After the System Punished Me to Give Birth

Chapter 37


If it is said that Su Jingyang's regret and remorse for Xiang Cao's incident was "one step too late", then Su Jingyang felt a deep powerlessness about Lu Qian's choice.

Lu Qian was already depressed because she betrayed Gao Zhanfei and fell in love with Lin Jia. Because Lin Jia grew up in a different environment and had a completely different brain circuit from him, Lin Jia probably never thought that Lu Qian would leave him to die. He really believed it. After hearing what Lu Qian said, she thought that Lu Qian would forgive him if she went to the kitchen to steam ten buns with rabbits, so she excitedly called Xiao Er up early in the morning to help prepare the flour.

Gao Zhanfei's death, Lin Jia's miscalculation, and Lu Qian's sensitivity and overthinking are all doomed to not have a good result.

Su Jingyang was stopped by Rong Ci that day, so he couldn't see Lu Qian for the last time, but when he knew that Lu Qian heard the truth about Gao Zhanfei approaching him before he died, he couldn't restrain his heart throbbing anymore. How shocked and desperate Lu Qian must have been at that time. The good times and memories in her heart that even Lin Jia couldn't destroy turned out to be just a malicious scam! But for the person who lied to him, he abandoned the person he loves, and is about to end his life and the life of his child, which can no longer be recovered... This is really too cruel.

Su Jingyang had a high fever for several days, Lingli silently helped cook the medicine and porridge, and Rong Ci did all the close-up care. Su Jingyang was in a daze with fever the first day and accidentally vomited Rong Ci all over his body. Afterwards, he felt very sorry when he remembered it, but Rong Ci didn't mention it, and he still took care of him.

Su Jingyang was drowsy, waking up from time to time, and finally opened his eyes once, and found that Rong Ci was standing by the bed and changing the cold towel on his forehead, and couldn't help but say: "A Yi, let's go... It's really heartless, it won't remember your kindness to me, don't waste your time."

Rong Ci ignored his words at all, and found that his spirit looked much better than before. He stared at him for a long time with his black eyes, and suddenly asked in a deep voice: "Su Jingyang, I ask you, you always like to match Others, is there any special reason?"

Su Jingyang's heart skipped a beat, and he stared blankly at Rong Ci. After a while, he avoided his direct gaze and said in a hoarse voice, "What could be the reason? You don't have to ask. I'm born to care about other people's business."

Rong Ci didn't believe it. In fact, he had always had a feeling that Su Jingyang had been trying his best to stay out of this world, but he had to always get involved, as if he had to complete a specific task, and he wasn't nosy So simple.

But he didn't find traces of being cursed or vomited on Su Jingyang's body.

Rong Ci asked: "Have any unusual things happened to you before, or did you have any unavoidable difficulties..."

"No, no, no, nothing! Nothing! It's just that I like to be nosy, don't ask, you can go!! I'm awake, and I don't need your care." Su Jingyang knew that he only asked because he cared about himself, but he was caught by him again. When he was forced to ask, he was upset for a while, pulled the quilt to cover himself, turned his back, and stopped talking.

Wrapped in the quilt, Su Jingyang took a few deep breaths to suppress the annoyance in his heart, and he soon realized that his yelling at Rong Ci was too much.

Su Jingyang listened for a long time with his ears pricked up, but he didn't hear Rong Ci's footsteps leaving. He hesitated for a moment, then exposed his head from under the quilt, turned his face away, only to find that Rong Ci leaned his head gently against the edge of the bed frame, with his eyes closed, his eyes were dark, and he seemed to be asleep. Even when he was asleep, his face was still full of sternness.

Su Jingyang took off the cold towel on his head, got up from the bed, stared at him silently for a while, and finally pulled a thin quilt from the bed over and gently put it on his body.

Hearing the sound of him lying down again, Rong Ci opened his eyes and looked at the back of his head with messy hair facing her, his pursed lips curled up slightly.

