After Transmigrating into a Book, I Have an Entire Family of Cannon Fodder

Chapter 135: dream come true


With the end of Shen Xingjiangyuan's role, Liu Ziyu joined the group.

She played the role of a woman who cheated Shen Xing of money with her emotions, and she didn't have many roles;

I thought Liu Ziyu's acting skills should be mediocre, but after a few scenes with her rivals, she was surprisingly good. Maybe give Qi Xingchen some face, she didn't ask for big names in the crew, she could bear it if she could, and it took only four days to finish the film ahead of schedule.

To express his gratitude, Qi Xingchen invited her to dinner as the host. At the table, Liu Ziyu couldn't help sighing: "There were six guests in our "Qianyou" issue, and you and Tao Tao were the least popular. Now you are almost popular, but Tao Tao is in prison. The situation is unimaginable.

So every choice is very important." Qi Xingchen raised his glass, "If you make a wrong step, your situation may be very different.

After Liu Ziyu left, the crew of "You and Me" moved to the countryside to film Shen Xing's teenage scenes.

The main scene of the teenage years is the acrobatic troupe. An Ran rented a small local auditorium and decorated it briefly. With the old things bought from the old man, it really feels like the 1970s.

On the first day of filming, Qi Xingchen just walked into the set, only to hear Bai Ye kept asking: "Is the rocker checked?", "Has the wire machine been tested?" Think it's not tough enough

"Xiaobai, I guessed that you would ask this question a long time ago. I specially ordered the silk cloth. It is a high-tech blend, and the belt will not be broken when hanging a car." Qian Dao wanted to cry but couldn't

General Bai Ye gave him a suspicious look, then tugged at the silk cloth with his own hands. It felt really good, and finally calmed down for a while.

Jiang Yuan's role was finished, but he didn't leave, and finally decided to stay with Qi Xingchen.

Having learned acrobatics for more than ten years, no matter what the movements are, it is a piece of cake for Qi Xingchen. He loosened his tendons slightly, didn't use the swing arm at all, hooked the silk with his hands and feet, and climbed into the air with his bare hands three or two times.

Bai Ye

It seems that it is unnecessary to test the rocker arm and Wia.

This shot is the shot of the young Shen Xing performing hanging silk, and it is also one of the most beautiful scenes in the whole movie. In order to fit the role, Qi Xingchen's hair was grown a little longer, and his skin lined with blue silk was extremely crystal clear. Coupled with a white silk robe and wide-leg trousers, I don’t know, I really thought a fairy flew down from the sky.

The equipment set was ready, and the scene record was played. Bai Ye stood behind Director Qian and watched the monitor together. On the screen, Qi Xingchen hooked the silk cloth with his left hand and foot, exerted a little force on his waist, and the long white silk swayed lightly from side to side.

The bigger the swing, the corner of his mouth was smiling, he let his clothes flutter in the wind, and glanced at the camera with his eyes

With a plain and clean face, his eyes were ignorant and innocent. The screenwriter's eyes suddenly turned red, "I have seen Shen Xing countless times in my dreams, and he is like this in my dreams.

Director Qian was silent for a moment, "Shen Xing in my dream is the same."

Thanks to Qi Xingchen, from now on, Shen Xing in their dreams has a face.

This was the happiest time for Shen Xing. After the performance every day, he gave more than half of the reward money from the host to the head of the group, and kept a small half for himself. He took the neighbor's car to the market, bought rouge for his mother, I bought candied fruit.

When there is a lot of money, he will also bring a few pieces of snacks to the brothers. Although I don’t know why everyone doesn’t like it, I obviously liked it before.

One night, he accidentally left something in the practice room. When I went back to pick it up, I heard the conversation between the brothers, and instantly understood the reason why everyone alienated him

He pushed open the door, yelled, "I never did it!", and rushed out the door, ran along the alley to the beach, watched the sea and cried all night

This crying scene was the highlight, because from this day on, Shen Xing's soul was no longer pure.

In order to deal with this well, Qi Xingchen brooded for an entire hour. The effect of the performance is naturally very good, the layering of the little by little collapse is very full, and the stamina it brings is also great.

That night, Bai Ye coaxed him all night by pressing his voice, and finally put him to sleep before dawn.

