After Transmigrating into a Book, I Have an Entire Family of Cannon Fodder

Chapter 134: cycle


When the court is open to the public, citizens can enter to observe with their ID cards. Without permission, the media are not allowed to take photos or videos at will, so the appearance of Qi Xingchen and Bai Ye did not cause much sensation.

Because the suspect Tao Tao committed a serious crime and he confessed to the crime, the first instance sentenced him to death, deprived him of political rights for life, and compensated for some losses;

After applying, the prisoners all chose not to appeal. After the ten-day appeal period, the court of first instance will report to the High Court and the Supreme People's Court for approval. After the approval is completed, the execution can be ordered.

Generally, the approval period is longer, about six months, and Tao Tao has to serve his sentence in prison for these six months. And if Nie Dawei committed no crime intentionally during the period of reprieve, his sentence will be commuted to life imprisonment after the two-year period expires.

It can be said that his desperation to protect the evidence helped him

After the sentence was pronounced, Qi Xingchen applied to meet the prisoner. As the biggest victim in this case, the prison naturally agreed and brought Qi Xingchen and Bai Ye to the visiting room

Almost five minutes later, Tao Tao appeared at the other end. Only then did Qi Xingchen realize that Tao Tao had changed a lot after only seeing her for a month. The pure and delicate look of the past is gone, and the eyes are calm. Even though the appearance is still in his twenties, there is an aging smell from the inside out.

When you came to me, Tao Tao spoke first, "It must be to ask about this book.

Since she got straight to the point, Qi Xingchen also said directly: "Yes, I want to confirm with you, under what conditions you can be reborn.

Tao Tao was stunned: "Rebirth

Yes, rebirth," Qi Xingchen folded his hands and leaned forward, "I want to... restart this book. "

If "Peach of the Night" can be restarted, then everything after that will not happen. Those dozens of people don't have to bear the damage of the fire, Mr. Qi doesn't have to stay up all night, Li Chong's children don't have to make classmates look blank, and Nie Dawei can do it. Go on living a poor but happy life.

The Qi family can avoid huge property losses and imprisonment, and Tao Xuan doesn't have to die.

Of course, all of this is based on the fact that Tao Tao is no longer persistent.

But Qi Xingchen is not worried about this, the moment Tao Tao took Tao Xuan's hand and returned him the recording pen, he could feel that she had let go of her obsession.

Tao Xuan finally used his life to call back the tough and independent sister who used to be.

Hearing this, Bai Ye and Tao Tao looked at Qi Xingchen together. Because restarting "Peach of the Night" not only represents a new start of everything, but also represents

Tao Tao asked: "Are you and Bai Ye still alive in reality

Survive, our injuries are minor.

If the injury is minor, you probably won't be able to wear it. I have analyzed that last time I was too obsessed with snatching Bai Ye back, so that I could pull you back and start again without you completely leaving the plane in the book. Otherwise, logically speaking, you should return to reality at that time.

If what I analyzed is true," Tao Tao said, "you may have to give up everything you have now, and give up the chance to spend your whole life here safely, are you willing

Qi Xingchen smiled.

are you willing

Since Bai Ye asked him if he would go back, he has been thinking about this question for more than a month now.

In reality, he is completely naked, and has been living on meager acrobatic performance fees and scholarships. Apart from studying, the only joy in life is listening to Bai Ye's songs.

And here, he has a family that holds him in the palm of his hand, sits on countless properties, has eaten all the delicacies that Puyao people may not be able to eat in a lifetime, has fans who like him, flowers, applause, honors, and people. Bai Ye.

The night sky he was looking up at was sitting beside him at this moment, holding his hand.

Is he willing to give these up

To be honest, he once hesitated, he never felt the warmth of his family, and he was reluctant to leave his father, sister, brother, brother, and Liang Jing. Also reluctant to leave Bai Ye.

So, when Bai Ye asked him, he couldn't answer right away.

It was Tao Xuan's death that strengthened his mind.

