After the System Punished Me to Give Birth

Chapter 31


Because Lingli had been thinking about Xiangcao's matter in his heart, Su Jingyang and Lingli found out where Xiangcao lived two days later before going to Linji Restaurant, and wanted to visit him.

The place where Xiangcao lived was very remote, Su Jingyang and the others could see from a distance in front of the dilapidated house a fat old lady sitting there with her legs crossed and picking her teeth with her hands, while Xiangcao, who was supposed to be resting in bed, was beside her. Muffled laundry. A little girl with dirty and thin clothes, a yellow and thin face, about four or five years old, was limping around the grass, as if she wanted to help carry water, but she accidentally knocked over the basin and splashed all the water on herself.

The little girl was covered in water, she didn't move for a moment, she didn't know why she angered the old lady, she got up suddenly and rushed over with a fierce look on her face, grabbing the little girl's hair with one hand, and slapping her hard with the other. Her head was spitting and spitting, the little girl screamed and cried, Xiang Cao hurriedly got up to protect her, and then the old lady beat Xiang Cao together, Xiang Cao's pale face was beaten so that her body was crumbling, and she kept her head down. He protects his daughter with his head and does not hide.

The person next door poked his head and looked around, as if he had gotten used to it.

Lingli had already covered Ah Xuan's eyes, his complexion was not very good-looking, and Su Jingyang was so angry that black smoke rose from his head! Not only did Xiang Cao send him to work in the field just after he had a miscarriage, but he beat him so viciously! Su Jingyang was a little impulsive and wanted to go forward to stop it, but he ran out from nowhere. Two half-grown boys dragged away the old lady who was still an adult, yelling where to buy rabbit meat and eat it back. After cursing a few words, he poked Cao Cao's temple fiercely with his finger, leaving behind a sentence of "work hard" and then he calmed down and followed the grandson.

Su Jingyang and Lingli rushed over to help Xiangcao and the little girl who had fallen on the ground together, Xiangcao wrapped his thin arms around the crying daughter, flinched a bit before raising his eyes to look at Sujingyang and Lingli , and then there was some consternation in his eyes.

Su Jingyang looked at his bloodless face and the crying child in his arms, he didn't know what it was like, originally he came to visit with Lingli to prepare some supplements, but after thinking about it He brought it, but it might not fall on Xiangcao's head, so he brought his daughter the clothes that Lingli had prepared before.

Feeling the shivering daughter in his arms, Xiangcao hesitated before accepting it, said thank you in a low voice, and took a dry clothes from inside to wrap the child.

Ah Xuan, who had been hugging Lingli's arm, ran over suddenly, stuffed a candy into the little girl's hand, looked at her with clear eyes and said softly, "I'll eat it for you, it's very sweet."

The little girl looked at her palm with tears in her eyes, her crying voice gradually stopped, and she choked, and the tears stained her already dirty face into a mess. She said thank you to Ah Xuan in a soft voice, but she didn't eat it. Instead, she fed the candy to Xiangcao's mouth. Treasure and hold it carefully.

Su Jingyang was about to give some money to Xiang Cao, but Xiang Cao's whole body tensed up suddenly, and he gently pushed Su Jingyang's hand back with his backhand, shook his head vigorously, and kept saying in a low voice, "Let's go, you guys go quickly."

Su Jingyang sensed that something was wrong, and when he looked back, he realized that it was the old lady and the two grandsons who had come back in a row, and seemed to be holding a piece of rabbit meat with a straw rope in her hand. Xiang Cao let go of the child, squatted down quickly, put his cracked hands into the laundry tub, and continued to wash the clothes.

Su Jingyang was upset for several days because of this incident, and he still felt a strong sense of powerlessness in his heart. Su Jingyang wanted to persuade Xiang Cao to find a way to break away from that family, and Xiang Cao would definitely be able to support himself and his daughter. However, thinking back to the obedience exuded from Xiang Cao's bones, Su Jingyang was worried that he would take the initiative to intervene to break the status quo. have a finger in the pie.

In the past, a male colleague from a different department in the same company as Su Jingyang met a woman who was being abused domestically on the street. The young male colleague rushed to help and beat the man up. However, the woman was very excited and called the police instead. , Said that he beat her husband, and finally chased him to pay hundreds of dollars in medical expenses before giving up!

Su Jingyang was totally fucked when he heard that. Some people in this world are like that, God knows what's going on in their minds!

