After The Vicious Cannon Fodder Was Reborn

Chapter 139: Section 166


You can go to Tao Mu, Tao Mu really has this recording in his hands. If he is a lie, he is not a human being.

Dafu's mouth is full of emotion and emotion when he speaks. Even Tao Mu, who knew him well, was fooled for an instant. Not to mention the unknowing netizens and reporters.

In Zhang Dafu's mouth, Tao Mu seemed to be a Virgin White Lotus who was clearly injured but couldn't bear to let the evil deeds of his adoptive parents be exposed. Therefore, he obviously won the evidence to prove his innocence and refused to publish it.

All netizens and reporters were immediately moved. There is nowhere to put the heart of a poor mother with a weak keyboard, a kind of anger that has been turned into anger by someone blocking the gun, and there is nowhere to solve it, and it is immediately poured on to the Tao Haiguo couple like sea water. Under the stormy curses and accusations, I completely forgot that they had cursed Tao Mu the same way back then.

On the other side, reporters with interview rights flocked to Guo Yaning's studio downstairs. When Tao Mu came out of work, he swarmed up to ask Tao Mu why he refused to publish the evidence that Tao Haiguo and his wife were instigated to discredit him? Do you really think about the image of adoptive parents and don't want them to be exposed and cursed by netizens

Tao Mu, who didn't know when he became the spokesperson of the Virgin, looked at the reporter with a dazed expression: Meow, meow, what are you talking about

Chapter 83:

I wanted to hold on to a big move so as not to stun the snake and let the fish caught go out, but I didn't expect Tao Mu, who had become a prosperous white lotus under the packaging of Zhang Dafu, could hardly complain.

However, Tao Mu suffered from the disillusionment of his image in his previous life. In this life, he naturally didn't bother to set up characters, especially the characters of "Prosperity White Lotus". He explained at the moment: "I did not intend to be the Virgin White Lotus. The reason why I did not announce the evidence as soon as I received the evidence was because my family and I agreed that we should not let go of the behind-the-scenes envoy. The Tao Haiguo and his wife wantonly smeared for money. It is hateful for me to even instigate netizens to carry out online violence against me. But the master behind the scenes is even more hateful. Relying on my own money to do what I do — of course rich can do what I do, but adults must also do Your own responsibility y_u is to bear the consequences."

"Taking this opportunity, I must also call on some netizens to be mindful when eating melons and watching a show, and don’t just do what others say. Being used as a gun is not a good thing to show off. This can only be done. It proves that some visitors have insufficient IQ and need to pay to recharge, but this is not the reason for you to attack others unscrupulously on the Internet. The great man also said that without investigation, there is no right to speak. Everyone has studied in junior high school. Who has not studied for a few years Political class? It’s not a problem if your brain is not good, but if you know that you are not good at your brain and you are willing to bite people everywhere, then there is a problem. So don’t rush to express your opinion when you are eating melons and watching a show, let alone. Every time something happens, I’m eager to shirk responsibility. It’s the 21st century, and we have to work hard to be an objective and good spectator. After all, before we learn the truth, no one will point a gun at your head and let you knock out so much viciousness. Isn't it a message to curse the 18th generation of someone else's ancestor?"

"You have chosen to use words to hurt others for emotional declaration xi-e, so don't put on the face that I am blinded by others and I am also a victim after the truth is revealed. Stupidity is not your fault, but rely on it. If you are as stupid as a pig and hurt others unscrupulously, it is your fault."

"Of course, in any case, I also want to thank all the netizens who have been passionately devoted to the previous curse battles. After all, your presence has brought a lot of traffic to It also makes’s advertising sponsors very satisfied. From this point of view, you are indeed cursing me for my own good. So I just voluntarily did it myself."

"Next time, if there is such a thing, everyone should scold me, don’t worry about my emotions. After all, if you scold me a few more, you will be able to recruit tens of millions more next time you advertise. The mental loss cost of him."

If there is also a rating standard for poison tongue, Tao Mu's poison tongue is probably at the level of a tenth grand slam.