When Su Jingyang's fever finally subsided, Xu Mei and Mu Jin would have time to visit him. When Xu Mei heard about Lu Qian, she sighed. He wanted to take Su Jingyang out to relax, but Su Jingyang was not very interested, and he didn't want to disturb the interest of the newlyweds, so he smiled and said that he had just recovered from a serious illness and was not suitable to go out.

Xu Mei had no choice but to chat with him for a few words, then left with Mu Jin.

Su Jingyang was not sick and confused, remembering what night it was, he didn't let Rongci take care of him, and he didn't let Lingli accompany him. Lingli knew that he had to sleep alone every few days, although he was still very worried about him, but he didn't insist, and when it was time to sleep, he took Axuan and left.

Rong Ci stayed for a while longer, his eyes fixed on his face, he didn't seem to want to leave very much, but Su Jingyang woke up and pushed him out step by step.

In the familiar dream again, Su Jingyang was actually able to move, but he seemed to have lost this desire, lying there like a corpse, with a numb expression, letting that person stick to him.

In fact, some time ago, the guy in the dream didn't pester him for as long as it did at the beginning, and it usually ended after two times. But this day, she didn't know why she went crazy, not to mention her actions became more intense, and she didn't want to stop until midnight, and then hugged and kissed him for a long time.

The sudden abnormality of a person who had already shown resistance made Su Jingyang only guess that that person either lost his willpower and surrendered to the control of the system, or... imagined him as someone else.

After Su Jingyang returned to his bed, he fell asleep tiredly, but even when he fell asleep, the anger in his heart was still burning. He really felt that he was pitiful and pathetic!

He had another dream, no, to be precise, it was the ghost of the system, which directly transmitted some of the cases it had received to his mind, and those painful and real pictures have been endlessly in his mind play.

There are those who have been abused by endless domestic violence, but not all of them resolutely stand up and resist like Xiang Cao. There are those who are ruthlessly kicked out because of infertility, but not everyone is as lucky as Xu Mei to meet Mu Jin, and there are also those who have been cheated into love and cheated into marriage with a big belly and despair, and they have the same dismal ending as Lu Qian...

There are also the hysterical screams and screams of the victims, and the cruel suicide images of jumping off buildings and jumping into the sea to cut their wrists are intertwined in his mind. This dream is full of depressing despair! Su Jingyang was sinking all over his body, his eyes were closed, and his head was sweating profusely. He wanted to wake up, but he couldn't.

The voice in my head was replaced by the comments and ridicule of the bystanders, "I don't know if I was beaten back, I deserve to be beaten!" "Who is to blame if you can't give birth? Which hen doesn't lay eggs?" You are stupid and blind, if you don’t open your eyes and see clearly before you get married, you will also implicate your children! Selfish!!”

Su Jingyang was very angry. He wanted to refute that not everyone in this world is invincible and strong, not everyone is born with a bright and transparent brain, and not everyone has a strong willpower.

Why not scold the perpetrators, but cover the victims with unwarranted crimes? ! !

Su Jingyang's throat was choked and trembling, he slowly opened his eyelids, his eyes were bloodshot red.

He opened his mouth, and his voice was clearly suppressing his anger, "Xiang Cao, Xu Mei, and Lu Qian, you deliberately arranged for me to meet you?! Isn't it?"

The system sneered: "Is it necessary to be intentional? There are many such things around me, countless, and it is not uncommon for you to encounter them two or three times."

Su Jingyang raised his hand and pressed his head that was about to split from the pain, and the veins on the forehead twitched.

The system continued: "Besides, I just want you to experience having a child. Whatever you scumbags do, I will make you suffer the same. Let you perpetrators also experience what it is like to be a victim! It will only let you watch as a bystander!"

Su Jingyang could only feel a rush of heat rushing straight to the top of his head. All the encounters during this period, plus all the grievances and injustices he suffered during the more than half a year in this world, finally turned into monstrous anger and burst out!

