After the Villainous Supporting Male Had Raised the Wrong Canary

Chapter 27


"Are you ready?" Xiao Yang sat expressionlessly by the window, looking straight out the window.

The man on the other side of the phone was silent for a few seconds before saying: "Are you really going to do this? If you do it, there will be no turning back. He will be completely destroyed." This is more cruel than before. No one can withstand this. No matter how arrogant and domineering the other party is, if something like this happens, their self-esteem will be crushed.

Xiao Yang suddenly sneered and said: "Chen Ming, he shouldn't be destroyed, so I should be destroyed, right?" After a pause, his voice lowered: "Chen Ming, I almost died at his hands. Go up, he was only twelve years old and he hated me so much. I did this just to protect myself. What's more, even if something happens to him, the Lu family will protect him. But I have nothing, only brother Qin Gu, do you understand?"

There was another silence on the other side of the phone. After a long while, the other party finally spoke. He said in a hoarse voice: "It was you who stretched out your hand to me when I was stuck in the mud. I owe you, so I will do it."

"Okay." A smile finally appeared on Xiao Yang's lips, and he said, "I have arranged for someone else in the hotel. He doesn't know you, but he knows Lu Bai. He will meet you when the time comes."

"Okay." The man said hoarsely.

Mingyan doesn't like to be public, but the first day of the exhibition was of a charitable nature, so the exhibition held a low-key dinner. The banquet hall was located in a hotel near the exhibition hall.

Lu Bai rarely wore formal clothes today, and he was accompanied by Lu Guanguan, who was wearing a small dress and makeup.

"Brother, let me tell you a secret. But don't tell mom and dad yet." On the terrace, Lu Guanguan smiled sweetly, his eyes sparkling.

Lu Bai curled his lips and said, "Guan Guan, you tell me."

Lu Guanguan had a bright and beautiful face, and she usually had a carefree personality, but now her cheeks were a little red. She said, "Brother, I have a boyfriend." After a pause, she said, "He is a tough guy." The actors who enter the industry are not famous, but they work hard."

Lu Bai blinked in surprise - for some reason, he suddenly thought of Ruan Jiangjiu and that this young man was waiting for him to go home, so the smile on his face became gentler and he said, "Is he good to you?" After all, talent is the most important.

"He is good to me." Lu Guanguan's cheeks were completely red, and his voice was a little soft, but he couldn't suppress the corners of his mouth rising.

"Haha." Lu Bai rubbed Lu Guanguan's hair and said, "Guan Guan, no matter who the other party is, your happiness is the most important thing." After a pause, he asked casually: "What's his name?" Their second uncle was here He is relatively good at this, so it would be a good idea to ask him to help you see people. Lu Guanguan seems to have a flamboyant and outgoing personality, but he is actually very simple.

"His name is Song Zhian." Lu Guanguan said.

Lu Bai nodded and wrote down the name. At this time, a friend of Lu Guanguan came to the terrace and called her. Lu Bai said, "Go, I'll stay here for a while."

Lu Guanguan then followed the people and left.

It was completely night at this time. The hall was brightly lit and the wine and flowers were fragrant. There was a chill of autumn on the open terrace. A pale full moon hung high in the sky, but there were no stars. The lights of the city connected with the moonlight in the sky. , complement each other.

Lu Bai looked at the moon, and the shadow of a young man appeared in his heart. He couldn't remember the appearance of that young man, but he knew that that young man must have existed. He was curled up alone in the darkness, almost dead in pain. When he regained consciousness, it was this boy who appeared together with the moonlight, pulling him out of the bottomless darkness and giving him warmth.

Today, for some unknown reason, he suddenly thought of him when he looked at the moon. He doesn't remember what the other person looks like, nor his name, nor whether he can meet him again and say "thank you" to him.

The elegant cello music came from the hall. Lu Bai turned around and looked at the brightly lit banquet with laughter and laughter. Maybe the moonlight tonight was too lovely. Lu Bai couldn't help but look at the crowd in the hall and muttered to himself: "What if he Just be there." It seems that when he was very young, his mother told him a story that said that if a good boy makes a wish to the moon, his wish will come true.

After saying that, Lu Bai was stunned for a moment, and then chuckled: What kind of good boy is he? Even when he was really a child, he was still a vicious supporting actor.

At this time, a masked waiter entered the terrace. He bowed to Lu Bai and said in a deep and hoarse voice, "Sir, do you need a drink?"

Lu Bai nodded and took a glass of champagne. The man watched Lu Bai take the drink, and a dark light flashed through his eyes under the mask: "Please take it easy. I wish you a happy evening." After that, he turned and left.

"Xue Yu, stay away from Lu Bai." Qin Gu held a glass of wine in his hand and said expressionlessly.

Qu Xue smiled gloomily, but just looked leisurely in the direction of the terrace - he had just seen the young man going there, and then said: "Qin Gu, where do you stand when you say this?"

Qin Gu frowned, and there was anger in his eyes. He said: "He is not a lovable child. He is domineering, selfish and willful. He almost killed someone when he was twelve years old. You like him? Is it superficial? You may be able to get him, but if you recognize his true nature one day, you will only hurt him."

After a moment of silence, Qin Gu's eyes flashed with self-mockery, and he finally said: "But I can tolerate all this about him." No matter how reluctant he was to admit it, it was a fact that he was attracted to that young man: "But you are different. Xueyu, you have mysophobia, even if you are temporarily confused by his appearance, you cannot accept him like this, so don’t provoke him."

