him! I noticed something strange at the time, and I can avoid it by myself, and don't provoke him anymore. But because I was unwilling, because I was young and impulsive, I committed a life! I also killed my only family member! But I still live in the world, so Jingyang, I really, really don’t like You are so beautiful in your heart. What happened back then, I was not innocent... "

Su Jingyang was very uncomfortable, and his sigh was trembling, "A Li, just think of me as a fool who doesn't understand the laws and the concept of right and wrong, because you are still as good in my heart, and I I feel sorry for you even more. You said that you, with such a heavy heart, how did you survive all these years? Those people deserve to die and deserve retribution! How can you blame yourself? You are innocent in the first place. "

Ling Li raised his face slightly from his embrace, raised his hands and hugged him tightly with hot breath, choked so hard that he couldn't speak a single syllable.

Su Jingyang whispered in Lingli's ear: "Ah Li has told me everything now, so let me digest all your thoughts. Ah Li should be happier in the future and stop thinking about it."

After a long time, Su Jingyang felt that the clothes on his chest were wet, and then he heard Lingli say hello softly with his tears in his mouth, and then hugged him even tighter.

Lingli finally said: "Thank you, Jingyang, thank you again for being able to appear in my life."

The energy Su Jingyang got from Lingli's place melted into his body continuously for nearly a quarter of an hour, and then Su Jingyang watched the progress bar move a little bit, moving and moving, and the final value actually stopped at 2%!

Su Jingyang couldn't believe his eyes, and almost sat up from the blanket! ! ! This is simply a qualitative leap!

Su Jingyang immediately remembered what System One said, and thought about the situation tonight, and then he realized that while he was listening to what happened to Lingli, he unknowingly helped him open his heart! That's why there is a burst of energy!

This is really a mistake, and it's the best of both worlds.

Su Jingyang has been thinking since that day, if Liu Yue's parents dare to show up to ask for money, they will never be as tolerant as before, and they have to express their anger for A Li no matter what!

He was full of resentment and gearing up, and indeed he was waiting for Liu's parents to come, but what caught Su Jingyang off guard was that they didn't come to beg for food, but when Lingli was carrying a tray and wearing a hood and was about to go up to the second floor to meet Ronghua , rushed over and took off Lingli's hat, revealing his face, all the guests in the room saw it!

The Liu family's parents had achieved their goal, and they ran away in a panic before Su Jingyang picked up the stool and smashed it viciously. When Rong Hua and Rong Ci heard the movement, they disappeared into the crowd early.

Afterwards, rumors spread in the town, and the number of customers in Lin Kee Restaurant dropped sharply in just a few days. The seats that were originally reserved in advance are now vacant, although there are occasional people who miss the taste and don’t care about others. People come to eat. But compared to the popularity before, it is indeed far from it.

Liang Lu did an investigation later and found that Liu's parents were instigated by someone, and the instigator was the owner of a nearby Yunxiang Restaurant. Since the opening of the Linji restaurant seriously affected their business, they kept their grudges in their hearts, so they sent people to investigate secretly, and finally found out about Lingli, so they gave money to Liu's parents and instructed them to find the right time to make trouble. Then go outside and spread it to the whole town.

After Lingli's incident that day, the people who didn't talk much before became more and more silent. No matter what Su Jingyang could do, he couldn't stop the guilt rooted in his heart, he was so sad that he was dying, but luckily Ronghua often came over, stayed with him in the kitchen, told him some funny words, and helped Su Jingyang relieve him.

Su Jingyang was scribbling behind the counter with a pen thinking hard, his brows were knit together.

There was originally a table of guests eating in the lobby, and when Rong Ci came in, that table had finished eating, came to pay the bill and left, the entire Linji restaurant was empty except for the two waiters who had invited here before, staring at each other. up.

Su Jingyang looked up and saw him approaching, quickly put away the written papers and put them in his arms, walked around the counter and went up to him, "You can sit wherever you want. Do you want to go to the box?"

"No need." Rong Ci chose the table closest to the counter, saw a small ball of ink on his face, and asked, "What did you write? The ghost symbols are all painted on his face."

Su Jingyang touched his face subconsciously, then covered his chest where the manuscript paper was hidden, and hummed, "I won't tell you the secret."

Rong Ci said, "Your secret will definitely come and tell me within three days."

Su Jingyang choked for a moment, and didn't want to continue, so he asked him what he wanted to eat, Rong Ci twirled a chopstick between his fair and slender fingers, and casually ordered a few dishes.

Su Jingyang said: "Wait for a while, it will be soon." There are no other guests now, serving him alone will indeed be very fast.

Just as Su Jingyang turned around, Rong Ci suddenly called out, "Hello."

Su Jingyang turned his head back, Rong Ci's clear black eyes looked straight at him, and said, "Actually, even if I'm the only one who visits here every day, this little diner like yours won't be able to close down." Rong Ci raised his red lips and pointed at him He smiled, and his tone sounded very arrogant, "After all, I am rich.

Su Jingyang opened his eyes and stared at him for a long while, before he suddenly said angrily: "What a broken restaurant, your restaurant is broken!!"