After The Vicious Cannon Fodder Was Reborn

Chapter 317: Section 380


. According to the plot setting, Lin Rongan was turned into a eunuch by Shen Yu's admirer, the white paper fan of the Liang family, after the failure of Fan x Shen Yu.

As a result, in this life, Liang Shuwen was sent to East Guangdong by a contract by Li Xiaoheng to deliver express delivery. But Lin Rongan ran to Yanjing somehow. Then at the same time, she turned Shen Yu to a certain entertainment club. Yan Sheng, the actor who was supposed to go on the plot, went abroad, but he ran into Luo Yang, who was justified and brave. During the fight, Luo Yang kicked off his third leg again.

It seems that Lin Rong'an is also the destined general manager.

"Then you will be honored." Luo Xi said with a smile on the other end of the phone. She also knew about the letter from to Shen Yu, and said indignantly: "... That kind of person deserves a lesson. Why is it that every time he causes things to be unlucky for others? From Shen Yan to us That fool at home has become his bulletproof vest. Why do you think there are so many blind people in this world, what do you think of him?"

He also told Tao Mu: "Don't be soft-hearted. You must show him something this time. It saves that the surname Shen will have to pull you into the water if he has nothing to do. It's like a caterpillar falling on his body, not biting people. Ye Ge should die."

Tao Mu said with a smile: "I want to visit the old man. I don't know if the old man has a good energy, is it convenient?"

Luo Xi smiled and said, "What's the inconvenience? Our old man likes you. If you can visit him, he will be happy."

After hanging up the phone, Tao Mu was figuring out how to prepare for the celebration party of "The Great Wall of Flesh". Seeing Meng Qi happily pushing the door and entering.

"Dad Xiao Qi, what makes you smile so happily?" Tao Mu greeted with a smile.

"Photoelectric is dissatisfied with some artists who do not have much work but prefer hype, and can only bring negative guidance and negative public opinion to the public. They ordered the various media to block Shen Yu." Meng Qi smiled gleefully.

2009 marks the 60th anniversary of the founding of China. In order to celebrate this event, the country has arranged many activities during the National Day, such as the military parade, as well as other programs and publicity. Including the essay event organized by, the award was also announced on November. There is also the "Great Wall of Flesh" broadcast by the National Channel, which is also a very classic anti-Japanese film.

As a result, with so many meaningful things, none of them got the attention of netizens. Instead, the scandal between Yan Sheng and Shen Yu was raging on the Internet. The relevant departments are very dissatisfied. Coupled with the deliberate pressure from the Yan family, Shen Yu, a three-line, innocent and ridiculous little star, was naturally blocked. just received the above notice, and Meng Qi asked the technical department to block all related entries of Shen Yu. Only then hurriedly came to give Tao Mu happy news.

—Shen Yu, relying on his weakness and rationality, always drags Tao Mu into the water on various occasions, and a series of indiscriminate attempts to discredit Tao Mu has long angered Tao Mu's relatives and friends. If they had followed Liu Yao and Meng Qi's ideas, they would have dealt a cruel blow to Shen Yu's bullying and fearful bastard. But Tao Mu stopped him.

Liu Yao and Meng Qi didn't know that Tao Mu was worried about the two of them being cannoned by the plot. They thought Tao Mu didn't want to offend the Shen family, so they endured it again and again. It's all right now. They don't need to take action. The above directly ordered this kind of tainted artist to be blocked. only needs to obey and follow suit.

"It's ruthless or the most ruthless in the Yan family." Meng Qi said with a smile, "The old saying is that couples are good for one day. The surname is Yan, and his superficial affection is as deep as the sea, for the sake of Shen Yu. Everything is like. But being able to put such a cruel hand behind the back, this is directly cutting off Shen Yu's back path from the root. The most amazing thing is that he cut off the back path of people, and he can still resist love. The profound halo hid abroad to avoid the limelight. It also moved those little fans who don't know the truth. It is worthy of being a double gold actor. The acting outside the play is much more real than his acting inside the play."

