After the System Punished Me to Give Birth

Chapter 36


This day's conversation ended with Lu Qian fainting, and Lin Jia stayed by the bedside and held his hand tightly. At night, after Lu Qian woke up, Lin Jia immediately apologized softly to him, but Lu Qian Breaking free from his hand, he chased him away angrily.

Lin Jia's face was downcast, and he looked very reluctant, but he was afraid that Lu Qian would be angry, so he tucked him in the quilt, and finally got up and walked out.

Su Jingyang actually felt a little strange. Lin Jia, if he was smarter, shouldn't speak ill of Gao Zhanfei in front of Lu Qian, which made Lu Qian take a breather and ruined the situation that he was planning to have a good talk. But Lin Jia didn't look like an idiot at all, Su Jingyang could only guess that Lin Jia probably had feelings for Gao Zhanfei and Lu Qian, and the jealousy and concern in his heart had reached the point where it was hard to hide.

Lin Jia also lived in the inn, and Lu Qian refused to see him all the time, so he only came to take a peek at Lu Qian while he was asleep.

Lu Qian was always in a bad mood, and she saw Hong the next afternoon, so she asked the doctor to see him and told him to stay in bed for a few days. Lin Jia felt sorry for him and insisted on taking care of him personally. Lu Qian drove him away several times, and Su Jingyang I was worried that Lu Qian would be irritated again, but after being pestered by him several times, Lu Qian turned over and faced the bed, breathing heavily, but she didn't say anything after all.

Su Jingyang's room was occupied by the two of them, Lin Jia didn't treat him badly, and changed him to the best room in the inn, the bed was very big, Su Jingyang called Lingli and A Xuan to sleep together.

Su Jingyang also found the so-called thank you gift from Lin Jia on the table. When he opened the box, he found that Lin Jia was really simple and rude. He gave money directly and was generous.

Holding the box in his arms, Su Jingyang sighed again, how come one or two are so rich, as if money is not money.

Su Jingyang planned to stay in Liyang for a few days before returning, but now that Lu Qian's matter has not been resolved, he will not leave.

Seeing that Su Jingyang was worried about Lu Qian's affairs all day long, Rong Ci couldn't help asking him, "Why do you always seem to like to match others?"

Su Jingyang replied with an inscrutable expression: "You ignorant humans, you won't understand even if I tell you."

After hearing this, Rong Ci raised his hand and knocked on his forehead, "It's just you, still laughing at other people's ignorance?"

"Anyway, it's none of your business." Su Jingyang bared his teeth at him.

Rong Ci's black pupils flickered slightly, his breathing became heavy, he looked away, and didn't ask any more questions.

Lingli doesn't ask Su Jingyang these things, anyway, Su Jingyang can say anything, Su Jingyang said to stay for a few more days, Lingli would not object. Because he was worried that Su Jingyang would not be used to the food outside, Lingli used the kitchen to cook by himself every day, and found that Lu Qian seemed to like his food more, so he would send it to the two of them every day.

Su Jingyang would often visit Lu Qian when he was free. Lin Jia took care of Lu Qian meticulously, but Lin Jia was hot-headed, and Lu Qian was still very indifferent, and the sadness in his eyes was so intense that he couldn't let go. Even Su Jingyang, a bystander, felt that the knot between the two of them might be difficult to untie.

Could it be that, like Xu Mei, he is willing to admit his love when it involves life and death

——Su Jingyang was just thinking about it at the time, but he didn't expect that he really became a "crow's mouth"!

That day, Lin Jia had to go out because of some urgent matter in the teaching. Before leaving, he asked Su Jingyang to come to the room to help take care of Lu Qian, and said that he would come back after the resolution was over. As a result, no one was seen until late at night.

As time got later and later, the indifferent expression on Lu Qian's face finally couldn't hold back and shattered. He sat on pins and needles, his eyes filled with intense anxiety.

His worry was not unreasonable, because Lin Jia's mother was the leader of the Demon Cult and had made many enemies on weekdays. At that time, he vaguely heard Lin Jia's subordinates report that someone was coming to seek revenge... But now If you don't come back, something must have happened.

