After The Vicious Cannon Fodder Was Reborn

Chapter 352: Section 422


After Shen Chen's scheming city mansion, as well as the various flaws that Zhuo Yan has exposed so far, Shen Chen can no longer presume that he can't "employ people without doubt".

As for why Shen Chen mentioned Zhuo Yan to Tao Mu during the conversation, on the one hand, he reminded Tao Mu that Zhuo Yan was not credible. If Tao Mu really wants to stay the same with Shen Jiajing, don't do anything misleading. So as not to hurt the shallow feelings. On the other hand, Tao Mu is also a test. After all, Zhuo Yan's family history is also in the international financial market. The investment trajectory of Xiaohang Capital overlaps too much. Shen Chen inevitably suspected that Tao Mu had teamed up with Zhuo Yan to seek to seize the Shen Group.

Tao Mu thought to himself that he had no feelings with the Shen family. But what Shen Chen said he had to take to heart. Unlike Shen Chen's guess, Tao Mu worried that Zhuo Yan would also be born again. Tao Mu hadn't forgotten how in his previous life he had brought Zhuo Yan to bankruptcy and went to jail and became an eunuch. If Zhuo Yan was really born again like him, he would definitely find ways to retaliate against him.

As for whether Zhuo Yan knew his own life experience in his previous life, and deliberately approached him to get revenge by approaching the Shen family through him, Tao Mu didn't even bother to think about it. In essence, Tao Mu and the Shen family are actually the same, cold people. Only care about the people and things that you care about. In addition, no matter what outsiders do, it is difficult to affect his emotions.

Tao Mu admitted that his entanglement with Zhuo Yan had been broken in his last life. So Tao Mu doesn't care about excellence's true or false intentions. Whether Zhuo Yan really liked him back then, but no matter if he played on the spot, Tao Mu can only be wary of Zhuo Yan's emotions. He has lived with Zhuo Yan for seven years, and naturally knows that Zhuo Yan's revenge is extremely strong. Being stared at by such a poisonous snake lurking in the dark waiting for an opportunity, Tao Mu didn't feel his hair horrified. The first thing I did when I returned to the hotel was to discuss with his Dad Yao, Dad Xiaoqi, and Li Xiaoheng how to investigate and guard against them.

The family was worried, Tao Mu did not mention that he suspected Zhuo Yan was born again. He just probably repeated what Shen Chen said, and then said: "Zuo Yan concealed his identity and approached the Shen family. He definitely wanted revenge. I didn't want to bother about his old grievances with the Shen family. But now, Zhuo Yan does those things inexplicably. I'm worried that he will put the target on me. Just in case, it's better to keep an eye on it."

According to the clues provided by Shen Chen, Tao Mu also wanted to investigate Zhuo Yan's specific operations in the international financial market. Tao Mu wanted to use this to judge whether Zhuo Yan was reborn, but he definitely couldn't say that in front of his family. Fortunately, Li Xiaoheng was particularly considerate and didn't mean to ask the bottom line. Agreed straightforwardly.

With the influence of Xiaohang Capital in the international financial market, if you want to investigate the operation trend of a domestic retail investor in the international market, it is simply a breeze. In less than a day, all Zhuo Yan's operations in the international financial market were thoroughly investigated. Then Tao Mu was stunned to discover that the reason why Zhuo Yan was able to achieve a complete victory in the international financial market turned out to be because he was operating in accordance with the capital movements of Xiaoheng Capital—

Just like the financial turmoil that occurred in Asia in 1997, since the economic crisis in 2008 swept the world, Xiaoheng Capital was born in the international futures market and international financial market with a strong short position, and many financial institutions and international investment banks also All followed behind Xiaoheng Capital and aggressively shorted the world. When some retail investors and speculators see profits, they all follow the big investors in a swarm. In order to create a better negative market, the big international shorts headed by Xiaoheng Capital do not oppose this behavior. There is even intention to encourage retail investors and small investors to follow suit.

Zhuo Yan is one of them. It's just that unlike many retail investors who are superstitious about the authority of Wall Street, Zhuo Yan only stares at Xiaoheng Capital. He always buys a certain stock or futures after Xiaoheng Capital buys it, and then sells it after Xiaoheng Capital sells it. Because Xiaoheng Capital has accurate data from Tao Mu, a rebirth, and can get the maximum benefit every time. Zhuo Yan followed closely. Although he couldn't maximize his profits, he could still make a lot of money. In one year, he has earned nearly 30 million m gold.

