After the System Punished Me to Give Birth

Chapter 74


After Su Jingyang and Rong Fei stopped clinging to Rong Ci when they were one year old, they began to go out with Rong Ci often, and then tried to collect energy crazily.

At the beginning, Su Jingyang took the initiative to find those in need of help, and asked them about their greatest wish in this life. If they could help realize it, they would try their best to help, and they could also gain some energy in a random manner, but the efficiency was relatively low, and I don't know why, but there is always no particularly explosive value. It took half a year for the progress bar to barely climb to 14.5%, which is quite anxious.

One day, Su Jingyang suddenly had a flash of inspiration. In fact, he doesn't need to go to others, just let others come to him!

Su Jingyang discussed with Rong Ci for a while, and finally decided to make a name first, so that people know that there is such a person who can selflessly help realize wishes.

So Su Jingyang thought hard for a long time, and finally settled on a famous name——

Koi hero!

Catch his lucky koi, and one of your wishes will come true! you deserve to have!

Rong Ci closed his eyes and didn't want to comment on the name he had chosen. Anyway... Su Jingyang can do whatever he needs him to do. Finally, put the credit on Su Jingyang, as long as someone is grateful to Su Jingyang.

So after that, every time Su Jingyang did a good deed, he took the initiative to leave a name, and even hired some sailors to inadvertently promote it in crowded places. His hard work paid off. After more than half a year, the koi hero finally made a name for himself in the rivers and lakes. fame.

Su Jingyang was so happy and excited that he was overwhelmed by people who wanted to realize their wishes, but... soon he found out that the publicity was too much, and both him and Rongci were a little mythical and exaggerated, which led to more and more People who knew or didn't understand the situation came to fish in troubled waters and made all sorts of strange requests, which gave Su Jingyang a lot of headaches.

For example, a poor and idle widower wants to marry a beautiful lady from a family, a scholar who can’t memorize books wants to have a good memory, a sixty-year-old lady wants to rejuvenate, and wants to go to the palace for a day trip, I want to kill so and so for revenge...

Others are more direct, just say how much gold and how much money you want.

Isn't this treating him as a koi, is this treating him as a god and being taken advantage of? ?

And sometimes when helping others fulfill their wishes, they don’t even have any energy at all. They turn around and pat their butts with a face of course! This makes Su Jingyang so angry!

This is not the most angry thing, the most angry thing is that someone fell in love with Rong Ci at first sight, blushed and said that the greatest wish in life is to marry him, Su Jingyang became very angry on the spot, threw the table and cursed, and drove him away.

Dare to pry the corner of the wall in front of him, I'm so fucking impatient!

Fortunately, after filtering out these things, Su Jingyang did help some people who really needed them. After more than two years of accumulation, he traveled all over the world and worked hard to find the children who had been lost for many years. Overturning unjust cases, helping to recover stolen family property, and facilitating a few good marriages, etc., finally the progress bar has been lengthened a bit.

During this period of time, they sometimes went to Jincheng to see Lingli, or contacted Rong Hua who was wandering around outside, to meet, chat and learn about their respective situations.

But they are not all outside, and they will go back to Rongcheng to accompany their children every once in a while. Every time they go back, a few children will be held by the wet nurse at the gate of the city and look forward to it, and then they will jump into their arms with joy.

When the progress bar reached 39%, Su Jingyang and Rongci returned to Rongcheng, this time Ronghua returned with them. The entanglement between Ming Jiasheng and Ronghua is all kinds of bad things. The year before last, Ming Jiasheng was injured because of Ronghua. He was blinded in one eye and broke a leg. It seems that he really paid for it with all his heart. He repented, but Ronghua seemed to be indifferent to him. After taking care of his wound for a period of time and repaying his kindness, he left to go elsewhere. Ming Jiasheng also came to Rongcheng twice, but they were all in vain. Seeing his frustrated and lonely appearance, Su Jingyang felt a little bit unbearable in his heart. However, it is limited to this, Su Jingyang still firmly hopes that Ronghua can find real happiness.

As soon as Su Jingyang came back this time, the three children chattered and surrounded him in a pile. With their delicate and cute faces upturned, they pulled his clothes and kept begging him to stay at home longer before going out, because they all Miss him very much.

Su Jingyang asked, "Then what do you think of me?"

They all touched their hearts with their small hands, and with their big black eyes open, they replied in unison: "Use this."

Hearing their neat and childish voices, Su Jingyang couldn't help laughing, knelt down, and touched their heads each.

He will indeed stay longer this time because... he is pregnant again. Calculating the date, this time it was not conceived in a dream, but in reality.

