After the System Punished Me to Give Birth

Chapter 40


Su Jingyang didn't have any chance to ask for help, and he didn't come in time to let Lingli know, so he was robbed by Rongci and left Liyang.

Rong Ci was obviously in a bad mood, sitting in the carriage with a cold face, his eyes closed and he hardly spoke, while Su Jingyang was unable to move after being acupunctured, but his mouth was not idle, he glared at Rong Ci angrily, and scolded him Along the way, he denounced his evil deeds.

Rong Ci waited for him to swear for a while, then fed him some water to keep him from thirst.

Su Jingyang scolded him until he had a headache, but his speech did not move. Su Jingyang felt that his efforts were wasted, and his nose was crooked.

He asked the coachman for help in front of Rong Ci, but the coachman was tempted by Rong Ci's money, and he was very firm and unmoved.

Su Jingyang felt annoyed and discouraged, and when he got to the place where there were people, Rongci simply pointed his dumb acupoints.

Su Jingyang wanted to swear but couldn't, his head was filled with smoke, Rong Ci pulled him into his arms and hugged him, kissed his cheek, "I'll untie it for you later, so you can swear to your heart's content."

Su Jingyang simply closed his eyes.

On the first night of their return trip, they stayed in an inn, and they ate in the room. Only then did Rong Ci unlock Su Jingyang's acupoints.

Su Jingyang picked up the bowl and began to secretly glance at Rong Ci, his eyes rolled wildly, his stomach was full of thoughts, and his butt next to the stool couldn't sit still.

Rong Ci put food in his bowl, and he knew what he was thinking without even looking at it. A sneer appeared on his lips, and his voice was very slow: "Want to escape? First look down to see if your legs are strong enough."

"Are you threatening me?!" When Su Jingyang heard this, he put down his bowl and chopsticks heavily, and said to him with a straight face: "I tell you Rong Ci, you are illegally detained! I will sue you!"

"Then you have to hurry up, because..." Rong Ci raised his eyes and glanced at him lightly, and said, "When we get to Rongcheng, I am Fa."

"You are despicable, shameless, hateful bastard!" Su Jingyang's endless grief and indignation, the ancient class is really harmful!

Rong Ci listened to him scolding for a whole day, and there was nothing new about it. He stuffed the chopsticks into his hand again, looked at him, and said in a tone that sounded normal but vaguely strong, "Eat quickly, and rest early after eating."

Su Jingyang really wanted to throw the chopsticks directly on his face, and yelled "I won't eat!" with great backbone, and then went on a hunger strike to resist, but then thought, why the hell, why should I wrong myself? ! It is a fool not to eat when there is food.

Su Jingyang then picked up the bowl and started stuffing food into his mouth, not only to eat, but also to eat more, so that he would have the strength to continue cursing when he was full!

As a result, he accidentally ate too much, and even before going to bed, he still felt bloated and uncomfortable. It was really hard for Su Jingyang to fall asleep. When he wanted to sit up for a while, he was about to move when he was pushed down by the person lying beside him.

"What do you want to do?" Rong Ci's breath approached suddenly, staring at his face and raising his voice slightly.

"I..." Su Jingyang burped in response to the situation, "Uh, I'm so full, my stomach hurts."

Rong Ci recalled his indignant appearance that he was full and ready to fight at night, and seemed to be speechless for a moment, "I'll rub it for you."

"No, I don't want you to rub! Take your paw away!" Su Jingyang stared at his round eyes and refused without thinking. He was very wary of him, for fear of rubbing and rubbing, he would get angry.

Rong Ci didn't force him, but he took him into his arms. Su Jingyang was forced to lean on his arm, and immediately stopped doing it. He used both hands and feet, kicking and pushing, trying to dodge to the side, kicking and kicking. Scolding: "Let go of me, you bastard!"

Rong Ci grabbed Su Jingyang's hand that was waving wildly and almost gave him a slap, "You really ate too much at night and have too much energy, so be careful if you move around..."

"Be careful? If you dare to touch me, I will risk my life with you!" Su Jingyang opened his teeth and claws, his eyes were red, like an irritated cat, "You used to always say that I have something wrong with you, I think You are the one who cheated on me!! You are a wolf with a big tail!"

Rong Ci said in a serious tone: "It's good that you know. If you don't want to be swallowed by me at this time, just go to sleep honestly!"

Su Jingyang refused to be honest, he continued to criticize Rongci with hatred, "We are not married, why did you sleep in the same bed with me? Don't know whether to accept or not? Come on, get off my couch!"

