After Transmigrating into a Book, I Have an Entire Family of Cannon Fodder

Chapter 126: Rain Ji


The incident happened so suddenly that Qi Xingchen and Qi Yuji were caught off guard. Even the news that the eldest brother was taken away for investigation, they all knew about it from the Finance and Economics News Room. When they arrived at Qi's, there were no sign of Qi Yunxiao and the tax bureau at the gate except for a few people from Guoguan.

Don't panic at this moment, since the chaos will only become more and more confusing, Qi Xingchen forced himself to calm down, and asked: "Sister, is our family's taxes really not clean

There are cases of reasonable tax avoidance," Qi Yuji's voice trembled, "but there is absolutely no illegal one; the Qi family's goal is too big, once it is found out, it will be a big deal, big brother and the others dare not do it

Opening more branches, appropriately increasing costs, registering the company overseas, etc. are all reasonable ways to avoid taxes, Qi Xingchen frowned, "Then where did the invoice attached to the report letter come from

I don't know, which branch company it may be from

It is difficult to control the company when it is too big, and the invoices kept by a remote branch company are not perfect enough, and it is very likely that they will be stolen.

Now that this is the case, we must find out where the invoice came from: before we can continue to check the reason. When the tax bureau came, it only said that someone had reported and attached evidence, but did not bring the "evidence" to Qi. Qi Xingchen thought for a moment, "I'll go to the tax bureau to see if I can get the so-called criminal evidence. Look at brother's situation, you go home first and wait for me.

"No, the other party may make things difficult for you because you are alone and weak," Qi Yuji refused, "I'll go with you.

It's not too late now, let's go together, Qi Xingchen immediately drove to the tax office. When I parked at the entrance of the Provincial Bureau, I happened to catch a glimpse of an unusual car with a red prefix on the license plate number.

Sister, look at the left corner: "He glanced over there, "Does the investigation by the tax authorities need their cooperation

Qi Yuji heard the words and looked over, also with a puzzled expression on his face, "Generally, if you can't handle the tax by yourself, you can go to the public security department. If the suspect gathers a crowd to resist, at most you need to dispatch the armed police. Brother, who is alone, why do you need to dispatch them."

So why is this car here

Taking the evidence, it's important to see his brother, Qi Xingchen got out of the car with Qi Yuji while doubting. What's sad is that, just like the big brother's problem, the tax bureau doesn't let Qi Yunxiao see him at all.

In the end, I finally got a copy of the invoice. Even if the two were unwilling, they could only go back and discuss the long-term plan.

Before leaving, Qi Xingchen looked at the left corner again, the car that shouldn't be here has disappeared.

Looking away, the phone rang suddenly, and the caller was Director Jiang; told him that Xu Changlin would go to the Municipal Bureau in an hour, and let him settle down by himself.

Qi Xingchen thanked him, but happened to be away from home, so he turned the car around and drove over to the city bureau

It was already off-duty time, except for the police officers on duty in the city bureau: there were only a few employees working overtime. Before Xu Changlin arrived, Qi Xingchen and Qi Yulong waited at the corner of the elevator shaft.

This is the only way to go upstairs. After waiting for about ten minutes, there was a sound of leather shoes hitting the ground from far to near. Qi Xingchen leaned forward

With just one glance, he recognized that this person must be Xu Changlin. The father and son looked so much alike.

Xu Changlin pressed the elevator, and Qi Xingchen nodded to Qi Yuji: The two walked out from the corner, and quickly squeezed into the elevator before the elevator door closed.

Like Qi Xingchen, Xu Changlin recognized who he was the first time he saw him.

After the son was brought into the trap, Xu Changlin thought of countless ways to get him out. It's a pity that with the Qi family's hat on his shoulders, he can't do anything but watch his delicate and spoiled son wasting time in prison.

even more hateful

There are so many coincidences in the world, they are all smart people, Xu Changlin can naturally feel that Qi Xingchen came here with a purpose. He looked at the young man reflected by the opposite car door, but didn't speak. Qi Xingchen also looked at him reflected in the car door, and was the first to break the silence, "Uncle Xu, good afternoon

Oh?" Xu Changlin said lightly, "You know me

Yes, I have filmed with Xu Sheng for more than a month, and I heard him mention you

Xu Changlin couldn't help but let out a cold snort—Xu Sheng said that he had been at odds with Qi Xingchen when he was on the set, how could he be familiar enough to talk about his family.

The ability of this junior to open his mouth made him very impressed.

It turns out that you two have such a good relationship: "Xu Changlin smiled nonchalantly," so good that you sent him to prison.

Qi Xingchen shook his head, "I didn't send it, it's because he doesn't respect himself.

This junior came to the door, definitely wanting to get something from him. Xu Changlin's face was pulled down suddenly when someone who wanted others spoke so aggressively, "I admit that Xu Sheng is wrong to bully girls, but you have gone too far!