Apart from Qi Xingchen, Director Qian and the screenwriter were also uncomfortable. The character Shen Xing was jointly created by them. In some respects, they understood Shen Xing's despair and helplessness better than Qi Xingchen.

This kind of understanding has a good side - Director Qian knows which camera language to use to express Shen Xing. There is also a bad side. During that time, the entire crew was immersed in a rather depressing atmosphere.

But it was not without happy events. In September, Qi Xingchen and Bai Ye were having dinner when they received a call from An Ran.

An Ran's tone rose, unable to conceal her joy: "Xing Xing, after adjustments from Mr. Qi, "You and Me" will definitely be released on New Year's Day!

Really?" Qi Xingchen confirmed it with An Ran, and quickly relayed it to Bai Ye.

Bai Ye asked: "What about Radio and Television, any news

Mr. Qi was actively communicating, and said calmly, "Listen to the meaning over there, "You and Me" has a good idea, it will help the spread of traditional culture, and there is no over-the-top content. When the time comes, send the film up and expedite the review." , should be able to pass the review soon.

That would be the best, Qi Xingchen and Bai Ye looked at each other and happily kissed each other.

There was an obvious "boo" sound from the other end of the phone, and An Ran scratched her scalp irritably, but said nothing. After a long time, she was able to accept all the dog food calmly.

She said numbly: "There is one more thing, the Huajing Award selection is about to start, we should be able to catch up with our progress, do you want to participate

The Huajing Award is one of the two most valuable awards for Chinese-language films. In the popular sense, the actor and "Queen of the Actress" are the abbreviations for the winner of the Best Actor and Actor in the Huajing Award.

Qi Xingchen has no idea about Huajing, but Director Qian has always been depressed. If he can go around the film festival, no matter whether he wins an award or not, getting one or two nominations will be of great help to increase his reputation.

He asked: "Is there a date for the awards ceremony

It is tentatively set between the next sentence in January and the last sentence in February.

The time was not bad, he and Bai Ye should not have left, Qi Xingchen thought for a while: "Okay, let's sign up, and send the film as soon as it is cut.

ok. "An Ran hung up the phone.

After the schedule is set, knowing that there is a high probability of passing the review, the last bit of worry dissipates, and the main creator of "You and Me" devotes himself to the finishing work

After falling with Jiang Yuan, Shen Xing tried to quit drugs to save himself. But the temptation of d-products cannot be resisted by perseverance alone. It didn't take long for Shen Xing to relapse during a hangout with Jiang Yuan.

People who relapse often smoke harder, and ordinary doses can no longer satisfy them. In the evening, Shen Xing was lying on the sofa watching TV, Jiang Yuan came back from the outside and locked the door furtively

What are you doing locking the door?" Shen Xing shook his fan dissatisfied, "Hot!

I got something good." Jiang Yuan took out a small packet of powder from his pocket, "It is said that it came from abroad, with high concentration.

Shen Xing raised his eyebrows, "How tall can it be

"Try it and you'll know.

Just try it, the two closed the curtains, and got into the bedroom with things. The moment they sucked on each other, the two immediately went mad, their souls seemed to fly into a different world, experiencing an indescribable and horrifying journey.

They sang and danced like in a disco, and when they were tired of singing and dancing, they made love. When they feel that making love is not enough to extend the pleasure they want, they take out the bag of small things and continue to suck

When she was most excited, Shen Xing looked at the moon: "Jiang Yuan, did you know that I will act as a flying fairy?"

Haha, Feixian? Aren't we flying now

Shen Xing wanted to say something different, so he opened his mouth, but didn't say anything. He closed his eyes and stretched out his hand, as if he had grasped the most commonly used piece of silk.

It was so dark for three days, and on the afternoon of the third day, Shen Xing couldn't bear to go to sleep, Jiang Yuan lay on him again to vent his anger, and then he calmed down

The next day, awakened by the sound of clappers downstairs, Shen Xing pushed Jiang Yuan.

What was pushed down was a cold corpse.

He fainted from fright

When I woke up again, it was the police station, and the neighbor reported the case. He was sent to a drug rehabilitation center for compulsory drug rehabilitation, and was found to have poured drugs with Jiang Yuan to a friend once and was punished as a crime of drug trafficking.

The amount is relatively small, and the sentence is 13 years. During his sentence, he was eligible for a reduced sentence because he was able to perform acrobatics and actively participated in prison cultural and sports activities, and his sentence was reduced to ten years

On the day he was released after serving his sentence, he walked around the city with the only remaining baggage in his arms.

