After The Vicious Cannon Fodder Was Reborn

Chapter 142: Section 170


But Luo Que's restaurant chain is full again.

In addition, Yao Shengan also asked the restaurant chain under the Shengan Group to launch a white-collar meal delivery event—that is, to combine the most distinctive dishes of the Shengan Hotel, and according to a quarter of each dish, a total of three Two or two dishes form a boxed lunch set, each with a special price of 38 yuan, including door-to-door service-Yao Shengan directly hired social idlers to form a food delivery team, directly providing nearly a hundred jobs in Shanghai.

Under Yao Shengan's operation, this move was directly praised by the official name.

The business of Sheng'an Group is booming again, and its reputation has been reversed. Yao Shengan can finally breathe a sigh of relief and have the energy to discuss with the Shen family about the specific issues of borrowing the money tray. After all, Shengan Group is a listed company and cannot be suspended for too long. Taking advantage of the current hot momentum to resume the trading pallet, he will operate the court again, and the big deal will be to discuss out-of-court settlements with the catering groups. Merchants make great profits. There is nothing that money cannot solve. If there is. That is, the money is not enough.

When St. Ann Group reached a settlement with several other catering companies and the bank account was unblocked, the crisis was over. Although it hurts, there is no danger at all.

As for Tao Mu and his, Yao Shengan sneered. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years. It's just a newly established website, and Yao Shengan hasn't really cared about it yet.

However, Yao Shengan's abacus was good, but things refused to develop in the direction he hoped.

On the day when Yao Shengan approached the Shen family for help, a news newspaper in Shanghai suddenly broke the news that Sheng'an Hotel was using waste oil.

Although Huaxia people don't pay much attention to hygienic food safety, even the older generation often have the mentality of "not eating cleanly and not getting sick". However, there is still an inseparable gap between "not clean" and "being sick after eating."

Everyone knows what waste oil is. Even people who didn't know knew clearly after a certain news paper reported in detail the manufacturing process of waste oil and its harm to the human body. has been following all the news related to Sheng'an Group. Seeing this news—especially a newspaper, in order to show the truthfulness and accuracy of the news xi_ng, also attached a large picture on the front page, which shows clearly that the waste oil hawker sent waste oil to the hotel under the Shengan Group .

The evidence is conclusive! Excited Liu Yao slapped his thigh to applaud, and at the same time signaled Fetion Entertainment to repost it wildly on the Internet. In less than half an hour, the hot news about the purchase of waste oil by the restaurant chain of Sheng'an Group has spread all over the Internet.

Ensure that China’s 9.6 million square kilometers can be seen wherever there is a network.

If Yao Sheng'an and Sheng'an Group used all kinds of nasty methods in their business competitions, they were nothing but talk of the ordinary people, no one really cared about them. So the news of the use of waste oil in hotels under the Sheng'an Group that came out at this time has truly affected the hearts of the people. It will also shake the foundation of Sheng'an Group.

The Huaxia people believe that "people take food as the sky", and the proverbs passed down thousands of years ago cannot be wrong. The common people may not care whether you Yao Shengan is a good person or what kind of methods the Shengan Group uses in the commercial competition, but they absolutely care whether the things made by your restaurant can eat dead people.

Shen Chen handed the newspaper to Yao Sheng'an, taking his time to deal with it, and refusing in a leisurely manner: "Grandpa Yao, I sympathize with the current situation of the Sheng'an Group. But the scandal facing the Sheng'an Group is really fatal. If you can't solve it. On this issue, the Shen Group dare not lend a huge amount of money to the Sheng'an Group. We doubt whether the Sheng'an Group is capable of repaying the money."

After a pause, Shen Chen looked at Yao Shengan and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Grandpa Yao. The Shen Group is not from the Shen family. We must consider the views of the shareholders meeting."

Of course Yao Shengan understands this. But what he didn't understand was how the Sheng'an Group had something to do with waste oil. The one who is in charge of purchasing the hotel is his most respected and trusted son-in-law. This son-in-law is loyal and practical, and he can't do such shoddy things.