Panting heavily, he quickly got up and got out of bed, threw everything on the table, and smashed it hard when he saw it. While smashing, he shouted loudly with red eyes: "I am the perpetrator!!!? What kind of person am I? The perpetrator! What did I do wrong? I just asked one sentence! One sentence!!! What the hell did I commit a heinous crime!? Did I commit domestic violence? Did I cheat on my relationship?? Did I cheat on my marriage? Everything is just your imagination! I didn't do anything, why should I come here, why should I suffer from this! Why do I have to see this?! Educate me?! What do you think you are ? Messenger of justice?? You are just a stupid thing controlled by hostility!! In fact, what is the difference between you and the perpetrators you mentioned?!!!”

Everything in the room that could be smashed was destroyed, and Su Jingyang was full of pain. He hugged his head and shouted heartbreakingly: "I want to go home, you let me go home!! I don't want to stay here! You fucking let me go home!!!"

Su Jingyang yelled the last sentence, tears spewed out, his face was flushed, tears welled up, and his body suddenly knelt on the ground weakly.

The system chuckled, "Do you think you can still leave now?"

When Rong Ci and Ling Li heard the extraordinary movement here, they rushed in one after the other. Looking at the mess in the room, and Su Jingyang who was kneeling on the ground crying and his body was shaking, Rong Ci and Ling Li were shocked. for a moment.

The two of them went to help Su Jingyang up first, but Su Jingyang didn't even look at them, he pulled both of their hands away, wiped his face, the tears on his chin were still dripping, his eyes were blank , put on some clothes casually, put on the shoes and went out.

Rong Ci and Ling Li silently followed behind. When they arrived at the door of the inn, Su Jingyang turned around and roared like a furious lion: "Don't follow me!! Don't even follow me!! Go! Go!"

Ling Li's eyes were red in bewilderment, Rong Ci frowned, "What's the matter with you?"

The gloomy anger in Su Jingyang's heart was burning, his tearful eyes were full of coldness, as if he had changed people, and the words he said seemed to be completely out of the control of his brain, "I don't care! I don't care what happened. Your business! I have already warned you to stop worrying, I will leave sooner or later, don’t expect to get anything from me! Get out! Get out!!”

Rong Ci's eyelashes trembled violently, the corners of his mouth were as cold as ice, and he stared at Su Jingyang's ghostly pale face.

Seeing that Su Jingyang turned around and was about to leave again, Lingli hurriedly followed him. Su Jingyang used all his strength to suppress the violent anger in his heart, and said to Lingli in a very tense voice: "A Li, let's go back first, I want to go alone to relax."

Lingli clasped his hands tightly, with panic and uneasiness on his face, looked at him and said in a trembling voice: "Then you, then you must come back, Jingyang, you must come back, I will wait for you here, I will …”

Su Jingyang has already strode away.

Su Jingyang put on shoes, put on clothes, and wandered aimlessly on the street with his messy hair, as if he had returned to the first day when he first came here, full of confusion and helplessness all the time, feeling Ridiculous and ridiculous.

It wasn't until his legs became weak that he couldn't move anymore, so he found a random place to squat down, and raised his hand to touch his forehead, as if it started to burn again.

Su Jingyang exhaled hot air, lowered his head and stared at the ants on the ground in a daze.

Mr. System One struggled hard to get out, and chatted with Su Jingyang for a while.

After Su Jingyang's rampage all morning, the anger in his heart has gradually dissipated, leaving only a void.

"Just now, I heard that dog said, let the perpetrator feel like the victim, then...Xiang Cao, Lu Qian and the others..." After Su Jingyang calmed down, he felt a chill down his spine because of his own thoughts.

"No, a world can only invest in one alien, otherwise it will collapse completely. However, in other worlds, there are indeed people like them who were punished by No. 2, their previous memories were removed, their gender was changed, and they were abused domestically. Those who will be abused by domestic violence, and those who drive their wives out with vicious words will become abandoned people, those who cheated on marriage, they will also be deceived and hurt, and they will never be able to escape such shackles. A tooth for a tooth, an eye Pay back." System One sighed softly, "Although it is very relieved, it is not the right way to use violence to control violence. Moreover, it is becoming more and more extreme, and more and more innocent people like you are being involved. "

Su Jingyang was stunned, and for a moment he didn't know what it was like.

