After the System Punished Me to Give Birth

Chapter 75


Su Jingyang recalled later, it seemed that after hearing the young master's self-reporting name, he made a strange mistake, as if there was a huge pulling force in the dark, and he was not allowed to think and guard, so he took him to meet with him. The restaurant that Rong Hua agreed on.

Only then did Su Jingyang know that this son was the man who had a three-year relationship with Ronghua, and he found Ronghua with a few days left in the three years.

Ronghua was drinking tea and waiting for them, when he turned around and saw the man who came with them, the tea spouted from his mouth as if he had seen a ghost.

Su Jingyang also came to his senses immediately, slapped his head hard and was very disturbed, afraid that he would do bad things with good intentions. However, when Rong Hua was hugged by the man with eyes full of joy, he didn't push him away. After a moment of helpless eyes, he raised his hand and touched his head.

Su Jingyang let out a sigh of relief, and it seemed that he felt that he had done nothing wrong.

And then... Rong Hua really obeyed the bet and left with that young master, but Su Jingyang knew that if Rong Hua didn't want to, any bet would be bullshit.

The wedding invitation was sent to Rongcheng more than half a year later. Rong Ci was in the yard urging the three children to practice horse riding, while Su Jingyang was sitting and watching with his nine-month-old youngest Rong Chu in his arms. At first he wanted to join in the fun, but after trying for a while, he ended up with cramps in his inner thighs, completely inferior to his sons who were only four or five years old. Although he did not despise him for the first time, he still felt deeply ashamed and consciously ran to the side and sat down.

Su Jingyang hugged Rong Chu with one hand, and took the wedding invitation from Yun Qi with the other. He wasn't too surprised in his heart, because Rong Hua had been keeping in touch with them these days, and there were vague signs. Su Jingyang was very happy for him, and admired him for bravely and resolutely abandoning the past.

Staring at the names of the two newcomers on the wedding invitation, Su Jingyang couldn't help but twitched the corners of his lips, this... probably was God's will.

Rong Chu in his arms had dark eyes flashing, his eyes moved with the red wedding invitation in his hand, he pouted his pink mouth, suddenly reached out to grab the wedding invitation, and stuffed it into his mouth, Su Jingyang was busy Stop him, "You idiot! You can't eat this."

The thing in Rong Chu's hand was snatched away, sparkling saliva dripped out from the corner of his mouth, he put his milky fat face in front of Su Jingyang, looked at him and yelled, Su Jingyang kissed him.

Calculating the time, he should be hungry, so he slipped up the child who started to nibble his fingers and handed it to the nanny to nurse, while he got up and walked into the house.

The three children were struggling in dire straits, sweating profusely, and trembling bodies. They persisted without Rong Ci speaking. Seeing that they were honest, Rong Ci turned to look at Su Jingyang, but only saw his back, Rong Ci couldn't help calling his name slightly, "Why are you going?"

Su Jingyang said without turning his head: "Pack up and set off in two days, and go to the shore of Yishui to pick up gold!"

They dragged their families along, walked and stopped along the way unhurriedly, and joined Xu Meimujin and the others again, but it was a pity that Lingli was unable to move, so he was unable to attend the wedding this time.

After running for more than a month, Su Jingyang also took advantage of the wave energy and saved the original 46% progress bar to 49%.

There were more and more progress bars, but Su Jingyang didn't show a particularly excited look, instead, there was a slight worry between his brows and eyes.

Even a few children came to ask him if he was unhappy. Rong Ci naturally noticed his abnormality. After falling asleep that night, he opened his arms and held him in his arms, kissed his forehead and asked: " Someone needs help today, it sounds simple, why didn't you help?"

Su Jingyang said: "It's nothing, I just feel very tired and want to take a rest."

"Is there a problem?"

"No problem." Su Jingyang thought of something and stopped talking, propped up his body slightly and kissed him on the lips, "I'm asleep."

After Su Jingyang finished speaking, he closed his eyes, Rong Ci hugged him, and looked down at him for a while, his pupils filled with deep thought.

The marriage of the eldest and young master of the Ning family on the bank of Yishui is a very important event that attracts attention. When Su Jingyang and the others entered the city, they heard people talking about it everywhere on the street, and saw servants of the Ning family Wedding cakes are distributed everywhere.

Su Jingyang spotted Ming Jiasheng in the crowded crowd with sharp eyes, but there were too many people, and he disappeared in a blink of an eye. Su Jingyang couldn't help being a little worried, afraid that this guy was here to make trouble.

Su Jingyang has been thinking about it all the time, so that before the auspicious time of the wedding, Su Jingyang still nervously asked Rong Ci to look around for any abnormalities. Rong Ci raised his eyes and looked around. Only then did Su Jingyang feel a little relieved.