Because the fetal image seemed a little unstable, it was not suitable to run around outside, so Su Jingyang was going to come back and rest for a while, and then go to collect energy after the baby was born.

When the three cubs heard that he would not go out for the time being, they jumped up and down for joy, and all came up to kiss Su Jingyang, moistening his face. Su Jingyang was very guilty in his heart. He didn't accompany them well in the past two years. Unknowingly, the children grew up and taller, and he also missed many moments of growing up, but...


This day, Su Jingyang managed to coax the three over-excited little guys into a nap, and he was about to lie down and squint for a while, when Rong Hua came to him, Su Jingyang put on his clothes, and drank tea and chatted with him.

Su Jingyang held the tea cup and drank it, glanced at Ronghua from time to time, held back secretly for a long time but still didn't hold back, and tentatively asked if he met anyone who was interested in him outside.

Rong Hua was absent-minded and silent for a moment, then raised his head slightly, blinked at Su Jingyang, and said with a smile, "Guess."

Su Jingyang put the teacup on the table excitedly, and said: "There must be!" If not, Rong Hua would definitely veto it immediately.

Rong Hua raised his eyebrows and said, "Yes, a friend of a friend, but I'm not interested in him, so I'm going to run away."

Su Jingyang said: "And then what??"

Rong Hua said: "Then...he is very difficult and stubborn, I didn't run away, so I made a bet with him, if he can find me within three years, I will agree to be with him."

"Did he agree?"


"and then?"

"Then I ran away." Rong Hua smiled, rubbing the lid of the cup with his fingers and thinking carefully, then looked at him and said: "It's been more than a year now, and I will stay in Rongcheng for the rest of my time. Surely he can't find me."

Su Jingyang pondered for a while, then whispered: "That's not sure, it's still so long."

As for who Rong Hua was talking about, Su Jingyang didn't bother to get to the bottom of it. Before Rong Ci came back, Su Jingyang asked him a question that he had doubted for a long time.

"Are you asking, what kind of formations use blood? There are a lot of them. As for the ones that use blood almost every day..."

When Rong Hua said this, his eyes narrowed imperceptibly before he smiled and said: "There are quite a lot of people who use blood every day, the witch clan, isn't that the case, they need blood, hair, etc. as a medium, Xuan Mysterious. Why do you suddenly think of asking this?"

"Rong Ci has scars on his hands every day. I don't know what he's doing. Even if he went out before, he would leave blood for the wizard to help. This time, he went out again as soon as he came back. I always feel... he You're hiding something from me."

Rong Hua comforted him and said, "What bad things can he do? It's always just a sacrifice to protect the people of the clan. Besides, a big man, it's okay to bleed so much."

Su Jingyang scratched his cheek, well, I hope he thought too much. Rong Hua lifted his eyes to look at him who didn't intend to ask any more questions, and went to drink tea with lowered eyes.

Su Jingyang had been recuperating at home for a few days, when Lingli came to town suddenly, Su Jingyang ran out to meet him after getting the news.

There are two main things for Lingli to come back. One is to come to see Su Jingyang, and the other is to come back to pay homage to his father. At that time, Liu Yue's parents scattered all his father's ashes into the sewage ditch and washed them away. They couldn't find any, so in the end they could only make it a place for sacrifices.

After the sacrifice was over, Su Jingyang stayed there for a while with Lingli who looked slightly sad before leaving for Rongcheng. Lingli met several of his children, and was very happy to see that each of them was smarter and cuter than the other. He took out all the gifts he had prepared and shared them among them. Yu Rongci and Ronghua also met each other, once having dinner and chatting, they went to play in the garden, as if they were no different from when they were together before.

Ronghua was very attached to Lingli and got close to Lingli for a few days, and his mood seemed to improve a lot.

Lingli only stayed in Rongcheng for ten days, and he was about to leave. If it was later, the man in the palace would be very unhappy.

Su Jingyang was reluctant to part with him, so he got into the car with him and sent him off.

The car drove steadily on the narrow street in the town, without the slightest noise around, it was so quiet that it didn't look like the busiest market during the day, Su Jingyang opened the curtains on both sides and glanced outside, Ling With a cold look, he also glanced at it.

On both sides of the street, there were many people kneeling on the ground, and several officials also knelt at intervals, which was particularly amazing. Su Jingyang took a deep breath, looked back at Lingli, "Ah Li, do they all know your identity?"

Ling Li shook his hand, shook his head, "I don't know."

"That… "

Lingli said: "It's probably arranged by His Majesty, even if you don't know who is sitting in the car, if the officials tell them to kneel, they all kneel."

Listening to his understatement, Su Jingyang blinked hard twice.

