After Transmigrating into a Book, I Have an Entire Family of Cannon Fodder

Chapter 125: collapse


the author has something to say

Before reading this chapter, please read the end of Chapter 120. If you don’t understand it, you can simply search it. It’s not convenient to go into too much detail here.

"Drink tea" is a modified statement. Qi Xingchen was stunned for a moment, and then realized that Mr. Qi should be summoned to the Securities Regulatory Commission to cooperate with the investigation.

As the chief executive officer of a listed company, there is a risk of being called in for questioning. If it was just because of this, Qi Yuji would not panic

Things must be more serious than imagined.

He couldn't ask anything on the phone, so Qi Xingchen comforted his good sister and hurriedly asked Director Zheng for leave. The exposure of the trumpet gave "Red Sun" a wave of enthusiasm. Director Zheng was very happy, and immediately promised: "You can go wherever you want, and you can come back within half a month. I will shoot the supporting roles and the heroine first." play

Unexpectedly, the word became a prophecy, this time, Qi Xingchen really left for half a month.

The situation at home was urgent, and he didn't have time to get his things, so he hurried to the airport. It was almost dawn when we got home, and the huge living room was empty, only Qi Yuji was lying on a corner of the sofa in a kimono. His eyes were closed, but his beautiful eyebrows were tightly knit together, even when he was asleep, he was very restless.

Qi Xingchen took off his coat and gently put it on his sister. As soon as he took out his mobile phone to contact his eldest brother, his arm was held by a cold hand.

Xing Xing, you are back, why didn't you call me sister.

Qi Xingchen took her hand behind his back, "I just arrived, you waited here all night

Hmm," Qi Yuji sat up and straightened his messy hair, "I won't be able to sleep until you and brother come back.

Big brother...Xing Chen frowned, "Has big brother been called away too

No, he went to inquire about Dad's news. In fact, if it hadn't been for the delay of my elder brother's reply, I wouldn't be able to make you come back.

Qi Yuji had a little contact with the company's business, but he didn't understand the upper-level stuff. The two pillars of the family are not around, so she can only call her younger brother back, so as not to have no backbone.

Seeing that her sister's complexion was not good, Qi Xingchen patted her on the back, got up and took a cup of hot water, "Don't say that, I'm also from the Qi family, tell me about Dad's situation.

Qi Yuji took the water and held it in his hand, "A few days ago, some investors and the China Securities Regulatory Commission reported that Qi's maliciously went long and short, and released false news. After hearing the news, our family immediately prepared materials to respond to the investigation. Who knows that the China Securities Regulatory Commission After the people came, they didn't check at all, and took dad away directly, and the law enforcement officers of the Ministry of Public Security followed.

police Department

Has a case been filed

Short selling refers to the behavior of stock holders who expect the market to fall in the future, sell the stocks they currently hold, and buy them after the market falls, so as to earn profit from the price difference. Malicious shorting generally refers to manipulating the market by fabricating and disseminating false information to expand bearish expectations.

The only difference between shorting and malicious shorting is "maliciousness". Whether it constitutes malicious shorting requires judging the purpose of the short seller.

But how to judge the purpose of the short-seller? It can be judged when there is evidence of fabricated news. When no evidence can be found, it only depends on the investigator's thoughts.

Qi Xingchen asked again: "When was Dad taken away

"Five o'clock last night, just before get off work." Nearly twelve hours have passed.

A cutscene questioning can be released in an hour or two: Mr. Qi was locked up for a whole night, obviously the other party already thinks that the Qi family is suspected of malicious shorting.

Qi Xingchen's heart immediately twitched—Mr. Qi was very old, and his nervous breakdown was severe after the fire, and he couldn't sleep well at night, let alone in the cold inquiry room.

No wonder Qi Yunxiao would go out overnight to inquire about news.

With Qi Yunxiao's ability, it's okay to ask about the situation at the Securities Regulatory Commission, Qi Xingchen helped Qi Yuji up: "Sister, go back to your room and sleep for a while, I'll contact the Public Security Bureau to find out about the current situation.

Qi Yuji shook his head: "I can't sleep until Dad comes back.

If Dad's fine: it's more harm than good to make you sick

It's okay." Qi Yuji walked aside, "You can contact the Public Security Bureau, and I'll try my friend at the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.