The custom in Yishui is to worship at night. They sat around the table for a while, and the sky gradually darkened. The spacious yard was filled with bright red lanterns. The red firelight mixed with the bright moonlight reflected on everyone's faces, making everyone beaming with joy.

Rong Fei was probably bored of waiting, and was tired of acting like a baby in Su Jingyang's arms. Sometimes he wanted him to tell stories, sometimes he was tickled, sometimes Su Jingyang kissed his face, and sometimes he wanted to eat and he insisted on feeding him. And Rong Xi and Mu Yun sat neatly with their butts against the stool, even Rong Chu who was held in Xu Mei's arms was very well-behaved, only Rong Fei was restless like fleas growing on his body.

Su Jingyang stuffed another mouthful of pastry into his little mouth, very puzzled, Rong Fei is also quite clingy, but he has never felt as if he is not right like today.

Rong Fei swallowed the pastry, hugged Su Jingyang's neck with both hands, put his face in his arms, and said in a soft and childish voice: "Daddy, I dreamed that you left suddenly when I was taking a nap. No matter how I shout or cry, you will cry." Refusing to come back, Ah Fei was very sad and didn't want his father to leave." Rong Fei raised his face again, and looked at Su Jingyang with big black and white eyes: "You definitely won't leave, right?"

Su Jingyang was stunned, and felt Rong Ci's gaze on his face, and after a while, he wiped off the pastry foam from Rong Fei's mouth with his finger, and said, "You know it's a dream, so you're asking?"

Rong Fei said: "But the dream master said that dreams may come true, I'm afraid... Daddy, you..."

Rong Fei didn't continue talking, because the auspicious time had come, and the newcomer was about to pay homage.

Rong Fei slipped down from Su Jingyang's body and returned to his seat. Su Jingyang's eyes were fixed before he slowly turned to look at Rong Ci, only to find that Rong Ci had already moved his eyes away and was looking in the direction of Xitang .

Su Jingyang also temporarily restrained his thoughts and looked over there. Rong Hua and Ning Que both came out in bright red wedding dresses during the joyous music, one was bright and eye-catching and the other was handsome and extraordinary, they looked at each other with warm affection in their eyes from time to time, they were simply a match made in heaven!

When the newcomer bowed to heaven and earth for the first time, Su Jingyang was extremely excited, and followed him silly. When he bowed to the high hall for the second time, Su Jingyang glanced casually from the corner of his eye, froze for a moment, froze with a smile, and suddenly looked to the side. He couldn't believe his own Eyes, Ming Jiasheng is actually at the table next to them, shit! When did you come? !

Ming Jiasheng was the only one who stood up among the guests present. He clenched his fists tightly, his eyes fixed on Ronghua's direction, with a mournful expression as if he was about to cry!

But Su Jingyang couldn't sympathize with him anymore, for fear that he would do something at the last moment to ruin Ronghua's happiness, seeing his body moving forward imperceptibly, Su Jingyang was about to explode immediately, but was held down by Rongci Hand, Rong Ci lowered his voice and said: "Don't get excited, he's already here, he won't do anything."

"- Husband and wife pay their respects!"


"—Sent to the bridal chamber!"

The guests cheered and applauded, Ming Jiasheng's body that was leaning forward slightly was obviously stiff, his face was pale, he looked at Ronghua, facing Ning Que's charming smile, his body was on the verge of collapse go down.

The banquet was over, Ming Jiasheng suddenly turned around and left, as if staying a moment longer would be torture, his footsteps seemed to be somewhat inconvenient, but he walked in a hurry, his back was panicked and desolate, and he quickly disappeared at the door.

Seeing that he left, Su Jing turned his body back with relief. The table was soon filled with all kinds of delicacies, and the aroma was overflowing. He picked up his chopsticks and prepared to eat.

However, as soon as he held the chopsticks in his hand, something suddenly surged in his mind like a hurricane and tsunami. The impact caught him off guard, and every nerve was throbbing with pain!

Su Jingyang let out a muffled snort, shook his trembling hands, and the chopsticks fell back to the table with a loud noise, his face turned pale instantly.

Rong Ci's face changed slightly, he put his hand on his shoulder, and asked quickly, "What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

The three children hurried over to their daddy, and when daddy called, Xu Mei and Mu Jin also looked over worriedly, "Jingyang, what's wrong with you?"

Su Jingyang raised his eyes to look at them, his sore throat finally made a sound, he shook his head, "I'm fine..." Then he said to the three children: "You all, go back and sit down."