If their departure can be exchanged for the peace and tranquility of all, then

I am willing," Qi Xingchen said, "I am willing to give up

Bai Ye's grip was tighter. For him, everything in the book was exactly the same as his original life. There was no difference between staying here and going back, but he knew how much sacrifice Qi Xingchen had made for this.

His lover is a very kind and nice person.

Tao Tao stared at Qi Xingchen for a few seconds, then suddenly smiled, "Now I know why he likes you, I am indeed not as good as you. But there are still problems, I don't know if you have considered it in the exam

Tao Tao paused, "Judging from the state of our first meeting in "Qianyou", you obviously don't know each other. This shows that once "Night Peach" comes out, you may forget everything in the book, including the lovers. Experience. Can you... accept it

Qi Xingchen lowered his eyes, which was the main reason why he had been struggling for a month.

Whenever he thinks of becoming strangers with Bai Ye, his heart feels like being repeatedly cut by a blunt knife, and he almost loses the ability to think because of the pain. He likes Bai Ye so much that he doesn't want to think about a bad ending.

But Bai Ye also has relatives in reality, if Bai Ye stays with him in the book, has been unconscious or even stopped breathing, how desperate will his relatives be

How uncomfortable should it be to follow the night sky of Bai Ye

He can't be so selfish.

He opened his mouth, but made no sound. Taking a few deep breaths, I was about to say "I can accept

The people around him said for him: "It's okay, I will definitely remember him

As a heroine novel, the meaning of "Night Peach" is to serve Tao Tao. Qi Xingchen and Tao Tao agreed that if she dies voluntarily, the plane in the book can continue to operate; but if she is unwilling, the plot will return to the original state and start all over again. This cycle repeats until the desired result is obtained.

Before Qi Xingchen came to visit the prison, Tao Tao realized that what did not belong to her could not be forced after all, and planned to accept death calmly and go down to reunite with Tao Xuan.

Now that Qi Xingchen has something to ask, she thinks for a moment: "Okay, then I'll give it a try. If I can really be reborn again, I will cure Xiaoxuan's illness as soon as possible, and lead him to live a safe and healthy life. If it fails, please also bury me and Xiaoxuan in the same cemetery..., I know I deserve to be buried with him, I just want to look at him from a distance.

When a person is about to die, his words are also kind. When the visiting time came, Qi Xingchen agreed to Tao Tao and left the prison with Bai Ye.

Boarding the flight to the crew, Qi Xingchen asked Bai Ye: "Do you blame me for making decisions without authorization.

Don't complain," Bai Ye said, "If I were you, I would make the same decision, I am proud of you.

Brother Ye... Qi Xingchen leaned on Bai Ye's arms, "Whether you remember me or not, I will always love you forever.

Bai Ye rubbed his chin against the top of his head, and let out a "hmm".

It was already dark when they arrived at the shooting location. As producers, Qi Xingchen and Bai Ye invited all crew members to a meal. It was an apology for not showing up during the preparation period, and it was also a mobilization before the filming started.

The most taboo thing about filming is to have personal emotions. The next day, after the opening ceremony was held according to the rules, the two resolutely did not mention what happened yesterday, and devoted themselves to the filming of "You and Me".

The story background of "You and Me" spans from the 1960s to the 1990s. In the early 1960s, the protagonist Shen Xing was born in an extremely ordinary family. In order to let the child have something to eat, the Shen family sent the child to the acrobatic troupe to learn art, and began Shen Xing's life of ups and downs.

In the era when televisions were not popular, acrobatics were one of the favorite ways of entertainment for the elderly and children after dinner. At the same time, if any company can invite an acrobatic troupe to perform on festivals and birthdays, it will be a proof of being a big family.

In the entire acrobatic troupe, Shen Xing is the most upright and the best in shape, so he is designated to perform in every performance. The local people can't remember the name of hanging silk, and they like to call this sport of flying around with silk as Feixian.