Rong Ci hugged him tightly, not allowing him to move, and then put his lips to his ear and said: "We will get married soon, and we will make a date when we go back."

A thunderbolt exploded in Su Jingyang's mind, he was stunned, and couldn't help scolding: "There's something wrong with you, I'm pregnant with another man's child, and you still want to marry me?! The green hat is very cheerful??? "

When Rong Ci heard him bring up this matter again, the hostility that had been suppressed with great difficulty surged up in an instant, his brows and eyes were covered with a sternness, he let Su Jingyang slightly loosen, looked at him firmly and said: "Don't give me any more Mention this matter! I shouldn't have let you go, if I brought you back to Rongcheng early... "

Su Jingyang snorted heavily, "Then let me tell you, no matter sooner or later, I will not marry you, and it's no different."

That night, Su Jingyang kept on cursing for most of the night and failed to get Rong Ci away. Finally, Rong Ci kissed him forcefully, and he ended up scratching Rong Ci's face severely.

This time, the energy he had accumulated from eating those things at night was finally exhausted, coupled with the fact that he didn't sleep the night before, his body was really exhausted, in the end he still didn't escape and just fell asleep in Rong Ci's arms.

On the road behind, Rong Ci was wary of Su Jingyang's body, so he didn't give him acupoints for a long time. Su Jingyang was able to move more often, but Rong Ci hardly took his eyes off him, even waiting outside the latrine, Su Jingyang tried He wanted to run a few times, but Rong Ci brought him back within twenty steps. After almost half a month, Su Jingyang calmed down a little.

It's not that he has recognized the reality and compromised, but... He probably has been jumping up and down too hard during this period of time, and his stomach feels a little uncomfortable.

He didn't know whether this discomfort was caused by having that thing, but he couldn't be careless.

He really doesn't want to have children, but now he hasn't found the protagonist yet, and he doesn't know when he will be able to return home. If he gets rid of the one he is currently pregnant with, the dog system will definitely let him continue to create a human in his dream and then conceive. But he didn't want to go back to the dream, it made him feel depressed.

It's better to stretch out your head with a knife and give birth to the one you're pregnant, so that you will be clean for at least ten months. During these ten months, he can also continue to collect energy.

Su Jingyang became quieter, and Rong Ci heaved a sigh of relief, and the next few days passed relatively peacefully. Only after Rong Ci couldn't help kissing him, he would jump out and say something coldly: "What a pretentious, duplicity Lord Rong! You scolded me before, it's worthless, and now you want to kiss and hug me again , full of impure thoughts, your true face is revealed now, I really see through you!"

Fortunately, apart from asking for a kiss from time to time, Rong Ci was relatively restrained in other aspects and did not cross the threshold.

Because Su Jingyang was pregnant, the journey was not fast, and it took nearly twenty days before he returned to the town.

Su Jingyang became impatient. When he arrived in the town, it meant that he was not far from Rongcheng, where Rongji ruled. At that time, he would really complain that every day should not be done, and that the land would not work.

And he was always thinking about Lingli, Lingli couldn't get away from that A Xuan's father, and now that he was gone, Lingli must be very anxious.

Su Jingyang changed his strategy and discussed with Rong Ci, trying to delay the time, "Rong Ci, let's go home and go to Rongcheng after Ah Li comes back, okay?"

"A Li?" Rong Ci shook his head, he glanced at Su Jingyang, held his face in his hands, and asked seriously: "Su Jingyang, do you think there is anyone else in this world who would make me feel so afraid?" ?”

Su Jingyang patted his chest and replied, "Me! You've made me unhappy, and I'll bite you to death."

Rong Ci stroked his face with his fingers, and said, "I like to see the way you don't blush or breathe when you talk big."

Su Jingyang grabbed his hand and stuffed it into his mouth, biting down hard, his big eyes stared at the changing expressions on Rong Ci's face without blinking, and then he let go after a while, Rong Ci stared at the expression on Rong Ci's face. Biting his bleeding hand, he hissed. It didn't take long for Su Jingyang to be complacent, and Rong Ci rushed over and bit his lip fiercely.

When Su Jingyang finally resigned calmly and knew Ming Zhan's real identity, he was stunned and speechless in shock.

—Ming Zhan turned out to be the current crown prince, the lord of the East Palace, and the future emperor! !

Although Su Jingyang felt that he was extraordinary when he saw him for the first time, and his aristocratic aura was unstoppable, but he never expected that he was so high! !

Combined with Rong Ci's words and Lingli's narration, Su Jingyang understood that it was probably the time when Ming Zhan was poisoned by Gu, his face was rotten, and he went to Rongcheng to find a solution, and then recuperated in the town. Time and time had a relationship with Lingli, but because of some misunderstanding, Ming Zhan finally left in anger, leaving Lingli pregnant with Ah Xuan and giving birth alone...