That being the case, Qi Xingchen didn't force her to rest, and they called separately. However, the strange thing is that Director Jiang, who has been answering his phone in seconds, is unable to connect to his phone.

Dial several times, still can't get through.

Maybe he was sleeping too early, Qi Xingchen rubbed his temples.

Like Qi Xingchen, Qi Yuji's phone was always turned off. They didn't ask anything about the situation, so the two could only go back to the sofa and sit, anxiously waiting for news from their eldest brother.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Qi Yunxiao finally came back. Qi Xingchen and Qi Yuji looked behind him together

There is no sign of Mr. Qi

Brother," Qi Xingchen's heart sank suddenly, "is dad still locked up

Xing Xing, why are you back: "Qi Yunxiao looked a little tired," Did Yu Ji call you back

Fortunately, my sister told me: "Either I don't know yet... : What's going on with Dad?"

It's hard to say, Qi Yunxiao took off his suit, took a deep breath and said, "I said I wanted to go in and see Dad: but the staff in charge of the contact kept finding various reasons to not let me in. I wanted to ask what was going on, but the other party also refused to let me in." I kept trying to prevaricate, and I didn't see Dad until I got back.

As a leader in the industry and the largest enterprise in province h, the Qi Group supports a lot of manpower and material resources for the construction of province h every year, and also donates money to build several schools. The current airports and squares in city h are all based on Qi named building. It can be said that the Qi family has maintained a good relationship with various local agencies over the years. If there is a need for help: as long as there is no violation of laws and disciplines, all agencies are willing to lend a helping hand.

But now, he can't even take a look at Old Master Qi: it's really weird and hard to describe.

Qi Yuji said his face was pale, Qi Xingchen thought for a moment, then stood up with a bang.

Seeing his movements, Qi Yuji asked: "Xing Xing, where are you going?!

There is a problem with this matter: I will go to the Public Security Bureau.

He was going to ask the director's uncle, and hurried to find Xu Changlin by the way. The timing of the two incidents is very close, maybe there is a relationship.

Qi Yunxiao said, "Don't go out yet.

Qi Xingchen stopped walking.

The photos of Dad being taken away have been circulated. Since last night, people have been speculating on the media and public platforms about the investigation of the Qi Group. When I came back just now, a large group of reporters followed me. They should still be guarding outside now. You can wait until you go.

Qi Xingchen could only turn around and come back, calling Director Jiang while watching TV, Weibo, Zhihu, Toutiao and other media and public platforms. fruit

However, according to my wife Qi Yunxiao, photos of Father Qi being taken away are spreading all over the sky, and some people have started to speak ill of the Qi family, constantly posting remarks like "The Qi family is about to end".

Even some big financial bloggers and respondents began to say that they are not optimistic about the current situation of the Qi Group.

Being in the entertainment circle, Qi Xingchen instantly saw that there were traces of the navy's involvement, or it was impossible to spread the news all over the place in just one night.

And they are helpless now, because they can't guess who bought the navy.

After fighting in the mall for so many years, the Qi family has made countless enemies. Now that the opportunity to bring down the Qi family is at hand, and everyone is pushing the wall down, who doesn't want to share a piece of the pie

Trying to identify the original instigator among so many people is tantamount to fantasy.

Qi Xingchen rubbed his dry eyes, "I asked An Ran to find the media to seal it up, and then asked which company would take over the hype business.

No need, I've tried all of these," Qi Yunxiao said lightly, "The media doesn't charge hush money: the hyped company has been found out, but the promotion has already been done, so there is no way to get it back.

Qi Yuji's head and shoulders were about to burst: "What's their purpose for doing these things? Our family is upright, and if we haven't done anything illegal, we haven't done it. After Dad's investigation, the truth will come out. Isn't it a waste of effort

The effort was not in vain," Qi Yunxiao said, "Qi Group's stock fell six points at the opening this morning: it is still falling, and it is estimated that it will not reach the limit until the market closes at noon.

Qi Xingchen and Qi Yuji were silent for a moment without speaking.

They have a hunch that this catastrophe may not be so easy

In the afternoon, halfway through the reporters outside the door, Qi Xingchen slipped into the garage and chose the most low-key car, turned left and right for more than an hour before getting rid of the flies following him, and arrived at the City Bureau.