With Meng Qi's scheming city mansion, plus the huge information of, Liu Yao's influence, and Tao Mu's personal experience in his previous life, how could the small actions of Yan Sheng and his management team be hidden from this group of people.

It's just that Tao Mule wanted to appreciate dogs biting dogs and didn't want to offend the Yan family, so he didn't bother to expose Yan Sheng's performance. He lives a lifetime, but he doesn't have a deep obsession with revenge. Instead of wasting time on Shen Yu's people, it is better to live his own little life. Tao Mu always felt that the reason why he fell to such a fate in his last life was because

Because his own value is not as good as Shen Yugao, he is abandoned time and time again. If it is not obsession, Tao Mu's obsession with rebirth is to make money and be self-sufficient. He can do what he wants without relying on others and protect those who want to protect.

If it hadn't been for Shen Yu to press hard, every time he wanted to drag him into the water, Tao Mu would actually not bother to think of this person. Asking Zhou Shenxing to send Shen Yu a lawyer's letter this time also wanted Shen Yu to learn a lesson. Don't talk about him like nothing else in the future.

It's just that Tao Mu really didn't expect that compared to his fateful enemy, Yan Sheng's destructive power from turning black to black would actually be so much.

This is to directly kill Shen Yu!

Thinking of this, Tao Mu admired Shen Yu a little. How did you make it so that the true love of the last life can turn against each other? Is this a brain damage that can't even be saved by the aura of the plot

Sure enough, there is a difference of at least 18,000 Shen Yu between reality and idol drama. Tao Mu sighed, and called their weak, poor and helpless Lawyer Zhou again.

The National Day holiday has just ended, and the legal department of does not actually have much work. However, Lawyer Zhou had to find ways to stay in the company and work overtime, just to miss the evening buffet.

When I received Tao Mu's call, it was exactly eight o'clock in the evening. Attorney Zhou closed the computer and went to the cafeteria. He answered the phone while running, and said breathlessly: "President Tao, wait for me for a while. After I go to the cafeteria, I will call you back."

Tao Mu shook his head helplessly when he heard the beeping sound on the phone.

Their annual salary is almost more than 30 million barristers, this style of painting is still like this... diligent, frugal and simple.

Chapter 215:

Zhou Shenxing also knew about the fact that received the ban notice. When the instruction reached the headquarters of in written form, all the employees of clapped their hands and cheered.

After all, everyone remembers how the surname Shen was unscrupulous, and tried to pull their family Taoist into the water in various ways on various occasions. A fake second-generation waste material who can't act or start a business or do anything, always wants to tie up their family Tao's enthusiasm. It's just a caterpillar that fell on the body. Now it's alright, the motherland's mother strikes out with an iron fist, and the photoelectric father orders and prohibits it. If you say ban it, you will ban it, without making you howl.

Zhou Shenxing also felt particularly relieved. He himself is a person who must compare the baht and pay the bills, and the most important thing is that he has a great sense of professional ethics and professional honor. Shen Yu's repeated attempts to drag Tao Mu into the water to make Tao Mu take the back of the pot, even affecting the positive image of This kind of behavior is obviously because he didn't put him in the eyes of Lawyer Zhou. Indirectly, Mr. Zhou's frightening reputation in the industry is affected. If Zhou Shenxing was not formally hired by as the chief counsel, I am afraid it would directly affect the income of Lawyer Zhou.

For Lawyer Zhou, whose life goal is to make money, this is simply a deep hatred. So after unilaterally declaring Shen Yu as a mortal enemy, Lawyer Zhou began to collect evidence that Shen Yu slandered Tao Mulian and caused huge economic losses to

This time he sent Shen Yu's lawyer's letter to Zhou Shenxing in the name of the chief lawyer consultant of Feixun.

"I asked someone to investigate Shen Yu's current economic situation. I found out that he actually had no assets in his name. There were only less than one hundred thousand yuan left in the bank account. So, if we just sue Shen Yu, we are afraid Can't get much compensation. It is not my intention to put Shen Yu in jail."

After all, Lawyer Zhou only loves money, and apart from money, he has no deep hatred with Shen Yu. Furthermore, considering the reputation and image of, Lawyer Zhou