After The Vicious Cannon Fodder Was Reborn

Chapter 228: Section 273


Well, I hope that between us, we can have a name that only each other can call. For example..."

Li Xiaoheng leaned into Tao Mu's ear and whispered two words. Tao Mu only felt the warm breath spray on his earlobes, and half of his body began to itch.

He scratched his ears and glanced at Li Xiaoheng angrily: "I think it's good to call each other names."

"Okay." Li Xiaoheng promised very simply: "My dear, where do you want to go for the first stop? I heard that the temple with the most prosperous incense in Xiangcheng is Huangdaxian Temple. How about we go there first?"

Tao Mu looked at Li Xiaoheng helplessly, and could only compromise: "Then go."

It is indeed the most prosperous Taoist temple in Xiangcheng. When Tao Mu and Li Xiaoheng arrived, there were a lot of pilgrims here. Because it was Saturday, many people even came with the whole family. According to legend, the "Huang Daxian" enshrined in the temple is responsive and particularly effective. And here is the only Taoist temple in Xiangcheng where Taoist weddings can be held.

"It is responsive again, and it is to bless the marriage. I think we are really here." Li Xiaoheng said with a smile: "What do you want? I want to ask for marriage."

Li Xiaoheng's gaze was so hot that Tao Mu couldn't ignore it with his eyes closed. He could only say: "Whatever you want, you can offer incense sincerely. What will I do?"

"Because I think it's better to beg you." Li Xiaoheng smiled warmly, looked at Tao Mu with dazzling eyebrows, and said kindly: "My marriage is in your hands. If you are willing to bless me to be with the one I love the most in my life. People stay together and grow old together. Then my faith is you."

Tao Mu reverently inserted the three sticks of incense, and worshipped again, before he had the heart to speak to Li Xiaoheng: "Don't make a fuss, can you do business."

"I'm not making trouble." Li Xiaoheng stared at Tao Mu with extremely gentle eyebrows: "I am very pious. Don't you have the confidence to bless me and the one I love to grow old together?"

Tao Mu's expression paused slightly.

Li Xiaoheng smiled and said, "If you don't have confidence in yourself, then trust me."

"I have got."

Chapter 144:

The heart beat "bang", as if a wooden mallet hit the drum head hard, making a loud bang. Tao Mu's ears were dizzy, as if his body resonated.

The humming sound continued until Li Xiaoheng handed the lottery to him: "I heard that Huang Daxian's signature is particularly effective. You ask for a lottery, and we will ask the master to help answer it."

Tao Mu subconsciously took the pick. He also heard that the signature here is particularly effective. When I came to Xiangcheng for filming in my previous life, I actually asked for an autograph to ask about blood kinship. It's a pity that his luck in his last life was not good, and he only asked for a lottery. But Huang Taixian's signature really worked. The betrayal of the people and their desirability, they all came true.

Tao Mu held the drawbar and stood still. He wasn't sure what lottery he could draw in this life. Huang Taixian's golden body was sitting on the altar. The incense is lingering, and the condescending fairy looms after the incense, making it difficult to see clearly.

Li Xiaoheng watched Tao Mu's nervousness so that the hands holding the drawing tube were trembling slightly, and urged with a chuckle: "Let's ask for a sign."

"Yeah." Tao Mu replied in a low voice. When I looked down at the pick-up tube, I was surprised to find that the bamboo sticks inside were reduced by more than half-there should have been a hundred numbered bamboo sticks, but now there are only twenty or thirty sticks left. No wonder he felt so loud when he just shook the pick.

"You—" Tao Mu looked at Li Xiaoheng subconsciously, and intuitively believed that someone was doing something again.

Li Xiaoheng smiled and said: "The world believes in ghosts and gods, mostly because they want something, but worry that they can't do it. So I have to trust the ghosts and gods. But I am different. I am confident that I can get what I want, and I believe I have the ability to protect what I want to protect. It is useless to ask God if you are not confident. It is better to ask God half and me half."

Gentle but firm eyes stared straight at Tao Mu, not dodge or wander, just like the feeling that Li Xiaoheng has always given.

Tao Mu subconsciously squeezed the lottery in his hand, sweating on the palm of his nervous palm: "The lottery inside is all the lottery?"

