After Transmigrating into a Cannon Fodder Real Daughter, the Plot Changes

Chapter 27


After solving Jiangzhou's matter, Tong Yi went back to the dormitory to take a shower, and then changed his clothes.

When he finished all this and was about to go back to the classroom, he heard the phone ringing. When he picked it up, it turned out that his uncle was calling.

After Tong Yi answered the phone, he asked lazily, "What's the matter?"

"I can't find you if I have nothing to do?" Uncle Tong's voice sounded very helpless.

Tong Yi yawned, "I'm busy playing games, so I'll hang up if I have nothing to do."

"Don't hang up yet." Uncle Tong stopped him, "You beat Jianghuai's son today?"

"Yes, Jianghuai has an opinion?" Tong Yi said in a careless tone.

Uncle Tong said helplessly: "I didn't mention you when you fought with others before, but Jiang Huai is still a respectable figure after all, why did you put Jiang Zhou..."

"If I want to beat someone, I can beat someone, no matter whose son it is, I believe that uncle will take care of the aftermath for me, won't he?" Tong Yi's voice sounded particularly unbearable.

Uncle Tong sighed, "That boy is only one of the broken ribs, and he will be fine after a period of time. It is not a minor injury at all. I will go to Jianghuai to appease you, but you are too old, and you have to think about it when you do things." as a result of."

"Okay!" Tong Yi's voice was still casual.

After hanging up the phone, Tong Yi threw the phone aside with a mocking smile on his lips.

He believed that his uncle would take good care of him, but he would also publicize to everyone in the circle that he sent Jiang Zhou to the hospital.

The life teacher has worked in Minjiang Foreign Language School for nearly ten years, and she never thought that one day she would be fired.

Even if she usually speaks a little harshly, none of those students just endured it and passed. There are almost no students like Jiang Li who take advantage of the problem, and she has never seen such an unreasonable and unforgiving parent like Uncle Jiang Li. .

But this time, Director Li firmly grasped the word "orphan" and felt that she was unloving and unable to do the job, so he asked her to get paid and leave.

Regarding Director Li's disposition, no matter how reluctant the life teacher was, he couldn't help but accept it.

Because she knows that Minjiang Foreign Language School is a private middle school. Although Director Li is only the dean of the school, he has a close relationship with the people on the school board. He can make the decision to fire an ordinary employee, and no one will replace him. speaks for itself.

In the end, the life teacher had no choice but to get his salary and leave in despair.

What the life teacher didn't know was that Director Li chose to fire her not just because of Jiang Li.

He had received complaints from students many times before, saying that the life teacher accepted gifts from parents, treated students differently, and spoke extremely harshly.

But those students seemed to be afraid that the school would not deal with it, so they all chose to remain anonymous. He had no way to determine whether the complaint was true or false, so he had to let it go.

This time, Feng Qi asked him for an explanation, and Director Li just took this opportunity to dismiss the life teacher.

In his opinion, life teachers really need to be serious when disciplining students, but they can't even lack the most basic love.

Jiang Li is very good, and she is not an orphan. Naturally, she will not care about the word "orphan" in the mouth of the life teacher, but if she is a psychologically fragile student, she may leave a psychological shadow because of her unscrupulous words .

For the sake of the mental health of the students, Director Li naturally does not want such people to stay in the school.

After dealing with the matter of the life teacher, Director Li turned his gaze to Feng Qi, "Are you really Jiang Li's uncle?"

Feng Qi raised his eyebrows slightly, "Don't you think we look alike?"

Director Li stared at Feng Qi's face earnestly for a while, and said, "The eyes are a little bit similar, but Jiang Li's eyelashes are longer, and they look cuter."

He is a person who only pays attention to morality and achievements, and doesn't pay much attention to other people's appearance. He really didn't notice this before.

A smile floated on the corner of Feng Qi's lips, "Well, I also think there is only a little bit of resemblance, but the old man at home insists that he is very similar, and even took out the photos of me when I was a child for comparison, which is really helpless."