It's over, it's not someone else, it's His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, even if A Li doesn't want to go with him, it's hard to disobey, let alone a child. If Ming Zhan threatened the child, he would have no suspenseful chance of winning. What should Ali do? !

However, he is also unable to protect himself now, and he can't see or reach Ah Li, and he is powerless!

The more Su Jingyang thought about it, the more angry he became, "They are really two living bandits who robbed us!"

When he looked up, he saw one of the living bandits staring at his stomach with heavy eyes. Su Jingyang's scalp tightened suddenly, his body shrank back, and he stared at him vigilantly, "What are you doing, do you want to have an abortion?"

His guarded look made the air trapped in Rong Ci's throat suddenly hotter, causing his throat to ache.

Rong Ci didn't speak, but silently looked away, not looking at him anymore.

When the carriage entered Rongcheng, Su Jingyang fell asleep in the carriage, unable to see the difference between this place and the outside world at all. When he woke up, he was lying on a big bed, surrounded by brocade quilts, which was very warm and comfortable, and there was an elegant cold fragrance lingering from the tip of his nose.

Su Jingyang yawned and was about to sit up when Rong Ci opened the door expressionlessly and came in with a bowl of steaming hot food.

Su Jingyang saw that he had only taken a small bowl and was still steaming hot, but when he thought of something, his face turned pale with fright, his spine shivered, and he immediately stood up and hid in the corner of the bed. This guy won't really want to...

Seeing his posture as if he was facing a formidable enemy, Rong Ci paused for a while with a gloomy expression, then continued to approach, sat on the side of the bed, and said to him with the usual expression: "Rong Hua knows you are here, and will come over later Let's have dinner together, you eat something to fill your stomach first."

Su Jingyang had already seen that what Rong Ci was holding was a bowl of sesame porridge that he used to eat, he hesitated for a while before leaning over, took the bowl in his hand, scooped it with a spoon but didn't eat it, and observed Rong Ci's behavior complexion,

Rong Ci looked back at him seemingly calmly, and after a while, he closed his eyes with long eyelashes trembling slightly, and said in a low voice: "There is nothing else, so eat at ease."

Only then did Su Jingyang start to eat slowly, took two bites, and said without raising his head: "Rong Ci, you should accept my suspicion if you treat me like this. Even if I misunderstood you, I will not apologize to you .”

After a long time, Rong Ci touched his head, stared at him and hummed slightly.

During dinner, Rong Hua ran over with a smile on his face, and before he stepped into the door, he raised his voice and said, "Oh, our Lord City Lord finally married you back. It's really gratifying!"

Su Jingyang sat at the table, watched her approach, slapped her thigh angrily and corrected: "It was tied, tied back!"

Rong Hua, however, was full of admiration for Rong Ci: "That's right, of course the person you love the most must be tied back! It's better than falling into someone else's hands! Rong Ci, you should have done this long ago!"

"..." Su Jingyang couldn't help being full of melancholy, and could only sigh again, the ancient classes are harmful.

Rong Hua was still the same, dressed in a dazzling red dress, and was so imposingly beautiful, he chatted with Su Jingyang while eating dinner, which slightly diluted Su Jingyang's feeling of unfamiliarity and incompatibility when he first arrived, but Ronghua seemed to have something else What's the matter, just after eating, he quietly met Rong Ci's eyes, got up and left.

Su Jingyang started rubbing his eyes not long after eating, feeling a little sleepy, he was curious, didn't he just wake up? Is it possible that you are easily tired because you are pregnant? Su Jingyang ran to the bed and threw himself on the bed, the upper and lower eyelids were glued together. In a daze, she felt that Rong Ci took off his shoes, adjusted his posture, and covered him with a quilt.

Su Jingyang was so sleepy that he only had time to mutter vaguely: "No, don't kiss me while I'm sleeping..." Then he fell into the darkness completely.

Rong Ci sat down on the edge of the bed, gently brushed away a few messy hairs beside his cheek with his fingers, lowered his head and kissed him on the lips involuntarily. How can I let you know about the real stealing

Not long after, a crisp sound of bells colliding and jingling suddenly sounded outside the door, which became more melodious and clear in this quiet night.

"Rong Ci." Rong Hua said outside: "Master Wizard has arrived."

Rong Ci clasped Su Jingyang's warm hand, stared at his sleeping defenseless face, his throat moved, turned his face slightly, and said in a deep voice, "Let him in."