Xing is one of the best flying immortals. Every time he goes to a big family's house to finish his performance, and other senior brothers eat in the background, Shen Xing can be invited to the table and have dinner with the host's house. As time passed, the seniors gradually became estranged from him, and when he was mentioned behind his back, he would always spit: "Bah, it's just that he has an attractive face. When you see his eyes flying when he performs, he must be seducing some rich man!

Shen Xing cried silently when he heard it, and then practiced desperately, and even applied to the group leader not to perform hanging silk, wanting to prove to his brothers that he is not the kind of person who seduces people.

It's a pity that no matter what he does, everyone's prejudice against him is still getting deeper and deeper. In the end, he simply did nothing and kept going, and really followed a local rich man.

The local rich man treated him very well, but unfortunately the good times didn't last long, and the local rich man was defeated in a short time. Shen Xing lost his source of livelihood, couldn't go back to the acrobatic troupe, let alone dared to go home, so he took the money left to him by the rich man and went to the big city.

Acrobatics have long been out of fashion in big cities, and he couldn't find an acrobatic troupe that could accommodate him. He set up a stall on the street and met a woman

The woman said that she admired him and wanted to live with him. Shen Xing believed it, and a month later, the woman disappeared without a trace with all his savings.

Only then did he realize that he had been lied to. Penniless, he could only work in a disco, where he met Jiang Yuan played by Bai Ye.

At the beginning, two corrupted souls collided with each other, and they used each other's bodies to vent their desires. As time goes by, a hazy feeling emerges from the page turning. As the love grew deeper, Shen Xing accidentally discovered that Jiang Yuan was attracted to him, but failed to persuade him in every possible way, and finally fell into the abyss with Jiang Yuan.

"You and Me" Scene 1: Even the young Shen Xing and Jiang Yuan's first acquaintance scene

Scene 26 of "You and Me", one actin per shot!

In the discos of the 1980s, men and women wearing flared trousers could be seen everywhere. They swing their waists without hesitation, exuding the boldness and openness unique to young people in the new era. Shen Xing, who came from the countryside, had never seen this scene before. While wiping his cup, he looked around curiously.

"Hey buddy, new here

At this time, a lazy voice suddenly came from the left side, Shen Xing turned around, and saw the man who was hanging around Dangfei on the bar

The man is wearing the most popular 20-80s nowadays, with a straight nose and long and narrow eyes. Shen Xing had never seen such a good-looking person before, so he was stunned on the spot. When the man repeated for the third time, give me two glasses of beer, he didn't realize it, and quickly poured two glasses of wine.

Jiang Yuan didn't leave, but pushed one of the cups to Shen Xing, "Drink with me.

How dare Shen Xing refuse in a hurry: "I don't know you, so I can't drink your wine!

Don't you know each other after drinking?" Jiang Yuan stopped Shen Xing from pushing the glass, "Or are you unwilling to make me your friend

I, I... oops!

Shen Xing didn't finish his sentence, and in the process of pushing it back and forth, the wine glass accidentally fell to the ground and broke.

Looking at Huang Chengcheng's liquor, Shen Xing quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, I will accompany you for money!

As he spoke, he put his hand into his pocket, but he couldn't find anything when he fumbled around.

Seeing his coercion, Jiang Yuan discussed: "How about this, why don't you drink another glass of wine with me, and I'll pretend nothing happened, how about it?"

What else can I do, I can't afford to pay. Shen Xing could only pour the wine as told, and poured it all into the throat with his head raised.

Jiang Yuan had never seen someone drinking like this before, and he laughed out loud. After laughing, he looked at Shen Xing's flushed cheeks, "Have you ever drunk

Um. "Shen Xing covered his face and shook his head.

"Just came here

Been here for over a month.

Then don't wear linen trousers, you will be laughed at, "Jiang Yuan glanced at his lower body, "I have your class tomorrow, I'll get you a pair of imported jeans, your butt must look good in them.

Shen Xing blushed even more, Jiang Yuan instantly understood something, whistled at him, hummed a song and went to dance on the dance floor.

"Nice!" Director Qian raised the horn, Zhang Zhong burst out with amazing light, Xiaobai's provocative scale is very good, I was afraid that you were acting too obscene, now I see it, tsk tsk tsk, I want to go home with you Well!