Yao Shengan's face was green, and he left Shen's house without saying a word. The top priority is that he must investigate this matter clearly. To see if they are shoddy or they have

People deliberately framed them—

When something like this happened, Tao Mu was the first person Yao Shengan suspected. Nor can he blame him for suspicious neighbors. It's really because Tao Mu impressed him too deeply. Even though Tao Mu was frank and frank throughout the whole incident, both of them knew that Tao Mu was definitely a cruel man who did nothing to achieve his goals.

Yao Shengan can be sure that if necessary, Tao Mu definitely did this kind of deliberate frame-up.

But Yao Shengan really wronged Tao Mu this time. Tao Mu, who is far away in Yanjing, is also puzzled: "The catering under the Sheng'an Group uses waste oil for cooking? This is impossible, right? Yao Sheng'an should not be this kind of person."

I have to say that because of the grievances from the last life to the death of Fang Xiu, Tao Mu knew all of Shen Yu's admirers, including their family members. In Tao Mu's impression, although Yao Shengan's character is not very good, he still has professional ethics. He will never do anything to add waste oil to his dishes to destroy his own signs. Even the purchasing manager of the catering department under the Sheng'an Group, the son-in-law of the Yao family, is an honest person. Diligent and conscientious, can't do this kind of thing.

"Could it be that I provided black material to smear myself, and then think of a way to reverse the whitewash?" No wonder Tao Mu guessed so. The media revelations that could be called a TV series in his previous life really left him with a deep impression. Even the general public who eats melons are used to the rhythm of eating melons that "wait three days after seeing the news, three days later," the rhythm of eating melons will be reversed.

Yao Wenxiao’s Yuxiao Media used to do such things in his previous life. Tao Mu was used to it. It's no wonder that when he saw this news, he subconsciously wondered if Yao Wenxiao had learned this kind of moth without a teacher.

Most people sympathize with the weak. And there is a certain degree of rebellious psychology. Now the whole network is black St. An Group, and the media continues to follow suit to report various black materials of St. Ann Group. Tao Mu paid attention to the gossip newspapers in Shanghai, and some even claimed that the Yao family was arrogantly playing big names in public. Of course, most of the media who dared to rise to the Yao family’s home were directed by Yao Wenxiao. Probably it was the final reversal of Tao Mu's guess. It's just that under Tao Mu's conscious control, few people pay attention to this kind of trail gossip.

But the breaking news that Sheng'an Group's restaurants use waste oil is different. Once Sheng'an Group reverses and whitewashes this matter, it may really arouse the rebellious psychology of netizens. At that time, Yao Wenxiao will cause trouble again-for example, slandering him, Tao Mu instructing people to make black materials to smear the Sheng'an Group and fall into trouble, maybe he can really splash a basin of dirty water on him and

Liu Yao and Meng Qi regretted Tao Mu's analysis. Meng Qi frowned and said, "Then what should we do now? I blame me, I'm so anxious. If only I came to discuss with you first."

"It's okay. Since Yao Wenxiao has already handed us the ladder, I don't take this opportunity to smash the character set, and it can't be said." Tao Mu moved his finger, even if Yao Wenxiao is a prodigy in the media industry, but he has had this experience. In front of the old Youtiao who has been hacked for ten years, this action is not enough.

Taking advantage of Yao Wenxiao's reversal has not yet begun-Tao Mu estimated that Yao Wenxiao must wait for this period of black material to brew for a period of time, preferably a day later, the divergence is almost the same. Tomorrow morning, I will reverse the face. From the perspective of communication studies and communication psychology, this rhythm is the most appropriate. When the time comes, it will be pitiful to sell again, and create a tragic image of a hero's end, a tree falling down, and a wall falling down. Selling miserable plus grabbing people's hearts with both hands, incidentally, he and can be splashed with dirty water.

—However, there is no use for eggs. Tao Mu, who consciously saw through Yao Wenxiao’s performance, opened the document directly and cracked a lot of words.