After Transmigrating into a Book, I Have an Entire Family of Cannon Fodder

Chapter 139: Extra episode two


Yaoyao 123: [Light!

Yaoyao 123: [Aren’t you here! Yaoyao 123: Come out!

After Qi Xingchen took a shower, he was just about to go to bed when he heard QQ screaming desperately. He could only pick up his phone and lean on the bed

Starlight in the night sky: say.

Yaoyao 123: [My mother was cheated again, are you coming or not

Starlight in the Night Sky: Where

Yaoyao 123: [The fifth row in the field, beautiful

Yaoyao 123″ is the station sister Qi Xingchen knew—the one who called him three years ago and caused him to accidentally pass through the book in a car accident.

Because of her acquaintance with Gong Fang's support club, Yaoyao would organize group buying for fans every time Bai Ye held a binge concert or released tickets for a variety show. I don't make money from it, and even the price is lower than the normal ticket price, in order to be able to give a group support to Bai Ye and benefit the fans of my station by the way.

As a result, she was cheated over and over again, because she had verbally agreed to participate in the group buying, but she didn't buy the ticket in the end. You can imagine how angry Yaoyao was.

However, Bai Ye's tickets are not worried about selling, because every ticket is issued within seconds, and information about ticket requests can be seen everywhere on Weibo and circle of friends, and she can sell at any time. It's just that she doesn't like to sell to fans who are not her own. First, outsiders may not be able to cooperate with the fans. Second, she never sells tickets at a high price. Her original intention of doing group buying.

So she will first ask a circle of acquaintances.

Hearing the fifth row, Qi Xingchen was a little bit excited. This year is the 10th anniversary concert of Bai Ye's debut. He originally planned to go, but because there was no local venue, Bai Ye was afraid that he would be too troublesome, so he persuaded him to leave.

And the fifth row is the one who can see the stage clearly and won't be easily spotted by Bai Ye.

Qi Xingchen had to choose between "listen to her boyfriend" and "look at idols" for two seconds, and said with difficulty: [How much money, I will transfer it to you.

Yaoyao 123: Don't worry, let's talk when we meet

After chasing stars for ten years, although they only met a few times at concerts, Yaoyao and Qi Xingchen are already very familiar friends and trust each other very much. Qi Xingchen doesn't believe that Yaoyao will lie to him, and Yaoyao is also not afraid of Qi Xingchen breaking his promise

This may be the charm of chasing stars.

It can make strangers from all corners of the country become good friends who can talk about everything because of chasing the common light

On the day of the concert, Qi Xingchen got up early to catch the high-speed train. It happened to be noon at the venue, so he called Yaoyao and asked her to have lunch with her

When meeting at the appointed restaurant, Yaoyao's first words were: "Damn, you're so casually dressed!

Qi Xingchen looked down at his t-shirt and jeans: "It's okay: wear something looser to ride comfortably in the car.

"But I want to see my husband today!" Yaoyao curled her lips.

"It's okay," Qi Xingchen lied without blushing, "That's your husband, I never call you husband.

In the past ten years, Qi Xingchen has always only called Bai Ye "Brother Ye", no matter in private communication, Weibo, or QQ group. It's too weird for a male fan to be called husband or something.

All right," Yaoyao's tone was very reluctant, "You are handsome, and you are right.

Yaoyao's station began to distribute aid supplies at two o'clock in the afternoon, and the two of them did not dare to delay for too long, so they simply ate Cantonese food. At 1:30, several girls came to help, and as a member of the friend plus station, Qi Xingchen naturally picked up the box containing the banner and the lamp.

Put it down!! "Yaoyao suddenly roared.

Qi Xingchen

"You are a fairy boy, how can you carry heavy things, let us do these dirty jobs!

Qi Xingchen

Yaoyao is so strange today.

But Qi Xingchen still picked it up, and he couldn't bear to see the girl suffer because of emotion and reason.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, all the stations and support clubs will distribute aid materials according to the positions occupied in advance. Yaoyao is more Buddha, and the position he grabbed is very far from the edge.

When a large number of fans came over, Yaoyao's station was the most crowded, so she had to scratch her neck and shout:

"After receiving the support package, leave quickly, don't stand in front of the booth looking at the handsome guy!

Which staff member's turn is the staff member's turn, you can't designate a handsome guy to distribute!

Do not provide group photo business, do not provide group photo business, do not provide group photo business, important things are said three times. Mouth hissing. ...Haven't you guys received it once, why are you back in line again

With Qi Xingchen as a living sign, it didn't take long for several people to distribute the aid. There was still a while before entering the arena, and it was too hot outside, so Qi Xingchen and Yaoyao went to the Kiss Cafe nearby.

After ordering, Yaoyao couldn't help sighing, looking at the youthful boys and girls outside the window, "It's been ten years.

Yes, it's been ten years," Qi Xingchen recalled for a moment, "When Brother Ye debuted, I was just in junior high school. At that time, I was thinking about which university to go to every day, but now I have been teaching in the university for a year.

Back to the real world is exactly three years.

"Then you are much younger than me. I fell in love with Brother Ye in college. He accompanied me to graduate, work, marry and have children, but he didn't seem to have changed at all. He was still the same boy as before.

Yes, Qi Xingchen thought, love and dreams can make a person forever young.

The way Bai Ye sat in front of the steel pole and sang quietly a few years ago has been engraved deep in his memory. No matter when, in his heart, Bai Ye is his boy.

Perhaps thinking of ten years of experience, the two fell silent at the same time. Until the waiter brought the coffee, Yaoyao took a sip, "Guangguang, some people always say that star fans are stupid, do you think you are?"

