After The Vicious Cannon Fodder Was Reborn

Chapter 332: Section 398


Engage in specialization. The leader of the army quickly explained. It turned out that after the cast members were stationed in the army, they were required to break up and insert them into each class according to the regulations. It's almost as an observer qualification, training with the soldiers of each class. Because there are indicators, the assessment results of these actors will also be linked to the class results.

Most of the soldiers have never seen TV series filming, nor have they been exposed to actors in the entertainment industry, and they find it quite new. Moreover, it is a task assigned from above, and it is also linked to next year's conscription propaganda, so they are quite willing to cooperate. But there is also a small group of soldiers who are not happy. I think this group of actors came by for grandstanding. How can an actor endure the hard work of being a soldier. In case the training fails to keep up, it will also drag down the class's performance. Most of the soldiers have a sense of collective honor, and worry that their squad or even their company will be dragged down, so they can't help but complain.

Under normal circumstances, those who can be an actor don't talk about acting skills first, and they must have a little advantage in acting in the world. Otherwise, there is no way to survive in this circle where all words and deeds are magnified by the lens. But there are also newborn calves who are not afraid of tigers. Such as Gu Yuzhang.

He was very dissatisfied with the group of veterans who questioned that these actors must not be able to keep up with the training, and they will definitely drag the company's remarks at that time. I even hate the veterans who say that these actors are all grandstanding, they are all soft guys on stage, not real men (veteran: I didn't say that).

Then, the young and energetic Gu Yuzhang, who refused to bow his head, challenged the veteran! The veterans are required to do various trainings with him. If he loses, he doesn't say anything, even if he is exhausted, he will grit his teeth and keep up with the training. And is responsible for washing dirty clothes for veterans. If he wins, the veteran must apologize to them.

This very dramatic and conflicting challenge was immediately supported by both sides. But the key is that the veteran challenged by Gu Yuzhang is the king of the company elected for three consecutive years. The leader of the army admired Gu Yuzhang's youth and courage, but he certainly didn't believe that Gu Yuzhang could win the King of War. I was also worried that Gu Yuzhang would be exhausted during the challenge without systematic training, so he hurried over to find Tao Mu, the person in charge of the crew. Let Tao Mu stop Gu Yuzhang. He also thoughtfully said that Gu Yuzhang was not a soldier, and there was no chance of winning in a challenge with the soldier king, so there was no need to wash the clothes for the soldier king.

Hearing these words, Tao Mu was speechless. The screenwriters of the screenwriting team were excited: "This is a good entry point for the plot. Who is this Gu Yuzhang? The young man knows how to add drama to himself!"

Tao Mu sighed and hurriedly followed the troop leader to the training ground. Putting it aside or not, if he doesn't rush to stop Gu Yuzhang, it is estimated that the stupid stupid boy can really toss himself to a half-handed.

When the time comes, the news that the crew of "The King of Soldiers" abuses the actor and causes disability will really make the headlines of entertainment. How do they continue to film this conscription propaganda drama

Tao Mu couldn't understand Gu Yuzhang's brain circuit! On the first day he entered the army, he dared to challenge the king of soldiers. Why didn't he go to heaven!

Chapter 228:

When Tao Mu, the leader of the army and a group of screenwriters arrived at the training ground, Gu Yuzhang was already kneeling—literally. Kneeling on one knee, vomiting.

Comrade Bingwang stood aside stupidly, slightly helpless. He also didn't expect that he would have a fight with someone, so he turned the horizontal bar, and he could actually throw him up in turns.

Seeing the death sh_e line glared over by the company commander, Comrade Bingwang smacked mo's nose in a whisper, and explained in a low voice: "I didn't expect..." This man was so awkward.

Tao Mu looked at Gu Yuzhang, who was vomiting dimly there, and walked forward speechlessly, and patted the other person on the shoulder: "It's okay, are you?"

Gu Yuzhang shook his head dizzyly, and didn't forget to explain to himself: "I'm fine. My cerebellum is not well developed, and my balance is not good. I usually feel dizzy in the car."

Then you still have a horizontal bar with people round!