The smile on Qu Xueyu's face disappeared completely. He looked at Qin Gu expressionlessly and said, "Qin Gu, you neither understand him nor me. You are not qualified to define him in such a way. First of all, Let’s go, something happened.”

After walking a few steps, he remembered something. He stopped and turned around. He looked directly into Qin Gu's gloomy eyes and said lightly: "How do you think Xiaobai knew when and where we met twice?" ?”

Qin Gu's pupils shrank when he heard this, but Qu Xueyu didn't say anything more, just turned around and strode away.

"Feel sorry."

The waiter who came out of the terrace accidentally collided with Qu Xueyu. He stabilized the mask on the tray but accidentally dropped it to the ground. Qu Xueyu picked up the mask and handed it to the waiter. When he saw the other person's face, he stopped. He said thoughtfully: "You..." Have you been to the Lu family's banquet? He didn't know this person, but he looked familiar. He seemed to have seen him at the Lu family's dinner.

But before he finished asking, the waiter said 'thank you', took the mask and put it on his face and hurried away. Qu Xueyu looked at the other party's back thoughtfully, then turned around and walked towards the terrace.

When he came to the terrace, he saw Lu Bai holding a champagne glass with a slender stem in one hand. He seemed to have not had time to drink the wine. In the other hand, he was holding a clear glass bead and playing with it in the moonlight. When the beads were soaked in moonlight, they became even more crystal clear and jade-like.

Qu Xueyu's pupils shrank when he saw the bead. He looked at the young man quietly for a few moments with an indescribable expression, and then he laughed softly, smiling so brightly that his eyes were filled with crystal clear beauty. Moonlight.

Lu Bai was startled when he heard the noise. He put the beads away and turned around. He saw Qu Xueyu's subconscious expression that was about to make a vicious move. He then thought that this person had helped him. Besides, he didn't go out of his way today. Plan, then relax.

He looked at Qu Xueyu and shrugged: "Qin Gu is not here." After a pause, he felt that it was too unethical for him not to do even a small favor to him after he had helped him, so he said seriously: "I just saw He's in that corner in the north, really, I haven't told anyone else yet."

Qu Xueyu smiled, his face turned completely dark, and he said: "Qin Gu and I really have nothing to do with each other."

Lu Bai said in his heart, "Haha, only a ghost can believe it." He just smiled perfunctorily on his face - after all, the protagonist Gong and the protagonist Shou are a perfect match in this world, which is like a truth.

Qu Xueyu took a step forward and looked at the other party quietly without speaking. Under the moonlight, the young man's eyes were incredibly beautiful. The moonlight settled in his eyes, making them appear as clear as glass beads.

Lu Bai's throat twitched, but he subconsciously took two steps back - the other person's eyes made him feel scared for no reason.

"Qu Xueyu? What's wrong with you?"

However, Qu Xueyu did not let the boy go. He took a step forward and stuck the boy on the stone railing. He looked at the boy's panicked face, smiled, raised his eyebrows and said, "I am not someone who shows kindness without expecting repayment." people."

Lu Bai: "???" He just helped him out of trouble once. Do you want him to sell himself in return

Qu Xueyu then said: "The person you are thinking of is me."

Lu Bai: "???" Yaoshou, the protagonist is going crazy.

"The person you drew is also me."

Lu Bai paused: "???" Hua... He suddenly had a very subtle premonition...

"You should know that I also studied in Chunming in high school, and I studied in the same school as Qin Gu—" Qu Xueyu said word by word.

Lu Bai's throat moved subconsciously: "??...!" The premonition became stronger and stronger...

Seeing the vivid expression on the young man's face, Qu Xueyu curled his lips in a good mood: "The glass beads just now are mine." After a pause, he added: "I still have a jar at home. If you want, I can All for you."

Lu Bai's eyebrows jumped: "You, why do you say it's yours?"

"Because," Qu Xueyu smiled: "I picked that bead, and the cracks there are unique. It looks like a snowflake, right?"

Lu Bai opened his eyes wide: "!"

Qu Xueyu took a step back, looked at the boy's dull face, and said leisurely: "When I was in high school, I accidentally rescued a child. He was locked up in a warehouse. I found him and carried him to the hospital. "

"He was unconscious along the way, but when we got to the hospital, he grabbed my sleeve and refused to let go. I pried off his hand and thought the child was pitiful and cute, so I put my glass beads into his hand."

At that time, he sent the child to the hospital. He settled the boy, but had to leave because of something. When he left, the child was obviously unconscious, but he held on to his sleeve and did not let go. Before he left, he gave the child his hand. A glass bead was stuffed inside.

When he returned to the hospital, he was told by the doctor that the child's family had already taken him away and left him only a sum of money - more than ten times the medical expenses he had paid in advance.

Although he felt regretful, he still regarded it as an episode in his life. However, since then, he has never reunited with the child, nor has he had the chance to know the child's name.

Lu Bai's throat moved again, and his face was dull. He felt that he was falling into some strange and strange state, like he was having a colorful and crackling dream. This dream was strange, lively, and could not be described. Not a good dream.

'It turns out that my mother's story is true...'

'So, I am actually a good boy? ! Lu Bai thought blankly as he looked at Qu Xueyu's smiling face.