Su Jingyang didn't think that Xiang Cao would beat him up like that woman, but Xiang Cao was a child bride-in-law who grew up in the environment of the Xiang family and followed their family name. He didn't even think about resisting. Su Jingyang was sure that if he ran to ask Xiang Cao to sever ties with the Xiang family and rely on himself, Xiang Cao would be shocked and think he was a lunatic.

In fact, it was true, Su Jingyang still couldn't bear it and went to find him quietly, testing whether he had thought about living independently by himself, and sure enough Xiang Cao's eyes were full of disbelief, he was so frightened that he almost turned around and left. Su Jingyang hurriedly pulled him and said, "You can think about it, take your daughter and come to work in my restaurant after leaving, among other things, food and clothing can be guaranteed. Have you never thought about getting rid of this kind of life?"

Xiang Cao looked at him with an expression full of unknown confusion and fear, and finally he nodded slightly to Su Jingyang, turned and left without saying a word.

Su Jingyang looked at Xiang Cao's frail and thin back, frowned and sighed secretly. He is not a savior, he can't even save himself, but he really can't see it and wants to help others, and he has no way to self-righteously force others to make a choice.

Su Jingyang was upset for a few days because of Xiang Cao's matter, only to realize that those gangsters hadn't appeared during this period of time. Even so, Rong Ci still came to have dinner every day, and then waited for them to go home together. The wind was raging that day, and before Rongci came over, Su Jingyang and Lingli got off work and went home. After eating late and taking a bath, Su Jingyang carried pillows to Lingli's bed. The three of them had nothing to do, so they all went to bed early. up.

I don't know what time it is, Su Jingyang was sleeping soundly with Ah Xuan in his arms, when there was a sudden loud bang in the courtyard where the cold wind was howling!

Su Jingyang was so startled that his heart throbbed, he opened his eyes suddenly, Lingli and A Xuan also woke up, there was a rustle of clothes rubbing against the bed, and the three of them sat up at the same time.

A Xuan asked sleepily, grabbing Su Jingyang's sleeve: "Uncle, uncle, what's the sound?"

Lingli Zhangdeng wanted to go out to watch, Su Jingyang put on a padded jacket, pushed him back on the bed, and asked him to accompany the child. The candle in his hand went out before he went out, and finally Lingli brought Su Jingyang's newly bought rabbit lantern and lit it, insisting on going out with Su Jingyang to watch it. Ah Xuan could understand some words now, if he was asked to stay still on the bed, he would not move and fall, so Su Jingyang agreed to Lingli's request to be together.

The two of them huddled together, peered at the crack of the door for a while to make sure there was no movement outside, and then opened the door to go out. And soon they discovered what caused the noise just now.

—The wall that just connected to Ah Yi's house was blown by the wind and collapsed! ! !

In the cold wind, Su Jingyang's nose was red from the cold. He wrapped his clothes tightly, raised the lantern, and looked at the wall that was almost half down, but still couldn't believe it, "... this wall is made of tofu Did you do it? Why did it collapse like this when the wind blows?!" With one step, he could go directly to A Yi's house!

Ling Li was stunned for a long time before he said vaguely: "Maybe, maybe it's been in disrepair for a long time, and the wind is very strong tonight, so..."

Su Jingyang can't control these things for the time being, just check the source of the loud noise. He couldn't bear the cold, so he hurriedly dragged Lingli into the house, turned off the light, got under the quilt, muttered a few more words, and fell asleep. Lingli tossed and turned for a while, then quietly closed his eyes.

The next day when the wind stopped, Su Jingyang washed his face in the yard, turned his head and found Rong Ci sizing up beside the collapsed wall. He was dressed in black with narrow sleeves.

Seeing this, Su Jingyang dried his hands and ran over to tell him when to ask someone to repair it, but Rong Ci folded his arms and glanced at him, he said in a deep voice: "Is there anything to repair, it's not convenient, you steal it every day Do you see me?"

Su Jingyang said: "I'm not interested in you." Then he promised him that he would find someone to make up for it in a short time.

Rong Ci gritted his teeth, the corners of his slightly raised eyes were unspeakably cold, he stared at him and said slowly: "This wall has already collapsed in half, and it will be very expensive to repair."

Su Jingyang patted his chest, "I'm not short of money, don't worry!"

"Jingyang." Lingli didn't know when he stood at the door of the kitchen, and said to this side: "Forget it, Ah Yi is right, repairing is an expense, why not... clean it up together, and keep the current situation." look."

Before Su Jingyang could speak, Lingli asked, "Ayi, do you have any objections?"

Rong Ci snorted, "Follow you."

