After The Vicious Cannon Fodder Was Reborn

Chapter 357: Section 428



The camera followed Shen Yu's eyes and gave Tao Mu a close-up shot very cleverly.

"Here, I also wish Tao Mu in advance that he can win the best supporting actor. After all, your acting skills are really good." When Shen Yu said this, he couldn't help but feel sour. He really envied Tao Mu's acting skills. Obviously he is such an unkind person, yet he can pretend to be so perfect and get so many people's love. But he could only watch the people around him go further and further. In the end, only the lonely people were left.

Tao Mu's face is still close-up on the big screen. Hearing Shen Yu's words, even the irrelevant guests were in an uproar. Only Tao Mu still maintained a calm smile, ignoring Shen Yu's words, and instead gave the other four best supporting actor nominees a humble smile.

The organizer of the Golden Crow Award was very dissatisfied with Shen Yu's speech. However, Shen Yu leaned against the Lin family, and even if the Golden Crow Award was dissatisfied, he could only swallow his voice. After all, entertainment can never do capital. What's more, the influence of the Lin family in Xiangcheng is far more than just capital.

I didn't care that my speech caused an uproar at the awards ceremony. Shen Yu returned to his seat with the trophy. Looking at Tao Mu with a complicated expression: "I'm going to go to jail soon. Are you happy when you see me eating the evil consequences?"

Go to jail? Tao Mu frowned in a daze. Looking at Shen Yu thoughtfully.

What's the nerve of this kid

Shen Yu received a letter from a lawyer from and a subpoena from the court. These days, she was almost frightened. I was full of panic about what to do if I went to jail. Seeing Tao Mu pretending to be innocent when he arrived, he suddenly became angry.

"What are you pretending to be innocent? You obviously instructed to send me a lawyer's letter, and then to the court to sue me. I'm going to go to jail soon. Are you happy?"

Shen Yu knew that stealing Tao Mu's hair for DNA identification was wrong, but he felt that his mistake was far less than going to jail. Tao Mu is really vicious and he must be reported. Just because of this matter, he will be sent to jail. He is less than twenty years old this year, and he doesn't want to go to jail.

However, stealing other people's hair for DNA identification is an infringement of privacy in our country. According to my country's "Public Security Management Penalty Law", infringement of the right to privacy is a civil act, and the more serious case is only five to ten days of detention and a fine of less than 500 yuan. Only if the circumstances are extremely serious, such as illegal intrusion into another person’s house, illegal search of another person’s body, or illegal peeping, or concealing letters causing severe consequences, will be sentenced.

The act of stealing hair by Shen Yu for DNA identification is obviously not serious enough to require a criminal case. Even if Tao Mu responds to Shen Yu's behavior again, he can only get Lawyer Zhou to file a civil lawsuit for financial compensation and an apology. Shen Yu cannot be sent to jail. In other words... After receiving a lawyer's letter and a court summons, someone scared himself into this.

Everyone knows that bad things have been done, can't we find a lawyer familiar with civil law to consult the relevant laws and regulations after receiving the subpoena

Tao Mu was speechless. But he didn't bother to expose it. He just hooked up the corner of his mouth at Shen Yu and jokingly said: "You also said that you are eating your own bad luck."

Shen Yu stared at Tao Mu fiercely, his eyes cracked. The communication between the two was faithfully recorded by the camera and transmitted to all parts of Xiangcheng through signals. The netizens sitting in front of the computer laughed suddenly when they saw this scene. Some netizens even hit the keyboard to send out barrage, and began to popularize relevant legal knowledge. In the end, they agreed that Mr. Tao was really bad, and he allowed Shen Yu to misunderstand the matter and not explain it. Also deliberately said that to scare people.

Did you cry if you didn't see Shen Yu

Just when all the netizens were hahaha, the Golden Crow Awards ceremony also reached the stage of best supporting actor. Regrettably, Tao Mu did not get the award. First of all, although Zhou Yuanting's playing time in the film barely stretched to 20 minutes, for a character shortlisted for the Best Supporting Actor Award, this playing time is still relatively small. Moreover, the other four nominees who competed with Tao Mu are all veritable old drama bones, and two of them have won the laurels of the actor. If Tao Mu's acting skills are really good, it will not be able to crush them.