"Your luck was not bad." Li Xiaoheng didn't answer Tao Mu's words directly, but smiled: "I just had a discussion with Daxian. I

Protecting you to keep the basic disk, the rest is up to you to ask for a sign. "

So this is half asking God and half relying on you

Tao Mu looked down at the lump. How could there be such a person, when you ask for a lot, you have to take out both the lottery and the winning. He clearly doesn't believe in ghosts and gods, how can he be so domineering.

"You are too foolish, Daxian will be angry."

"Daxian won't." Li Xiaoheng replied with a smile: "Daxian originally responded to requests and blessed the world. That's why his signature will be particularly effective. Then he must know that I have the ability to protect you. So you only need peace of mind."

Tao Mu hesitated.

Li Xiaoheng asked: "Don't you believe it?"

He stretched out his hand, drew out the sticks in Tao Mu's hand, got up and put in the dozens of bamboo sticks that he had pulled out one by one. Back to Huang Daxian's golden body, knelt down: "I have never believed in ghosts and gods all my life. I seek immortals today, I only hope Tao Mu can be safe and happy, and my life will be smooth."

After finishing speaking, before Tao Mu could react, Li Xiaoheng had closed his eyes and shook his head. When a bamboo stick fell, Li Xiaoheng took the bamboo stick and asked the sage of the resolution—it was the one that was signed.

"Look at it." Li Xiaoheng looked at Tao Mu with a gentle smile: "Huang Daxian also believes that I can protect your peace and happiness, and the whole life will go smoothly."

At this time in the afternoon, the early summer daylight was warm, sh_e came in from the outside, and the outline of Li Xiaoheng was engulfed by a layer of aperture. Looking in Tao Mu's eyes, people's eyes were dazzling. Tao Mu lowered his head, took the top sign that Li Xiaoheng had asked for in his hand, and watched it over and over for a long time. Li Xiaoheng smiled and said, "The signature here is really effective, so please ask for one."

"No need." Tao Mu held the bamboo stick, raised his head, and looked at Li Xiaoheng's eyes: "I believe it."

As if perceiving Tao Mu's mind, Li Xiaoheng smiled slightly and reached out to hold the other half of the bamboo stick: "Just trust me. At least you won't be disappointed."

Then, he slowly drew the bamboo stick from Tao Mu's hand. It seemed to pull Tao Mu's heart out of his hands. The warm big hand wrapped Tao Mu's fisted right hand. Li Xiaoheng asked the comrade who had cancelled the signing: "This is the first time I have asked for a signing in my life. The signing is very good, I think it is very meaningful. Dare to ask the master, can you give me this signing?"

The incense of the Wong Tai Sin Temple is vigorous, and the signatures are effective. Good men and believers often come to ask for a visa. However, there are so many sorrows when asking for a visa like Li Xiaoheng, and it's really rare to see people who want to take the visa away after the request.

However, when the world asks God to worship Buddha, it is originally to ask for peace of mind. Although Huang Taixian is efficacious, he cannot bless all the good men and women in the world. Just like Tao Mu, it is obvious that there are more knots in the heart, and those who cannot be freed from the demon, if someone is willing to give all of them to protect their peace and joy. Even the aloof gods are willing to perfect people with a heart.

So before Li Xiaoheng suggested to him that he wanted a good sign to resolve the concerns of his companions, the Xiangshi didn't stick to the form, but smiled and agreed. Now that Li Xiaoheng wanted to ask for this lottery again, the Xiangshi thought about it and agreed.

However, the Xiangshi did not expect that a person like Li Xiaoheng who clearly did not believe in ghosts and gods, after asking for this lottery, would actually offer to donate one million incense money in return. The Xiangshi looked at Li Xiaoheng in surprise, and then at Tao Mu. Immediately enlightenment-even if people in this world don't believe in ghosts and gods, they would rather believe the person they care about when they meet the person they care about the most.

Before, I laughed at others for peace of mind. Now he himself is suffering from gains and losses.

The doctor secretly watched a gossip, but it didn't break.

Tao Mu also invited a heart-cleaning charm and a scripture personally copied by the head of Huangdaxian Temple Supervisory Hospital. As for Li Xiaohang, he signed with Tao Mu and his memorial