Rong Xi touched his face, and frowned, "Daddy, you don't look very well."

Su Jingyang's mouth moved, but he found that his throat was blocked by a ball of air, and he was speechless. Rongci winked at them. Although the three children were still worried, they still moved slowly and returned to their seats. up.

Su Jingyang supported his head with his hands and closed his eyes. The shock in his heart still hasn't eased at all - because, at this moment, his progress bar is skyrocketing!

It's not a rise of a few tenths like before, but a crazy rise of two points! At this time, it has risen to 80%! The speed was so fierce that his body couldn't bear it!

Su Jingyang silently waited for this wave of increase to pass, watching the progress bar go from 80 to 100, to 111, 120... and finally stopped at 139.

A full 90% longer.

There were fine beads of sweat on Su Jingyang's forehead, and he looked at Rong Hua and Ning Que who came to toast with a little trance in his eyes, panting lowly.

It turned out that these two people were actually the protagonists he was looking for...

After searching for so long, the real protagonist is always by his side.

Ning Que and Rong Hua specially toasted Su Jingyang's wine alone. Su Jingyang stood up with his body propped up, holding the wine glass.

Su Jingyang tried his best to raise the corner of his mouth, and smiled at them, "Congratulations, both of you."

Ning Que smiled and said, "Hero Koi, thanks to your great help back then, I will never forget your kindness in my life! Come, let me toast you."

That's right, it must have been him who helped in the first place, which pushed the protagonist's plot forward, they were consummated, and his energy was also collected.

Su Jingyang looked at Ronghua with a smile on his face again, raised his head and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

During the banquet, Su Jingyang also drank this glass of wine, but after returning to the room, he seemed too drunk to get up, lying motionless on the bed, Rong Ci sat beside him and stared at him quietly.

It wasn't until he heard the sound of fireworks being set off outside that Su Jingyang struggled to get up, and pulled Rong Ci to look at the window together.

They came back early, but it was bustling outside. The children were still playing like crazy, even Rong Chu was so excited that he refused to come back, he stayed outside, he liked places with many people.

In contrast to the hustle and bustle outside, the room where the two of them stayed was a dividing point. It was so quiet that it seemed isolated from the world. Su Jingyang tilted his head and leaned on Rong Ci's shoulder, staring blankly at the gorgeous fireworks in the sky with his beautiful black eyes.

System One said at the time that if he really can't find the protagonist, it would be good to do tasks quickly to collect 50% of the energy. Suppress it, even if it is only for a moment, it can find a chance to explode itself. Then they can go back.

Everyone else is working hard, so Su Jingyang naturally can't hold back.

When he was about to start doing good deeds to collect energy, he confessed to Rong Ci. He said that only by doing good deeds can he repel the "evil spirit" that has been haunting him, Rong Ci said without hesitation that he would help him. He also said that he would go home after the "evil spirit" was repelled, Rong Ci paused for a moment, but he still replied firmly that he would do his best to let him get rid of that thing as soon as possible.

Later, he really did it, the 49% energy that Su Jingyang collected before was almost mostly from Rong Ci's power.

And now that he's not only found the protagonist, but overachieved, he can definitely go home.

Su Jingyang turned his head and found that Rong Ci had been looking at him. Their eyes met. Su Jingyang's lips moved, and he said in a somewhat difficult voice: "Rong Ci... I will be able to go home soon."

Rong Ci's breathing sank slightly, he stared at him intently, it took a long time before he made a sound, and he said, "Oh, I see."

Very calm, very flat tone.

Su Jingyang only felt suffocated in his heart, and then overwhelming discomfort surged up, he gritted his teeth secretly, and said "Oh, I see"... You really are so chic and don't hold back at all, bastard!

Rong Ci suddenly looked away, looked out of the window, and asked, "How long is it?"

Su Jingyang's eyes turned red with sadness. In fact, he still has to ask Mr. No. 1. Now it intends to gather everyone's energy to fight against No. 2 and then explode. It probably won't send him away first, but also to see other worlds In the current situation, it would take a year or two at least, but he deliberately shortened the time and said, "A month or two."

Rong Ci didn't look at him for a long while, and nodded with a huh, "That's just right, it can give the children a process of acceptance."

Su Jingyang tightly pursed his lips, his heart was so stuffed that he didn't want to speak.

But Rong Ci seemed to have misunderstood his meaning, and said slowly: "Don't worry, if I said you want to leave, I will not force you to pester you, let alone force you, I will do what I say. As long as you are willing Accompany us back to Rongcheng to stay for a while, don't leave too suddenly. In the future... if you are gone, I will take good care of our children. "

His breezy and peaceful attitude made Su Jingyang unable to control the agitation in his heart anymore, he straightened his body, turned back to the bed and lay down without looking at him, pulled the quilt over himself and closed his eyes. His eyes were wet and he was breathing heavily.