Su Jingyang asked: "Yo? Are you afraid that I will suddenly run over and peek at you?"

Rong Ci said, "Goug out your eyes."

They cleaned up the wall together, and then the two families connected to each other in the courtyard. Ah Xuan should be the happiest, running to the next door to play for a while, and running back for a while. Sometimes Su Jingyang didn't have to climb the ladder to find Rongci for something, or went to knock on the door, and it was convenient to ask him to come over for dinner. Even if there is any movement next door, you can hear it clearly.

When Rong Hua came and saw the situation, he was full of praise for the wind that day in front of Rong Ci.

"Good wind, good wind! How did you just pick such a wall! It really is the world's most wonderful, the most empathetic wind!"

He ran over to Su Jingyang again and asked, "Are those people still making trouble for you? No, Ah Yi and I will beat them to the point of crying. We dare not judge them!"

It was only then that Su Jingyang knew that there was such a thing, so he specially made egg pancakes and porridge in the morning to thank Rong Ci, but Rong Ci lay on the recliner and let him put it on the table in a calm tone, revealing With a feeling of indifference and insignificance.

A few days later, Xiangcao began to appear in the Linji Restaurant again to collect slops, silent as always. Su Jingyang met him once when he went to the back kitchen, and his body froze immediately, looking at Su Jingyang as if he hesitated to speak. Su Jingyang felt his struggle, his heart moved, and he wanted to communicate with him, but he turned away in a panic.

Su Jingyang breathed a sigh of relief, if he struggled, it meant he could still be saved. After Su Jingyang returned home, he even told Lingli his thoughts on this matter. Lingli also forgot to choose the dishes in his hand, and stared at him for a long time, before curling up the corners of his mouth and smiling slightly, "You Always think differently from others, but it's good, really good."

Most people don't care about such things, besides, Xiang Cao is a child bride. From the outsiders' point of view, raising him means being a cow and a horse, working hard, giving birth to as many children as you want, and beating him if you want to be unhappy. Even if he was exhausted or beaten to death in the end, that was his fate, and no one would pity or sympathize with him.

But Su Jingyang felt that this was wrong, it needed to be resisted and rescued.

Lingli looked at his face without blinking, and there was an unspeakable sadness and emotion in his heart.

Su Jingyang lowered his head and grabbed the vegetable leaves, sighed, "I can't do much, the most important thing is to see him." Su Jingyang was actually somewhat guilty of being praised by Lingli, because his special thoughts came in this time and space If you say it, you may not be understood, and you may even be told that you are full, but at least Lingli understands. Su Jingyang finally felt a little more at ease, and he felt that it was right to stick to himself.

Ling Li pushed him to stand up, and said softly: "Go and play with Ah Xuan, I'll do it in the kitchen."

Su Jingyang replied "Okay", stood up and walked out of the kitchen door, but saw Rong Ci standing at the door of the house under the light, with his dark eyes looking at this side for an unknown amount of time. Su Jingyang paused, ran to the dividing line between the two families, and yelled at him: "You eavesdropped on me!"

Rong Ci said: "With your loud voice, you still use me to eavesdrop?"

Su Jingyang turned around and was about to leave. Rong Ci said slowly behind him: "If necessary, I can help arrange an identity in Rongcheng to avoid entanglement with his family."

It took Su Jingyang a long time to realize that he was talking about Xiang Cao, and turned his head quickly, "Really?" The city has to go through a strict investigation, and Xiang's family will definitely not have the ability to chase there.

Su Jingyang was really grateful to him, his eyes sparkled, and he gave him a deep bow, "Although it will depend on his own choice when the time comes, but I will thank Young Xia Yi here first! Thank you very much!"

Rong Ci shook his head and smiled lightly, "You look stupid."

Su Jingyang was guarding the back kitchen the next day, caught Xiang Cao and asked his intentions, but Xiang Cao tightly clenched his frostbitten hands, looked down at the ground, and stammered for a long time before saying He still has to think about it. Su Jingyang knew that he was used to being oppressed, but it was difficult for him to summon up courage, so he told him that he could be arranged to enter Rongcheng.

Xiang Cao left with a heavy heart.

Su Jingyang had been waiting for news from him, but he didn't expect... Xiang Cao's news didn't come, but he heard the news about Xiang Cao's lame daughter from Liang Lu.

That day, it was rare for the old lady to boil water at home once, and she put the cauldron full of boiling water on the ground. Somehow, Xiangcao's daughter accidentally fell into it! The old lady must have seen it, but she didn't try to save it, probably because she was afraid that she would have to spend money to treat the injury, which would be a waste of money.

