After the System Punished Me to Give Birth

Chapter 7


Su Jingyang remembered that the system had indeed warned him that if the person being helped was not only not grateful, but hated him instead, his energy would be reduced accordingly. He had accidentally stepped on a thunderbolt, but he was still wronged and resented. Inexplicable.

But it was an old man whose body was half buried in the soil, and it was not easy for him to fight back. Leaving aside other words of benevolence, justice and morality, he can't afford to pay for anything good or bad! I can only admit it.

Take it as a lesson for yourself this time, don't ignore everything just to collect energy in the future, anyone will help!

After Su Jingyang calmed down, regardless of the system's sneering sneer, he walked towards Lingli's house with big strides, and bought a small bag of sugar balls for Ah Xuan on the way back.

Hearing from Lingli that Ah Xuan had never eaten candy, the little guy was fed one by Su Jingyang, and he sucked it in his mouth with great relish.

Ling Li brought the meal to the table and saw that although Su Jingyang was teasing A Xuan with his arms in his arms, he asked him what was the matter, and Su Jingyang had nothing to hide, so he told him what happened today listened.

Ling Li walked over to look at his arm, and found that one piece was swollen, which showed that he was merciless in his attack, so he frowned tightly, "It's too much!"

During the meal, Su Jingyang listened to Lingli, and realized that the old lady was not just targeting him. Lingli passed by her house before, because he was too tired and walked slowly, and was chased for several miles, saying that he Misbehavior, deliberately disturbing her grandson's study by making gestures.

She is famous for scolding in that place. Not only does she scold people, sometimes a stray cat and wild dog barks nearby, and she will also be chased away fiercely. I am afraid that because of this little movement, my grandson will not be able to recite the book. , Can't study well in the exam, can't be an official anymore, and few people around are willing to associate with their family.

Su Jingyang was simply amazed, but also felt unlucky, how could he survive to meet such a difficult and unreasonable person!

Lingli also shook his head, "There are only grandparents and grandchildren left in their family. The old lady is counting on her grandson who has been passed down for several generations to be the number one scholar and become a high official in the future, and she will be taken to Jincheng to enjoy the blessings."

In Su Jingyang's mind, the boy next to the window with the word "student" clearly written on his face appeared, and he laughed shortly while drinking the porridge. What about the champion? I'm afraid that dreaming will come faster!

What happened today Su Jingyang treated it as an unpleasant episode and put it behind him. After lunch, seeing Lingli weaving baskets in the yard, Su Jingyang, who failed to find a job, also wanted to learn some crafts, but because of his poor skills, his hands were always scratched and bloody.

Lingli brought a cloth to wrap the wound for him, so he wouldn't let him do it anymore, so Su Jingyang could only squat aside, seeing him with his eyelashes downcast, his side face calm, but his movements were skillful and quick, it didn't take long A small frame was finished, Su Jingyang held the perfectly crafted small frame in his hand and praised him.

Lingli said: "I was like you at the beginning, but now I'm fine, but Jingyang, you don't have to do this."

Because of Ah Xuan's special circumstances, Lingli was doomed not to be able to work outside every day, plus he was spurned by the people in the town, and no one was willing to accept him to work. He can only pick up some chores through a kind aunt and take them home to do. Although the salary he gets is only 30% of his normal income, he is very satisfied. All the previous savings were used to treat the child's illness. After that, he relied on the meager income to support himself and the child.

A few days ago, he had been unwell, and he hadn’t been able to get a suitable job. The family ran out of food, and the child was crying from hunger. He couldn’t help it, so he went to the porridge place to ask for a bowl of porridge for the child to eat. As expected, he encountered difficulties, but he also met Su Jingyang. Lingli felt that this was his greatest luck in these years.

Lingli suddenly stopped what he was doing, turned his face to the side and smiled slightly at Jingyang, his light brown pupils reflected the bright sunlight, shining with a very beautiful luster.

Su Jingyang: "...???"

He looked at the turbulent energy that suddenly merged into his body, and he didn't react in a daze. He didn't do anything, and he received the energy? What is Lingli thanking him for? He is so easy to collect in front of Lingli!

Su Jingyang looked at Lingli and couldn't laugh or cry, Lingli didn't know why his expression changed all of a sudden, and was about to ask him worriedly, but he suddenly stood up and said that he would continue to go out to find a solution.

Seeing him running out energetically, Lingli stood up and chased after him, and said behind him: "Remember to come back for dinner at night!"

"Understood!" Su Jingyang turned around and waved at him while running.

Su Jingyang didn't expect to meet Liang Lu as soon as he arrived on the street. One of his eyes was still black and blue, making his otherwise handsome face a bit ridiculous. Su Jingyang saw him, but didn't hide, and continued to walk forward swaggeringly.

Liang Lu searched for him in the crowd, his eyes lit up suddenly, he ran towards this side, and stopped him.

Su Jingyang folded his arms, looked at him, and said coldly: "What do you want to do again? Do you want to fight?"