Not to mention the netizens who saw this interview, even if part of their conscience is still there, but in the previous incident of Tao Haiguo's smear of Tao Mu, the Entertainment Weekly who reprinted it crazy for traffic also felt that... I feel the same _(:3)∠ )_

Nima Gencheng

Comparing the sales of tens of millions of dollars with advertising expenses, it's a shame! Curse casually, curse loudly, curse out of rhythm and out of style. Don’t scold you, you’re not from Huaxia!

The netizens who followed the rhythms of all walks of life all the way to eat melons suddenly hahaha, really admire Tao Mu's cheesy cheeks for making money. Others said that Tao Mu deserves to be the most inspirational idol in their hearts, and that he can endure the pain that ordinary people can't stand in order to succeed. Some people climbed to Tao Mu’s Fetion account and queued up to leave a message—

"The boss can scold me if I should be scolded, don't worry about my emotions. After all, if you scold me thirty times more, you will be able to send me thousands of dollars when the salary is paid at the end of the month. The extra is when you give me a year-end bonus."

"Party A’s father can scold me if he should be scolded, don’t worry about my emotions. After all, you scold me a few times, and you can sign hundreds of thousands more when you sign the contract next time. It’s like you gave me a lot of hard work.”

"Program apes should be scolded, don't worry about our product manager's emotions. After all, you scold a few times, and you will improve a few more functions next time you hand over. It becomes equivalent to giving the company money."

"Mom scolds as long as she should..."

"The teacher scolds as long as he wants..."

Soon, various versions of the "scold or scold" style were created under the entertaining spirit of netizens. Netizens who follow the trend are queuing up everywhere, adding a lot of traffic to Even Gao Yonghuai, the boss of the scarf, joined in the excitement.

He wrote this in his bib account—

"If you should scold, don't worry about my emotions. After all, if you scold a few more times, the traffic of the scarf will increase. I don't have to envy the next-door Feixun.com_(:3)∠)_"

He also added an emoji at the end of the sentence without knowing it.

As a result, the body of "swear if you should scold" took advantage of the transition from to the bib platform, and the entire China Network suddenly fell into a "curse war" carnival, and everyone felt that joy was not good.

Of course, some netizens who have a strong sense of substitution feel uncomfortable. I think Tao Mu is too much, the little belly chicken intestines will be reported, so the big boss is still true to the ordinary netizens, really tasteless-after all, they curse and scold them, and they also bring traffic to Feixun. Tao Mu enjoyed the traffic brought by people scolding him, and also increased the advertising fee for this; at the same time, he disliked that everyone shouldn't scold him online before things became unclear. It was simply "take the bowl for dinner, put down the bowl and scold your mother."

"Fuck your mother's shit!" Tao Mu's diehard fans finally quit: "Do you know how to speak, do you know what's the meaning of'take a bowl to eat, put a bowl to scold your mother'? No? Look up the dictionary if you know it. Is it reasonable for you to curse people casually without knowing what the situation is? That is, relying on the Internet, who would dare to do this in real life? It's definitely a beating!"

"Hey, how do you talk upstairs? You Tao Mu fans have this quality!"

So there is no doubt that a meaningless war of curses was set off again.

Meng Qi, who has been paying attention to the development of the whole thing, looked at the background data and the several Fetion trumpets who were constantly bouncing and provoking scolding. He frowned and said, "Someone is taking the rhythm."

"It should be the navy in Yao Wenxiao's hands." Tao Mu sneered. Yao Wenxiao’s Yuxiao Media, in his previous life, liked to bring rhythmic blacks on the Internet, which once caused Tao Mu to suffer. However, it is good to suffer too much. At least Tao Mu has an unforgettable heart for Yao Wenxiao's various rhythmic methods, and he can easily identify those navy forces that he brought.

"Let the technical department check these ips and send some people to check it out on the spot. It's best to catch Yao Wenxiao who hires these Fetion's small rhythmic stone hammers in reality. We are not afraid of his movements, we are just afraid of him. No action at all." As long as Yao Wenxiao comes out