It was found that the disco was gone, and the Tongzilou where he and Jiang Yuan had been together was gone, and this place was too unfamiliar to accommodate him.

He returned home with his luggage.

In the last scene of "You and Me", Shen Xing returned to his hometown to revisit the acrobatic troupe. The filming locations are all in the countryside, so it was filmed after the juvenile scene

At the end of September, the temperature difference is huge. After Qi Xingchen painted the middle-aged Shen Xing's makeup, Director Qian asked solemnly: "Are you ready


come on

Qi Xingchen nodded, and picked up the worn-out baggage.

The ending of "You and Me", one actin per shot

Shen Xing had imagined many times what it would be like when he returned to the acrobatic troupe. Maybe the head of the group is already old, and the bones of the seniors are so weak that they can't make up an Arhat; maybe a group of people has changed from the inside out, and the ones practicing in the backyard are still teenage boys.

But he never thought the place would be empty.

Pushing open the moss-covered door, he walked in and shouted: "Eldest Brother? Little Pillar? Little Ba? Master

It's a pity that no one answered, what answered him was the echo, and the choking dust

He finally realized that those people were gone, shut his mouth and looked around from room to room. The past or the scenes of practice or playfulness are still vivid in my memory, but looking back, it is an endgame where things are different.

How similar is this to his life. Looking back on his life, he has experienced prosperity, loss, happiness and despair. There have been men, there have been women, and there have been loves, but in the end the only thing that stays with him is the bundle made of coarse cloth when his parents sent him to the acrobatic troupe.

The camera finally froze on the stage. Shen Xing grasped the silk cloth and climbed to the top skillfully, then let go with a smile.

Life comes naked and goes naked.

He's you and me, but hopefully, he's neither you nor me

The love affair ended here, but all eyes were on Qi Xingchen, no one shouted "cut", no one looked back at the video. It wasn't until a female colleague sobbed softly that Director Qian took a deep breath, "Xiao Qi, it's over, come down.

In fact, it wasn't that Qi Xingchen didn't want to come down, it was because he was still immersed in Shen Xing's emotions, exhausted to the point of exhaustion, and it was Bai Ye who carried him down in the end.

Alright baby," Bai Ye rubbed his red palm, "You are great, you successfully completed it, don't feel bad, huh

Qi Xingchen hummed in a low voice, "It's okay, I'll take it easy, don't worry.

How could Bai Ye not be worried? Regardless of the crowds around him, he pulled him into his arms and patted him on the back with his hands.

This trick seemed to have a miraculous effect, and Qi Xingchen recovered almost in a short time. Director Qian was forced to watch Xiu Enyuan for ten minutes, and couldn't help clearing his throat: "Cough, um, excuse me.

You say. "Qi Xingchen got out of Bai Ye's arms with a blushing face.

Xiao Qi, your b scene is done, you can go back and rest now, I will stay and shoot a few empty shots. Tomorrow morning, we will go back to scene A to make up a few shots. It is initially estimated that we can finish it in two days, and then start production. We are short on time, so it is best to carry out the announcement at the same time.

"I know," Qi Xingchen nodded, "I also prepared like this, you don't need to worry about the announcement, I'll find a team to do it, and you can focus on the post-production.

Director Qian glanced at Qi Xingchen, but didn't say anything.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Qi Xingchen thought that he was not satisfied with the arrangement, so he was about to ask

Director Qian took a deep breath, and suddenly bowed deeply

What are you doing!" Qi Xingchen panicked, "Get up!

"I don't mean anything else, I just want to thank you.

Qi Xingchen couldn't laugh or cry: "You thanked me when we first established the project! Don't alienate me, get up quickly.

That time it was to thank you for casting, this time... Dao Qian trembled at the end, "This time I want to thank you for giving Shen Xing his soul.

Qi Xingchen felt that he could not reach the height he said, and after discussing it kindly, he finally persuaded him. As a result, he didn't walk out of the set, and the screenwriter came to hug him and cry again. A good battle to call it a day has turned into a crying contest.

If Bai Ye hadn't pushed the screenwriter down, Qi Xingchenpo suspected that he would be drowned in tears.