Liang Lu smiled wryly again and again, and opened the folding fan to fan him, "How can I? I've come to talk to you about something, how about... find a cooler place first?"

Su Jingyang waved his fanning hand, "If you fart, let it go!"

"Jingyang, the night before yesterday, that night..." Liang Lu hesitated, as if trying to think of words, not wanting to irritate Su Jingyang, "Those things on you... Actually, it's not me, is it?"

Liang Lu also figured it out after he got drunk, Su Jingyang passed out suddenly after he had a fight that night, and he just got up staggeringly to see how he was doing, but soon got drunk and passed out Lost consciousness. When he woke up again, he didn't even take off his clothes, and he didn't feel the feeling after venting. He definitely didn't do what Su Jingyang did.

When he thought about it, there was only one possibility, and that was... the shop was open that day, and there were many hooligans running around on the streets outside...

Su Jingyang naturally didn't want to get involved in misunderstandings with him, and said bluntly: "Of course it's not you." Thinking of something, he glanced at him angrily, "I don't want you to marry, go away!"

Liang Lu grabbed his arm and refused to let him go. Staring at him with slightly red eyes for a long while, there was a strong sense of annoyance and gratitude in his eyes, "Jingyang, I'm sorry... I'm really... I drank wine that day, and my mind was messed up. I always thought that we were in love with each other. Time is running out and I—”

Su Jingyang pulled out his hand, speechless, "Who gave you the illusion of being in love with each other?"

Liang Lu choked for a moment, "I see that you are usually very kind to me, smiling all day long."

"You're talking nonsense! You're the boss, why am I stern with you every day?" Su Jingyang really convinced him.

"In short, even though I didn't do it, I still caused you to lose your virginity, and I will definitely make it up to you."

"Pfft..." When Su Jingyang heard the word "lost virginity", he almost choked to death from his own saliva. He knew that Liang Lu must have misunderstood something, but Su Jingyang couldn't explain it to him, and he didn't want to explain it to him. Drive him and walk forward, "You don't need to make up for it, just don't come to me in the future."

When he passed by, Liang Lu hurriedly said: "I can help you get an ID card!"

As expected, Su Jingyang stopped in his tracks when he heard the words, and turned his head suddenly, his gaze was like a torch. This temptation was too great for him.

Seeing that he really stopped, Liang Lu hurriedly said again: "However, you have to go back to my shop, don't stare at me, don't worry, I'm not a womanizer, it's just that there was a little misunderstanding before, I won't How about you."

Su Jingyang despised him, "Now you are pretending to be a gentleman."

Liang Ludao: "I really just want to make up for you. You seem to be planning, right? You just go to my bookstore, sit and collect the money, and do the math. The wages are much higher than here, okay no?"

Su Jingyang looked calm, but in fact, he was a little moved in his heart. After all, before the identity card was obtained, the only way to make money was in Liang Lu. Still agreeing to come down, can also solve the urgent need. Even if he still has other purposes, he can handle it himself.

Su Jingyang said: "Okay, I'll go, but... can you advance my wages as before?"

"That's no problem." Liang Lu said and led the way with him, "I'll take you there first to have a look, the resting compartment over there is much bigger than this one, and you can live there in the future." Then he said hesitantly He smiled, "Don't worry, I won't break through in the middle of the night again."

Su Jingyang said: "I have a place to live, I don't live there."

Liang Lu was very surprised, he didn't know how he found a place to stay so quickly, and was about to speak, Su Jingyang interrupted him and asked him about the identity card, Liang Lu told him that it's actually not difficult to do, just need to clear up the relationship, Find a few well-known people to write documents to prove their identity and hand them over to the government as a replacement. The identity is his distant cousin.

As long as he can get rid of Heihu, Su Jingyang doesn't care about it.

I just heard from Liang Lu that if the identity cards are completed in full, they will have to wait at least a month.

Su Jingyang began to listen to Liang Lu's story about the bookstore, thinking that it was about the same size as a clothes shop, but after going there, he was shocked to find that the place was unexpectedly large, and there were actually two floors, rows of shelves, organized by category. A lot of books were placed neatly, and many people inside were reading, copying, and buying books in a quiet and orderly manner.

The scholarly atmosphere was too strong, Su Jingyang walked in with a little light footsteps, for fear of disturbing others. He used to be a book lover, occasionally read Chinese and foreign classics, but more interesting miscellaneous books. To be honest, he quite liked the atmosphere here, it was much better to be able to work here than to buy clothes before.

Liang Lu kept his word and gave him a month's salary in advance. Su Jingyang counted it, and it was almost five times more than in the clothing store before. According to the prices here, with this amount of money, he, Lingli and Axuan can eat and drink for several months.

Su Jingyang took the money and immediately went to the rice store to carry two bags of rice in high spirits, then went to the stall to buy some meat, and walked home with big strides.

When Su Jingyang was carrying the bag of rice into the kitchen wheezingly, Lingli was worrying about the few grains of rice scattered in the porridge pot. The money for making the frame hadn't been settled yet, but the little rice at home was given to him on credit by Mrs. Huang, who secretly took over the work for him. Jingyang would definitely not be able to eat such thin porridge.

