After the System Punished Me to Give Birth

Chapter 53


"I hope you will fall in love with me sooner, when the time comes, I will tell you one thing."

"What would you do if someone kept something important from you?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry Jingyang."

Su Jingyang finally woke up completely!

He broke into the forbidden area of Wuqun Mountain, but there was no reaction as Yun Qi said. There was only one possibility—he was pregnant with the blood of the Rong family!

The man in the dream is simply Rong Ci! ! !

And Rong Ci obviously noticed it a long time ago, but he has been hiding it from him and deceiving him! Treat him like a fool! !

Su Jingyang could only feel a rush of air rushing to the top of his head, blood rushing all over his body, his eyes were red, and the sudden intense pain in his abdomen made him unable to support his body any longer. Shen.

Before his ass fell to the ground, a pair of arms supported him in time, and he was held close to a hug full of familiar atmosphere. His eyelashes trembled violently, and a loud shout suddenly sounded in his ear: " How did you come here!?? Who brought you here?!—Yun Qi is still in a daze?? Go find a doctor!!!”

Su Jingyang felt that he was picked up by him soon, and his body was ups and downs and swaying with his hurried steps.

Su Jingyang was sweating like rain, panting heavily, his bloodshot eyes contained tears of resentment, he wished he could kill this hateful man with his eyes! But suddenly there was another falling pain in his stomach, his head was weakly thrown back, and his face turned pale and he let out a cry.

Rong Ci's breathing was disordered, and his tone was rapid, "Jingyang, don't be afraid, don't be afraid, we will find the doctor soon, don't be afraid."

Su Jingyang's hands had already crumpled his clothes, he gritted his teeth and endured, shaking his head vigorously, completely speechless.

In the confusion, Su Jingyang heard Lingli's voice, Li Yin's voice, and I don't know who was calling his name, telling him not to be afraid, there were hurried footsteps back and forth in his ears, when he was gently touched by Rongci When he was lying on a bed, his face was covered with sweat and tears, and the wet feeling between his legs became even worse.

He always felt that something was wrong with him. When Li Yin felt his pulse and felt his stomach, his tear-blurred eyes didn't know where to look, and his eyes were full of emptiness and panic.

Su Jingyang felt a hand tightly clasping his, and he didn't know where the strength came from. He struggled to pull out his five fingers, and then pushed that hand away, far away.

Li Yin's gentle voice carried a soothing force, "Ma'am, you are going to give birth now, but don't be afraid, the city lord is here, I am here, the midwife is here, and Mr. Lingli is watching over you. It will make you busy, you just need to do what I say, okay?"

Su Jingyang's tears rolled down his cheeks and fell into his ears, his nose was sore and congested, and he nodded obediently after hearing this, and said in a hoarse voice with unsteady breath, "Okay."

He directly ignored the person guarding the bed, looked to the side, and called: "A Li, A Li."

Lingli quickly wiped away his tears with the back of his hand, and rushed forward to hold his outstretched hand, "I'm here, I'm here, Jingyang."

"A Li, you stay with me." Su Jingyang held him back forcefully, and a deep sourness suddenly surged in his heart, "You stay with me, okay?"

Lingli said: "Okay, okay, I'm here, I can't go anywhere, don't worry."

Although Su Jingyang didn't know much about giving birth, he knew that he was giving birth at a later date, and there was a high chance that he would have problems with the child. At this time, he had almost prepared for the worst in his heart.

Su Jingyang was fed by Lingli and drank some soup. He was not able to calm down for too long, and soon he was swallowed by waves of pain that became more severe and the intervals became shorter and shorter. From the bright light outside to the twilight. , he rolled on the bed in pain, his waist and buttocks seemed to be crushed by a ton of heavy objects, the hand that was holding Lingli was also loosened, and he beat the bed hard, tears almost bursting out .

At this moment, he has deeply solved the confusion for himself.

Is it that painful to have a baby

It hurts, it hurts so badly, it hurts so badly, it hurts like the cruelest punishment in the world!

All his willpower was completely destroyed, his face was distorted and he cried, "Rong Ci!! Rong Ci! I will fight you hard!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"

Rong Ci, who had been staying by the bed the whole time, held his hand tightly, his voice sounded broken, "Jingyang, hold on, and when you give birth to the child safely, you can do whatever you want to me, now you Just hold on, okay?"

Su Jingyang was in pain, trembling all over, crying, he shook his head vigorously, "I want to go home, I want to go home! I don't want to be here, I want to go home!! I want to go home!!!"

Lingli has been sobbing since he started crying, his eyes are swollen from crying, but he is helpless in this situation.

When he turned his head and looked at Rong Ci standing beside the bed like a stone sculpture, his heart became even more confused.

He was not taken away by Su Jingyang at that time, so he quickly went to find Li Yin and the midwife, quickly brought all the things, and rushed to Wu Qunshan with the medicine bottle, fearing that something would happen, as expected, Su Jingyang had already conceived I'm going to be angry.

They found a nearby private house, and vacated a clean room as a delivery room in the shortest possible time. But he didn't know why Su Jingyang resisted Rong Ci, he didn't know what happened, and Rong Ci's complexion looked ugly at that time, his mouth was bloodless, after putting Su Jingyang on the bed, his legs almost went limp Just fell to the ground.

Li Yin was worried that his body would be injured on the mountain, and wanted to show him, but he pushed him away, saying it was okay.

Just like this, the people in the room were suffering until the next morning, Su Jingyang was in so much pain that he lost his mind and couldn't even scream, Rong Ci grabbed Su Jingyang's hand, his eyes were red, and he kept screaming hoarsely His name, "Jingyang..." Rong Ci looked back at Li Yin, but Li Yin still shook his head.