Breaking the law deserves jail time, and I think I did the right thing.

you did it right

Xu Changlin was furious, and turned to Qi Xingchen, "You did the right thing by changing your name

Qi Xingchen was not afraid at all, "For your son, any crime sounds better than attempted rape, right

"Yes, yes, yes... : Xu Changlin raised his voice," so you give him an extra four years

As soon as I spoke, Qi Xingchen's voice stopped abruptly.


Did he hear correctly

Qi Xingchen frowned: "What four years

At the end of the sentence, the sentence will be more than one year at most, and you can add it to five years," Xu Changlin said disdainfully, "don't play dumb in front of me. "

It's not that Qi Xingchen is pretending to be stupid, it's because he really doesn't know where the four years came from. After what happened to Xu Sheng, in order to get the business director to apologize to Qi Jiaze and completely remove Qi Jiaze's suspicion, Qi Xingchen agreed to change Xu Sheng's appearance and sentence him for other crimes.

He never broke his word, saying that changing the sentence to the same sentence means the same sentence: I also explained to my elder brother that, Qi Yunxiao will not go against his will

There are ghosts here.

At this time, the elevator stopped at the corresponding floor, and Xu Changlin stepped out, furious. Qi Xingchen also followed him off the elevator, explaining that I didn't do what happened five years ago.

Xu Changlin obviously didn't believe it.

Since I can admit that I sent Xu Sheng in, there is no need to tell other lies.

Xu Changlin's expression moved slightly.

The members of the Qi family really don't need to lie, and just now Qi Xingchen spoke neither humble nor overbearing, and he didn't look like a person who could lie

Seeing that he seemed to be loose, Qi Xingchen continued: "Besides, it's been less than a year. You can ask someone you know to find out the details of the case. Don't be afraid that the other party won't talk about it. With the current state of my family

Qi Xingchen smiled wryly: "With the current state of my family, the other party is definitely not willing to offend you in order to protect us.

Xu Changlin paused, glanced at Qi Xingchen, then turned back and walked into the depths of the corridor.

Qi Xingchen didn't continue to entangle with Xu Changlin, and took his sister to the city bureau

Xing Xing, Qi Yuji worried, "Should we wait for him to come out and explain everything to him before leaving

Qi Xingchen opened the car door for her, "No, he will contact me when the time comes.

How can you be sure that he will be able to contact you?"

Compared to us, he wants to know who is harming his son," Qi Xingchen said, "and Xu Sheng has the kind of character that never suffers, his father will only be stronger. If I let him know that his son was used as a gun: he will definitely ask me about the situation.

For some reason, Qi Yuji felt that his younger brother was very reliable, so he nodded and obediently sat in the passenger seat. On the way home, they respectively contacted the public relations and media they knew, and tried their best to suppress the news that Qi Yunxiao was also taken away, so that the stock price would not drop by a dime.

The scene of a bunch of flies flying in front of the house last time is vivid. In order to observe the situation, Qi Xingchen drove very slowly on the way home, and suddenly saw a familiar car in front of him.

It seems to be... the car Bai Ye drove at his home in city g.

The more he looked at it, the more familiar it became, and he couldn't help but fuel up and drive to the side of the car. Before he could stop, Bai Ye called, "There is a reporter at the door, I will lead the way, and you will follow.

As he said that, Bai Ye stepped on the accelerator fiercely, and the body of the car drove towards the two vans parked side by side. The reporter in the van thought the car was out of control, so he quickly closed the door in fright!

Before they could react, Bai Ye changed direction with a drift, and brought Qi Xingchen's car into the courtyard of Qi's house.

Too many things happened today, and Bai Ye was brought into the Qi family's house: Qi Xingchen didn't have time to entertain him, so he contacted the public relations first, and after trying to persuade Qi Yuji to rest, he brought Bai Ye back to the room.

After a day of tossing around, Qi Xingchen was actually tired too, so he fell heavily on the sofa, apologetic all over his face: "I'm sorry, I forgot to bring you water, let me wait for a few minutes.

I haven't seen you for a few days, the little fan has lost a lot of weight, Bai Ye couldn't hide the distress in his eyes, "Don't worry about me when you rest, I didn't come here to be served by you.

By the way," Qi Xingchen thought of it and asked, "Why are you here all of a sudden

"I saw the news about your house.

Bai Ye squeezed his shoulders to help him relax his tense muscles, "You knew I didn't like surfing the Internet, but you didn't tell me. If I didn't see the financial news by chance, I wouldn't know that such a big thing happened.

Recently, things happened one after another, almost non-stop, Qi Xingchen didn't spare time to communicate with Bai Ye. In addition, he grew up alone since he was a child, and he developed a character of not asking for help. When encountering a problem, his first thought was to solve it by himself, and he subconsciously didn't ask Bai Ye for help.

As a result, after knowing what happened, Bai Ye came over by himself without saying a word.

Qi Xingchen felt a warm current pouring into his chest, and thanked Bai Ye in a low voice.

With his lover by his side, his tense nerves can finally relax a bit. After resting, Bai Ye said: "Tell me about the current situation.

Qi Xingchen picked the most important ones and briefly described them with Bai Ye.