Director Li: ...

No, with your current appearance, it doesn't look like you are helpless at all, on the contrary, you are having fun!

However, Jiang Ruo is really the biological daughter of the Jiang family, which means that Jiang Ruo has indeed occupied the magpie's nest for more than ten years, and refuses to admit it when the rightful owner comes.

Jiang Ruo's behavior may also be understood as a child's vanity, and Shen Mian's incident against Jiang Li can barely be pushed to Jiang Zhou alone.

But the Jiang family's parents are really worthless. They don't admit it when they get their daughter back, and they don't care when they see their daughter being bullied. It's probably because their brains were sucked dry by zombies!

It seems that there is nothing strange about such brain-dead parents educating a little brain-dead like Jiangzhou.

Jiang Li took Feng Song and Feng Bai upstairs, and as soon as she opened the door of the dormitory, Lin Yu looked at her with the eyes of reuniting with relatives after a long absence, "Jiang Li, you are finally back, you don't even know that I have been here for the past two days How lonely!"

After saying this, Lin Yu noticed the twin brothers behind Jiang Li, her eyes lit up, and she asked, "Who are these two?"

Although she knew that there was something wrong with Jiang Li and Jiang Ruo's life experience, she was just guessing before, and now she is going to stone hammer, just thinking about it makes people feel excited!

Feng Bai introduced himself very familiarly: "We are both Xiao Jiangli's elder brother, are you her roommate?"

Lin Yu nodded, and after hesitating for a few seconds, he still couldn't help asking: "But I heard that you belong to Jiang Ruo..."

Feng Bai showed a very disgusted expression, "Don't talk nonsense, we are not familiar with that impostor."

As soon as the word "counterfeit" came out, Lin Yu became energetic. She looked at Jiang Li, her eyes seemed to be shining, " are the daughter of the Jiang family? Isn't it? I actually have a wealthy family Roommates…”

"Hey, hey, Xiao Jiangli has nothing to do with the Jiang family, her custody is now in the Feng family, and she belongs to our Feng family, understand?"

Feng Bai's tone was very bad, but Lin Yu selectively ignored it. She nodded like a chicken pecking rice, then looked at Jiang Li, and asked, "Do you need to keep a secret?"

Jiang Li shook his head, "It's not a secret, there's nothing to keep."

She had kept silent before and cooperated with the Jiang family's rhetoric, but because her household registration and custody rights were controlled by the Jiang family, she didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, so she didn't openly confront them.

But now, she has completely broken away from the Jiang family, and she still recognizes her real relatives. Naturally, there is no need to hide the matter of her life experience.

Hearing Jiang Li's words, Lin Yu couldn t sit still, and immediately picked up his mobile phone and started gossiping in various small groups.

Seeing her like this, the happiest person is naturally Feng Bai, he has long thought Jiang Ruo's counterfeit is not pleasing to the eye, and now that the counterfeit is unlucky, he is more excited than anyone else.

After leaving school, he would go to the forum to eat melons and watch the houses of the fake fans collapse.

One after another, news broke out on the forum, and the identity of Jiang Ruo's Jiang Li finally became clear.

Many people jumped up and down in the building and called Jiang Zhou, asking him to come out and respond, or call the police to check his IP, but there was no movement from Jiang Zhou.

Thinking of the fighting power of Jiang Ruo's fans, everyone was ready to fight against those idiots, but to everyone's surprise, Jiang Ruo's fans were as quiet as chickens, and no one came forward.

In the dormitory, Jiang Ruo looked at the posts on the forum, his hands were shaking, and he almost couldn't hold the phone steadily.

She now regrets entering the entertainment circle, because if she didn't enter the entertainment circle, she would not be a public figure.

In this case, even if she can't get along in Minjiang Foreign Language School, she only needs to change to another school. By then, no one will know her, and she can start a new life again.

But now that the issue of her background has been exposed, even if she makes her father a hot search, those who really pay attention to her will still recognize her.