Then, Xiangcao's daughter was scalded to death! ! ! It is said that when the child was picked up, it was already horrible.

Some people said that the old lady might have done it on purpose, because she thought it was unlucky that the little girl hadn't been sold and wanted to throw it away, but in the end, Xiangcao, who had been silent all along, fought desperately to keep her daughter. But the old lady felt that there was one more money-losing product in the family, and she had always been dissatisfied, which led to this incident.

After hearing this, Su Jingyang sat there stiffly, feeling that every nerve in him was trembling violently, Lingli even hugged Ah Xuan tightly, his eyes were red and he couldn't speak.

Just a little bit, just a little bit, Xiang Cao nodded in agreement, and he and his daughter would be sent away, and this kind of thing would not happen again.

However, it was just a little bit worse.

Thinking of the little girl's tragic experience, Su Jingyang felt colic in his heart at night, he was so uncomfortable that he couldn't fall asleep, he got up in the middle of the night and sat at the gate in a daze, wanting to relax and calm down, Lingli ran out to accompany him quietly, his eyes were still red all the time Red.

Ling Li suddenly noticed something, turned his head, and found that Rong Ci had also come out, but silently set his gaze on Su Jingyang, without making a sound. Su Jingyang was in a daze, and he didn't notice him from the beginning to the end.

When it was almost dawn, Su Jingyang fell asleep leaning on Lingli's shoulder. Rongci walked over, Lingli closed his eyes in silence, and carefully supported Su Jingyang into Rongci's arms. Rongci was about to hug Su Jingyang Get up, hug into the house.

When Su Jingyang and Lingli heard the news, the incident had actually happened for several days. The next morning, they went to Xiang Cao's house to see him. Xiang Cao's two sons were still running wildly, and Xiang Cao's mother-in-law He still sits at the door and picks his teeth with his hands, and flicks them in the air after picking them, quite leisurely. There is also a bloated man walking in and out, who should be Xiang Cao's husband. There was no trace of sadness on any of their faces.

Su Jingyang suppressed the urge to kill someone, and followed Ling Li to search around, but he couldn't see Xiang Cao's person, so he had to return in vain.

What they didn't expect was that Xiangcao came over at the busiest time of the restaurant at noon. Although he didn't push the swill bucket, he still came in through the back door habitually. When Su Jingyang saw him, he didn't dare to breathe too hard, but Xiang Cao looked calm, and even rubbed the corner of his clothes a little bit awkwardly, before hesitating for a long time, he said to Su Jingyang: "Boss Su, I, I can Go to the lobby and eat at the table?"

Su Jingyang didn't have time to think about the information revealed in his words, so he agreed in a hurry, and hurriedly greeted him, "What's wrong, I treat you to eat, what do you like to eat?"

Xiang Cao shook his head, and said with some stubbornness: "No, I have brought the money, thank you."

Su Jingyang went to the lobby only to find that all the seats were full. It happened that Rong Ci occupied a table by himself, and the food hadn't been served yet. Su Jingyang rushed over to discuss with him, and Xiang Cao waved his hands in panic, "No, no, no."

Rong Ci's attitude was very gentle, he stood up and said to him: "It's okay, please."

Rong Ci was probably afraid that it would be inconvenient for him, so he didn't share the table, but stepped aside. Seeing that Xiang Cao was still hesitating, Su Jingyang waved his hand and blurted out: "It's okay, it's okay, he's a family member, don't worry about him, he comes here often , very casual."

Rong Ci raised the corner of his mouth and went to the back kitchen.

Then Xiang Cao sat down very cautiously, as if he ordered a few dishes after deliberation, and finally whispered to Su Jingyang: "I, I also want to order a piece of braised rabbit meat. Xiao Shui has always wanted to eat it before. But... I didn't eat it. I want to pack it up and go see the child later."

Xiaoshui should be the name of Xiangcao's daughter. Su Jingyang recalled the rabbit meat that Xiang's old lady brought home with her grandchildren that day, and felt a burst of gnashing of teeth and a splitting headache.

In fact, there are no rabbits in the kitchen, but Su Jingyang complied without hesitation, and asked the waiter in the shop to go out and buy them now, and Lingli made them.

Su Jingyang was going to help in the kitchen, but Xiang Cao stopped him softly, lowered his head, obviously his body was trembling, but Su Jingyang seemed to feel the shock coming from the depths of his soul, "I'm sorry, Boss Su, I failed I'm really sorry for your kindness."