Lin Jia only appeared when the sky was light. As soon as he entered the door, he fell heavily on the ground and became unconscious. There was still a lot of blood on his body. Lu Qian, who was sitting tiredly by the bed, was so startled that he opened his eyelids. When he saw Lin Jia lying in a pool of blood at a glance, his mind was pounding, and he called Lin Jia's name out of breath.

Su Jingyang, who had been with Lu Qian, couldn't hold on anymore, and was sleeping on the bed, but he immediately woke up and dozed off when he called out.

Lu Qian rushed towards the door with her big belly and her waist supported. Su Jingyang hurriedly got up and ran over.

Lin Jia's main injury was near the heart, and it was very dangerous. After being in a coma for three whole days, Lu Qian stayed by the bed and shed countless tears. When Lin Jia woke up, her attitude towards Lin Jia had already softened a lot. Lin Jia couldn't say how happy he was. He grabbed Lu Qian's hand and said wistfully, "If I'm hurt, you'll pay attention to me. I'm willing to be hurt like this forever."

Lu Qian glared at his bloodless face angrily, and couldn't stop her tears.

Su Jingyang thought that after such an experience, the two of them should let go of everything, and the husband and wife returned home. But when Lin Jia proposed to go home together, Lu Qian struggled in pain, and finally shook his head. After all, he still couldn't pass the test in his heart.

Lin Jia pursed his lips, and then asked him with a bright smile, "Ah Qian, you are willing to pay attention to me because I was seriously injured. Is it because I am dead that you are willing to admit that you love me?"

Lu Qian was stunned. Su Jingyang was still there at the time. Before he could react, Lin Jia stared at Lu Qian with madness and cruelty in his eyes. He pulled out the dagger and savagely savaged at the unhealed wound. poke!

Su Jingyang's eyes widened and he took a deep breath, his scalp was numb, what a fucking lunatic! ! !

If it hadn't been for Rong Ci's timely action, touching the lid of the cup with his inner strength and smashing the dagger in his hand, Lin Jia might really be able to kill himself.

Su Jingyang felt that Lu Qian was really pitiful. She was so pregnant that she was so frightened by Lin Jia that she couldn't help shedding tears even when she fell asleep and dreamed.

These two will really torture each other!

A few days later, Su Jingyang learned that Lu Qian finally agreed to go back with Lin Jia. Although Su Jingyang wanted them to be together very much, but now, he felt that Lu Qian was more compromising, and he still had a knot in his heart, so he couldn't say he was particularly happy.

But how can there be so many happy things in the world

Now, for them, it may be considered a very good result.

And no matter what, at least they are in love.

However, Su Jingyang never expected that on the day before Lu Qian and the others were about to leave, someone suddenly appeared in the inn, completely breaking the peace that the two of them had so hard to come by...

It was a handsome young man. Lin Jia looked a little strange when he saw him, and made his subordinates drag him away to deal with him with winks. But before he was caught, the man's eyes were red, and he shouted at Lu Qian hysterically: "—Gao Zhanfei has already been killed by Lin Jia!!! He killed Gao Zhanfei in order to snatch you away! You are a scourge!!!"

Because of these words, Lu Qian's face paled instantly, she couldn't stand still, and her body fell straight down. If it wasn't for Lin Jia's support, he would have fallen to the ground.

"Don't touch his dumb acupoint, let him talk!" Lu Qian pushed Lin Jia away with all her strength, her voice was hoarse and unpleasant, as if full of despair.

Because he sensed Lin Jia's avoidance and guilt.

"Ah Qian! Don't listen to his nonsense, how could I kill my brother? I know his existence, but I have never met him before." Lin Jia looked distressed and reached out to help him.

Lu Qian picked up a cup and smashed it into pieces, staggered back two steps, pressed the shards against her own neck, and soon blood snaked down, staining his skirt red.

Lin Jia's expression gradually became stiff, and he didn't dare to move his outstretched hand.

Lu Qian's face was full of tears, "You let him talk."

Su Jingyang and Lingli heard the movement, and ran to the door of their room in astonishment to see what was going on. After a while, they also appeared behind Su Jingyang, clasped their hands and looked inside.