If she had known that this would happen, she would have accepted the identity of her adopted daughter frankly the moment Jiang Li returned home. In this way, even if someone looks at her with strange eyes, fans will definitely charge for her, because the issue of her origin is not something she can decide by herself.

At this moment, Jiang Ruo couldn't help but wonder, when her parents chose not to announce Jiang Li's life experience, Jiang Li immediately accepted it calmly. Is it because she had expected this day to come

In other words, she had long been looking forward to this day, looking forward to seeing her own jokes.

Jiang Ruo's eyes were empty, his mind went blank, and he didn't know what to do next.

Because Shen Mian moved out, Jiang Ruo's dormitory now has only three people living in it.

Seeing Jiang Ruo's distraught look, her two roommates glanced at each other, picked up their mobile phones and started a private chat, and made complaints about this delicate "rich lady".

They really didn't see before that Jiang Ruo was so good at pretending that it was fine to take over Jiang Li's parents and brother, and even made up lies out of thin air, saying that Jiang Li's parents had helped her father, and coaxed everyone into a circle.

Now that the truth is out, their filter on Jiang Ruo has been shattered all over the place, and they feel uncomfortable when they think that they have been under the same roof with such a deep-minded person for more than two years.

Looking back now, Shen Mian is the most pitiful one. She was used by Jiang Ruo as a gunman, and went to target Jiang Li everywhere, but in the end she couldn't stay in the school.

Thinking of when Shen Mian left, Jiang Ruo still pretended to be hypocritical in the dormitory, saying that she really didn't hate Jiang Li, and Mian Mian must have targeted Jiang Li because of a misunderstanding.

At that time, they all comforted Jiang Ruo, thinking that Shen Mian did bad things with good intentions, and told Jiang Ruo not to blame himself too much.

Jiang Ruo's face still looked lovely, but until now they didn't know what an ugly heart lay under that beautiful skin.

Jiang Ruo noticed the strange eyes of her roommates, and she wanted to explain that she didn't deliberately assume Jiang Li's identity, but she couldn't say a word.

Time passed by, the two roommates did not even say hello to her, they packed their things and went to study by themselves in the evening.

Jiang Ruo froze for a while with her mobile phone in her arms, and didn't dare to go to the classroom at all, because she knew that after going to the classroom, what she had to face was not just the strange eyes of two people.

After hesitating for a long time, she finally dialed Jianghuai's phone number.

When the phone was connected, Jiang Ruo couldn't help sobbing softly when he heard Jiang Huai's voice.

"Why are you crying? Have you been wronged at school?" Jiang Huai's voice was clearly concerned.

Jiang Ruo whimpered back: "Dad, you... can you come to school to pick me up?"

Jiang Huai was obviously stunned, but he quickly replied: "You wait in the school, don't run around, I'll ask Assistant Bai to pick you up."

Although he also wanted to pick up Ruo Ruo himself, but his son was still lying in the hospital, and he couldn't leave for a while, so he could only arrange for Assistant Bai to go there.

After receiving Jianghuai's message, Assistant Bai went to Minjiang Foreign Language School immediately, and drove the car directly under the girls' dormitory building.

What surprised Assistant Bai was that while he was waiting for Miss Ruo Ruo downstairs in the dormitory, he saw Miss Jiang Li coming out of the dormitory.

Together with Ms. Jiang Li, apart from the two twin young masters of the Feng family, there was even the third master Feng Qifeng.

After hesitating for a moment, Assistant Bai decided to hide in the car and not go out. He knew that the Feng family didn't have a good impression of Mr. Jiang. If he went out now, it would be to send the head of Feng Sanye and let Feng Sanye start the mocking mode .

But even though the cat was in the car, Assistant Bai could still feel the harmonious atmosphere among the people opposite.

When Miss Jiang Li was with the Feng family, she had a relaxed and happy smile on her face, and it was only at this time that people felt that she was still a fifteen-year-old child.

When she was first taken back to Jiang's house, Miss Jiang Li seemed to have thorns all over her body, but it should be just her armor to protect herself from harm!

