After The Vicious Cannon Fodder Was Reborn

Chapter 315: Section 377


His assistant has a history of theft, and when his character is unreliable, he finds his assistant to talk to him. Then it was recorded by an assistant, first sold to magazines, and then posted online? "

Yan Sheng replied: "Yes."

The reporters in the audience were even more excited: "That is to say, Shen Yu is subjective and deliberate, do you want to break the news about you together?"

Yan Sheng was silent for a moment and said, "This is also my fault. When two people are in love, there is no need to cover up. However, because of concerns about my image and career development, I have been hiding it from the outside world. I admit that I did this. Very irresponsible. My fault is the biggest when things have progressed to this stage. Shen Yu is only a 19-year-old child, he can't think of so much, and I can understand all his thoughts."

"Here, I want to apologize to everyone. Because of the affairs of the two of us, so many netizens have seen so many bad things. It also makes my friends, fans, and people who care about me feel sad and sad. , Worry about me. I didn't think about it well."

"Here, I want to thank my friends and fans who have always believed in me. Thank you for your support. In the coming days, if possible, I will continue to contribute more exciting works to reward everyone."

Chap Chapter 213

Yan Sheng's press conference was like a stone that caused a thousand waves of waves, and all the media and the people who ate melons boiled instantly.

The first to jump up is still Shen Yu's fans. His idol will be scolded by the entire network just because he is young and easy to believe in others and accidentally exposes his love affair, and he will be slammed by Yan Sheng's fans.

Let alone celebrities announce their love affair, even if two celebrities have been married and have children and have lived together for several years, the two fans still have times when they are disagreeable with each other. Not to mention that Shen Yu had only unilaterally announced his relationship before, and the channels for announcing his relationship were not very formal. So much so that the whole network laughed and posted upside down, and was scolded by Yan Sheng's fans as deliberately discrediting Yan Sheng. It was even deliberately misinterpreted by the media as bad intentions.

But their little prince is only a 19-year-old child, how could he have such a scheming? Fans of Shen Yu feel sorry for their little prince, and they can only post over and over again to argue that their Yuyu is not that kind of person at all, and there must be some people who want to harm him. Unfortunately, little effect has been achieved.

At this time, Yan Sheng held a press conference to take all the responsibilities on himself. Fans of Shen Yu, anxious like the ants on the hot pot, finally found a breakthrough. They swarmed all the black pots onto Yan Sheng, and said with certainty that Yan Sheng, a deep-minded old man, was really terrible and seduce them at the same time. The innocent little prince, on the one hand, smeared himself on the whole network and framed Shen Yu, and he was still a promiscuous scumbag, and he was not worthy of their family Yuyu. After all, Yan Sheng is just an ordinary actor, even if he takes the double gold actor, he is still an actor. Just as a donkey is still a donkey when it leads to the capital, a sparrow will never want to become a phoenix. The actor will always be an actor. Regardless of the fact that many big players often adopt female celebrities, there are definitely a small number of female celebrities who can marry into a big family. And after marrying into a wealthy family, fewer female stars can be recognized by in-laws. But their Shen Yu is different. As we all know, Shen Yu is the most beloved of the Shen family...adopted son.

Therefore, Yan Sheng deliberately did so many things with Shen Yu from his family, and he must be with Shen Yu in good faith. Even if a press conference is held to clarify the facts, it is just to pretend to be affectionate, the purpose is to make Shen Yu owe him, and then let the Shen family accept him as a son-in-law. In the fantasies of Shen Yu’s fans, even Shen Yuming knew that the assistant surnamed Cao had poor character and complained to the assistant Yan Sheng, so that the assistant sold the recording to the gossip magazine, and later uploaded the recording to the Internet. The exposure of the relationship between people has become Yan Sheng's foresight calculations.

Fans of Shen Yu fell into high ch_ao for themselves. They felt that although Yan Sheng was an old man with no great promise, he still scheming deeply with their simple and kind little prince, and tried all his best to marry the rich. But seeing that Yan Sheng, an old man, can still be a man, and knowing his love for their little prince, their mother fans reluctantly agree that Yan Sheng is qualified to pursue Shen Yu.