Secondly, Tao Mu's age is too young. He was just nineteen years old and was nominated for the Golden Crow Award for Best Supporting Actor in his first film. This is already a great honor. And show

The Golden Crow Award and even the entire Xiangcheng film circle affirmed Tao Mu's acting skills. In this case, it doesn't really matter whether Tao Mu can get the award. What's more, the best supporting actor this time is a veteran who is nearly seventy years old in Xiangcheng. This old drama bone made his debut in his teens, and has been nominated countless times over the years, but nothing has been achieved. This time the shortlisted film can be said to be the work of the old man. With this in mind, it is reasonable for the Golden Crow Award to award the best supporting actor to the old gentleman.

Of course, the most important point is that the Xiangcheng Lin family used the scandal that Tao Mu broke some time ago to continuously pressure the Golden Crow Award. Nominees who think such a tainted one should not receive an award. The Lin family's connections and influence in Xiangcheng are very high. Even if the Golden Crow Award does not approve of the Lin family's actions, they dare not go against it. Can only pick and pinch the persimmon, and beg Tao Mu. After all, the Lin family was not easy to provoke, but Tao Mu held with his back against Xiaohang Capital, which was not easy to provoke.

Fortunately, although Tao Mu likes acting, he is not obsessed with awards. It's the icing on the cake if you can get it. If you can't get it, as long as the box office is good and the audience likes it, that's great. In addition, Tao Mu's long-sleeved dance and benevolence engraved into his bones. It seems that people's achievements have reached a certain level, and many things that have been cared about and cared about before are not so important. Seeing that the Chairman of the Golden Crow Award Jury is quite old, and he is cautiously smiling and apologizing in front of him for such a trivial matter, Tao Mu feels disheartened. He didn't want to make things difficult for the middleman of the Golden Crow Award for such trivial matters. Rather than making things difficult for the Golden Crow Award, which neither side can do, it is better to draw a salary from the bottom of the tank and go to beat the Lin family, who is constantly jumping.

With Tao Mu's attitude, the organizer of the Golden Crow Award was relieved. As long as Tao Mu didn't embarrass them, the organizers of the Golden Crow Award didn't bother to worry about whether these two great gods would fight. Even secretly hoping that Tao Mu could teach the Lin family a lesson. After all, the Lin Family's arrogant and domineering appearance in front of them was really irritating. In order to express their favor to Tao Mu, the organizer of the Golden Crow Awards selected the most suitable candidate for the award among the other four nominees for the best supporting actor.

Sure enough, as soon as the winner of the best supporting actor was announced, many netizens recalled the deeds of the old man since his debut under the sensational guidance of the award-presenting guests. That was the decades that followed Xiangcheng's film industry from the beginning to the glory and then to the decline of the West. It also runs through the old man's career. Decades of ups and downs, and now that the old man can get a trophy when he closes the mountain, it can be regarded as a mark of completion for this career.

And the award-winning declaration issued by the old man on the stage made many fans of xi_ng unable to help but reminisce about the past, and even shed tears.

Only Tao Mu's fans and movie fans were moved and regretted. However, this regret disappeared at the end of the awards ceremony when she saw the scene of Shen Yu being taken away by the police.

Seeing that the opponent is worse off seems to be more exciting than seeing the success of the idol. Although Shen Yu was not qualified to become Tao Mu's opponent in terms of status or achievement. But who made Shen Yu keep binding Tao Mu since his debut. It's like a caterpillar that doesn't bite but responds to people. The situation of being taken away by the police and facing detention now is not very pleasant.

But soon, news that was even hotter than Shen Yu's detention hit the top of the search again.

—Shen Jiaran sued Yu Qingqing, Shen Yu's biological mother, for abandonment. The evidence is solid and the impact is bad, Yu Qingqing is about to face five years in prison.

It was only at this time that Yu Qingqing suddenly understood why Madam Shen had guessed what she wanted to do but allowed her to wash herself in front of the media. It turned out to be waiting for her here.

Mrs. Shen wanted everyone to see Yu Qingqing's vain and unaccountable face. Let Yu Qingqing because