A Xuan, who was still wandering around Lingli's legs, was the first to spot Su Jingyang, and ran over with a happy face, asking him to hug him. Ah Xuan remembered that Su Jingyang gave him pastries, gave him candy, and played with him again. Ah Xuan was very attached to Su Jingyang.

Su Jingyang unloaded the rice bag on the ground, put the meat hooked in his hand on the chopping board, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then picked up the little guy who was on his lap and kissed him. A Xuan didn't dislike Su Jingyang's sweaty smell, he smiled and hugged him in his arms.

It was only then that Lingli realized that Su Jingyang had returned, and soon saw the things he brought back, opened his eyes slightly, and then asked him where the things came from with some surprise.

Su Jingyang told him everything, and Lingli's face became a little ugly when he heard that, so he asked him to return all the wages and the things he bought without saying a word.

Su Jingyang explained it for a long time, saying that it was a misunderstanding before, and Lingli really couldn't hold him back, so he sighed and gave up for the time being.

In the evening, there was rare dry rice and meat on the dining table, and Ah Xuan ate with great relish. He ate two full bowls of rice in his small bowl, and his stomach bulged. Lingli hugged his son, who was finally able to eat a full meal, in his arms, rubbing his cheek against his, feeling sore in his heart.

Then Su Jingyang, who was slumped on the chair to digest, lay down and absorbed another wave of energy.

Su Jingyang talked about paying the rent before going to bed at night. After hearing this, Lingli pursed his lips and looked at him. Although his expression was not so obvious, Su Jingyang could still feel that he was angry and a little sad.

Su Jingyang hurriedly stopped talking, thinking in his heart that he would not charge rent, and he would just buy more things at home. After starting to work in the bookstore, Su Jingyang felt that his life was finally on the right track, the days were fulfilling, and the time seemed to fly by, and it was autumn in a blink of an eye.

Su Jingyang commutes to and from get off work on time every day, and when he gets home, he will have hot meals to eat, not to mention how happy he is. In fact, they are all simple home-cooked dishes, and the ingredients are all the same, but I don’t know why, but the ones cooked by Lingli’s hands are very delicious!

Every time Su Jingyang ate, he couldn't stop at all, and he even proposed to let Ling leave to open a restaurant as a chef, and he would definitely make a lot of money if the business was good. Lingli was yearning for it, but quickly shook his head, "No one wants to eat the food I cook."

Su Jingyang quickly swallowed the food in his mouth, and said: "I am willing, I am willing! I want to eat your cooking all my life, and Ah Xuan, Ah Xuan, right?"

Ah Xuan didn't know if he understood, puffed his cheeks, waved the small spoon in his hand and yelled vaguely at Lingli a few times, although he was a little silly, but his appearance was very cute.

Lingli's light brown eyes curved a gentle arc, and gave Su Jingyang a piece of meat with chopsticks, telling him to eat quickly.

Su Jingyang is used to the colorful small circles of light rushing in again, because he can collect many times from Lingli almost every day. A soft, easily touched person.

However, in this happy day, there is still a little trouble mixed in.

Because the color of the mole on the palm of his hand has never changed, he still has to continue to do this, that, and that with that man he has never met, once every five days. But I don’t know if the man had faintly noticed something. There were times when something was wrong with him. He clasped his hand as if he wanted to write in his palm, but he was controlled by the system. After drawing a few strokes slowly and with difficulty in his palm, he seemed to have forgotten what he was going to write, and fell down in Su Jingyang's arms in frustration.

Once, Su Jingyang finally made out two words vaguely - you, are...

He should want to ask: who are you? !

So does this mean that he knows that he is not dreaming? ? ? !

After Su Jingyang woke up, he hurriedly asked the system, "What should he do if he seems to have noticed something wrong?!"

Su Jingsheng was afraid that if the system disagreed, he would change people.

Because having sex with a man he doesn't know is already immoral enough, and he doesn't want to mess with a different man next! ! !

The system said coolly: "Why, are you still afraid that he will come looking for you?"

Su Jingyang said: "Scared, why not afraid."

System: "...don't be too sentimental, okay?!"

Su Jingyang said: "Why are you being self-indulgent? I'm afraid that he will come to me for compensation. After all, he is very innocent, and he was forced to sell his body by you! I have no money to pay, let me tell you!"

System: "Fuck you MD! Didn't you choose it yourself?!"

Su Jingyang was kicked upside down by him, and said angrily: "The dog system! It really doesn't make sense!"

The two scolded each other and broke up unhappy. Su Jingyang lay on the bed and thought for a while, the system didn't say to change people just now, it seems that it can't be changed after it's settled, otherwise it won't make him feel better. He was a little relieved.

Su Jingyang rolled his black eyes again. Of course he definitely didn't want to get pregnant, but he couldn't help but murmured incredulously, "It's almost three months... that man could be... tsk..."