The appearance of Shen Yu's fans on the Internet that the villain had a lot of ambitions immediately angered Yan Sheng's fans.

"We, Yan Sheng, are old men? Are they a dull actor? Deliberately discrediting

Is it just to slander Shen Yu marrying into a wealthy family? It's so funny. Not to mention how many years the Qing Dynasty has been dead, there are still people kneeling t-ian nobles with the face of ruining eyebrows and bending the waist and servile faces. But even kneeling t-ian giants. Have fans of some people forgotten the virtues of your family? Also the most favored adopted son of the Shen family. There is such a way to put gold on my face, which is really a big laugh at me. What's so noble about a fake that has been in a magpie's nest for 19 years in your family? Are you embarrassed to blow the noble lineage after Shen Jiajingshen has left the house? Do you think this is buying a pet, and it's pedigree? "

"Keep talking about the actor, j_ia_n. Since you think the profession of actor is not good, what kind of actor is your fake little prince going to be? No, your fake little prince is not worthy to be called an actor at all. He doesn't have the professional qualities of an actor, lines If you can’t act, you can’t even make a Diving show in a Wia show, you have to be a substitute, so unprofessional, at most a little star who sells a face."

"What I said upstairs is wrong, Shen Yu is not a little star who sells a face. He can walk to this day by grandstanding and ridicule, and it's shameless to rely on!"

"Upstairs is right. Stars get fame by selling their faces, but Shen Yu's fame is shameless."

"And Yan Sheng is not a little actor with no identity or background. Shen Yu's fans probably chose xi_ng amnesia, forgetting that Yan Sheng is a member of the Yan family in Beijing. You can't think that the Yan family is because the Yan family has always been low-key in the military and politics. Ordinary people? If you really talk about the family, a business man in Shenjia District, I am afraid that he can't even enter the door of the Yan family. It is funny that Shen Yu, a fake, actually looks noble in the face of Yan Sheng, the real three generations. Shen Yu's Fans are like their masters, and they don’t have any b-numbers in their hearts."

"Actually, I wanted to say it before. Don’t you think that those flying signals that swarmed out and broke the news that they were Yan Shengzhen’s girlfriend are particularly weird? We are a group of people who don’t find it bothersome, we clicked in and investigated one by one. I found some trumpet accounts that were just established, but the ip of those trumpet accounts are all the same. They look like the Shui Buguan. Some Fetion accounts look large and seem to have nothing to do with Shen Yu. But in There is a lot of information about Shen Yu in the browsing history... ”

As soon as this remark appeared, it was like a drop of cold water falling into the hot oil pan, and the already very hot and anxious situation suddenly pushed to another high ch_ao. The deeply inspired Yan Sheng fans and melon-eating netizens had nothing to do, and immediately followed the truth revealed by the netizens and went to the Fetion that broke the news. I personally confirmed that what the netizen said was true.

Since this time, some Yan Sheng’s fans or media reporters have successively sent out some Reuters photos, which clearly show some of the current situation of Yan Sheng’s filming and receiving announcements in the past few years. What’s more frightening is that according to these Reuters analysis, you can know the so-called "I am Yan Sheng's genuine male and female friend" or "Yan Sheng cheated on other female celebrities", which are in fact standstill. Unstoppable. Because according to Yan Sheng's current situation at the time, there was no time to go out and fool around.

One of the most explosive discoveries was that Fetion trumpet, who claimed to be a fan of Yan Sheng and broke the news of Yan Sheng's sleeping fan, was eventually dug out by reporters to be a fan of Shen Yu. Then it came to light. To sum up all the signs, it turns out that Shen Yu's fans are really discrediting Yan Sheng.

Some netizens who have been eating melons from start to finish also think they have seen the truth: "Let me just say it! I always feel that there is something wrong with Yan Sheng's statement. How can there be such a stupid person? Besides, Yan Sheng loves feathers so much. Image-conscious people who have not had any scandals since their debut for so many years, even if they are a gentleman who can be friends after breaking up with a rumored girlfriend, how could he splash dirty water and slander him