Xiang Cao insisted on paying after eating, Su Jingyang and Ling Li also insisted on not accepting it, but Xiang Cao said: "I... also want to spend money for myself once."

Su Jingyang didn't know what to say, so he accepted the money. The rabbit meat that Su Jingyang packed for Xiang Cao was packed in a bowl and carried out in a food box, Xiang Cao was taken aback for a moment, and finally said that it would be done in a paper bag, Su Jingyang said it was okay. But Xiang Cao said that there was too much work at home, and there might not be time to send the dishes and food boxes back. He was very stubborn, Su Jingyang had no choice but to change him into a greased paper bag, and thanked Xiang Cao non-stop.

Xiang Cao went out from the gate of Linji Small Pavilion this time, Su Jingyang sent him out, hesitated for a moment before saying: "If you want to leave, we can still help you."

But Xiang Cao shook his head, hugged the still warm rabbit meat tightly in his arms, and smiled at Su Jingyang with tears in his eyes, "Forget it... this is all my life."

Xiang Cao bowed to Su Jingyang for the last time before striding away, this turning back seemed to carry a sense of determination. Su Jingyang looked at his disappearing back in place and was terribly stunned.

He saw his progress bar start to grow wildly, and finally reached 4.7%! ! !

Su Jingyang was completely shocked. He began to think back to what the system said, unless it was to untangle his heart, unless it was to fulfill the greatest wish of his life... By the way, the greatest wish.

Me, can I go to the lobby and have dinner at the table

I also want to order a dish of braised rabbit meat.

I... also want to spend money once for myself.

Su Jingyang squatted down abruptly, and wiped his face fiercely, his heart was violently churned with discomfort, which made his eyes wet uncontrollably. What the hell is this all about!

Su Jingyang and the others calmed down a bit, and at night they went home and lay on the bed tossing and turning all night before they vaguely figured out what was wrong, but it was too late.

The next day, a very brutal murder caused an uproar in the town, but it spread all over the morning. Xiang Cao, the daughter-in-law of Xiang's family, drugged her family's meals the night before. While they were still awake, she hacked them all to death with one knife, one knife at a time! According to the people who discovered it, all of Xiang's blood flowed outside, turning red all over, it was very scary! And Xiang Cao didn't run away, and after washing his hands and changing into clean clothes, he sat there calmly and waited for the officials to arrest him.

"I heard that the old lady Xiang and Da Zuzu were hacked by more than forty knives! They are no longer in human form!"

"Tsk tsk tsk! I really can't see that Xiang Caoping who keeps silent is so cruel!"

"No, who would have thought that the Xiang family has raised him for so many years, an ungrateful white-eyed wolf!"

"I heard that the Xiang family treated him badly. They never let him eat, and Xiang Da even beat him when he was drunk."

"Can you kill people if it's not good?? Whose life is not like this. Even killing his own children shows that he is indeed vicious."

"However, I heard that the two children were killed with a knife. After all, they still think about the relationship of flesh and blood..."

Su Jingyang stood in the crowded crowd, hearing chattering voices, his body was pushed to the side, but he kept his face blank.

Because Xiang Cao killed four people, and the method of committing the crime was cruel, he was a felon and would be dragged along the street to show the public. People in the town had already heard the news and ran out to watch the excitement, but the streets were crowded with people after a long time.

Su Jingyang stood in the crowd for a long time, and the prison car escorted by officers and soldiers finally arrived. Xiang Cao was in the prison car, keeping his eyes closed and silent as usual, with a peaceful and quiet expression that made it impossible to tell that his hands were already stained. blood.

The discussion in the crowd grew louder, but no one threw anything at the prison car, and Xiang Cao's face and body were still clean.

Su Jingyang looked at him with a pale face, but Xiang Cao seemed to have noticed something, turned his eyes slightly, and passed the crowd impartially to meet his gaze.

Xiang Yuanben's calm face seemed to loosen for a moment, and then the corners of his mouth slightly curved, showing a very short smile to Su Jingyang, his mouth moved, and he seemed to say thank you silently.

Su Jingyang felt his heart twitch violently, and he shook his head, the prison car had already gone to the front.

The crowd dispersed, Su Jingyang began to walk back slowly, stopped after taking two steps, raised his hand to cover his eyes, full of sadness and remorse, why didn't he be stronger and force him to take his daughter away Woolen cloth? If you leave, these irreparable things will not happen.

It's a pity that one step is too late, every step is late.

Xiangcao, Xiangcao, from now on, you will finally not have to be trampled like grass to live.