Li Xiaoheng also investigated that the first time Zhuo Yan followed Xiaoheng Capital to make an investment was at the end of December 2008. It happened to be after Xiaohang Capital shorted international crude oil and the news spread that the position was filled at the lowest point. At that time, the precise operation of Xiaoheng Capital shocked the world, and the low-key Li Xiaoheng even accepted an interview with The Wall Street Journal. A Chinese person can do such an achievement on Wall Street, and

And this Chinese is still the son of the Li family. At that time, the domestic financial and social sectors also reported this incident one after another. Some media even quoted words such as "national heroes" and "honoring glory for the country" in their reports. Xiaoheng Capital also received many invitations from domestic companies and wealthy businessmen to open accounts at that time. Even other financial institutions and investment banks have followed suit in the investment activities of Xiaohang Capital, following closely behind.

Therefore, if Zhuoyan's investment operation is judged only from this aspect, there is nothing too out of the ordinary. I can only say that he is a very smart and clever person. It is worth mentioning that the principal of Zhuo Yan's investment operations in the international financial market actually misappropriated the funds of the customers of the financial institution where he was at that time. It is really necessary to investigate it. A crime of embezzling public funds will never escape. .

Not quite convinced of the information given by Shen Chen, Li Xiaoheng also asked him to investigate all of Zhuo Yan's operations before and after entering the Shen Group. Among them is Zhuo Zhuo found Shen Yu's biological mother in advance, but deliberately concealed it. Later, after Shen Yan discovered Shen Yu's biological mother, she volunteered to talk to Shen Yu's biological mother for all the content of the conversation.

"... No wonder Shen Yu's biological mother concealed things about the rental house to death during the interview. It turns out that Zhuo Yan deliberately mentioned the crime of abandonment and the Shen family will retaliate against Shen Yu when talking to Shen Yu's biological mother. The words of the biological mother." Assistant Jiang reported the investigation results to the two bosses, and couldn't help but sigh.

Of course, Zhuo Yan did not bluntly threaten when talking. Instead, she knocked on the side to let Shen Yu’s biological mother realize for herself. If the Shen family learned that she had taken away the second son of Shen, they would not be able to take care of them. Instead, they would take less than two months. Of the baby is thrown in the rental house regardless of the consequences, resulting in the baby's tragic death.

It's been nineteen years since it happened, and it's too late to regret it. What's more, Shen Yu's biological mother didn't want to stand up and mention the things that year. It was Shen Yan who forced her to stand up. Just such a move is so overbearing and arrogant. If the Shen family knew how the second son of Shen died, Shen Yu's biological mother felt that she must have no way to survive. Most importantly, Shen Yu, who is still living in the Shen family, will also be angry.

Panicked, Shen Yu's biological mother subconsciously chose to lie. But she didn't expect her luck so bad that she would be recognized by netizens.

Inferring from these survey data, Zhuo Yan does not seem to be born again. Tao Mu frowned slightly, turning over all the investigation data over and over. For a while, it was difficult to tell what Zhuo Yan was like.

Either Zhuo Yan was not born again, or Zhuo Yan was hiding too deeply.

But here is the problem. When Tao Mu was reborn, he never thought that there would be a second rebirth in this world. If Zhuo Yan was really born again, then why did he try so hard to hide himself after being born again

Thinking about it this way, Tao Mu became more and more uneasy.

Li Xiaoheng looked at Tao Mu frowning, and couldn't help but stretched out his hand to squeeze Tao Mu's palm, Wen Shengan we_i said, "Don't worry. No matter what purpose this Zhuo Yan has, it has been noticed by us now. I am. People will be sent to watch his every move."

Li Xiaoheng was confident, under his nose, no matter which Zhuoyan was or what demon or ghost, he didn't want to pull out flowers.

At this moment, after listening to Assistant Jiang's report, Mr. Song, who had remained silent, suddenly said with emotion, "This is probably the disadvantage of not chasing stars."

"If this lady pays attention to the entertainment industry, she will know Xiaomu's orphan status and past experience." If she knows all this, the lady will probably associate like all the people who eat melons on the Internet. Such lies.

"So the old saying goes that when books are used, they hate less, no matter what age or year.