The man's acupoints were unlocked, and with a distorted expression, he told Lu Qian a story completely opposite to what Lin Jia told.

It turned out that Gao Zhanfei didn't get sick, but Lin Jia also fell in love with Lu Qian, so he forced him away by means. Later, Lin Jia pretended to be Gao Zhanfei, who lost his memory due to illness, and stayed with Lu Qian. Gao Zhanfei felt that he was deceiving Lu Qian, and wanted to stop them from getting married.

In order not to expose the matter, Lin Jia killed Gao Zhanfei.

Lu Qian heard that the whole person seemed to have lost his soul, his complexion turned from pale to pale, and he slowly stroked his stomach with his hands, tightening his five fingers vigorously.

However, Su Jingyang faintly felt that something was wrong. If Lin Jia had really forced Gao Zhanfei away early, according to his love for Lu Qian, how could he hold his breath for half a year before starting to approach Lu Qian

Lin Jia sneered and clapped his hands, "Wonderful, you learned how to fool people from Gao Zhanfei, right? The two of you are really..."

Lin Jia shook his head as if he had nothing to say. He frowned again and looked at Lu Qian, who obviously believed it, with a helpless expression, "A Qian, don't listen to his nonsense. I was afraid that you would be too sad before, so I said I dare not tell you that Gao Zhanfei is not what you think at all, he is extremely hateful, he is not sick at all, he just deliberately found an excuse to leave you. He just cheated your feelings, he deliberately approached you, just tease you , He disappeared later and made you sad. Later, I was with you well and we were going to get married, but he came to teach me and let me go. You said, what face does he have to teach me? "

Lu Qian shook her head vigorously, tears kept flowing, he seemed to be suffering in a pan of oil, and could no longer listen to anything, "So, so... you killed him?"

"I didn't kill him." Lin Jia didn't change his face.

The man cried and shouted again: "You liar! You obviously killed him! It was I who secretly got his body back and tried my best to preserve it so that it wouldn't rot! I'll bring him here today Yes, now he still has the mark left by your seven poisonous palms clearly on his chest!! Lin Jia, do you dare to deny it! Lu Qian, do you dare to go downstairs and follow me to see it!?"

Lu Qian covered her heart and was already out of breath from crying. He stopped looking at Lin Jia, the fragments in his hand loosened and fell to the ground, and he was about to walk towards the door with difficulty, but Lin Jia Putting his arms around his shoulders from behind, he said softly, "Ah Qian, would you rather believe an outsider than me?"

Lu Qian sobbed, "You... let go."

With tears in her eyes, Lu Qian saw that several of Lin Jia's subordinates had slowly withdrawn and disappeared.

Lu Qian didn't know what they were going for, so she laughed miserably: "Lin Jia, how long are you going to lie to me?!"

Lin Jia's arms around him became tighter, a haze appeared in his eyes, his lips moved, and after a while he said viciously: "Yes! Gao Zhanfei was killed by me!! But Ah Qian, What I said is true, Gao Zhanfei lied to your feelings, he doesn’t really love you, he’s just a scumbag, he doesn’t deserve your pity for him!!”

Lin Jia admitted, and Lin Jia killed Zhan Fei.

Zhan Fei died, the person he once loved died at the hands of the person he loved because of him.

Lu Qian's eyes were gray, her lips were trembling, she couldn't say a word for a long time, and there was a shocking silence in her whole body.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he couldn't bear it anymore and fainted in Lin Jia's arms.

Su Jingyang never expected that things would turn out like this, he just watched the doctor come in and out, while Lu Qian was lying on the bed with a gray complexion, quietly as if he had lost his breath.

Su Jingyang came over from time to time to check on his situation, and he was restless when he went to bed at night. Lin Jia himself admitted that he killed Gao Zhanfei, no matter what the reason was, how should Lu Qian face it in the future? Moreover, Lu Qian was already depressed and sick, and if she didn't do it, she would be prone to accidents. Su Jingyang was very disturbed, and decided to wait for Lu Qian to wake up before going to see him, no matter what, he had to calm down his emotions first.

It was probably when it was dawn, Su Jingyang heard a sudden noise outside, and the screams and exclamations that followed seemed to be filled with an ominous smell.