What? He wants to go home with Bai Ye

Qi Xingchen flew over with a sharp glance.

Director Qian: ∵... When I didn't say anything just now, the whole crew is preparing for the next scene!

"Hahahahaha!" The staff suddenly burst into laughter.

In fact, not only the director, Qi Xingchen was also hooked by Bai Ye's whistle. His blushing wasn't fake, it was real.

Bai Ye seldom took on roles, so he didn't expect his acting skills to be so good. Qi Xingchen kept scratching his trousers with excited fingers, and the groundhog in his heart yelled

Ahhhh, as expected of my idol!!

It's great, chase him, chase him

The successful first shot gave "You and Me" a good start, and then the two shot more and more smoothly. Of course, there are also reasons why they are a couple and don't need to run in

In only ten days, the two finished filming most of Shen Xing and Jiang Yuan's rivalry scenes. The filming period of "You and Me" is quite tight, and Qi Xingchen is extremely happy to be able to squeeze out a day.

Unexpectedly, then I got stuck on the bed scene.

In the iconic tube building in the 1980s, at the request of Bai Ye, the photography team was cleared and only two camera positions remained.

However, just as Qi Xingchen was about to take off his clothes, Bai Ye immediately frowned, "No, it's too much.

My grandfather," Director Qian scratched his head, "he only showed his upper body, and covered his lower body tightly. Believe it or not, look, I'm wearing three pairs of safety pants.

Bai Ye glanced at it, but was still not satisfied.

Director Qian was helpless, and finally decided to use Qi Xingchen and Bai Ye to pat the neck above, and find naked replacements for the lower part.

Satisfied, Bai Ye finally put away his bad face and lay down on the bed. Qi Xingchen changed into clothes with a large neckline and rode between Bai Ye's waist | crotch.

With the sound of playing the board, Qi Xingchen was inexplicably nervous, and his body twisted stiffly.

Director Qian waved his hand, "Kah, let's take another shot.

In the second mirror, the body is a little better, but the expression is too embarrassing. Director Qian: "One more

In the third scene, the body expression is in place, but the voice is not quite right. Seeing that this was not going to work, Bai Ye stood up and whispered in Qi Xingchen's ear: If you keep twisting on me, I'm afraid I won't be able to take pictures.

Qi Xingchen's eyes were said to be shining brightly, taking advantage of the surging energy of spring, Director Qian carefully captured the image, it can be regarded as the end of this scene

In the evening, Bai Ye held Qi Xingchen in his arms, and said in a dissatisfied tone, "Do you still want to continue acting after you go back? If you want to, sign with my studio, and I must personally check the plays you accept.

Large-scale sex scenes like today are absolutely unacceptable.

Qi Xingchen shook his head, "I don't want to, I studied biology in college, if possible, I want to be a biology teacher after graduation, and stay in the acrobatic troupe to tutor children in my spare time

Then I will call you Teacher Qi." Bai Ye kissed his earlobe, "Mr. Qi, I have a problem.

Qi Xingchen was tickled by his kiss, shrinking his neck, "What's the problem, tell me.

Why don't I know what we are doing during the day, teach me.

As he spoke, Bai Ye turned over in his arms, and Qi Xingchen was held between his waist and hips for no reason.

the author has something to say

Daily Calvin huh huh huh

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me to overlord or irrigate nutrient solution during 2020-050901:1721~2020-05-1001:31:06~Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: Sajia is straight, aex is the best in the world- !1;

The little angel of Huanxie irrigation nutrient solution: 19 bottles of white poison; aex No. 1 in the world!, 10 bottles of yuki, Banxia Qingguo, yyhasg; 8 bottles of Huan; 7 bottles of Wannian diving party; 6 bottles of Hani; 5 bottles of bright moon in the cloud: 3 bottles of white jade cats; 2 bottles of warm clothes from Hanyijia; 1 bottle of Moon Night № Shura, Lin, bab, and Yetong

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!