After another hour, Li Yin checked Su Jingyang, but he still couldn't survive, so he had to ask someone to bring up the boiled medicine and feed it to Su Jingyang to drink, but after a quarter of an hour, Su Jingyang realized that the pain from before was still there. Not extreme, Li Yin asked him to adjust his breathing and taught him how to push down.

Su Jingyang felt that his mind was numb, and it took him a while to understand what he meant, and he firmly grasped Rong Ci's hand, and followed what he said.

"Very good, very good, hold on, and try harder."

Su Jingyang heard this sentence countless times, but he still didn't give birth.

He was already on the verge of collapse, and he wanted to die, but at this moment, the system suddenly sneered, "How is it, how does it feel to have a baby? Does it hurt?"

Hearing the system's voice at this time was the strongest blow and stimulation to Su Jingyang! ! He suddenly lost his strength and screamed miserably, the feeling of almost collapse startled everyone in the room.

"Jingyang, Jingyang!" Rong Ci and Lingli were almost blown away by him, but Su Jingyang quickly endured tears, readjusted his breathing, and continued to work hard. After I lost my strength, I drank another bowl of ginseng soup. When the light in the room gradually dimmed again, I still couldn't give birth.

Just when Su Jingyang was about to despair, he finally heard Li Yin and the midwife's surprised voice, "I saw the end, I saw the end!! Ma'am, keep going!"

It was a feeling of suddenly finding a gleam of light in the endless darkness, Su Jingyang finally saw hope, his cheeks flushed, he took a deep breath, and exerted all his strength to push down.

Suddenly, after a sharp pain, he felt something slipping out of his body. Along with a burst of crying, Li Yin's voice of good news sounded: "Congratulations to the city lord and madam, you are a young master. But there is one more, madam Keep pushing hard."

Hard, hard! Su Jingyang had no choice but to use force.

Fortunately, he didn't suffer too much torture this time. In less than a quarter of an hour, the second child came out, and the crying was a little weaker. According to Li Yin, it was also a boy.

Su Jingyang fell back on the bed, panting heavily, the sudden sense of relief made him feel dazed, and his mind went blank.

gave birth, he gave birth? ! ! !

Hearing the crying in the room one after another, as well as the sound of Lingli weeping with joy, Su Jingyang really dared to believe that in two days and one night, he actually counted the time to survive.

He is a father.

The baby was born by himself.

As soon as Su Jingyang looked at his deflated stomach, he couldn't tell what it was like for a while. Just as he was in a daze, Rong Ci suddenly hugged him. Su Jingyang only felt that his breathing was hot, and soon there was some hot liquid ticking. It landed on his forehead, on his face.

The temperature made Su Jingyang stunned for a moment, the hand that originally wanted to push him away paused in the air, then retracted feebly,

Lingli and the midwife hugged the two babies who had been washed and wrapped in swaddling clothes and went to the bedside to show Su Jingyang. It's the smaller one."

Rong Ci straightened up slightly so as not to block his line of sight, then Su Jingyang raised his eyes and saw two little faces that were almost indistinguishable, probably because they had cried, their delicate little faces were flushed, their His mouth was pink, and he moved it from time to time.

Su Jingyang felt a sudden tingle in his heart, not uncomfortable, but a little strange, he quickly looked away.

So small!

A lot of fetal hair!

The shape of the lips... like Rongci...

Although not full-term, but fortunately looks very healthy.

Su Jingyang noticed that Rong Ci was also looking back, but his expression didn't seem to change, and he told the midwife to hold the children down first. Lingli said softly to Su Jingyang: "Jingyang, take a good rest." After walking a few steps and looking back at him, he finally went out with the others in his arms.

Rong Ci helped Su Jingyang clean up his body and changed his clothes. Su Jingyang didn't want others to do this kind of thing, so he kept silent and didn't resist, letting him play around.

After finishing some, Rong Ci kissed his forehead, "Go to sleep for a while."

"I'm sleeping, you go away!" Su Jingyang finally gathered some strength, gritted his teeth and pushed him hard.

Even if he has strength at this time, he may not be able to grow there, but Rongci was pushed by him and almost fell backward. Su Jingyang was startled, and subconsciously reached out to help him.

"...What are you doing? Want to win my sympathy?" Su Jingyang was a little angry in his heart, but soon recalled that he was trapped on the mountain for five days before rushing back. Maybe he was injured somewhere, but he wanted to ask but held back his energy. He stopped talking for a long time, but still didn't ask, only stared at his pale face in a daze.

With a helpless expression on his face, Rong Ci touched his face and said, "I'm just a little weak from your fright, it's fine."

Su Jingyang said coldly: "I don't care about your business, but I don't care about you. Go away, I'm going to rest, you big liar!"

Rong Ci breathed slowly in secret, the corners of his mouth showed a slight curvature, and said to him softly: "Go to sleep, get enough energy, wake up and want to kill me, I will take it apart."

"You wait for me!"

"it is good."

Su Jingyang closed his eyes, opened them again, and stared at him: "Are you still leaving?"

Rong Ci looked at him quietly and said: "If I don't leave, I will stay here with you, okay?"

"I don't want you to accompany me." Su Jingyang put aside his hand touching his cheek, turned over, and turned his back to him.

Su Jingyang was so tired that he glanced behind him out of the corner of his eye and hesitated a few times. He wanted to ask him at first, but he couldn't resist the overwhelming sleepiness and fell asleep. As Li Yin said, when a child is born, Sure enough, his back didn't hurt anymore, and he was finally able to sleep peacefully these days.

But when he woke up from hunger in the middle of the night, he turned his head and found that the person who promised to accompany him was not there at all, and the person guarding him turned out to be Lingli.