Su Jingyang and Lingli both got up, and Lingli also whispered in doubt: "What's the matter..."

Su Jingyang's premonition of uneasiness was gradually exaggerated. He didn't put on any clothes, and his hair was disheveled. He opened the door with bare feet and rushed outside, but was stopped by Rong Ci who was walking towards him, and then pressed him tightly. arms.

Rong Ci put his arms around his waist with one hand, and pressed the back of his head with the other to prevent him from moving. His voice was very soft, but there was a hint of veiled advice: "Don't go."

Su Jingyang was forced to be buried in Rong Ci's arms, his heartbeat accelerated rapidly, and his breathing became heavier and heavier.

He had already realized something, and began to struggle desperately again.

"Don't go, Su Jingyang, be obedient!" Rong Ci's tone was a little serious, and he pressed him firmly, and then closed his eyes forcefully, even though Su Jingyang kicked, hit and bited, he would not let go.

Su Jingyang had a sore nose and began to cry in his arms.

Lu Qian pushed Lin Jia aside on purpose and jumped from the window.

It might not be a problem for an ordinary person to jump down, but he was seven months pregnant, and he had cut his wrists before he jumped down. When the doctor arrived, Lu Qian's lower body was already stained with blood. The fever is red, the gas is like a gossamer, and it is basically hopeless.

And Lin Jia hugged Lu Qian tightly, as if desperately holding on to everything he had.

The man who came out to identify Lin Jia as the murderer also came. He ran over, laughed, danced and clapped his hands, as if he was very happy. He also pointed at Lu Qian who was still alive and laughed, which told the whole truth of the year!

It turned out that he was Gao Zhanfei's real lover, but under pressure from his family, Gao Zhanfei had to keep a child. Gao Zhanfei went out to relax in a distraught state, and went down the mountain just in time to meet Lu Qian, who was innocent and deceitful all over his body. At that time, Gao Zhanfei had a thought, and deliberately approached Lu Qian, trying to trick Lu Qian into giving birth to him. But later, for some unknown reason, he temporarily changed his mind and escaped due to serious illness.

In short, Lin Jia was right, Gao Zhanfei was a scam to Lu Qian from the beginning!

Su Jingyang later learned from Lin Jia's subordinates that Lin Jia came to look for relatives at that time and happened to see all of this in his eyes. He really felt disgusted and shameless towards this elder brother! Back then, his parents separated because it was difficult to balance good and evil. He thought what a good son his father who was full of justice could teach.

Lin Jia has always cared about Lu Qian. During the half a year when he was looking for someone, he followed him and silently protected him. Lin Jia couldn't help falling in love with Lu Qian, so he pretended to be the amnesiac Gao Zhanfei and stayed by Lu Qian's side. The two were about to get married, but Gao Zhanfei found out about Lin Jia's existence, and criticized him sternly. Lin Jia used his name to deceive Lu Qian's feelings, and he was going to Lu Qian to expose it! However, Lin Jia knew that he was really in love with Lu Qian, so he wanted to use this name to return to Lu Qian! Lin Jia hated his self-righteous face so much, he killed him in a fit of anger, and threw his body into a mass grave. Gao Zhanfei's original lover hid away after that, Lin Jia treated him like this The little man was ignored at all, so he was allowed to slip through the net.

Lin Jia couldn't restrain his disgust towards Gao Zhanfei, but he never thought of telling Lu Qian about Gao Zhanfei deceiving him, Lin Jia was afraid that Lu Qian would not be able to bear it.

However, Lin Jia was still too naive. He thought that Lu Qian would at least listen to and believe his explanation, and would hate Gao Zhanfei as much as he did, but Lu Qian didn't believe him, but believed in the man who deeply hated them because Gao Zhanfei was killed.

In the end, Lu Qian did not hate Gao Zhanfei, but chose to punish him with death.

Not long after Lu Qian died, Lin Jia died from the meridians. Even when he died, he hugged his Ah Qian tightly and didn't let go.

As for Su Jingyang, after hearing people say that Lu Qian died because he heard what that man said, he finally fell ill because of being too uncomfortable.