At this moment, at least half of the people outside had bullied and underestimated Ah Li, but now, they kowtowed and knelt on the ground in fear and fear, seeing off Ah Li's passing car, not daring to move.

Su Jingyang stared at Lingli's delicate and beautiful silhouette with a calm and composed expression, and finally couldn't help but curled the corners of his mouth, feeling inexplicably happy in his heart.

Lingli caught the smile on his lips, and also smiled silently.

When the car passed by the place where Linji Xiaoguan used to be, it paused for a moment.

The curtain of the car was opened a crack by a white hand, but quickly fell back, as if the wind had blown without a trace, the long line of vehicles and guards continued to move forward.

It was a long time since Su Jingyang and Lingli parted, and they could only communicate through letters. Even Rong Fei, the youngest, knew that Su Jingyang would be very happy when he received a letter from Jincheng. He always rushed to take the letter and handed it to Su Jingyang, and then clamored for him to hug him and ask him to read the letter to himself.

Su Jingyang's pregnancy didn't have many uncomfortable reactions, and he didn't experience back pain. It was just lethargy, and he slept on the couch every day when he had nothing to do.

Su Jingyang always thought that he would give birth to a daughter, but in the end... finally gave birth to a son.

When the three older ones came to see the new younger brother, Su Jingyang nodded, four, that's right, he gave birth to four without knowing it! If this goes on like this, he will really tell the system that he will give birth to ten, which is really beyond his tolerance... Su Jingyang looked hopeless.

Mr. No. 1 told him a few years ago that it was planning to explode itself at the moment when it could suppress No. 2. It just waited for an opportunity at that moment. It managed to unite nearly a thousand people thrown into another world to start rebelling. System No. 2 His energy is consumed very quickly, and the current situation is not very good, and he doesn't come out often, but when he comes out, he starts to make some nasty words in that yin and yang.

Su Jingyang had only one word for it, "Wait for me to beat you, you bastard!"

Three months after the youngest son, Rong Chu, was full of energy, Su Jingyang set out to collect energy again, and Rong Ci accompanied him without complaint. But this time they set up a box at the door of a house, and there was a numbered note next to it. Those who wished could write a note and drop it in. Su Jingyang then picked some reliable orders and searched for them according to the order number. People who really need it.

Su Jingyang rummaged through a pile of papers, and suddenly he found a very concise one with two words on it, looking for someone.

Su Jingyang recalled that the time when he gained the most energy these years was when he helped a family find their lost child. This kind of thing is meaningful and can gain a lot of energy, so why not do it

Seeing that he understood already, Rong Ci stopped searching, "That's all?"

Su Jingyang nodded and asked Yun Qi to paste the selected number on the box outside. But no one came after waiting for a long time, Su Jingyang ran out, and then saw a man who looked like a servant pulling a young man to this side, "Go, go, young master, this is the last few days Try your luck, maybe there is such a coincidence? Go, go!"

That young man with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, tall and handsome, looked to be in his early twenties, although he didn't have any brocade clothes and jade crowns, but he was full of indescribably noble aura. It's just that there seems to be some impatience in his brows and eyes at this time, "You also know that in the last few days, you dare to waste my time, young master? What kind of koi hero, it sounds like a bluff."

He said so, but he still resisted and followed.

Su Jingyang met him face to face, he looked Su Jingyang up and down, the two looked at each other silently for a moment, Su Jingyang didn't know why, and felt a little upset.

Before Su Jingyang could speak, the young man pursed his lips and remained silent for a moment. He caught sight of the flag with the koi pattern waving in the wind at the door. His eyes revealed a hint of disdain, and he turned around and left.

"… ???"What's the meaning? Look down on my famous koi hero, what is this? Depend on! Infuriating!

Rong Ci came out and asked him, "Where is the person?"

Su Jingyang exhaled from his nose, "Leave. I don't know why!"

Looking at the sky again, he turned his head and said to Rong Ci: "Forget it, let's pack up the notes, go to Rong Hua for dinner, and choose again in the afternoon."

"Okay." Rong Ci grabbed his waist and walked in, but before he took two steps, Rong Ci's face suddenly turned cold, and he raised his hand to stop the hand that was about to touch Su Jingyang, Rong Ci's eyes were cold and sharp look back.

Su Jingyang was startled, turned around only to find that the young man had gone and returned again, Rong Ci shook his hand away, and asked coldly, "What can you do, Your Excellency?"

The young man paid no attention to Rong Ci's questioning, and stared at Su Jingyang with an inexplicable face, his black eyes that were as bright as stars seemed to be burning with a blazing light. Did you mention the word Rong Hua?"