Su Jingyang told it about the scenes in his dream, and System One said that those were all recorded.

It said: "It's far more than what you see. However, bad people are gender-neutral, but there are relatively more vulnerable groups of women, so I chose this path at the beginning."

Su Jingyang looked blankly at the crowd in the distance, and said softly: "Some people are really bad when they are bad, but I am innocent, really innocent. I... When will I go home, when?" He didn't know Are you asking the system, or asking yourself.

System One hesitated to speak for a long time, and finally said: "You now... I'm afraid you won't be able to leave for the time being."

Su Jingyang thought it meant that he was still far away from finding the protagonist, and his heart that was already so cold was more like frozen, and it hurt from the cold.

System One went offline soon, and Su Jingyang sat on the ground when he was tired from squatting. He sat there quietly in a daze, as if he could no longer feel the passage of time. It wasn't until his body became heavier and heavier that he realized that something was wrong with him. He tried to stand up while supporting the ground, but his eyes darkened and he passed out directly.

Su Jingyang was completely dizzy, and when he woke up, he found himself lying on a spacious and comfortable bed, and it was already bright outside.

Su Jingyang remembered that he had promised Lingli to go back, he panicked, sat up and wanted to lift the quilt to get out of bed, but his head was still dizzy.

He still struggled to get out of bed. He was wearing his shoes when someone came in. Su Jingyang looked up and saw that he was a guard with a chilling expression on his face. He was holding a bowl of medicine in his hand and put it on the table, saying: "Drink Get the medicine and go."

Su Jingyang knew that he must have saved him, and was very grateful. He went over to drink the medicine, and thanked him.

But the guard said: "You wandered around where our young master lived for a long time talking to yourself, you were lucky not to be caught and locked up, you should leave quickly after drinking the medicine."

Su Jingyang was secretly surprised, his mind was in a mess yesterday, he didn't know where he had gone, now judging by the guard's words, he must have met some important person. If he stayed for a while longer, he might be suspicious, so Su Jingyang stopped staying and hurriedly walked outside.

This is a big mansion, Su Jingyang followed the guard who led the way and turned a few turns along the corridor, just in time a young man in a splendid dress was surrounded by another group of guards and walked towards him.

He has picturesque features, a straight nose, fair complexion, and an extraordinary nobility all over his body, which is completely different from Liang Lu's aristocratic aura, but an intimidating aristocratic aura.

The guard quickly pulled Su Jingyang who had been stunned on the spot to avoid him, but Su Jingyang was too shocked to react after a while, and quickly made way for him, his mind was in a mess.

"My lord is asking you something." The guard pinched Su Jingyang severely and gritted his teeth.

Su Jingyang hurriedly raised his head, met a pair of cold black eyes like cold stars, swallowed nervously, and asked what! ? He didn't hear it at all!

"I… "

"You were staring at me just now? You know me?" The young man looked at him, his tone was slightly slow, his voice was nice, even a little soft, but Su Jingyang felt his scalp tingling inexplicably.

Su Jingyang shook his head hurriedly, and then pretended to smile naturally, "Of course I don't know each other, but I was wondering if you saved me, my lord, and I want to thank you personally."

The young man curled his lips into a smile, but there was a bone-piercing indifference in his smile, "You're lying, you just had a shocked expression on your face."

Su Jingyang thought to himself, can I not be shocked that you and A Xuan look almost exactly the same? ! !

Su Jingyang had already speculated about his identity at this time, it must be that Ah Xuan's biological father did not run away. But Lingli said at the time that there seemed to be some misunderstanding with this person. Su Jingyang didn't dare to expose Lingli and Ah Xuan easily. He forced himself to calmly look back at the person in front of him, and said cautiously: "Then... I'm telling the truth, my lord. Don't blame me."

The young man looked at him, but did not follow the routine. "If you don't say it, I will definitely blame you. If you say it, I will look at it according to the situation. Whether it is your fault or not."