Now that Miss Jiang Li was picked up by Feng's family, Mr. Jiang should feel that it doesn't matter. The relationship between him and Miss Jiang Li is not deep at all, and at most he just feels a little embarrassed.

As for the wife, she should be sad for a while, but after a while, she will be coaxed by President Jiang. After all, in the eyes of the wife, the most important person is President Jiang.

Assistant Bai sat in the driver's seat and felt a lot of emotion. Before he was in a trance, he noticed that Third Master Feng's gaze swept over, and then moved away as if nothing had happened.

He wasn't even sure if Third Master Feng had noticed him.

Well, I probably didn't notice it. After all, I closed the car window, so Feng Sanye couldn't see what was going on inside from the outside.

Feng Qi did see the Jiang family's car, but it didn't look like they were looking for Jiang Li. To him, the Jiang family was like flies, as long as they didn't get close to him, he wouldn't bother.

After being separated from his uncle and two older brothers, Jiang Li went to study by himself at night with his bag on his back.

On the way to the teaching building, she felt a lot of people paying attention to her, and when she entered the classroom, everyone's eyes swept towards her, as if they had discovered a new world.

Jiang Li is not a person who particularly cares about other people's eyes. She went straight to her seat, took out the books and the snacks that her grandfather had prepared for her from her bag, and stuffed them one by one into the desk drawer.

Now that Tong Yi hasn't come to the classroom, Zhou Li, who was sitting in the front row of Jiang Li, hesitated several times, and finally couldn't help turning his head to look at Jiang Li, and asked, "Is what... said on the forum... true?"

Jiang Li didn't stop what he was doing, but just replied casually, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Although she occasionally checks the school's forum, but today her uncle and second brother and third brother sent her here, she has no time to play with her mobile phone at all, and naturally she doesn't know what is said on the forum.

Zhou Li curled his lips, feeling that Jiang Li was pretending, and he wanted to ask a few more questions, but found that Qin Zheng came over suddenly.

Qin Zheng's condition was obviously not very good. He looked at Jiang Li and asked in a low voice, "Can we talk alone?"

Jiang Li looked away from the desk and looked at him with doubts, "We probably don't know each other very well."

Qin Zheng smiled wryly and said, "It's true that we don't know each other very well, but I only ask two questions, so I won't delay you for a few minutes, is that okay?"

Qin Zheng looked at Jiang Li's eyes, obviously pleading, Jiang Li nodded after a little hesitation, "Let's go!"

After the two left the classroom, they went straight to the rooftop on the top floor. After arriving at the destination, Jiang Li looked at Qin Zheng, "If you have any questions to ask, just ask them all at once!"

In that novel, the male protagonist Qin Zheng is a person with a relatively mild personality. He is indifferent to many things, but he is particularly concerned about the female protagonist Jiang Ruo.

The original owner didn't have much contact with this male protagonist, because the female protagonist Jiang Ruo felt that she was not the real daughter of the Jiang family. The marriage contract between her and Qin Zheng should have belonged to the original owner. Open the original owner.

Jiang Li would agree to chat with him in private, just out of curiosity, what exactly did he want to ask himself.

After a moment of silence, Qin Zheng went straight to the topic, "The forum said that you are the daughter of Uncle Jiang and Aunt Feng. Is this true?"

Jiang Li showed a surprised expression, "You don't know?"

In that book, less than two days after the original owner was recognized by the Jiang family, the heroine confessed to the hero, saying that she was not the biological daughter of the Jiang family, and the hero did not change his attitude toward her because of her background. Attitude.

But Qin Zheng just asked this question, which meant that he didn't know Jiang Ruo's life experience at all.

Qin Zheng clenched his fists subconsciously, "Ruo Ruo never told me about this, so I came to ask you, is this true?"

In fact, the facts are already in front of his eyes, but he still holds a trace of unrealistic fantasy, thinking that everyone may have misunderstood, Ruo Ruo's identity is not a problem, and she did not lie to himself.