Tao Mu was even more speechless. I feel that Gu Yuzhang is not because the cerebellum is underdeveloped, but because he hasn't even developed his brain well.

Upon seeing this, the company commander hurriedly sent Gu Yuzhang to the medical room on a stretcher. Pointing to the pile of vomit on the ground, he said to King Bing, "It was you who caused it. You cleaned it up yourself."

Comrade Bingwang looked up at the sky with an innocent look, with an expression of "I have provoke someone". But he didn't say anything, so he obediently followed suit.

When the soldiers selected from these companies go to participate in the special forces assessment, they even squat in the septic tank for training. This kind of scene is nothing to him.

On the contrary, Tao Mu felt a little sad, so he stopped and didn't let Comrade Bingwang clean up. On the contrary, the other actors in the actor group were pressed to clean up the venue. Some actors are not convinced, yelling for what reason. Tao Mu sneered, and said directly: "I see you guys standing aside and watching you are quite involved. You are all in the scene before the official shooting. If I arrange some scenes for you, wouldn't it fail your sense of participation? ?"

Seeing Tao Mu, the actor, producer and biggest investor in the crew, was really angry. The actors suddenly realized. Several Yanying students who passed the interview with Gu Yuzhang confessed: "It was not that we did something deliberately. After we passed the interview, we went back to school to ask for leave. Some students said that we were traitors, and the words were hard to listen to." Also suffocated. When I first came to the army, I heard the veterans look down on them. Gu Yuzhang just broke out.

Hearing this explanation, Tao Mu didn't say anything. He reminded these Yanying students during the audition interview. They all know what they will face after a successful interview. Everyone is an adult, capable of bearing the consequences for the choices they make. You can't want the opportunity while not wanting to bear the criticism. Even angered others for this.

A teacher from the screenwriting team chuckled and said, "If this is placed in a TV series, it would be a typical y_u Yang Xianyi's face-slap-slap routine!"

It's a pity that someone doesn't have the life of the hero, so he just vomited because of the bumpy road ahead!

If this is put in the net article, it will be the most down-to-earth "handsome" male protagonist. The eyes of several screenwriters from Internet writers lighted up and winked secretly.

After resolving the commotion in the training ground, Tao Mu went to the infirmary to visit Gu Yuzhang with the leader of the troops.

The doctor took medicine to Gu Yuzhang, and Gu Yuzhang was already a little better. Lying in bed with closed eyes and rested. Seeing Tao Mu and the leader of the army who came to visit him, I was a little embarrassed.

"It's troublesome for everyone." Gu Yuzhang said apologetically, "I wish to accept the bet. I will definitely fulfill the bet."

"No. No." The leader of the army waved his hand and said, "You are here to experience life. How can I wash the clothes for the soldiers."

After all, Gu Yuzhang is an actor, and he came to the army for filming. They are not their own soldiers. The leader of the army worried that Gu Yuzhang would talk nonsense during the reporter's interview. When it comes to the image of the army, army leaders dare not neglect.

Tao Mu didn't think it mattered, "Will you be willing to lose your gambling. He is also an adult, and he can't afford to lose. You don't need to stop him. You don't have to stop him. And you can rest assured that if this matter is handled well, we can let it go. Inside the promotional tidbits."

After a pause, Tao Mu smiled again: "Before uploading the propaganda tidbits to the bullet screen, they will definitely be handed over to the military for review."

Hearing Tao Mu's words, the leader of the army immediately felt relieved. There are many things in the company. The leader of the unit we_i asked Gu Yuzhang a few words and got up and left.

Suddenly Tao Mu and Gu Yuzhang were left in the infirmary. Tao Mu looked at Gu Yuzhang's pale expression with a languid expression, and asked, "What did the doctor say, can we train normally tomorrow?"

Gu Yuzhang nodded and apologized again. And made an in-depth review of his behavior: "I shouldn't bring bad emotions into my work. I shouldn't anger the comrade noncommissioned officer."

"It's fine if you know it." Tao Mu didn't have peace. We_i Gu Yuzhang rationally analyzed: "You want to be an actor. If you want to go in this circle for a long time, you must do a good job of emotional management. Being honest is not the same. Something bad but you