"You and Me" had too many scenes, and there were very few people. After returning to the hotel, Qi Xingchen took a comfortable bath. When he came out, he found that Bai Ye was scribbling and drawing with a notebook in his hands

He's always been like this recently. Qi Xingchen has no habit of snooping on people's privacy, so he never asked

Smelling the smell of shower gel, Bai Ye raised his head and opened his arms, "Come here, let me hug you.

Qi Xingchen sat in his arms as promised.

Bai Ye sniffed his neck: "Did you use my shower gel

Qi Xingchen

He got caught on the first commit.

Do you like the taste? If you like it, use it

Qi Xingchen put his arms around the opponent's waist, not only did he like the smell of the shower gel, he also liked everything related to Bai Ye.

By the way, "Qi Xingchen tightened his arms, "I am going to hand over the announcement to Chen Nuoya, but we must still be the main publicity, how do we arrange it?"

It's up to you," Bai Ye said, "I have postponed all my work and will fully cooperate with you.

If counting from the start of the show, plus the road show after the release, Bai Ye has almost been free for more than half a year to accompany him.

How can Bai Ye be someone who can be taken advantage of casually? Immediately kissed back

The two of you kissed me and I gnawed at you for a while, Qi Xingchen thought about it: "Brother Ye, let's do business while we are free now."

ok, how do you do business

Is the live broadcast okay? If I don’t broadcast it again, my live broadcast room will be taken back.

Bai Ye naturally agreed, and urged his little boyfriend to change into an ordinary and unattractive dress

Set up the stool, put the mobile phone on the shelf, and send the live broadcast reminder in one go. Click into the live broadcast room, good guy, the night sky and the stars come one at a time.

Bi Liang was the first time the two of them officially joined together for a live broadcast, and Qi Xingchen was a little cautious. After politely saying hello, Bai Ye saw that his little boyfriend didn't seem to know what to say, so he took the lead in answering fans' questions

Yes, the two of us are in the hotel.

How long has it been since I broadcast live... The last time was the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, right? It’s been seven or eight months since now

'Weibo, I'm too lazy to post Weibo. And we've been busy with filming recently, so we don't have time to play tetsuki. He actually asked if there was a kissing scene," Bai Ye raised his eyebrows, "If not, I can ask the director to add it.

Hearing this sentence, Qi Xingchen became angry from embarrassment, and glanced at Bai Ye. And clearly realized that he must not be allowed to continue to say

The following fans are still asking

How does it feel to cooperate for the first time in filming? Is it good to get in

Qi Xingchen answered quickly: "The cooperation is good.

Bai Ye: "Okay, he often praises my acting skills.

What do you do in your spare time while filming

Qi Xingchen: "The filming cycle of "You and Me" is short, and there is almost no spare time.

Bai Ye: "It's just to read the script together, to play against each other and so on. In the evening, I will prescribe two pesticides, and I will take him with a trumpet.

Qi Xingchen

He didn't play games before, but recently got along with Bai Ye day and night, and found that Bai Ye played it from time to time, so he played a game to try it out, but Bai Ye found out.

Hahahahaha! By the way, how do you get along in the crew, do you deliberately avoid suspicion

Qi Xingchen: "It's mainly about work.

Bai Ye: "Don't avoid suspicion, there's no need. What to do, they all get used to it over time.

Qi Xingchen

He took a deep breath and rubbed his toes against Bai Ye's leg under the table.

After receiving the signal from his lover begging for mercy, Bai Ye raised his eyebrows and stopped.

Of course, fans don't know their small actions, and the comment area is still refreshed rapidly.

How long will it take for "You and Me" to be released

After this film, will you have other collaborations

Qi Xingchen replied: ""You and Me" may be released around New Year's Day, and I will let you know as soon as there is news. As for the cooperation

He didn't know how to say it.

Everything in the future is unknown.

There is cooperation. "

At this time, Bai Ye suddenly said, "We have a song to record soon."

Qi Xingchen turned to Bai Ye with confused eyes.

Bai Ye was amused by his little boyfriend's cute appearance, and scratched his chin: "I wrote a song for "You and Me", would you like to sing it with me

Qi Xingchen's chest was pounding, and he couldn't hear anything at once, only the sound of his "thumping" heartbeat remained in his ears.

I have been chasing an idol for eight years and invited him to sing together.

How lucky to be able to realize my dream.