Su Jingyang could only scratch his head, put on a simple and honest look, and said: "That's right, I, I just came here when I was young, and it's the first time I've seen someone as good-looking as you. Shocked."

"..." The young man stared at him for a long time, and was about to leave expressionlessly when someone came in and whispered something in his ear. He glanced at Su Jingyang unexpectedly, and said, "Let him in."

Su Jingyang didn't know the situation and was about to leave quietly, but the young master said: "Someone is here to pick you up."

To pick? Who will pick me up? Who would have known he was here? Su Jingyang was confused, and just when he was still confused, he saw Rong Ci in black, walking in with long legs.

As soon as Su Jingyang saw that it was him, he immediately remembered the words he yelled out yesterday, secretly embarrassed and uncomfortable in his heart, and hurriedly avoided his gaze.

Rong Ci stepped forward, first glanced at Su Jingyang who turned his face away with an unpredictable expression, and then looked at Ming Zhan.

Ming Zhan said to Rong Ci with a smile: "Master Rong, after a long separation, you look even more elegant."

As soon as Ming Zhan opened his mouth, Su Jingyang felt as if his brain had been severely hit by a hammer. He slowly, little by little, turned his head in an extremely stiff and awkward posture, and looked at Rong Ci in disbelief.

—What did the young man shout just now? ? ? ! !

Let the city lord? ? ? ? ? ! ! ! !

... Fuck! ! !

Fuck! ! !

Rong Ci had no time to take into account Su Jingyang's fiery glaring at this time, he was rarely stunned after seeing Ming Zhan's face clearly.

When Rong Ci saw him back then, he had a Gu, his face was festered, and he went to Rongcheng to find a solution, and Rong Ji tried his best to help him. Ming Zhan's special status made it inconvenient for him to stay in Rongcheng. After getting a solution, he quickly left Rongcheng and recuperated in the town where Lingli and the others were located.

Rong Ci never saw his real face from the beginning to the end. But now, one thing is clear at a glance... Rong Ci subconsciously glanced behind him.

Ming Zhan seemed to find Su Jingyang's expression very interesting, and said to Rong Ci: "It seems that I ruined your good deed."

Rong Ci pulled Su Jingyang, who was glaring at him, to his side, wrapped his arms around his waist, and smiled at Ming Zhan, "Not really, thank you son for taking care of him, we don't want to bother you, so we will take our leave first."


As soon as Lingli's crying voice sounded, Su Jingyang and Rong Ci's bodies froze at the same time, it was too late for Su Jingyang to turn around and stop, Lingli had already run over holding Ah Xuan.

Because Su Jingyang didn't come back overnight, he was already panicking like crazy. He was afraid that something would happen to Su Jingyang, and he was also afraid that Su Jingyang would leave. Rong Ci found Su Jingyang's whereabouts, brought him over, and asked him to wait beside the house.

But Ling Li was too impatient, and not long after Rong Ci went in, he brought the child in with him. For some reason, the guard at the door saw him and the child stunned for a moment, but did not stop him. Lingli quickly took the opportunity to run in.

Lingli rushed in front of Su Jingyang and threw himself into his arms, hugged his neck tightly, tears fell down, and the sadness in his heart was almost overflowing, he choked up and said: "You said you go to relax , why don't you go back, I'm worried to death, Jingyang, don't scare me like this in the future, okay, I'll be with you wherever you go, I beg you..."

A Xuan also took Su Jingyang's hand, raised his delicate jade face, looked at Su Jingyang with big eyes and begged softly: "Uncle, uncle, come back with us, okay?"

Su Jingyang's face was also stiff, and his hands were also stiff. He put his hand on the top of Ah Xuan's head, forcing him to turn around, and was about to push Lingli slightly out of his arms, holding his hand and hurried away together.

But after all, he was still one step faster.

Ming Zhan strode over and pulled Lingli out of Su Jingyang's embrace. He held Lingli's wrist tightly and looked into Lingli's astonished tearful eyes. There seemed to be an undercurrent surging in his black eyes. , gritted his teeth and raised his voice slightly: "It's really you!"