During the years of staying with Rong Ci, Su Jingyang has been thinking over and over again, is there any point in insisting on going home wholeheartedly? His answer is, yes, of course it makes sense, because that is the world he should stay in.

But... There is no excuse there, and without his children, can he really be happy when he goes back

When their existence has been familiar to the bone marrow, Su Jingyang really can't imagine the life without them. Regarding this choice that affects his life, he spent almost every night in the battle between heaven and man in the past few years, and he doesn't remember when his originally extremely firm belief in going home began to waver, maybe he has actually wavered It's been a long time, but at a certain point, he suddenly realized... He even planned to kill the dog system, and there was no trouble left.

A few days ago, when the progress bar was 49% full, Su Jingyang did not continue to fulfill the wishes of others. He knew that even if he finished, he would definitely not leave so soon, but he was a little afraid of accidents. After all, he hadn't told Mr. No. 1 through their own demands. Before, he always wanted to go home and think of the madman, but at that time he was afraid to go back suddenly.

In fact, Su Jingyang had already made a decision in his heart, and now he was just short of being pulled by someone. Even if Rong Ci made a poisonous oath at the beginning and said that he would not force him or the whole city would be destroyed, but as long as he simply said "stay for us", he would definitely grit his teeth and stomp his feet, completely giving up the idea of falling back home , took advantage of the trend to stay. This is his own will, if there is no force or persecution, then that oath will not be fulfilled. Why is this person so inflexible? ?

He still reacted so coldly and didn't care, so free and easy that he didn't even take a step down when he said so clearly at the beginning!

Whoa whoa. Su Jingyang was so angry that he was about to ignite spontaneously. After a while, he felt Rong Ci approaching, and touched his quilt with his hand. Su Jingyang exploded immediately, "What are you doing??!"

Rong Ci asked softly outside the quilt: "Jingyang, you... don't you want to leave?"

Su Jingyang was still angry, and said: "I think, I wish I could leave now! I want to go home!"

After Rong Ci, he was silent and did not speak again.

After returning to Rongcheng for more than a month, Su Jingyang was still not at ease. Rongci still went out every day, except for occasionally looking at him in a daze, without any special reaction. Su Jingyang took care of the child at home every day and didn't talk to him much. .

Until Su Jingyang suddenly woke up in the middle of the night and found that Rong Ci was not asleep. He sat there with his legs crossed and his cheeks in a daze. Although he had no expression, his eyes were red, and there seemed to be tears on his cheeks...

Su Jingyang was startled immediately, he couldn't help getting up with pain in his heart, Rong Ci found that he was awake, turned his head to look at him, lay back as if nothing had happened, and hugged him.

Su Jingyang secretly blamed himself, Rong Ci was a person who didn't mean what he meant, and he knew it all the time. He must be reluctant in his heart when he speaks free and easy, why should he play temper with him? ! Why are you afraid of losing face and not telling him directly

If he could stay, how could Rong Ci be unhappy

"Excuse me..."

"Go to sleep." Su Jingyang was interrupted by Rong Ci just as he opened his mouth. Rong Ci kissed his lips, raised his hand to touch his head, and looked at him quietly with wet black pupils. He sighed almost imperceptibly, "What's the matter, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Su Jingyang wanted to speak, but his mouth seemed to be too tired to move suddenly. There was a buzzing in his head, and he seemed to hear the voice of System One, but he couldn't hear clearly. His eyes blinked twice and then closed quickly. He fell asleep in Rong Ci's arms.

This sleep was very, very restless, as if a hand was dragging him down fiercely, and he was about to fall into an endless abyss, making him flustered and frightened.

After a long sleep, Su Jingyang was finally woken up by chattering voices in his ears, such as "Is it hypoglycemia?" There was a thud on the ground, as if a foot was in the air, and the eyelids were not completely opened, so he sat up suddenly, panting and looking around in a hurry. what happened? ? ? !

"Hey, Xiaosu has woken up!"

"You're awake, are you alright Xiao Su?"

"Why did you faint in the tea room?"

"Did you have hypoglycemia because you didn't eat breakfast? I have chocolate here, do you want it?"

"You look so pale, why don't you go to the hospital."

Su Jingyang looked at the people in the circle in front of him, his breath was suffocated, and his eyes widened little by little in disbelief. These familiar and unfamiliar faces were all his colleagues in the company!

He is now lying on the sofa in the company's tea room.

Su Jingyang felt a chill in his heart, as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and he just... came back? ! !