Qin Zheng stared at Jiang Li without blinking, trying to get an answer from her.

Jiang Li said truthfully: "Mr. Jiang and Ms. Feng are indeed my biological parents."

Qin Zheng showed a bitter smile, "Thank you, I understand."

"What's the other question?" Jiang Li asked, she remembered that Qin Zheng had just said that he wanted to ask her two questions.

Qin Zheng stabilized his mind, and continued to ask: "The Jiang family has not disclosed your identity. Is it their idea, or... or you..."

Qin Zheng hesitated, because he knew very well that if Uncle Jiang and Aunt Feng really wanted to recognize Jiang Li, Jiang Li would not refuse.

If she really refused family affection because of her life in an orphanage for more than ten years, she would not transfer to Minjiang Foreign Language School.

What's more, the pictures of her getting along with the Feng family in the forum are so harmonious, which proves that she longs for family affection in her heart.

How can a person who longs for family affection in his heart refuse to recognize his relatives!

And from the words "biological parents" she just said, she knew that she was really hurt by the Jiang family.

He had no way of knowing how Uncle Jiang and Aunt Feng treated Jiang Li, but what Jiang Zhou did to Jiang Li was a brother-sister relationship without any scruples.

What's ridiculous is that I still have illusions in my heart, thinking that Ruo Ruo may have some difficulties, so I haven't been honest with myself.

Jiang Li watched Qin Zheng's expression change, and only said: "Don't you already have the answer in your heart?"

Qin Zheng showed a self-deprecating smile, "Yes, I already have the answer, I just delayed your time, sorry."

Seeing Qin Zheng leaving with flimsy footsteps, Jiang Li was a little curious: after wearing a book, she brought about a butterfly effect, which caused Jiang Ruo not to confess to Qin Zheng, so whether Qin Zheng could still get along with Jiang Ruo without any grievances, it will be a matter of course in the future together

Jiang Li went down from the roof and found Tong Yi had arrived after returning to the classroom.

She returned to her seat, took out the snacks prepared by her grandfather from the desk, gave some to Tong Yi, and asked, "Do you want to eat?"

Tong Yi was taken aback, and asked, "Where did you get so many snacks?"

Jiang Li smiled happily, "My grandfather gave it to me."

Tong Yi: ...

In other words, I will no longer be Jiang Xiaoling's only snack supplier in the future

For some reason, he felt a sense of loss.

Probably because he wanted to recognize Jiang Xiaoli as his younger sister. Although she refused, he already regarded her as his younger sister from the bottom of his heart!

This is probably: not a sister, better than a sister

In the old house of the Feng family, Mr. Feng held a pen in his hand, carefully writing the invitation card stroke by stroke.

Obviously he had already written many copies, but he didn't feel tired at all, and asked the housekeeper to count for him, to see if he missed anything.

The old housekeeper stood aside with his hands down, "It won't be missed, master, don't worry, and there are many posts here, in fact, you don't need you to write them yourself, just let the uncle pass a post."

Old Man Feng was in a good mood, and he even said with a smile when he retorted, "What do you know? Naturally, it is more sincere to write an invitation card by hand, and those people will treat it more carefully after receiving it."

The old butler immediately changed his words: "Master, you are right, especially those who are friends with you, after receiving your invitation, they will definitely be very curious about what kind of person Miss Jiang Li is."

Old Man Feng said cheerfully: "Let them be curious, especially those who don't have granddaughters, let them come over and admire."

Old Butler: …

He really didn't know that his master also had such a naive side, probably no one would believe it if he told it.

Old Man Feng was completely ignorant of the old housekeeper's mental activities. He wrote the invitation and said, "You ask the driver to prepare it. I'm going to Qingxi County tomorrow."

The old housekeeper was surprised: "Master, are you going to send the invitation to the orphanage in person?"

Old Man Feng explained: "It's not just about sending invitations, I want to visit the place where Xiao Jiangli used to live, and thank those who took care of her."