"Qi Xingchen didn't hesitate, "If Brother Ye didn't guide me, I still don't know what I would be like now.

Me too," Yaoyao smiled, "Don't tell me, because of hereditary obesity, I have been called a fat girl since I was a child. At first, I was young and didn’t understand, but then I grew up, the love started, and there was a boy I liked in my heart, and I became more and more inferior.

"This inferiority complex reached its peak during college. Seeing one friend after another starting to fall in love, only I was still single, and was ridiculed by the boys in the whole college for being ugly. I even wanted to die in the past. Fortunately... fortunately, there was Bai Ye. I still remember him saying that the value of a person should not be measured by appearance; It is a failure to be knocked down; he said that the effort is not to prove to others, but to live up to the opportunity God gave him to be a human being...,

Yaoyao took a deep breath: "Without him, I would still be an old hag who hides in the house and dare not see anyone, or may have passed away. It is he who gave me hope to continue walking... You know, every time When I saw me at the concert, he was as kind as looking at other beautiful girls. I am really, really lucky that my best + year fan has him.

Qi Xingchen felt the same way, felt sore when he heard it, and was proud of being Bai Ye's fan.

His youth is the light that guides countless people out of the abyss

So," Yaoyao said, "he has shouldered a lot of burdens that we shouldn't have to bear, and we all hope that his significant other can understand him, respect him and take good care of him.

Although he didn't know why Yaoyao said this, Qi Xingchen silently remembered it in his heart.

He will definitely treat Bai Ye well.

At 4:40 p.m., the gymnasium notified admission. At 4:50, Qi Xingchen found his seat, number 20 in the fifth row, a very sweet coincidence

At 5:10, the first program of the concert begins. The moment Bai Ye appeared from the lifting platform, the entire audience erupted. Qi Xingchen experienced it for the umpteenth time, and was amazed by the madness of the fans for the umpteenth time.

The scale of the 10th anniversary concert is larger than ever before, and the theme is naturally looking back and imagining the future. The playlist starts from the second album in the order of album release.

During the dance music, everyone swung their arms along with Bai Ye's dance, and they were so excited; during the slow song, everyone sang along quietly. What is sung is a song, and it is also a youth who has gone from ignorance and ignorance to becoming hot and harmonious in ten years

There have always been few interactive sessions in the Baiye concert, and the song lineup was relatively full, and three hours passed quickly. After singing the digital single released at the end of last year, the stage suddenly went dark. Fans thought it was about to end, and they all shouted "Encore, Encore, Encore!

Qi Xingchen couldn't get enough of what he heard, so he also raised the light stick and shouted encore with everyone.

Almost three minutes later, the stage turned back on. No props, no supporting dancers, simply chasing the light on Bai Ye in the middle of the stage

He was wearing a white suit with an old white piano in front of him. The moment they saw this scene, almost all the fans' eyes were red.

This is the shape of Bai Ye's first album.

Ten years ago, this was what he looked like in video stores, kiosks, and on TV. At that time, no one knew how long he would be active in the music scene, nor did he know how he would go in the future.

Now, they are reunited in the Ten Thousand People Stadium, on this wide stage.

Bai Ye's low voice came from the loudspeaker: "The following song, my debut song, should be familiar to everyone. I want to give it to you who have always supported me, and I want to give it to you who are here today Yes, a very important person to me.

The camera cuts to the upper body, and Bai Ye plays the keys slowly, with a smile on his lips:

He is my fan and met me by a beautiful accident. We have gone through a lot together, laughed and cried, and even almost forgot each other, but fortunately we survived

Since then, he has constituted the most important part of my life, my joys and sorrows, I love him, he is a gift from God

In the past ten years, he has been trying to get closer to me, and now it is my turn to take the initiative. Mr. Qi Xingchen with 20 seats in five rows

Bai Ye glanced sideways: "Are you willing to marry me, form a family with me, and spend the second ten years with me, the tenth ten years, until eternity, and never be separated again

You are willing to marry me, form a family with me, spend the second ten years with me, the tenth ten years, forever and ever, never to be separated again

Sharpen the head and cut to the fifth row.

The person in seat ten had long been weeping.

the author has something to say

Well, this article is really over here, thank you for your company for four and a half months, thank you for being willing to tolerate the immature me, for being willing to accompany Brother Ye and Xing Xing to the end, and witnessing their cultivation.

The next book will be "Can I Live With You?", probably in June, the next sentence will start, sweet cookies, rich and unrestrained, rich and unrestrained young master from a rich family who looks indifferent but is actually a thoroughly black pig's hoof attack. The name of Gongshou is taken from "Peaches and plums don't say anything, but the next step is a path", if you want to read it, go to the author's column to bookmark it so as not to get lost.

The rest is a cliché: the baby who asks for a full-text subscription should give a five-star praise in the lower right corner of the article page. With the five-star praise screenshots, go to the red big-eyed boy to privately tap me, and you can get a hidden extra, the ancient ab, highway that I wrote blindly.

Bow again, thank you every baby, hope to see you in the next book!!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me overlord votes or irrigation nutrient solution during 2020-05-1501:4300~2020-05-1621:38:27~Thanks to the little angels who cast landmines: 5 moon hares;

The little angel of Huo Xie irrigation nutrient solution: 5 bottles if there is no if; 40 bottles of Xitangtang; 30 bottles of Shijiuhua for the parents of strong and strong children; Gao Gao, Yin Ran, Want to go out to play, Ruoye Rushui 10 bottles; Relax 8 bottles; 244293335 bottles; White Jade Cat 3 bottles; Slow, Ling Chenfeng 2 bottles; , Ye Zha, Qing Yue, Moon Night Shura, Lin Ping

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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