After the White Moonlight came back, the Stand-in Fell into Unemployment Crisis

Chapter 13



Bai Yueguang once bumped into the president who was making up lessons for the substitute, and it was the first time he had seen such a president.

When the president went to work the next day, only the stand-in and Bai Yueguang were left at home.

The stand-in cleaned up the house and wanted to go back to his room to study, but saw Bai Yueguang actually flipping through his textbooks in his room.

Bai Yueguang didn't panic when he saw him coming, just smiled and said, "Are you learning this?"

The substitute nodded.

Bai Yueguang: "Never learned it before? Are you learning this now?"

The substitute nodded.

Bai Yueguang: "I thought you were locked in the house every day to do research, but it turned out that you were just learning this."

There was a hint of contempt in Bai Yueguang's eyes. He turned over the English textbook of the substitute and said, "What can I learn from this? I thought it was a primary school textbook just now."

Stand-in: "Is it easy?"

Bai Yueguang: "Of course."

The substitute excitedly said, "Can you help me with this question? I'm so bad that I don't even understand the grammar!"

Bai Yueguang gave a speech to the substitute.

The avatar was pleasantly surprised: "Mr. X is indeed a scholar, you can understand it well."

Bai Yueguang: "I don't understand why some people don't even understand this kind of question."

Substitute: "Because I'm too stupid to be as smart as Mr. X! Can you teach me another question?"

In the end, Bai Yueguang spoke English to the substitute for an afternoon, and also helped the substitute to change two compositions.


When the president came home, he saw Bai Yueguang sitting with the stand-in.

The president was startled and rushed forward. When I saw the English textbook on the desk, I was surprised again.

He imagined all kinds of situations, but he never thought that Bai Yueguang was teaching English as a substitute.

Substitute: "All this? Oops, I forgot to cook!"

Bai Yueguang: "Come on, let me get some lettuce..."

President: "No need!!!!"

The stand-in and Bai Yueguang were stunned by the president, who hurriedly said, "It's a rare opportunity, let's go out to eat."

Bai Yueguang has no objection, and the stand-in accepts it readily.

The three came to the door, the president stepped out first, Bai Yueguang was in the middle, and the substitute was last.

Substitute: "Be careful on the road."

After speaking, the substitute closed the door.

Bai Yueguang: "Aren't you going?"

The substitute glanced at the president, and Bai Yueguang said again: "You come too."


It's obviously a movie of two people, why should I have a name


They went for French food.

The substitute has never eaten, and even the knife and fork can't be used well. Bai Yueguang said: "You haven't eaten?"

Stand-in: "The only western food I've ever eaten is McDonald's."

Bai Yueguang laughed as if it was funny. The president was displeased and glanced at the avatar, but seeing that the avatar still had the usual low-brow pleasing expression, the avatar said: "Thank you boss, thank you Mr. X, if not You guys, I'm not so lucky to eat good food."

Bai Yueguang: "If you hold this knife and fork like this, others will laugh at you when you go out."

Stand-in: "Mr. X, are you willing to teach me?"

So Bai Yueguang began to instruct the stand-in to take the knife and fork again.

The president was silent, and no one paid any attention to him.

The president felt that his education career was in crisis.