Hearing that there was a strange car in the tax bureau parking lot, Bai Ye was as puzzled as Qi Xingchen. Everyone knows that it is difficult for these two units to get in touch with each other, Bai Ye thought for a few seconds: "Can you still remember the license plate number

There is a driving recorder. "Qi Xingchen exported the video from the driving recorder and fast forwarded backwards.

Fast forward to the screen of the tax bureau, Bai Ye wrote down the license plate number, "Let me ask for you

Qi Xingchen was surprised: "Can you ask

My dad might be able to help.

Bai Ye's mother is in business and his father is in politics, but for the sake of confidentiality, he has not disclosed the specific department for so many years since his debut. Qi Xingchen has never watched the second half of "Peach of the Night", so naturally he doesn't know how far the relationship between the Bai family can extend.

Hearing Bai Ye's offer of help now, don't care if he can find out: Qi Xingchen feels that he has seen a glimmer of hope.

But when Bai Ye took out his mobile phone, Qi Xingchen hesitated again, "Is this okay for uncle

It doesn't matter, I lied to him before I came, and he only asked me a word.

Qi Xingchen was curious: "What

He asked me if the Qi family did these things.

Qi Xingchen said firmly: "No.

Then there's nothing wrong with it." Bai Ye rubbed his hair, "Go take a hot bath and relax: I'm calling.

Qi Xingchen went to take a bath as promised, and when he came out, Bai Ye had already finished speaking: Bai's father said that he could check, but the system will be closed at night, and it will be available during working hours tomorrow.

No matter what time it is, as long as Qi Xingchen can be found out, I'm very happy. While he was calming down, Bai Ye coaxed him to eat something. If your body breaks down, you will not be able to cope with the difficulties that will follow.

It's a pity that after the two of them went to bed, Qi Xingchen still couldn't fall asleep with his eyes open. Bai Ye gently hugged him, if there is anything that can't be solved, tell me

It's nothing," Qi Xingchen said in a low voice, "after dad and brother were taken away, the Qi family has no one to make decisions, the company doesn't know what kind of chaos it will be, and some businesses that are in the process cannot be stopped. I ordered the subsidiary company to investigate. I have to stay at the company tomorrow, and I don't know how to arrange time to do other things.

If they go on a temporary business trip together like Old Master Qi and Qi Yunxiao did before, the company can be handed over to the left and right hands to take care of them for a few days. Qi Xingchen is different, he has never been to the company, so he doesn't know who is trustworthy and who is not.

You even have to be wary of those who want to take advantage of Qi's troubles to deceive him and make a profit from it.

Bai Ye could figure out how severe the current situation is, and suggested: "Or this way, you guard the company, and I will handle the things that need to be done outside.

Many things that have been handled halfway and then handed over to others, the effect will not be as good as if you continue to do it yourself. But because of the situation, it seemed that this was the only way to go, Qi Xingchen sighed.

With Bai Ye in his arms, this night was the only one he slept without having nightmares in recent days. After getting up in the morning and washing up with Bai Ye, Qi Xingchen opened the door, wanting to tell the chef to prepare for breakfast.

When she went downstairs, she saw Qi Yuji wearing a black suit and trousers, with her hair tied behind her head. Face up to the sky, without any jewelry on the neck, wrist, or ears, he is checking the contents of the folder.

As the delicate daughter of the Qi family, Qi Yuji has all the habits that a famous lady should have. I usually choose expensive and good-looking clothes, especially high-end skirts. The accessories are armed from head to toe, the hair is always maintained bright and lustrous, the nails change in a different style every three to five days, and even the toes are shining delicately.

Qi Xingchen had never seen her dressed so plainly and so dashingly.

Sister," Qi Xingchen tentatively walked over, "Where are you going

Qi Yuji stuffed the folder into the bag, "I go to the company, the company can't be left alone.

but a-

No need but," Qi Yuji interrupted him, "Xing Xing, there are no cowards from our Qi family. Leave the company to me, you can take care of Dad and Brother with peace of mind, and call if you need anything.

After finishing speaking, Qi Yuji patted Qi Xingchen on the shoulder, turned around and left the door. Looking at her back, Qi Xingchen suddenly understood why Father Qi named her Yuji.

the author has something to say

If you can't afford the content of this chapter, you can go back to Chapter 55

I actually can’t figure out why you guys feel confused. In fact, at the end of chapter 120, the foreshadowing has been laid out very clearly. There is an explicit statement from Tao Tao saying "I have a mountain behind me", and there is also a hint in the last sentence at the end. And Xing Xing didn't get the evidence, so there was no way to attack Tao Tao in advance. He hadn't watched the second half of "Peach of the Night", and he stopped when he saw Liang Jing digging out his kidney, and he couldn't be sure if A Tao did it. The most important thing is that shopping malls are like battlefields, and it is normal to have some small somersaults. When things come out one after another, the beating person is caught off guard, what can Xingxing do? Without knowing what's going on, it's already the best way for him to start accumulating and transferring property. As for Brother Ye Why didn't you come out to help? It's because I didn't write the chapter of coming to help (manually spread hands)