Stepping into the door of the director's office, Jiang Ju was taken aback, "Xing Chen, aren't you out of town.

The last time we met, the other party enthusiastically called him "nephew, now he has become a star", Qi Xingchen suddenly thought of the reason why the phone could not be connected.

It's not that he's sleeping or there's no signal, but seeing that the Qi family's situation is not good right now, he's afraid that he will be involved, so the other party chooses to protect himself wisely.

Qi Xingchen couldn't help but sneered, but he just smiled silently, and then he returned to his normal expression, and sat down opposite Director Jiang

stars, you one by one

Don't be afraid, I won't ask about my dad, "Qi Xingchen said, "I know it's inconvenient to say: let's meet uncle and nephew, I won't make things difficult for you. I came here today to ask Xu Changlin, did you find him for me

Whoops, "Director Ling slapped his forehead, "Look at my brain, I was so busy last night that I forgot: I'll give you an idea later.

Qi Xingchen knew that if he didn't finalize it now, "later" might have to wait until the next life. He immediately lowered his face, "Uncle, you don't want to do such a small favor

Seeing him suddenly turn his eyelids, Director Jiang's expression froze, and he began to mutter in his heart. — Doesn’t this kid know what’s going on at home, so he dares to turn his back on you

Could it be that... the Qi family is sure they can get old man Qi back

Seeing his eyeballs rolling and rolling, Qi Xingchen knew that his trick worked, and his tone softened, "Uncle, I said I won't make things difficult for you, as long as you find an excuse to call him to the police station, then I will I will pretend to meet him by chance and never implicate you.

That's it

Qi Xingchen backed down, and Director Jiang ordered Shunpo to get off the donkey, "Then I'll help you again, don't talk nonsense when you go out.

I know that talking nonsense is not good for me. "Qi Xingchen said.

Reaching an agreement on this issue, Qi Xingchen is not too much of an eyesore: Hurry up and find an excuse to leave. On the way home, he glanced at the market, as Qi Yunxiao expected, the Qi Group really fell into a straight line.

And being pressed by more than 300,000 hand sheets, it is estimated that I will not be able to get up tomorrow.

But as long as there is an exciting low price, someone will always buy it. After falling for a period of time, institutions and retail investors will feel the psychological price and will enter the market to buy bottoms. After learning some financial knowledge, he is not particularly worried about it.

Unexpectedly, this time he was completely wrong.

That night, the news that the quality of the products produced by the Qi Group was not up to standard, that several branches were involved in false bidding, and that financial reports were falsified suddenly spread across the entire network overnight.

I often walk by the river without getting my shoes wet. The Qi Group has been in business for so many years, there will always be mistakes in any link, resulting in substandard product quality, and there will inevitably be omissions and mistakes in financial reports. With regard to these issues, the Qi family has rectified them as soon as possible after the incident, but now that it is brought up, the mixture of true and false news will inevitably make the majority of investors suspicious.

In addition, Mr. Qi is gone forever, even if the Qi family announced that "the incident is under investigation, because the company is large and it will take a lot of time" to respond, it still caused panic among investors.

The panic of investors increased the bearishness of the market, and the increase in the bearishness of the market amplified the panic of investors. Under the effect of a vicious circle, investors sold a large number of stocks, and the stock price of Qishi Group continued to fall.

What was even more frightening was that after Qi Yunxiao finally spent money to seal all openings: the tax authorities suddenly received an anonymous report. In the report email, the other party stated that the data of several subsidiaries of the Qi Group did not match the tax system: tax evasion and fraudulent accounting, and some electronic data evidence was attached.

The tax issue is a big one. The next moment after receiving the report: the tax bureau drove the car to the door of the Qi Group. The chairman has been taken away by the China Banking Regulatory Commission to cooperate with the investigation, so they took away Qi Yunxiao, another powerful member of the Qi family.

It is impossible not to attract attention to the huge ostentation of the tax authorities: faster than Qi Weiming, almost at the same time, the pictures and texts of Qi Yunxiao being taken away made the headlines of various newsrooms.

It takes a long time to build a business empire, but it collapses in just one season.